Re: NS92's Log
Damn HG!
Damn HG!
Damn HG!
9 X 7 all the way. There is no going back on this one.
Same here...perfect symmetry, thick and meaty. When I hit 9" I'll probably reassess (for some reason it doesn't look as big attached to my body, lol)
LM 6mins
Dry Jelqs 300
Hung 3.5lbs X9sets (Week8)-During 9th set, had to drop down to 2.5lbs to ride out fatigue!
Golf (4) 1hr 50mins
Ballweights 16oz 24hrs/24oz 6hrs (Not adding time)
Ballweights 1,975hrs
Golfweights 336hrs 40mins
Hangtime 78hrs
LM stretching 0mins
Dry Jelqs 300
Hung 3.5lbs x 9sets Dropped weight on 9th set again
Golf (4) 0hrs
Ballweights 16oz - 24 hrs/24oz 14.5hrs
Ballweights 1,999hrs
Golfweights 336hrs 40mins
Hangtime 81hrs
Woke up raging hard
LM 0mins
Dry Jelqs 250
Hung 3.5lbs X9 sets (didn't drop on 9th set this time-skin felt more relaxed and stretched!)
Golf (4) 2hrs 8mins
Ballweights 16oz 24hrs/24oz 15hrs
Ballweights 2,023hrs (damn that's ALOT of BALL HANGING!!!!)
Golfweights 338hrs 50mins (rounded up 2mins)
Hangtime 84hrs
Same here...perfect symmetry, thick and meaty. When I hit 9" I'll probably reassess (for some reason it doesn't look as big attached to my body, lol)
9x7 doesn't look that big on you? What are you 8ft tall 450lbs???Schwanz must be The Hulk
Same here...perfect symmetry, thick and meaty. When I hit 9" I'll probably reassess (for some reason it doesn't look as big attached to my body, lol)
Where did you guys start, in terms of stats and where you at now?
9x7 doesn't look that big on you? What are you 8ft tall 450lbs???Schwanz must be The Hulk
6'1" and 220#, but for some reason (maybe cuz I see it everyday) it doesn't compute in my brain. I did have a 'field-trip' a couple days ago and she said 3 or 4 times that it's 'the biggest she'd ever seen', so i guess there's that
I started at just under 6.5" BPEL and about 5.375" MSEG...8"X 7" now
6'1" and 220#, but for some reason (maybe cuz I see it everyday) it doesn't compute in my brain. I did have a 'field-trip' a couple days ago and she said 3 or 4 times that it's 'the biggest she'd ever seen', so i guess there's that
Shit you've come a long way since you started!
LM 6mins
Hung3.5lbs x9sets
Golf weights (4) 0hrs
Dry 150 and came
Ballweights 16oz 9hrs<-odd pain when walking
Ballweights 2,032hrs
Golfweights 338hrs 50mins
Hangtime 87hrs 20mins
LM 6mins Rotary 500
Hung 3.5lbs x8sets
Golfweights 0hrs??
Dry Jelqs 0
Ballweights 0hrs
Hangtime 90hrs 20mins
LM 6mins Rotary stretches 200
Hung 4.5lbs x10sets
Golfweights (4) 0hrs
Dry Jelqs 100
Ballweights 16oz 4hrs
Hangtime 94hrs
Ballweights 2,036hrs
LM 4.5mins
Dry Jelqs 200
Golfweights (4) 2hrs 5mins
Hung 4.5lbs x10sets
Ballweights 24hrs-16oz /15hrs with 24oz
Ballweights 2,060hrs
Golfweights 340hrs 55mins
Hangtime 97hrs 40mins
Current measurements as of 4/5/18
BPFL 6.0
BPEL 5.5
MEG 4.5
BEG 5.25
(Shit, it's been 3months since last measure)
As of today 7/7/18
BPEL 6.0
MEG 4.5
BEG 5 1/8
What i really marvel is that your BPEL and NBPEL are the same........end of the day your penis is probably the same size (visibly) as someone with 6.5" - 6.75" BPEL. I will need FUPA lipo to even get something like 0.25" fat pad.
Huh how is that possible, are you measuring correctly ? How much more than your BPEL is your BPFSL ?My bone pressed erect length is longer than my bone pressed flaccid stretched length
Let's say half inch difference and yes I'm measuring correctly.
So was your BPFSL always lesser than your BPEL while you gained length till now ?
LM 6mins
Dry Jelqs 100
Golf(4) 1hr-15mins
Hung 4.5lbs x10sets WK9
Ballweights 16oz 24hrs/14hrs with 24oz
Ballweights 2,084hrs
Golfweights 342hrs 10mins
Hangtime 101hrs 20mins
LM 6mins
Dry Jelqs 200 came afterwards
Golfweights (4)50mins
Hung 4.5lbs x11sets
Ballweights 16oz 24hrs/24oz 13hrs
Ballweights 3,008hrs
Golfweights 343hrs
Hangtime 105hrs
LM 6mins
Dry Jelqs 0
Golfweights(4) 50mins
Hung 4.5lbs x10sets
Ballweights 16oz 24hrs/8hr with 24ozs
Ballweights 3,036hrs
Golfweights 343hrs 50mins
Hangtime 108hrs 40mins
LM 0mins
Dry Jelqs 200 came after
Hung 4.5lbs x10sets WK9 still
Ballweights 24hrs with 24oz swinging-WORE ALL NIGHT NO PROB
Golfweights (4) 1hr
Ballweights 3,060hrs
Hangtime 112hrs 20mins
Golfweights 344hrs 50mins
mrplayer1984;n1084955 said:Re: NS92's Log
So was your BPFSL always lesser than your BPEL while you gained length till now ?
doublelongdaddy;n1085004 said:Re: NS92's Log
That should never happen. BPFSL will always be longer than BPEL
Nerd-Since-92;n1815072 said:Can't STOP WON"T STOP!!
Nerd-Since-92;n1814697 said:8-23-18
LM 0mins
Hung 5.5lbs x10sets (last 3sets felt heavy, dropped to 3.5lbs)
Golfweights(4) 50mins
Dry Jelqs 400 (came after 150)
Ballweights 24oz-24hrs
Ballweights 3,180hrs
Golfweights 348hrs 20mins
Hangtime 362hrs 50mins
LM 6mins
Golfweights(4) 0hrs
Hung 5.5lbsX9sets
Dry Jelqs 225
Ballweights 24oz-10hrs, 16oz rest of day
Ballweights 3,204hrs
Golfweights 348hrs 20mins
Hangtime 365hrs 50mins
mrplayer1984;n1815139 said:Visuallu do you notice any difference in flaccid, bpel or bpfsl length ? (without measuring)
doublelongdaddy;n991778 said:Re: NS92's Log
Wow, looking really, really good! When will you measure?
huge-girth;n1815205 said:Keep up the good work bro.
Nerd-Since-92;n1815135 said:8-25-18
LM 0mins
Hung 5.5lbs x5sets
Dry Jelqs 100
Golfweights (4) 0hrs
Ballweights 16oz 24hrs
Ballweights 3,228hrs
Golfweights 348hrs 20mins
Hang time 367hrs 30mins
LM 6mins
Hung 6lbs x9sets
Dry Jelqs 100 and came after
Golfweights (4) 50mins
Ballweights 24oz 24hrs
Ballweights 3,252hrs
Golfweights 349hrs 10mins
Hangtime370hrs 30mins
LM 0mins
Hung 6lbs x9sets
Dry Jelqs 0
Golf(4) 1hr
Ballweights 24oz 24hrs
Ballweights 3,276hrs
Golfweights 350hrs 10mins
Hangtime-373hrs 30mins
LM 0mins
Hung 6lbs x9sets (Half of sets needed to drop weight to 4.5lb + 3lbs)
Golfweights (4) 50mins
Ballweights 240z - 24hrs
Dry Jelqs 250
Ballweights 3,300hrs
Golfweights 351hrs
Hangtime 376hrs 30mins
LM 0mins
Hung 6lbs x9sets
Dry Jelqs 80 came by accident (oops)
Golfweights(4) 50mins
Ballweights 24oz - 24hrs
Ballweights 3,324hrs
Golfweights 351hrs 50mins
Hangtime 379hrs 30mins
LM 0mins
Hung 6lbs-4.5lbs-3lbs x9sets (had to drop weight because of fatigue)
Dry Jelqs 0
Golfweights(4) 1hr
Ballweights 24oz-24hrs
Ballweights 3,348hrs
Golfweights 351hrs 50mins
Hangtime 382hrs 30mins
LM 0mins
Hung 6lbs-4.5lbs-3lbs x6sets
Dry Jelqs 100
Golfweights(4) 1hr
Ballweights 24oz - 24hrs
Ballweights 3,372hrs
Golfweights 351hrs 50mins
Hangtime 384hrs 30mins
LM 0mins
Hung 6lbs-4.5lbs x3sets
Golfweights(4) 0hrs
Dry Jelqs 150 and came
Ballweights 24oz - 9hrs
Ballweights 3,381hrs
Golfweights 351hrs 50mins
Hangtime 385hrs 30mins
LM 6mins
Hung 6lbs - 4.5lbs x8sets
Golfweights(4) 0hrs
Ballweights 0oz - 0hrs
Dry jelqs 60
Golfweights 351hrs 50mins
Hangtime 388hrs 10mins
Nerd-Since-92;n1815303 said:9-3-18
LM 6mins
Hung 6.5lbs x10sets (last set dropped to 5lbs)
Dry Jelqs 50
Ballweight 0oz 0hrs
Golfweights(4) ohrs
Ballweights 3,381hrs
Golfweights 351hrs 50mins
Hangtime 391hrs 30mins
LM 6mins
Hung 6.5lbs x9sets (dropped to 5lbs for 1or2 sets)
Golfweights(4) ohrs
Ballweights 0hrs
Dry Jelqs 400 came afterwards
Ballweights 3,381hrs
Golfweights 351hrs 50mins
Hangtime 394hrs 30mins
LM 0mins
Hung 6.5lbs x9sets
Golfweights ohrs
Ballweights ohrs
Dry Jelqs 20
Ballweights 3,381hrs
Golfweights 351hrs 50mins
Hangtime 397hrs 30mins
Nerd-Since-92;n1815345 said:9-6-18
LM 0mins
Hung 6.5lbs x10sets (dropped to 5lbs + 3lbs)
Golfweights(4) ohrs
Dry Jelq 100
Ballweights 0z ohrs
Ballweigths 3,381hrs
Golfweights 351hrs 50mins
Hangtime 400hrs 50mins
LM 6mins
Hung 6.5lbs x9sets (had to drop down to 5lbs on half my sets)
Golfweights(4) ohrs
Dry Jelqs 200
Ballweights 0z 0hrs
Ballweigths 3,381hrs
Golfweights 351hrs 50mins
Hangtime 403hrs 50mins
Nerd-Since-92;n1815362 said:9-8-18
LM 0mins
Hung 6.5lbs x9sets (dropped down to 5lbs on 1or2sets)
Golfweights (4) ohrs
Dry jelqs 300
Ballweights 0z 0hrs
Ballweights 3,381hrs
Golfweights 351hrs 50mins
Hangtime 406hrs 50mins
Nerd-Since-92;n1815734 said:9-9-18
LM 0nins
Hung 7lbs x9sets
Dry jelqs 100
Golf(4) 20mins
Ballweights 16oz 24hrs
Ballweights 3,405hrs
Golfweights 352hrs 10mins
Hangtime 409hrs 50mins
LM 0mins
Dry Jelqs 100
Hung 7lbs x9sets
Golf(4) 0mins
Ballweights 16oz 24hrs
Ballweights 3,429hrs
Golfweights 352hrs 10mins
Hangtime 412hrs 50mins
Hung 7lbs to 5.5lbs x4sets
Dry jelqs 160 came afterwards
Golfweights(4) 0mins
Ballweights 24oz 24hrs
Ballweights 3,453hrs
Golfweights 352hrs 10mins
Hangtime 414hrs 10mins