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respect for DLD and he has helped me gain length to my penis so why would I want to hurt him. DLD's a tough cookie he'll take this in stride.
jkisineffect said:
respect for DLD and he has helped me gain length to my penis so why would I want to hurt him. DLD's a tough cookie he'll take this in stride.

Opps, remember I filmed the entire day:D Love to hear your fantasy too but I can assure you it will not help your site.
my site? if you look i've only been a member of BTB for about a week now. I have nothing to gain by promoting either site.
Damn Mike, eating your shit again? I already told you that is not going to give you anymore gains. :D

When DLD was at my house he was trying to get me to add the shit eating routine to phase 6 of our program. :/

Looks like [words=]MoS[/words] is gonna make allot of money this week from this thread. Hopefully Thunders gets word of it.
Damn Mike, eating your shit again? I already told you that is not going to give you anymore gains. :D

When DLD was at my house he was trying to get me to add the shit eating routine to phase 6 of our program. :/

Looks like [words=]MoS[/words] is gonna make allot of money this week from this thread. Hopefully Thunders gets word of it.

:D Hey, Don't you remember when I moved the clouds for you? That was some ill shit. Woops, I said shit again:D
jkisineffect said:
my site? if you look i've only been a member of BTB for about a week now. I have nothing to gain by promoting either site.

The fun of it? This is a game isn't it? One I always emerge the winner:)
you've met me. Am I a person who plays games? I'm in my 30's I got tired of games long ago.
jkisineffect said:
you've met me. Am I a person who plays games? I'm in my 30's I got tired of games long ago.

Damn, and I was expecting an equally entertaining story from you but I guess the video was a minor deterrent.
the only thing that I would accomplish by posting about you and your "antics" would be a ban from [words=]MOS[/words].
jkisineffect said:
the only thing that I would accomplish by posting about you and your "antics" would be a ban from [words=]MOS[/words].

Wow, what did DLD do to you that got you so upset?
I paid him a grand to teach me Penis Enlargement in person but what I got was an odd day and a good story for my grand children some day. So stop asking me about it.
jkisineffect said:
I paid him a grand to teach me Penis Enlargement in person but what I got was an odd day and a good story for my grand children some day. So stop asking me about it.

Oh, Yeah? Damn Mike Holding out on me again? I could of used some of that money too. Hey come pay me a grand and I will give you a good story for your grandkids to tell their grandkids :)

So what happened, Mike filmed himself eating shit and peeing on you or something? Is there another R-Kelly video floating around I am not aware of?
not quite as dramatic as SWM but don't worry about it if mike wants to tell the story he can.
jkisineffect said:
not quite as dramatic as SWM but don't worry about it if mike wants to tell the story he can.

*phones Jaz up and fills him in on every juicy tidbit **giggles
Whatever you do don't show them this photo....PLEASE!
So let me get this straight. Pokey has started his own Penis Enlargement site? lol and a half. I know Thunders probably said that about Dld, but Dld also wasn't going to be the only head of a Penis Enlargement site with a 6.5 inch penis. It really is pretty funny if you think about it, even if any of this is true. It seemed to get exposure in a very dramatic, and roundabout way. Is Pokey really claiming to have gotten banned by getting to close to the "truth"? If he hates Dld so much why was he begging to come back here, and asking Jkisineffect to ask Dld if he could meet him in person not more than a month ago?
bIgjOe said:
So let me get this straight. Pokey has started his own Penis Enlargement site? lol and a half. I know Thunders probably said that about Dld, but Dld also wasn't going to be the only head of a Penis Enlargement site with a 6.5 inch penis. It really is pretty funny if you think about it, even if any of this is true. It seemed to get exposure in a very dramatic, and roundabout way. Is Pokey really claiming to have gotten banned by getting to close to the "truth"? If he hates Dld so much why was he begging to come back here, and asking Jkisineffect to ask Dld if he could meet him in person not more than a month ago?

I don't think DLD Hates Pokey and I don't think Pokey hates DLD. It's just Pokey is notorious for starting trouble around here and most the Mods here got sick of him so they got rid of him.
Whenever someone tries this shit it always reminds me of the GANG STARR lyrics to "Step in The Arena" It always ends up the same way, people should just realize this.
Another true account coming today on BTB today from more people who've met DLD in person. Pokey - "it's not that I hate DLD it's that he tries to set himself up on the site as an angel and the one true site of Penis Enlargement when over half of his Phase 2-5 exercises don't work and truth comes out he's one fucked up guy. As to big joe about starting a site with a 6.5" penis we wanted to try a new format to a Penis Enlargement website. We may not be the biggest or gained the most but we want to have a content driven site with free videos and stick the mainly the exercises we know that work. We also want to be personable towards all our members if they ever want to know more about my personal life I really don't care cause I may have messed up but I like being able to talk about it somewhere. BTB is a man's blog, or a diary as you may say and he can also ask about his problems post about what's going on in his life without being bashed. Lets look at the 3 main sites of Penis Enlargement today. LPSG, Thunders, and [words=]MOS[/words]. LPSG = flagrantly gay kinda put me off to that site. Thunders = arguments go on for pages at a time and everybody beleives they have the one true exercise and mod's let their stupid arguments go on for days and [words=]MOS[/words] = I've already expressed about it. I like it but the mods and leaders have ruined the site. We're trying to have something for everybody on BTB and if you wanna make fun of me for doing it hey your a peice of shit :)"
jkisineffect said:
Another true account coming today on BTB today from more people who've met DLD in person. Pokey - "it's not that I hate DLD it's that he tries to set himself up on the site as an angel and the one true site of Penis Enlargement when over half of his Phase 2-5 exercises don't work and truth comes out he's one fucked up guy. As to big joe about starting a site with a 6.5" penis we wanted to try a new format to a Penis Enlargement website. We may not be the biggest or gained the most but we want to have a content driven site with free videos and stick the mainly the exercises we know that work. We also want to be personable towards all our members if they ever want to know more about my personal life I really don't care cause I may have messed up but I like being able to talk about it somewhere. BTB is a man's blog, or a diary as you may say and he can also ask about his problems post about what's going on in his life without being bashed. Lets look at the 3 main sites of Penis Enlargement today. LPSG, Thunders, and [words=]MOS[/words]. LPSG = flagrantly gay kinda put me off to that site. Thunders = arguments go on for pages at a time and everybody beleives they have the one true exercise and mod's let their stupid arguments go on for days and [words=]MOS[/words] = I've already expressed about it. I like it but the mods and leaders have ruined the site. We're trying to have something for everybody on BTB and if you wanna make fun of me for doing it hey your a peice of shit :)"

Finally, some drama, I was getting worried for a while. Hopefully the 25 people on your site will not think too badly of me:s

btw, every video works, JAZ fixed them last week:)
jkisineffect said:
Another true account coming today on BTB today from more people who've met DLD in person. Pokey - "it's not that I hate DLD it's that he tries to set himself up on the site as an angel and the one true site of Penis Enlargement when over half of his Phase 2-5 exercises don't work and truth comes out he's one fucked up guy. As to big joe about starting a site with a 6.5" penis we wanted to try a new format to a Penis Enlargement website. We may not be the biggest or gained the most but we want to have a content driven site with free videos and stick the mainly the exercises we know that work. We also want to be personable towards all our members if they ever want to know more about my personal life I really don't care cause I may have messed up but I like being able to talk about it somewhere. BTB is a man's blog, or a diary as you may say and he can also ask about his problems post about what's going on in his life without being bashed. Lets look at the 3 main sites of Penis Enlargement today. LPSG, Thunders, and [words=]MOS[/words]. LPSG = flagrantly gay kinda put me off to that site. Thunders = arguments go on for pages at a time and everybody beleives they have the one true exercise and mod's let their stupid arguments go on for days and [words=]MOS[/words] = I've already expressed about it. I like it but the mods and leaders have ruined the site. We're trying to have something for everybody on BTB and if you wanna make fun of me for doing it hey your a peice of shit :)"

That was Deep :s I hope they have the money and patience to stick around for anywhere as long as Thunders, [words=]MoS[/words] or LPSG for that matter. It didn't sound like they were going to keep the blog up for that much longer when I spoke to Pyro last week, but who knows? Its pretty frustrating to run a site when you only have 3 active members.

It's amazing, Phase 2 - 5 exercises doesn't work? What an idiot. We offer a 200% money back guarantee, if they didn't work I'm pretty sure we would of been out of business 3 years ago. First off, Phase 2 contains the DLD Blasters in it which is the routine most men gained the most over on Thunders in the beginning. So you sound like an idiot syaing that. Do your research before stating childish stories.
Pokey - "I never said they all didn't work I said over half didn't work or atleast that's my impression from talking to people who have tried them. BTB has no intention of dying out jazz so don't try to trick me it won't work. Let the saga continue"
doublelongdaddy said:
Finally, some drama, I was getting worried for a while. Hopefully the 25 people on your site will not think too badly of me:s

btw, every video works, JAZ fixed them last week:)
so we have low number of members. So did [words=]Mos[/words], LPSG, The cherry site *not sure what it's called*, Thunders, the Penis Enlargement Forums. We'll have members in time.
jkisineffect said:
so we have low number of members. So did [words=]Mos[/words], LPSG, The cherry site *not sure what it's called*, Thunders, the Penis Enlargement Forums. We'll have members in time.

I hope you do but your tactics for getting them are wrong. A good Penis Enlargement forum, with actual information about Penis Enlargement as the reason folks join, is the most important part. We had incredible activity, from the beginning, because of the massive amount of original information I offered.
I'm sorry, but this is some crazy ass shit!

Regardless of what is true (???) about Mike or whoever and whatever I don't know if I care. I mean I would hope none of it is true, but the only bad part I see in all of it is the money thing. I would think that SWM would get some money for what he did or at least went through. Again though either way it just sounds like one hell of a night Mike lol. And another thing, who the fuck cares who you think Mike is, any of you. To think you would know who someone is via INTERNET is ridiculously stupid. Do we have a whole new wave of naivity in the world to worry about now or what? I don't mean to disrespect anyone, but if I do I can't apologize. That's your fault. Don't get offended so easily via INTERNET. You'll save yourself a few heart attacks down the road. jkisineffect, what were you thinking? 1000 BUCKS??!!! DAAAAAAMN. I mean all that shit is on the website. I don't understand that part at all. I would have to think about giving 1000 dollars to myself to save my own life. Fuck that is a lot of money to some people. I'm not hatin' either for being able to do it, but seriously...didn't you see the "Free" on the top of the screen where it says "Matters of Size::Free Penis Enlargement Forums and Exercises"?

Mike, I don't know you and that's obviously clearly established at least between the two of us lol that we do not know each other, but you sound like a cool dude, but has some issues. Wait, stop, listen to the words that just rattled around in your heads people...who does that sound like to you? Well, unless that is you aren't a cool cat anyway, but who doesn't have issues? I have some issues too although eating shit is where I draw the line. I mean I got that written down on a little note card that I carry with me when I go out and it says "Hey, do not eat your own shit, or shit in general...I'm serious dude...don't."

Either way I don't care because [words=]MOS[/words] is not a bad place and even if Mike is a dick or something who cares? I mean this site is pretty much about dicks anyway so why not appreciate the possibility that we might be lead by the biggest dick proverbial and actual of them all. rofl
spinner2 said:
The story about DLD is pretty awesome. It sounds like something I would do, actually. too:D Or did I? Fucking mental issues!
hhahahaha SWMs big story about what happened when he went to see DLD is the funniest thing i've ever read. That's classic. What a legend!
Pokey - "new one coming today and probably 2 or more within the next week"
jkisineffect said:
Another true account coming today on BTB today from more people who've met DLD in person. Pokey - "it's not that I hate DLD it's that he tries to set himself up on the site as an angel and the one true site of Penis Enlargement when over half of his Phase 2-5 exercises don't work and truth comes out he's one fucked up guy. As to big joe about starting a site with a 6.5" penis we wanted to try a new format to a Penis Enlargement website. We may not be the biggest or gained the most but we want to have a content driven site with free videos and stick the mainly the exercises we know that work. We also want to be personable towards all our members if they ever want to know more about my personal life I really don't care cause I may have messed up but I like being able to talk about it somewhere. BTB is a man's blog, or a diary as you may say and he can also ask about his problems post about what's going on in his life without being bashed. Lets look at the 3 main sites of Penis Enlargement today. LPSG, Thunders, and [words=]MOS[/words]. LPSG = flagrantly gay kinda put me off to that site. Thunders = arguments go on for pages at a time and everybody beleives they have the one true exercise and mod's let their stupid arguments go on for days and [words=]MOS[/words] = I've already expressed about it. I like it but the mods and leaders have ruined the site. We're trying to have something for everybody on BTB and if you wanna make fun of me for doing it hey your a peice of shit <img src="" border="0" alt="" title="" smilieid="90" class="inlineimg" />"
</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> he likes [words=]MOS[/words], but not the MODS. Gee I wonder why that is. It couldn't possibly be that he is bitter and butt hurt from being banned could it? Naaah couldn't be.

It is nothing short of comical to me that he bashes Dld for supposedly fronting himself as something he is not, and then turns around and acts like some kind of guru himself after less than a year in the game. How the hell does he know even HALF of those exercises don't work, if even that many. In reality you would need to follow a routine with an exercise as the centerpiece for at least 6 months before you can legitimately criticise it because some offer a more gradual effect than others, and your penis is more resistant to deformation at some times moreso than others. Also people's penises vary greatly so what works for the all knowing Pokey likely will not work for several other people. Of course you would know that if youstill weren't so wet behind the ears yourself. Thats why its necesary to have a large library of information like where was it? Oh yeah [words=]MOS[/words]!

As was stated before, people are drawn [words=]MOS[/words] over others because it offers the tutelage of a REAL Penis Enlargement guru with REAL original exercises unique to it. Sorry but the fucking "Pokey Variation Blasters" don't cut it. Just because you think you've read everything you think there is to know about Penis Enlargement doesn't make you an expert anymore than watching instructional videotapes can make you a championship fighter.

Whatever like I said before this whole thing is nothing short of comical, its just a shame to the few newbs who's search engine might make them stumble across Pokey's site before here as they will likely waste a good deal of time over there that could have been more efficiantly spent, with a broader range available for individual trial and error.

As for the piece of shit comment, well if that were the case then Dld would have showed up at my house and tried to eat me right? lol

bIgjOe said:
As for the piece of shit comment, well if that were the case then Dld would have showed up at my house and tried to eat me right?

it puts the lotions on the skin or it gets the hose again.>:(
bIgjOe said:
<p></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> he likes [words=]MOS[/words], but not the MODS. Gee I wonder why that is. It couldn't possibly be that he is bitter and butt hurt from being banned could it? Naaah couldn't be.

It is nothing short of comical to me that he bashes Dld for supposedly fronting himself as something he is not, and then turns around and acts like some kind of guru himself after less than a year in the game. How the hell does he know even HALF of those exercises don't work, if even that many. In reality you would need to follow a routine with an exercise as the centerpiece for at least 6 months before you can legitimately criticise it because some offer a more gradual effect than others, and your penis is more resistant to deformation at some times moreso than others. Also people's penises vary greatly so what works for the all knowing Pokey likely will not work for several other people. Of course you would know that if youstill weren't so wet behind the ears yourself. Thats why its necesary to have a large library of information like where was it? Oh yeah [words=]MOS[/words]!

As was stated before, people are drawn [words=]MOS[/words] over others because it offers the tutelage of a REAL Penis Enlargement guru with REAL original exercises unique to it. Sorry but the fucking "Pokey Variation Blasters" don't cut it. Just because you think you've read everything you think there is to know about Penis Enlargement doesn't make you an expert anymore than watching instructional videotapes can make you a championship fighter.

Whatever like I said before this whole thing is nothing short of comical, its just a shame to the few newbs who's search engine might make them stumble across Pokey's site before here as they will likely waste a good deal of time over there that could have been more efficiantly spent, with a broader range available for individual trial and error.

As for the piece of shit comment, well if that were the case then Dld would have showed up at my house and tried to eat me right? lol

Get over yourself joe that's what [words=]MOS[/words] is as you said a library of information with a bunch of members who are very knowledgable themselves. I can't just say I tried an exercise once didn't gain 1/4" in 10 minutes so it must not work. No i've talked to the mass of the members who've tried the phase 2-5 exercises and paid for the [words=]dvd[/words] or the members section and haven't gained fuckle except from DLD blasters. I don't really hear anybody saying shit about any exercise but that and their are more effective exercises then the dld blasters. Oh yes truly original exercises that don't work atleast BTB doesn't make up exercises that look good on paper and don't work in person. You seem to think i'm the owner of BTB or something I'm the #2 man pyro is the man you want who has over 2 years of Penis Enlargement experiance. I still talk to a lot of mods of [words=]MOS[/words] the ones I like atleast and ignore the douche's like BigJoe who no matter what I says has to pipe in oh pokey's posting it must be wrong. Thnx for that one joe :)
** This Just In From The Hater Nation **

" Mike Aka Dld Is In Al Actuality A Women With A Huge Dildo Super Glued In Her Twat Sorry For The Misunderstanding"

You Heard It Here First Folks Thanks For Tuning Into

H A T E 105.4
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ said:
** This Just In From The Hater Nation **

" Mike Aka Dld Is In Al Actuality A Women With A Huge Dildo Super Glued In Her Twat Sorry For The Misunderstanding"

You Heard It Here First Folks Thanks For Tuning Into

H A T E 105.4
is all you can do joke about it?
jkisineffect said:
is all you can do joke about it?

What is anybody trying to prove, what if all this stuff was true? why would it Matter? what would you guys have Gained from it ? shurly not the Gains that count.

My dick is still my dick and i gladly accept advice on it from the master as soon as my dick falls off then i'll be lookin for some one to talk to.
jkisineffect said:
is all you can do joke about it?

What would you rather they do? Make fun of me? Condemn me? Attack me? I am lost to your motives?
So now I understand, jkisineffect is the #2 partner over at that other place and is trying to draw members over there. No wonder, good way to do it because people like drama.
nah I'm just a new member over there. Pokey and I are not the same people.
jkisineffect said:
Get over yourself joe that's what [words=]MOS[/words] is as you said a library of information with a bunch of members who are very knowledgable themselves. I can't just say I tried an exercise once didn't gain 1/4" in 10 minutes so it must not work. No i've talked to the mass of the members who've tried the phase 2-5 exercises and paid for the [words=]dvd[/words] or the members section and haven't gained fuckle except from DLD blasters. I don't really hear anybody saying shit about any exercise but that and their are more effective exercises then the dld blasters. Oh yes truly original exercises that don't work atleast BTB doesn't make up exercises that look good on paper and don't work in person. You seem to think i'm the owner of BTB or something I'm the #2 man pyro is the man you want who has over 2 years of Penis Enlargement experiance. I still talk to a lot of mods of [words=]MOS[/words] the ones I like atleast and ignore the douche's like BigJoe who no matter what I says has to pipe in oh pokey's posting it must be wrong. Thnx for that one joe :)
Get over myself? lol I'm not the one who created this retarded thread trying to stir up shit (no pun intended), and then bitching when it gets thrown back at me. "Getting nervous Dld", "oh just wait until I post SWM's story". Shit you and Pokey are so far up eachothers asses I can't even tell where the one begins and the other ends anymore. I'm serious I'm not really sure if I just got told off by jkisineffect, or the spirit of Pokey Bear that seems to be inhabiting him. Oh, and doesn't this place have like 10,000 registered members? Most of them don't even post which is the fundamental flaw in your accusation about the ineffectiveness of the exercises, but you can't tell me none of those none-posting members aren't currently reading and practicing these exercises without particioating in the forum. Hell we seem to get a "new" guy every week who has been a long time reader/GAINER but is just making his first post on the forum. Although I doubt you've talked to even half of the posting members here in regards to what exercises have worked for them. Why the hell do you think I'm sticking up for them you idiot? I've gained great length from a combination of Dld's stretches that weren't blasters. Plus its the people that aren't gaining that do most of the talking about it anyway, you've got to wait a little bit longer for those tunica gains ya'll.
Also I wouldn't have given a flying fuck what Pokey does or says outside of this forum, but like the irritating gnat at the picnic he still seems to find a way right back in our ears no matter how many times he is swatted away, right now he is using his friend Jkisineffect to spread this garbage around and get people over to his website. So jk is it you or Pokey who is the "#2 man" over at BTB because one of you JUST said that, and the other one JUST said that they are a newbie over there so which is it. Which post did you forget the quotation marks in dude I'm really curious?
So then who did you talk to? Did you take a survey here at [words=]MOS[/words] that I haven't seen, if so please link it in this thread so I can add my info. Yeah the blasters give quicker gains because they target the ligs, but those gains WILL stall, and then the plethora of intense tunica work that Dld has come up with will EVENTUALLY get you gaining again.
So why don't you crawl your beaten red-ass back into your hole that you seem to think is so much better than here, the world will be a better place as a result. Myself? I will be doing some fucking FULCRUM STRETCHES in the meantime.
Last edited:
bIgjOe said:
So let me get this straight. Pokey has started his own Penis Enlargement site? lol and a half. I know Thunders probably said that about Dld, but Dld also wasn't going to be the only head of a Penis Enlargement site with a 6.5 inch penis. It really is pretty funny if you think about it, even if any of this is true. It seemed to get exposure in a very dramatic, and roundabout way. Is Pokey really claiming to have gotten banned by getting to close to the "truth"? If he hates Dld so much why was he begging to come back here, and asking Jkisineffect to ask Dld if he could meet him in person not more than a month ago?

Actually I started a P.E website and I have a 7 inch penis and very proud. I probably know more about this than most guys and have been well involved in P.E since cheekycherry, one of the first p.e forums on the net.

Pokey is a helper and has his own views about things, I can respect that, I can respect anyone's views.. I think the topic here is SWM, SWM is a legit P.E bro and I think everyone knows it.

Since I am the owner of BTB, I thought I should post that this is not about BTB...If you want to visit BTB go ahead, make your own calls on it.
doublelongdaddy said:
Finally, some drama, I was getting worried for a while. Hopefully the 25 people on your site will not think too badly of me:s

btw, every video works, JAZ fixed them last week:)

LOL..I love reading about BTB

I thought it was MY SITE?
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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