Just want a bigger dick :) Been Penis Enlargement'ing on/off for a year and a couple of months i think.

Current stats:

NBP Length: about 7,25
BP Length: just over 8

Midshaft girth: about 5,7

The coefficient is 2,54 when converting from centimeters to inches right?

Todays work:

10mins dry jelq

10 Supra slammers - went well today rofl I've had a few problems with keeping myself from cumming during these, but I'm doin' better atm. Will gradually build up to some more work in this excercise :)

5x40secs upward-bends, handclamped at base

PC work: 100 kegels + 20 5sec-holds + 1 30sec-hold - have been cutting a little back on the seperate kegel work lately since I get plenty of squeezes done during the slammers. Might build up to some more when the slammers are fully integrated in my routine :)

- forgot about length work today, might get some done later tonight

Happy new year fellas ;)
Todays work:

2x25secs downward to the centre stretch
1x25secs bundled upward stretch
1x25secs bundled straight out - pulling the fuck outta the dick for the last 5 secs

10 mins dry jelq

8 supra slammers - at this point i ejaculated by mistake >:(

Took 5-10 minutes off the slammers, where i did 3 sets of random stretches - then got back and did 2 more slammers totalling at 10.

But the ejaculating took away a lot of energy so i cutted a little on the bends

1x40secs upward-bend, hand clamped at base

PC: Same as yesterday
Todays work::)

Felt like both my dick and my mind needed a day away from slammers.

1x25secs downward to the centre stretch
1x25secs BTC centre stretch
1x25secs bundled upward stretch
1x25secs bundled straight-out centre stretch

20 mins dry-jelq

4x40secs upward bends hand-clamped at base.

Busted a nut at the end of workout - seriously need to stop this cum shit as i feel it's slowing my recovery. Think i'm taking tomorrow off
Today i've done nothing but Kegels:

100 quick squeezes + 40 5sec-holds + 1 30sec-hold

Nice with a day off sometimes and it's good for the dick as well :)

Will be returning tomorrow
By the way, forgot to mention i'm 18 :)


2x25secs downward to left + right stretch
1x25secs upward stretch

10 mins wet-jelq

4 supraslammers - ejaculated again.. DOH rofl but i will keep doing them.. i insist on learning to maintain control during these as i think they are working great!

Small workout, but it doesn't matter.. there's no rush :)

Hehe, despite the wise words that came out of my mouth just before i added to my workout a bit:

2-3 mins dry jelq (warmup)

4x40secs upward bends handclamped at base - very intense today

PC: 100 quick kegels + 40 5sec-holds + 1 45sec-hold
Todays job:

Didn't feel like stretching today

30 mins wet-jelq - was only supposed to do like 10 mins as a warmup for slammers but they just felt so freakin good that i couldn't stop :cool:

therefore i took it easy on the slammers and only did:

5 supra slammers - with perfect control today :) when i don't use any adult entertainment during Penis Enlargement it's going way better with controlling the ejac

2x40secs upward bends, hand-clamped at base

PC: Same as yesterday

for length i tried some different stuff with the dld blasters also bundled

15mins dry-jelq

4 supra slammers - ejaculated again, but i've now figured out whats going wrong. Right hand grabs a certain way which pushes me beyond PONR, so i need to change that a little

think i'll be back later tonight with about a handful of slammers and the PC-work :)
Just had 2 days off. I've decided that the Supra slammer thing isn't working out for me and instead i'm beginning a new routine with two alternating days. Mainly targeted at girth but length will come along too im sure.

Day 1:
- 200 dry-jelqs
- 10 slow squash jelqs held for 1 minute
+ PC

Day 2:
- About 10 mins of stretching - Think i will give the A-stretch a revival
- 20-30mins dry-jelq depending on how much time i have
+ PC

Will strive to do this routine 6on/1off until february 16th where i'll be going on holiday for about 10 days.
Todays work:

- 200 dry-jelqs

- 10 slow squash jelqs held for 1 minute each

+ PC: 100 quick kegels, 50 5sec-holds + 1 45sec-hold (will do some progression on this last hold)

Great pump on the dick :)

100 quick PC-squeezes

1x25secs downward centre stretch
1x25secs bundled downward centre stretch

1x25secs straight out centre stretch
1x25secs bundled straight out centre stretch

1x25secs upward centre stretch
1x25secs bundled upward centre stretch

3x25secs A-stretch

- Only 9 sets done in the 10 minutes. My dick got erect from some of the stretching and getting it flaccid again stole a bit time from me.

27mins dry-jelq :)

1 supra slammer to round off

PC: 100 quick squeezes, 50 5sec-holds + 1 45sec-hold

C'ya tomorrow rofl
Cool workout log, good work there mate and keep it up cause it'll help others i'm sure.


NRA said:
Thanks Mike!

By the way, your recent pictures in the pic section are so inspiring !! :)

Thanks mate, i'm a lucky person that's for sure. I am even more lucky to be able to help/assist and also inspire some people. Makes me feel very good.

Keep up the good work and stay on the safe side of Penis Enlargement always.


Will do so. As for assisting/helping, do you think I need to change something in my routine?

Forgot to log yesterdays dick-work:

200 dry-jelqs - great pump already here

10 slow squash jelqs - held for 1 min each - had been drinking in the afternoon so my hands fatigued after 5 of these and therefore I had to wait a couple of hours before doing the remaining 5 :)

PC: 100 quick squeezes + 50 5sec-holds + 1 50sec hold - today I flexed the PC-muscle REALLY hard in the 5 sec-holds which resulted in extreme muscle-soreness afterwards. It was almost too much - better be careful in the future :)
And todays job as well: :)

100 quick PC-squeezes


1x25secs downward centre stretch
1x25secs bundled downward centre stretch

1x25secs straight out centre stretch
1x25secs bundled straight out centre stretch

1x25secs upward centre stretch
1x25secs bundled upward centre stretch

6x25secs A-stretch

- very similar to the day before yesterday but didn't get as many erections between the stretches today which meant that i got some more A-stretches done. Nice! :)

Dry-jelq 30mins - not high quality all the way, but okay after all

PC 100 quick squeezes + 25 5sec-holds + 1 25sec hold - Only about half the normal volume today, felt like the PC-muslce needed a lighter day ;)

Keep pulling, pushing or whatever you do to enlarge your dicks fellas!! rofl
Today i did:

200 dry-jelqs

8 [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s held for 1 min each - had to make a bet at the bookie so i didn't get all 10 done.. but what the hell :)

PC work later
NRA said:
Today i did:

200 dry-jelqs

8 [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s held for 1 min each - had to make a bet at the bookie so i didn't get all 10 done.. but what the hell :)

PC work later

I think it is just fine for now mate, soon you will need an adjustment.


8InchMIKE said:
I think it is just fine for now mate, soon you will need an adjustment.


Good to hear that. If you throw some advice when you think it's time for adjustments I will be thankful :)

Todays work coming soon
Thanks mate

Work of today:


1x25secs downward centre stretch
1x25secs bundled downward centre stretch

1x25secs straight out centre stretch
1x25secs bundled straight out centre stretch

1x25secs upward centre stretch
1x25secs bundled upward centre stretch

5x25secs A-stretch

This was one week with the same stretches every stretching-day. Next will bring some different ones before switching back to these again in week 3 :)

dry-jelq - 40 mins - was watching tele at the same time so rep-count was a bit slower than usual. Therefore the extended time-period :)

PC a little later

Tomorrow i will be giving my dick and hands a well deserved day off rofl Cheers!
Back again! Felt good to have a day off :)

200 dry jelq

10 [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s - held for 1 min each

PC: 100 quick squeezes + 50 5sec-holds + 1 1min-hold

Keep at it guys! rofl


2x25secs downward to left & right
2x25secs upward to left & right
2x25secs tape stretch: tape up - dick down
2x25secs tape stretch: tape left+right, dick left+right
1x25secs straight out
1x25secs tape stretch: tape down - dick up
1x25secs tape stretch: tape down - dick straight out


10 mins dry + 10 mins wet

No PC.. too tired

Shitty workout today
Currently doing some deconditioning. My hands were fatigued as fuck and it made my workouts as well as my mood crappy :/. But i've now ordered some clamps, and when they arrive i'll start looking in to it - really looking forward! :)
Clamp received today rofl Will start experimenting - max 10min/day to begin with.

Have also begun some stretching..

Keep Penis Enlargement'ing!!
Have been doing some sloppy Penis Enlargement since the last time I posted here. Was interrupted by a recent holiday which forced me into a 10 days decon break. Got started back up but on monday I will be on another trip for 5 days. But after all that shit I will get consistent and I will probably revive this workout log. :)

Atm my stats at my hardest erection are:

BPL 8,25 - gained some length :P
NBPL - 7,30-35 - must have gained some fat as well ?:( :s

EMSG - ~5,5 - lost a bit here
Just had 4-5 days off due to some heavy drinking but got the work done today so I decided that it was time to start updating this log again :)

Stretching - sets of 25secs

Lig focus:
1x straight down centre
2x behind the buttcheeks left + right
2x upward left + right
1x straight out
= 6 sets

Tunica focus:
1x bundled SO centre
1x bundled upwards centre
2x A-stretch
2x bundled A-stretch
2x bundled double tunica stretch
1x half-bundled upward stretch
= 9 sets

Total: 15 sets - will progress into more sets over time.

Girth - clamping
string tied around base

2x10 mins - a few dry-jelqs between the sets

Doesn't seem like alot of work and that is because it isn't ;) However this less is more-ish routine seems to be the way forward atm: fits my schedule better, my hands aren't that fatigued and most importantly - dick seems to grow :)

Cheers fellow Penis Enlargement'ers:D
My routine:

Currently i alternate between to days. My focus at the moment is length but at the same time I refuse to neglect girth work. I rate the two something like 63/37 rofl

The two days look like this:

Day 1: Most emphasize on length
15 sets of stretching
- 6 sets of lig focused stretches
- 9 sets of tunica focused stretching - i believe that after more than a year of Penis Enlargement (although not that consistent) the key to length gains is in stretching the tunica. However I do not neglect the ligs completely, just to make sure that no retraction happens.

As I said before I will throw in more sets over time. When that happens they will be focused on the tunica.

Clamping w a string tied around base:
2x10 mins at the moment - will maybe do more and longer sets over time. Perhaps i will throw in some different squeezing during the clamping.

Day 2: Most emphasize on girth
12 sets of stretching
- 6 focused on length
- 6 on tunica

15 mins of dry-jelq
15 mins of repetitious [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s
- don't know if or how i will progress in this over time. Will figure out later on.

The order of girth & length will vary according to mood, schedule, injuries etc.

That's my current routine. It's a light one yes, but it keeps my hands in a state where i can still lift weigths along with Penis Enlargement and it fits my life of studying fine. And the dick likes it :)

As for PC-work i'm doing some sets of some shit i read from T's place where you flex your PC as hard as you can for 20 secs while pressing down on your head so the dick won't travel upwards. Fine work for the PC and it should be doing some slight stretching to the chambers as well.

Looking forward to grow and progress. Cya mates!! :)
Today i did day 2:

15 mins dry-jelq
15 mins repetitious [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]

Stretching - sets of 25secs
Lig focus:
1x straight down centre
2x straight down left + right
2x upward left + right
1x straight out
= 6 sets

Tunica focus:
1x bundled SO centre
1x bundled upwards centre
2x A-stretch
2x bundled fulcrum stretch
= 6 sets

total of 12 sets

By the way you might see me do day 1 more than day 2 because like i mentioned my main priority is length. :)

Cheers fellas
Crazy day, only had time for length:

Stretching - sets of 25secs
Lig focus:
5x straight down centre

Tunica focus:
1x bundled SO centre
1x bundled upwards centre
2x A-stretch
2x bundled A-stretch
2x stick-assisted left + right
2x erect straight out left + right
= 10 sets

total of 15 sets
Hydromaxm just did some length measuring. Turned out slightly positive :)

BPenis EnlargementL about the same.. gained about 0,02 i think.. so i'm a bit over 8,25 EBPL
NBPenis EnlargementL - 7,48 (19cm) weehu rofl .. a gain about 0,2 inches since last measurement since last measurement !

Dick gains are modest but looks like I've become more lean :)

Cheers guys