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jkisineffect said:
BTW Jazz SWM says he doesn't care if you link to his gay video shoot he says it was a good way to make a quick $3k and he's not embarassed about it.


BTW can we take what he says to be literal. I am not.
man this thread is getting too funny now hahahaha. You go girl. Yeah you can take him literally i've never known SWM to lie.
against_odds21 said:
Why would SWM, a respected long time Penis Enlargement-er, follow the joke thats pokey anyways? That just doesn't make sense to me.
maybe cause a lot of us like pokey he's kinda like chocolate ice cream you either like him or you don't. Pyro's the one running the site and he's very well liked. And the girls I was referring to was SWM and $$$$ lol
jkisineffect said:
maybe cause a lot of us like pokey he's kinda like chocolate ice cream you either like him or you don't. Pyro's the one running the site and he's very well liked. And the girls I was referring to was SWM and $$$$ lol

Well i meant real Girls rofl where they at rofl
well the only one I can think of is thewife who I think is a dude.
goinfor11x7 said:
Let's get away from the acrimony. It brings me back to Thunder's.
I saw a guy get banned at Funder's a few weeks ago for saying, "Thunder is ghey." misspelled and everything. Here a guy says DLD eats shit and is not silenced. That's my favorite thing about [words=]MOS[/words]. Check it, "DLD is Ghey." SWM did ghey adult entertainment, I can go on and on...

~The killer :315 members and growing out of respect.
The BTC Killer said:
I saw a guy get banned at Funder's a few weeks ago for saying, "Thunder is grey." misspelled and everything. Here a guy says DLD eats ice cream and is not silenced. That's my favorite thing about [words=]MOS[/words]. Check it, "DLD is Ghetto." SWM did ghetto adult entertainment, I can go on and on...

~The killer :315 members and growing out of respect.

rofl respecta mellow
Twiztidxx__ said:
Yeah, well, this thread ain't over yet man :p

MY experience with this DOUCHE BAG... eh... whatever, I thought we were just really cool friends, you know, I thought NOTHING of it more than just bein friends with the guy. I didn't even fuckin know he was as old as he was until I seen his myspace, then it all went downhill from there. He'd tell me stories about these like, 19 year old girls that'd stop by his house lookin to be with him hook up with him, all that shit, yeah... whatever right? That's every 39 year old's dream from HIS point of view I'm guessing, not that it's illegal for someone his age to be with a 19 year old, I'm more than sure it's been done, but man c'mon you don't brag about that shit to someone like me, cus I'm gonna tell everyone especially when you fuck me over man!! XD

Anywho, shit got twisted, he used to tell me he "was not obsessed with Penis Enlargement" and that it ruins people's lives. He didn't care if the site was closed or not, he didn't care about any of the members there because all they talk about is whether his dick is real or not, and he'd be like yeah if ya'll dont believe me then come over. Yeah. Right. Like I wanna see that piece of shit? Number one, I'd be scarred for life, and number two... no... just fucking no!

I left [words=]MOS[/words] because I felt THREATENED. He THREATENED one of my BEST FRIENDS, who's a chic with a GIRLY screenname whom DLD thought was a GUY?? Gimme a fucking break. No guy has the sn angelbaby with a bunch of numbers at the end of it...unless they're gay, but pssh whatever right? Anyways, he threatened to send a bunch of dudes after her ass and shit because he felt threatened when she left him a nasty ass message for bothering me and hitting on me and what not, and which I felt uncomfortable when she was tryin to protect me basically. She called me crying on the phone because a "psychotic 41 year old guy was threatening to send the bloods and cryps after her" on a gang affiliation day or something like that.

We used to talk on the phone, which what I thought of was still friends and stuff. He said he'd make me a phony ID and everything to get me into night clubs with him. He used to tell me to tell Zack (aka dickhead lol... i hate that kid now XD) that he should stop Penis Enlargementing before it ruins our relationship, (which infact, in my eyes it kinda did because zack is obsessed but I wont get into that that's a whole different story to begin with!!!) but I was like eh whatever man you're just talkin outta your ass.

He used to call my house and ask me to come down to wherever the fuck he was out in the US somewhere... probably florida smokin with fiddy cent and snoop dogg (lmfao!!!...he told me he's done it man, no lie) and he'd want me to get out there with HIM... heh, fuck that shit. I told him I'm not made of money like some people and that I can't cus I have other shit to do.

He used to claim he didn't want to be in it for the money.
Which is also a LIE.

He was on the phone with me, deleting stuff off his computer before he moved down to [words=]FL[/words]... he was talking to himself (O_o) and wassaying OUTLOUD.. "I don't need this photoshop program anymore" or whatever it was, some kind of lame ass thing to obviously enlarge something digitally... not with your own fuckin HANDS XD lmao... LIE... loser.

Hmm... what else? Can't think of anything else at the moment but when I do I'll get back to everyone.

Have a great night guys,
aka Kittie
I was banned for saying Hobby couldn't get it up. Of course, I added a few other finely chosen words. I guess if I had rephrased it with he was suffering from E.D., Thunder wouldn't have banned me. He, he, he.

But I was hitting below the belt. And that is just not right. If I could take those words back, I would. Live and learn.

DLD. You are just sooooo cooool!!! You're da man!!!!

jkisineffect said:
BTW Jazz SWM says he doesn't care if you link to his gay video shoot he says it was a good way to make a quick $3k and he's not embarassed about it.

$3k LOL :D I highly doubt it. $300 is more like it. Regardless of the price, If your a straight guy, you have to step down to pretty low standards to let another man inside you.
Originally Posted by Twiztidxx__
Yeah, well, this thread ain't over yet man :p

MY experience with this DOUCHE BAG... eh... whatever, I thought we were just really cool friends, you know, I thought NOTHING of it more than just bein friends with the guy. I didn't even fuckin know he was as old as he was until I seen his myspace, then it all went downhill from there. He'd tell me stories about these like, 19 year old girls that'd stop by his house lookin to be with him hook up with him, all that shit, yeah... whatever right? That's every 39 year old's dream from HIS point of view I'm guessing, not that it's illegal for someone his age to be with a 19 year old, I'm more than sure it's been done, but man c'mon you don't brag about that shit to someone like me, cus I'm gonna tell everyone especially when you fuck me over man!! XD

Anywho, shit got twisted, he used to tell me he "was not obsessed with Penis Enlargement" and that it ruins people's lives. He didn't care if the site was closed or not, he didn't care about any of the members there because all they talk about is whether his dick is real or not, and he'd be like yeah if ya'll dont believe me then come over. Yeah. Right. Like I wanna see that piece of shit? Number one, I'd be scarred for life, and number two... no... just fucking no!

I left [words=]MOS[/words] because I felt THREATENED. He THREATENED one of my BEST FRIENDS, who's a chic with a GIRLY screenname whom DLD thought was a GUY?? Gimme a fucking break. No guy has the sn angelbaby with a bunch of numbers at the end of it...unless they're gay, but pssh whatever right? Anyways, he threatened to send a bunch of dudes after her ass and shit because he felt threatened when she left him a nasty ass message for bothering me and hitting on me and what not, and which I felt uncomfortable when she was tryin to protect me basically. She called me crying on the phone because a "psychotic 41 year old guy was threatening to send the bloods and cryps after her" on a gang affiliation day or something like that.

We used to talk on the phone, which what I thought of was still friends and stuff. He said he'd make me a phony ID and everything to get me into night clubs with him. He used to tell me to tell Zack (aka dickhead ... i hate that kid now XD) that he should stop Penis Enlargementing before it ruins our relationship, (which infact, in my eyes it kinda did because zack is obsessed but I wont get into that that's a whole different story to begin with!!!) but I was like eh whatever man you're just talkin outta your ass.

He used to call my house and ask me to come down to wherever the fuck he was out in the US somewhere... probably florida smokin with fiddy cent and snoop dogg (lmfao!!!...he told me he's done it man, no lie) and he'd want me to get out there with HIM... heh, fuck that shit. I told him I'm not made of money like some people and that I can't cus I have other shit to do.

He used to claim he didn't want to be in it for the money.
Which is also a LIE.

He was on the phone with me, deleting stuff off his computer before he moved down to [words=]FL[/words]... he was talking to himself (O_o) and wassaying OUTLOUD.. "I don't need this photoshop program anymore" or whatever it was, some kind of lame ass thing to obviously enlarge something digitally... not with your own fuckin HANDS XD lmao... LIE... loser.

Hmm... what else? Can't think of anything else at the moment but when I do I'll get back to everyone.

Have a great night guys,
aka Kittie

WTF? That has to be the most illiterate post I ever read in my life.
jkisineffect said:
BTW Jazz SWM says he doesn't care if you link to his gay video shoot he says it was a good way to make a quick $3k and he's not embarassed about it.

jkisineffect you better calm down before I post the link of you and StillWantsMoreCockInHisAss doing that hot steamy scene together. j/k LOL
Twiztidxx__ said:
Heh, I might as well, right? I dont think anyone really hates me here, if not no one at all :) I might just though cus [words=]mos[/words] is fucken gay.

And may I add... one of the mods at [words=]MOS[/words]... not sure if he still is cus shit, I don't go back there unless there's soemthing to read about that catches my eye/someone links me to but yeah... one of the mods there when I was still there told me he heard it was only 8 or something. Someone else told me it was also 6.5... I believe it was the most hated of all, Gandolf? I don't think he's that bad of a guy, really, he's actually really smart... smarter than mike anyway. But yeah, I'm not too sure about Gandolf and stuff, but I can believe that every time I would talk to someone who knew DLD, I swear his dicksize got smaller as I talked to more people lmao... shit happens man

I was also a sneaky lil bitch and went over to Thunder's like once, I believe, and they said they've never heard of such a thing as paying for Penis Enlargement.... I mean, if you think about that, paying for it is pretty gay. He already gets enough money for people lookin/posting in that photoshopped version picture of his. (you know, where his foot is like, misplaced alllll the wayyyy over) lmao. Fuckin ass.
*btw could really care less if you post the $$$ and SWM scene*
gellar said:
What the fuck?
Pass the bong man, I want what your on. :cool:
lol that's kittie ex [words=]MOS[/words] member talking. Another one of DLD's confidants.
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ said:
Thas all i'ma gonna take from you remember i'm only bout a hour and a half drive away you think i'm pussy i dare you to stick your dick in this.
hahahahahah **********************$$****************** you crack me up bro.

on some real serious shit this will be the last time i have to edit your post

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jkisineffect said:
lol that's kittie ex [words=]MOS[/words] member talking. Another one of DLD's confidants.
I thought it was some gay guy or something?
This is all messed up.

"Could the real Slim Shadey please stand up, please stand up!:P "
sorry $$$$ it's a habit to call you by your previous name on [words=]mos[/words].
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ said:
I understand. Now you know
yo pokey wants you to hit him up on aim his aim is still yousuckgoatsss but I think he blocked ya check thatthingisnuts for his other aim name $$$$$$$.
$$ said:
would it matter?
Yes, it would. Who wants to support someone who behaves like that? You guys can joke about SWM all you want, but I for one believe his story. He has never given us any reason to doubt his word. However, all you DLD groupies will have lame comebacks and go right back to swinging on DLDs nut sac. Sad grown men have to gather support from your little gang of douche bags you got there. NOBODY can think for themself. Calling another man the 'master', may have been the most spineless pathetic display from another "man" (if thats even the right word to use). I expect replies when the groupies come up for air. DLD has been involved in numerous scandals. How you guys can defend him is beyond me, well with the exception of calling him master. Geezus. You guys need to start a worship thread. You can talk about who can fit more cock in their mouth. In-freaking-credible. Unsubscribing, deleting the bookmark, and not returning. I need boots just to walk out of this thread.

jkisineffect said:
yo pokey wants you to hit him up on aim his aim is still yousuckgoatsss but I think he blocked ya check thatthingisnuts for his other aim name $$$$$$$.

Good save.

I blocked him on all his accounts he is fully aware of that
Yeah, I still remain curious as to what the fuck this has anything to do with Penis Enlargement? Like I said if SWM's story is true then I feel he should be compensated, but if not like he said he learned his lesson for trusting someone it turns out can't be relied on. But now that we've established that DLD is not some demi god can someone please answer me the following....After jkisineffect started the thread and then found out what happened what was the point of posting SWM's story? He quit. Then he felt the need to post what was his experience with Mike Salvini, which turned out to be a nightmare. Ok, but it doesn't matter...any of it since it's a personal matter. It's crazy to me that anyone really would be on Mike's nuts since he didn't invent Penis Enlargement in the first place. My next question would be why the hell is it that the same people who complain about said "nut swinging" are the same people that seem to get off on pointing out whatever dirt they can on this dude? These are just questions that I have. I know I go off on long ass paragraphs and people don't read the shit, but if you pay attention there is actual content and a point to my posts. Most of my posts are either me basically saying who gives a shit or explaining why I do give a shit. Please someone explain why a personal dispute between adults went this far only to wind up nowhere? And no...a qualified answer would not be "because you're just encouraging it, with every new post" because if that were the truth then we'd need to be discussing why there is so much fuss about the bullshit on the side. The question is aimed at the topic of this thread, which was why SWM is no longer here. That's been explained, but now suddenly a bigger picture appears and that seems to be that people who have met Mike Salvini have some beefs with him, YET they want it to be aired out here like it matters. I'm only wondering why it does matter to all those speaking out against this guy. All we've established is that there are some people that don't like him. Whoa. Sort the shit out. As entertaining as this thread has been I would suggest that if you really hate Mike or feel he's a bad guy then don't feed the beast by airing this stuff out on these boards. It's pointless and people end up leaving bitter. Seriously, I think Mike is at least honest when he says he doesn't give a shit about what people say about him and that might be for a lot of reasons both negative and positive including a lack of self-respect or being humble enough to take this stuff in stride. I don't know him so I won't guess, but what I do know is he's letting this stuff go because he knows no one here really cares. It's like a car accident. It's sad, but true. Once we establish we don't know the people involved in it we just want to see if there is a fire or if there are any bodies nearby. If you need me I'll be one of the many craning my neck.
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Wow... this a fucked up mess.

Who the hel is $$$$$ and why can't people call him by his previous [words=]MOS[/words] name? What's that all about?

Anyway, I don't give a shit if Mike eats shit. This site was cool way back when...

I will say this though, it's been a long time since I donated any money to this place because you are RETARDED if you think there is no money being made here. The way they go on and on about needing money and stuff really underminds the credibility of the whole place. These guys are making money, duh. (memberships increased by 20%)

That said, I don't care if they make a bil a year, just don't lie and say you are scraping by so that guys who really are scraping by will give you $10. That's just wrong.

I'm gone. I have read all I need to do what I need to do. I'm glad I found this site, but I'm done here. This place has turned into a fucking joke.

By the way, all that illiterate shit from Sam/Kittie was whack. There's a former mod of this place for you. That was a joke, too... all about selling the memberships.
iwant8inches said:
Yeah, I still remain curious as to what the fuck this has anything to do with Penis Enlargement? Like I said if SWM's story is true then I feel he should be compensated, but if not like he said he learned his lesson for trusting someone it turns out can't be relied on. But now that we've established that DLD is not some demi god can someone please answer me the following....After jkisineffect started the thread and then found out what happened what was the point of posting SWM's story? He quit. Then he felt the need to post what was his experience with Mike Salvini, which turned out to be a nightmare. Ok, but it doesn't matter...any of it since it's a personal matter. It's crazy to me that anyone really would be on Mike's nuts since he didn't invent Penis Enlargement in the first place. My next question would be why the hell is it that the same people who complain about said "nut swinging" are the same people that seem to get off on pointing out whatever dirt they can on this dude? These are just questions that I have. I know I go off on long ass paragraphs and people don't read the shit, but if you pay attention there is actual content and a point to my posts. Most of my posts are either me basically saying who gives a shit or explaining why I do give a shit. Please someone explain why a personal dispute between adults went this far only to wind up nowhere? And no...a qualified answer would not be "because you're just encouraging it, with every new post" because if that were the truth then we'd need to be discussing why there is so much fuss about the bullshit on the side. The question is aimed at the topic of this thread, which was why SWM is no longer here. That's been explained, but now suddenly a bigger picture appears and that seems to be that people who have met Mike Salvini have some beefs with him, YET they want it to be aired out here like it matters. I'm only wondering why it does matter to all those speaking out against this guy. All we've established is that there are some people that don't like him. Whoa. Sort the shit out. As entertaining as this thread has been I would suggest that if you really hate Mike or feel he's a bad guy then don't feed the beast by airing this stuff out on these boards. It's pointless and people end up leaving bitter. Seriously, I think Mike is at least honest when he says he doesn't give a shit about what people say about him and that might be for a lot of reasons both negative and positive including a lack of self-respect or being humble enough to take this stuff in stride. I don't know him so I won't guess, but what I do know is he's letting this stuff go because he knows no one here really cares. It's like a car accident. It's sad, but true. Once we establish we don't know the people involved in it we just want to see if there is a fire or if there are any bodies nearby. If you need me I'll be one of the many craning my neck.
Enough of your psycho babble bullshit it goes on because we like the entertainment or else people wouldn't keep posting fair and simple. When people stop wanting to be amused or learn something knew about someone they think they know they'll stop posting here and let this die. On a side note in every single thread you always try to prove your the smartest person on [words=]MOS[/words]. I like a lot of the stuff you post but act like the masses and save your half page post for your essay paper.
jkisineffect said:
Enough of your psycho babble bullshit it goes on because we like the entertainment or else people wouldn't keep posting fair and simple. When people stop wanting to be amused or learn something knew about someone they think they know they'll stop posting here and let this die. On a side note in every single thread you always try to prove your the smartest person on [words=]MOS[/words]. I like a lot of the stuff you post but act like the masses and save your half page post for your essay paper.

lol, I'm an ass. I typically either am just trying to be funny, trying to make sense of something, or yeah disagreeing or pointing out another side to a topic. It makes no difference to me what people think of my intelligence, but I can't help but point out the things that I think pertaining to the thread's subject. See, that part in bold is what I was referring to earlier in the thread in that there are people on here who think they know Mike, which is insane unless they've known him for years or something and have hung out with him more than just a few times there is no reason to think that. So either there are a lot of delusional people on this site or it's just not true or true for some and basically neglible. Trying to make the guy seem shady or whatever makes little sense to me. I just didn't see the point of this thread once the thread's main question was answered and found it amusing. So, you're definitely right when you say that people will stop posting on this when they are no longer amused.
jkisineffect said:
Enough of your psycho babble bullshit it goes on because we like the entertainment or else people wouldn't keep posting fair and simple. When people stop wanting to be amused or learn something knew about someone they think they know they'll stop posting here and let this die. On a side note in every single thread you always try to prove your the smartest person on [words=]MOS[/words]. I like a lot of the stuff you post but act like the masses and save your half page post for your essay paper.

Don't be jealous b/c Iwant8inches can post an educated and thoughtful paragraph that's a worthwhile read. Maybe you just can't make it to the end of his post?

About time to lock this thread up. Members dropping like flies and you can bet that's what the goal of stirring all this shit up is.

This is no solid proof in this thread anyways.
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I Locked this thread.

It's not helping anyone here on [words=]MoS[/words] get a bigger penis.
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