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pokey's the #2 guy at BTB and it's both of our opinions your an idiot joe :)
This is some of the funniest "shit" I've read in a long, long time. Tears are rolling down my cheeks.

Har, har har. I can't help it. I'm rolling on the floor!!! Oh, my God. My stomach, my stomach!! I can't stop laughing!!!

Oh, shit!! (Excuse the expression), my stomach hurts so!!

Thanks, guys, for the laugh!!

The Mrs. is upstairs yelling, "What the fuck are you laughing at down there?"
Who knows what's going on but I'm sure if all this was such a big conspiracy or secret this thread would not be open and the ban hammer would fall. The fact that it is allowed to continue speaks volumes of the probably wild accusations. :yes:
jkisineffect said:
nah I just post for him every now and then.

Pokey was banned for a reason. You posting what he says is just as bad as him posting here himself. Don't post any more of what he says and please try to quit stirring up drama. If we wanted to know what Pokey was saying, we wouldn't have banned him.
Can you imagine having Pokey in your family? He'd be stirring up a crisis every day of the week. If you crave excitement and drama, he'd be sure to fulfill that need.

He reminds me of an episode on the original Startrek--a creature slipped aboard the Enterprise that thrived on anger and dissention. The more shit it stirred up among the crew, the stronger it got. Interesting.
against_odds21 said:
Who knows what's going on but I'm sure if all this was such a big conspiracy or secret this thread would not be open and the ban hammer would fall. The fact that it is allowed to continue speaks volumes of the probably wild accusations. :yes:
you ever think maybe that's dld's and lightnings plan?
I didn't post this on behalf of pokey I posted this to stick up for him and if you guys are raggin on him when he doesn't have a chance to speak back damn right i'll let him have his words. Just relax guys and take this story for what it is. The truth.
I see the new word is when DLD is doing his paintings that he uses his own blood by cutting his thumbs under the nails and mixes blood into his "art"

Guys, why do you think the Power Assists are Red? DLD paints them with his own blood now from his thumbs, not his fingers because his fingers are a different color blood :s

You guys are doing a good job, our Sales went up 20% so far, keep it coming.

Drama = Memberships Sold
jkisineffect said:
pokey's the #2 guy at BTB and it's both of our opinions your an idiot joe :)
Yeah I'm an idiot for gaining from exercises that you and Pokey claim are useless, and then saying such when you publicly bash them. Or is it because I know how to use the little key marked " ?

Lets see phases 2-5, so your saying that half of the following : A-stretches, isolated compression squeezes, toilet compression squeezes, lazy ass stretches, tunica blasters, bundled blasters, Dld bends, rotary stretches, erect stretches, dual jelqs, [words=]traction[/words] and fulcrum stretches, dry jelqs, and slow squash jelqs don't work. So what half of these exercise don't work exactly. I'm pretty sure that cover most if not all of them, so what do you geniuses claim is completely ineffective. Although you already couldn't provide any examples of people other than yourselves who haven't gained from these, I believe it would be quite easy to find multiple individuals who have gained while having any one of these exercises as a main player in their routine.

But yeah sure, I'm the idiot, whatever.:s
jkisineffect said:
the truth is if this gets out I wouldn't like to be DLD. I have respect for DLD so I don't want trouble but tell that to pokey :(
Your words exactly, you said that. Why would we even care about Pokey if he hadn't been sticking his nose in the shit (thats never going to get old). So your whole argument about defending poor old persecuted Pokey holds water about as well as a fat woman who just took a diuretic. One of you came into this with the intent to cause trouble, and whoever it was just makes the other an accomlice.
You two are alot of things in this whole thing, but the victim you are not.
Readin' through this all I can think of is two kids on the playground taunting a third. Then when the third kid runs over to Tweedledum & Tweedledickless all you hear from them is: "Not the face...not the face "!!
It's shit like this that's gonna bring Dallas back, or Dynasty, or Melrose, or Peyton Place...or...
If money has been involved SWM had the right to be pissed off and leave.
The rest are just fairy stories which are fun to read . DLD's personal life and behavior is his business. Who cares if he pisses in the car or not?

SWM helped many guys with his attitude so it'a big loss. If it's all about money DLD be a man and settle it with him and get him back. And later on piss whenever you want.
against_odds21 said:
Maybe you misunderstood me. I basically meant this is so wild and unbelievable they are letting it go for entertainment.
no I got it I was just saying. SWM's email is up there talk to him about it and see what else he has to say I Guess if you think it's unbeleivable.
jkisineffect said:
I didn't post this on behalf of pokey I posted this to stick up for him and if you guys are raggin on him when he doesn't have a chance to speak back damn right i'll let him have his words. Just relax guys and take this story for what it is. The truth.

See, what's the point though? We are concerned with what we are doing. Someone claiming exercises that DLD came up with don't work really is supposed to mean something to the rest of us? I gained nearly all my girth from phase 2 and some of phase 3 exercises. They worked for me and frankly I couldn't care less if someone else feels it won't or didn't work for them. Try something else or try harder. Other than that what is the truth??? That story by SWM? If it's true then that really sucks, but this site as much as DLD has put into it, which is more than anyone else has as far as I can see in terms of a Penis Enlargement site, isn't about Mike Salvini aka DLD. It's about Penis Enlargement and that's it. Are we supposed to change our minds about something or someone or know that some guy might have some issues to deal with or wronged someone in the Penis Enlargement community? Well, hopefully some people have learned a lesson from this and that would be not to meet with someone they only know through the Internet or barely know at all and not pay them money/risk losing out on money in addition. I mean that story sounds shitty lol, but yeah that kind of shit does happen. What else do you want for us to take from it? I don't understand the big deal aside from Mike punching SWM in the FACE lol, which is the biggest thing I'd have a problem with, but either way I'm not sure what kind of satisfaction someone would get from telling this story. What's being exposed again....I'm confused now.
DLD by the way you mentioned go ahead post the vid of the day I spent there.
SWM is really confused, I was calling him the other day to let him know I got him in some scenes with Bang Brothers and he didn't pick up the phone because he thought I was calling him to start a fight or something.

Boy did he really lose out in more ways than one.
jkisineffect said:
DLD by the way you mentioned go ahead post the vid of the day I spent there.

I plan on it, there was allot of excellent information exchanged that day, I thought it was wonderful. I am sorry you saw it differently.
SWM is really confused, I was calling him the other day to let him know I got him in some scenes with Bang Brothers and he didn't pick up the phone because he thought I was calling him to start a fight or something.

Boy did he really lose out in more ways than one.

As far as Still goes he can still have the job if he wants. I really don't care what people say about me, it only seems to make things better for me.
doublelongdaddy said:
As far as Still goes he can still have the job if he wants. I really don't care what people say about me, it only seems to make things better for me.
so if I type up what our day was like you won't care?
Just curious about something here. There's all this mud slinging going on between sites and I do not think it should have gotten this out of hand. BUT.... I was banned (or so it would seem) for a post I made on another forum (a very minor one at that) I have made a donation to [words=]MOS[/words] before, tried to help others when I could, and even made an appreciation thread here at [words=]MOS[/words]. Now I do have some issues with the way some things are handled here, but have never voiced them here. Yet it appears that I was banned for something over in another forum.

I don't know what SWM would hope to gain by posting a fictious story like that, but there were some ambiguities surrounding the hand injury a few months ago. I am not looking to start trouble here; if I get banned again- so be it. This is only a suggestion and I think it would kill some of the conspiracy theorists out there. DLD- you have been an inspiration to many men (what's the member count anyway?? 50G+), yet have had some misfortunes in your life. People jumped all over you over the alphablade delay, then there was the homeless/internetless (posting from your cellphone) absence from [words=]MOS[/words]. Why not post some pics of whats currently going on with your life man? The status of "the studio", your training (btw props on the weight loss, even if I am late getting them to ya), where you hangout (starbucks?? lol). Just a suggestion from an old "friend". One of the most interesting threads IMO, was the one with you and the bangbros guy (never could find the rest of those pics on the paysite though as was stated in that thread though....). I'm sure you have some interesting stories why not share them with your "friends" rather than have people "make up" stories instead. Again just a suggestion.

Back4gainZ said:
Just curious about something here. There's all this mud slinging going on between sites and I do not think it should have gotten this out of hand. BUT.... I was banned (or so it would seem) for a post I made on another forum (a very minor one at that) I have made a donation to [words=]MOS[/words] before, tried to help others when I could, and even made an appreciation thread here at [words=]MOS[/words]. Now I do have some issues with the way some things are handled here, but have never voiced them here. Yet it appears that I was banned for something over in another forum.

I don't know what SWM would hope to gain by posting a fictious story like that, but there were some ambiguities surrounding the hand injury a few months ago. I am not looking to start trouble here; if I get banned again- so be it. This is only a suggestion and I think it would kill some of the conspiracy theorists out there. DLD- you have been an inspiration to many men (what's the member count anyway?? 50G+), yet have had some misfortunes in your life. People jumped all over you over the alphablade delay, then there was the homeless/internetless (posting from your cellphone) absence from [words=]MOS[/words]. Why not post some pics of whats currently going on with your life man? The status of "the studio", your training (btw props on the weight loss, even if I am late getting them to ya), where you hangout (starbucks?? lol). Just a suggestion from an old "friend". One of the most interesting threads IMO, was the one with you and the bangbros guy (never could find the rest of those pics on the paysite though as was stated in that thread though....). I'm sure you have some interesting stories why not share them with your "friends" rather than have people "make up" stories instead. Again just a suggestion.


I will consider this:)
"...As he wipes off his chin,
with a shit eatin' grin..."
That prob'ly don't apply any longer but it's been runnin' through my head all fuckin day and I just had to let it out.
Annnnnd....I'm spent.
jkisineffect said:
I didn't post this on behalf of pokey I posted this to stick up for him and if you guys are raggin on him when he doesn't have a chance to speak back damn right i'll let him have his words. Just relax guys and take this story for what it is. The truth.

No, you won't. I don't know if I can be any more clear than this: Do not post what Pokey says. I don't care what your reason is.

I know I'm being a hardass about this, and you and I have gotten along well in the past, but rules are rules. If we want to know what Pokey's responses are, we'll unban him and let him speak for himself. But, as I'm sure you know, that isn't going to happen.
cyclops- delete this if ya like or PM me with the response- but this talk of bans has me really wanting to know why I was banned- I have not been active on [words=]MOS[/words] in ages.

The only real reason I let pokey post is because the instance his name comes up you always assume everything he's saying is a lie but a lot of the stuff he's said in the past is coming true on the site. Or so it would seem.
and in response to the alpha blade postpone stuff SWM says that it's all theoretical bs that won't hold it's weight with the public and that's the main reason it hasn't been released because their is nothing revolutionary that DLD can make money on except for the few idiots who make the mistake of buying it then realize they already knew everything in it.
jkisineffect said:
The only real reason I let pokey post is because the instance his name comes up you always assume everything he's saying is a lie but a lot of the stuff he's said in the past is coming true on the site. Or so it would seem.

Where? Show me where its coming true?
stillwantmore said:
Joke's on [words=]MOS[/words], JAZ, DLD, ******$$**** see what they dont know yet is that I got some PRIZE footage of some of Mikes little fits ...the best part...VIDEO on my Moto RAZR's not the best but you can clearly tell it's MIKE/DLD in the vids......I'm just not totally sure what I'll do with them yet.
Courtest of XXXX

Edited by Jaz.

This is the last time I'm going to warn you. Do not post any links to that site from this thread.

***And $$ change it back again and your banned*****
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what's the matter jazz? LPSG, CheekyCherries, Thunders all have links here but you won't allow links? How nice
jkisineffect said:
what's the matter jazz? LPSG, CheekyCherries, Thunders all have links here but you won't allow links? How nice

Because you started this thread to get members over to your new site. I told Pyro I will post a BTB link on our Site, but it won't be from this thread. You are sitting here bashing DLD and even though he could give 2 fucks, I'm not trying to see you make member gains off this thread.
Originally Posted by stillwantmore
Joke's on [words=]MOS[/words], JAZ, DLD, ******$$**** see what they dont know yet is that I got some PRIZE footage of some of Mikes little fits ...the best part...VIDEO on my Moto RAZR's not the best but you can clearly tell it's MIKE/DLD in the vids......I'm just not totally sure what I'll do with them yet.

Wow so he managed to Film DLD too through all this? Nice work, that will be worth some money on eBay.

Lets make this Drama thread even bigger...

I know a TRUE story about Stillwantsmore that nobody here knows.
All about some sexual performances he did for a [words=]DVD[/words] / Website that I could link everyone here to. I have the Hard evidence.
I personally don't want a link to BTB here on [words=]MOS[/words]. We have had to deal with people who totally squashed [words=]MOS[/words] and they are now at BTB. Why should be allow a link to them. It doens't make sense to support those that smash [words=]MOS[/words]. GS
stillwantmore said:
LOL, it really is interesting seeing how far and outta their way (JAZ, $$, DLD) are willing to go to make me look like the one blowing the smoke up everyones' asses. When it really does come down to it...sure none of it really fuckin' matters. Who DLD/Mike Salvini really is in real life or what's really goin' on behind the scenes with [words=]MOS[/words], or why Jaz is running the show/has DLD on a Paypal card and in control of all the $$....MOS is far from not making money...they make $$$$ every month...damn good $$$$...but hey that's Jaz's business literally and from a figurative what HE chooses to disclose is ultimately HIS decision. I'm just ticked about my whole experience while I was there....going there for what I thought I was going supposedly help with videos for "Alpha Blade"...and to be compensated financially for my time there.

I feel I still deserve to be compensated. I know I'll never see the $$ even though it's a drop in the bucket for Jaz. Why DLD/Mike chooses to let Jaz run his life in such a 38 years old....well that's his business....a very pathetic business in my humble opinion.

I was not account was apparently de-activated...after I posted that I was logging out and not coming back. Fine with me. I dont need [words=]MOS[/words] anymore. I chose to come to this forum because I still feel like I can help some guys here as this place grows with my clamping experiences, as I continue to make girth gains through clamping in the coming months.

Jaz knows exactly what happened that night. $$ and I both contacted him LIVE ONLINE via video webcam AND by cell phone....while DLD/Mike was out running around in the streets of MA in his hometown in his wacked out state of mind. I'm a man of my word....and a man of honor. It's a shame other men dont live in a similar way. What was I supposed to do? Just keep my mouth shut, accept what went on while I was there....or just forget about it and take it as what it was to me....a loss of valuable time and money???.

The only reason I can think of as to why Jaz would want to just try and blow this all off and act so non chalant (in direct...sweep it under the rug, look the other way ) about this all is because he has a financial interest in [words=]MOS[/words]. But still....why not try and right the wrong?

Whatever. Like Forest Gump said "That's all I've got to say about that!"
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Let me add my two cents in. I respect SWM, DLD, JAZ, and PYRO. I'm not going to get involved in the story at all. But what I do know is SWM in now gone from [words=]MOS[/words], which I will miss his posts here.

This is all between SWM, DLD, and JAZ, nobody else, point blank. So why are other people throwing in there "STORIES" true or false it does not matter. So just let it go, move on and continue to practice your Penis Enlargement program, and visit the site of your choice. With the intent to make progress in your Penis Enlargement regime and assisting others with theirs. That is all there is to it. I do me and you do you. Lets get back to the focus at hand, which is Penis Enlargement.
BTW Jazz SWM says he doesn't care if you link to his gay video shoot he says it was a good way to make a quick $3k and he's not embarassed about it.
jkisineffect said:
BTW Jazz SWM says he doesn't care if you link to his gay video shoot he says it was a good way to make a quick $3k and he's not embarassed about it.

I had a feeling that cute Marine boy took it up the ass, to funny. lmfao

I think thas a jop for chuck
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ said:
I had a feeling that cute Marine boy took it up the ass, to funny. lmfao

I think thas a jop for chuck
takes one to know one I guess
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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