UPDATED ON 2/8/06 - Added Bib Starter review.
I wanted to make this post because sometimes I feel like there are a lot of people that don’t know what kinds of Penis Enlargement equipment are out there, or what they can make for themselves or buy cheap that can substitute an existing product. So the point of the post is to provide a “one-stop shop,” so to speak, for anyone interested in some type of Penis Enlargement product. I feel like I’ve been in the Penis Enlargement world long enough, and my goals and experiments have been varied enough, that I can give you “the best of the best” as far as which products work and which products are not worthwhile.
I’ll only review the ones I’ve used, and out of those, only the ones I’ve found effective and cost-efficient. When possible I’ll include a photo of the product and either a link to where it can be bought, or a link to building instructions, or my own “how-to.” I may periodically add things to this list, so keep your eyes peeled.
Note: Neither 9cyclops9, DLD, [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Matters of Size[/words], or anyone else mentioned in this post is affiliated in any way with any company mentioned or linked to in this thread unless otherwise noted. We make no profit from the sale of any of these items unless otherwise noted. This is for informational purposes only and we take no responsibility for the use or misuse of these or any other products. All photos are property of their respective owners and are used for demonstration purposes only.
As some of you may know, girth has been my main focus for a long time. I enjoy doing hardcore girth work more than length work. I love the pump I have after a hard constrictor session. Here’s an alphabetical list of my favorite girth tools.
Cable Clamps
Ah, the old standby. This is what REDZULU2003 used to get to his massive girth status. Others such as Stillwantmore, ItsElectric, and more have used this for their constrictor sessions and swear by it. I used this for a long time, then I found that a cockring is more comfortable for me. Different strokes for different folks, of course. I still have my cable clamp and would not hesitate to use it again if I needed to for some reason.
These things are great. You can have them around the house and nobody will ever suspect what they could be for, just say you use them to hold computer cables together or something.
They are available from Home Depot, Wal-Mart, some hardware stores, and the Cable Clamp website.
If you plan on using the Captn’s Wench hanger, you’ll need to pick up a Cable Clamp, so there’s really no excuse not to have one.
I’m going to list three possibilities for this one. I love cockrings, and I have used all three kinds (and still do). They were originally intended to increase erection hardness and also to keep you hard for longer. They are extensively used by male strippers to increase flaccid hang. And, fortunately for us, they work wonderfully for constrictors and all-day/night clamping (ADC/ANC).
In fact, while searching for pictures to use for this thread, I came across a site selling a “head” cockring. I’ll list it, although I haven't tried it. I'd imagine a 1" O-ring would fit the bill. I'll definitely be trying this out during my next girth session. This looks promising!
These can be found at any hardware store. I paid $0.79 for my ring. One problem with these, though, is that the finish wears off. This may not be a big deal to you, but I for one don’t like the idea of that stuff melting onto my penis. Because of this, I recommend O-rings to people who are considering buying a cockring. Because they’re so inexpensive, you have nothing to lose by trying it out. If you’re wondering which size to use, you can always buy 2 or 3 sizes, and if any are too big, you just have one to grow into. My only other beef with these rings are the fact that they have a seam. This can be uncomfortable, but place the seam on top of the penis so it isn’t irritating the sensitive skin between your penis and scrotum. It shouldn’t bother you if it’s on top, and if it does you’ll soon get used to it.
Most people prefer a stainless steel ring, but there are some who worry about getting the ring off if they get an erection. This isn’t a problem. Just wait for your erection to go down and then remove the ring. If you’re still worried, though, they also make rubber O-rings.
These rings are exactly like the O-rings, only they are chrome and are generally marketed as a cockring/sex toy. Any local sex shop will have them, or you can order them from this site (or any other sex website). You’ll find all sorts of other exotic cockrings here, but for our purposes these are perfect. I use a 1.25” chrome ring for ADC.
http://www.nysexshop.com/s_t.asp?p=3&m=2127 (metal)
http://www.nysexshop.com/s_t.asp?p=3&m=2128 (rubber)
http://www.tampabayleathercompany.com/store/toysandart/cockrings.htm (head ring, scroll down to Chrome Cock Ring)
This is the ring I use for my girth sessions. With so much expansion, my penis puts a lot of pressure on the seam in the other rings, which can really hurt. The ALCHEMY ring solves this. This is a seamless cockring. It’s a bit more expnsive, but well worth it. One thing to be aware of though, is that they come a bit bigger than advertised. For example, my “small” ALCHEMY ring, which is advertised as 1 1/4” is actually about 1 3/8”. This actually works to my advantage though, because the 1.25” chrome ring I have is too tight for girth work, and the 1.5” ring is too big. I use the “brushed metallic ring,” since it’s the cheapest, and I love it.
http://www.nysexshop.com/s_t.asp?p=3&m=2124 (metal band, medium and large)
http://www.nysexshop.com/s_t.asp?p=1&m=2123 (metal band, X-tra large)
http://www.nysexshop.com/s_t.asp?p=3&m=2122 (brushed metallic rings, all sizes)
Generic Viagra
I cannot say enough about this. I feel like generic viagra is responsible for the last .25” or so of my girth gains. Pop 25mg of this about an hour before your girth session and you won’t have to worry about constantly stimulating yourself to keep a solid erection. I don’t watch adult entertainment during my sessions due to personal beliefs, but I still don’t have any trouble staying hard, even for an hour-long session! A member here at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] named pupper has connections for the generic viagra, so send him a PM if you’re interested. It’s much more affordable than Pfizer Viagra and it works very well.
Yes, guys, I'm taking a few of these with me on my honeymoon next June.
REDZULU2003’s Constrictor Guide
RED has written THE definitive manual for constrictors (also known as clamping, extreme ulis, etc.). Download and read it before attempting constriction exercises. This has everything you could possibly want to know about how to do these advanced girth exercises.
In my opinion, hanging is the best way to get serious length gains. The legends of Penis Enlargement, including DLD, Stillwantmore, Supra, ctmwm, CaptnHook, and of course Bib himself have all used a hanger at one point or another.
Captn’s Wench
CaptnHook developed this hanger a few years ago, and it is a fantastic design. This is the only hanger I’ve used, but I must say I love it. It was very cheap to make, and it’s extremely comfortable to use. I found that the “Grippers” were difficult to find, so I used 2 rectangular pink erasers that I got for $0.97 each at CVS, and stuck the Velcro to one side of the eraser. Make one and try it out, you won’t be sorry. This is a fantastic device.
Bib Hangers
I haven’t tried these hangers, but they are THE hangers. CaptnHook based his Wench on Bib’s design, and all other homemade hangers have also attempted to emulate this hanger. There are two models, the Original and the Starter. The Starter is smaller. I’ll post a review of the Starter as soon as I get it (should be a week or so). Guess who just bought Stillwantmore’s legendary Bib Starter?
UPDATE: I've now had some time with the Bib Starter, so I'm finally able to review it. This hanger is awesome. Once you get the settings right and get used to putting it on, it's a breeze to use. The hanger is very comfortable. I use less wrap than is recommended, but that's just a personal preference.
There is a bit of a learning curve to it though, so be prepared to spend some time figuring it out. Bib has great info on his site regarding all the settings and such, and it would be wise to take the time and figure everything out.
Anyway, I highly recommend buying this hanger if you're serious about length gains. But I'd say try the Captn's Wench first still, because it's a low-cost way to see if hanging is for you. It certainly isn't for everyone. If you like the Wench and want to take your hanging "career" further, get a Bib or a Bib Starter. You won't regret it.
Ball Enlargement
When I first started Penis Enlargement 4-5 years ago, the site I joined promised larger balls. So did every other Penis Enlargement paysite on the web. But as far as I know, none of these sites delivered. The ones that had anything at all about BE on them only listed a simple manual sack stretching exercise, and even that was basically a footnote to the rest of the site. I eventually became convinced that it was impossible to get larger balls, and only possible to make them hang down lower.
Last year Supra made a huge post about ball enlargement, and he totally changed my view on the subject. I realized it was possible, and I wanted to try it! Here’s his post:
Here’s another great post by Supra on ball jelqing:
The ball jelqing really helps increase the size of the balls, and the other techniques help them to hang lower. Here are some of the products I’ve used to help stretch my scrotum.
Leather Ball Stretchers
These are a great introduction to the world of continuous ball stretching. You can buy these in various lengths. Just strap it on and go! They are very effective at stretching the scrotum. A word of caution: remove them before going to bed or doing and strenuous activity.
http://www.tampabayleathercompany.com/store/toysandart/ballstretchers.htm (scroll to Leather Ball Stretchers)
Ball Weights
This is one that scares a lot of people off. Trust me, if you do it right, it doesn’t hurt! It actually feels nice to have a full pound or so swinging between your legs. And it’s an incredibly effective way to achieve lower balls! There is a slight learning curve required to get it as comfortable as possible (and it helps to trim your pubic hair!), but once you figure out how to do it, you’ll love it! Supra, ctmwm, and myself all use our ball weights often. At one point Supra was wearing two of them!
At one point I recommended buying from Eros Boutique. I still do, since I’ve had great service with them. I’ve never dealt with their website much though, since their store is a short walk from my apartment. I’ve had several people tell me they were satisfied with ordering from Eros Boutique via the web. But, I’ve found an even cheaper source of these same exact weights. I have absolutely no experience with this site though, so take it for what it’s worth. It’s the same page as the leather stretchers.
If you’d rather order from the tried and true (and still inexpensive compared to other sites) Eros Boutique, this is the place (don’t worry, the attachment crushing the guy’s balls is not included):
Foreskin Restoration
There has been a huge interest in FR lately, and with good reason. I tried several FR methods in the past, but I’ve found only a few to be both effective and cost-efficient. I’m currently not doing FR, but since I have some experience with it in the past, here are the only two devices I can recommend.
Stillwantmore’s Do-It-Yourself Weighted Cone
This is SWM’s homemade adaptation of the PUD. It’s extremely simple and cheap to make, and works quite well. Millionman was kind enough to trade me a DIY cone for a Captn’s Wench that I made for him, and I used the cone for a good while. I got to the point that the tape was irritating me too much, but that’s just a personal thing. This is a great device.
http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?p=74812 (pics are gone)
This is a great little FR device. It’s tapeless, which is good for me, and it can put a very large amount of tension on both the inner and outer foreskin. If you were going to buy one FR device, it should be this one. It’s inexpensive compared to other FR devices out there, and I couldn’t imagine any of them working better than this. You can find these on Ebay as well. The guy that makes them is very friendly and communicates with each individual whether you order them from his site for from him through Ebay.
Well, that’s all for now! I’ll review the Bib Starter as soon as I’ve had some one-on-one time with it.
After that, I may put up other reviews as I try new things. I hope this was helpful, because it took me over 3 hours to type it up! lol
I wanted to make this post because sometimes I feel like there are a lot of people that don’t know what kinds of Penis Enlargement equipment are out there, or what they can make for themselves or buy cheap that can substitute an existing product. So the point of the post is to provide a “one-stop shop,” so to speak, for anyone interested in some type of Penis Enlargement product. I feel like I’ve been in the Penis Enlargement world long enough, and my goals and experiments have been varied enough, that I can give you “the best of the best” as far as which products work and which products are not worthwhile.
I’ll only review the ones I’ve used, and out of those, only the ones I’ve found effective and cost-efficient. When possible I’ll include a photo of the product and either a link to where it can be bought, or a link to building instructions, or my own “how-to.” I may periodically add things to this list, so keep your eyes peeled.
Note: Neither 9cyclops9, DLD, [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Matters of Size[/words], or anyone else mentioned in this post is affiliated in any way with any company mentioned or linked to in this thread unless otherwise noted. We make no profit from the sale of any of these items unless otherwise noted. This is for informational purposes only and we take no responsibility for the use or misuse of these or any other products. All photos are property of their respective owners and are used for demonstration purposes only.
As some of you may know, girth has been my main focus for a long time. I enjoy doing hardcore girth work more than length work. I love the pump I have after a hard constrictor session. Here’s an alphabetical list of my favorite girth tools.
Cable Clamps
Ah, the old standby. This is what REDZULU2003 used to get to his massive girth status. Others such as Stillwantmore, ItsElectric, and more have used this for their constrictor sessions and swear by it. I used this for a long time, then I found that a cockring is more comfortable for me. Different strokes for different folks, of course. I still have my cable clamp and would not hesitate to use it again if I needed to for some reason.
These things are great. You can have them around the house and nobody will ever suspect what they could be for, just say you use them to hold computer cables together or something.

If you plan on using the Captn’s Wench hanger, you’ll need to pick up a Cable Clamp, so there’s really no excuse not to have one.

I’m going to list three possibilities for this one. I love cockrings, and I have used all three kinds (and still do). They were originally intended to increase erection hardness and also to keep you hard for longer. They are extensively used by male strippers to increase flaccid hang. And, fortunately for us, they work wonderfully for constrictors and all-day/night clamping (ADC/ANC).
In fact, while searching for pictures to use for this thread, I came across a site selling a “head” cockring. I’ll list it, although I haven't tried it. I'd imagine a 1" O-ring would fit the bill. I'll definitely be trying this out during my next girth session. This looks promising!
These can be found at any hardware store. I paid $0.79 for my ring. One problem with these, though, is that the finish wears off. This may not be a big deal to you, but I for one don’t like the idea of that stuff melting onto my penis. Because of this, I recommend O-rings to people who are considering buying a cockring. Because they’re so inexpensive, you have nothing to lose by trying it out. If you’re wondering which size to use, you can always buy 2 or 3 sizes, and if any are too big, you just have one to grow into. My only other beef with these rings are the fact that they have a seam. This can be uncomfortable, but place the seam on top of the penis so it isn’t irritating the sensitive skin between your penis and scrotum. It shouldn’t bother you if it’s on top, and if it does you’ll soon get used to it.
Most people prefer a stainless steel ring, but there are some who worry about getting the ring off if they get an erection. This isn’t a problem. Just wait for your erection to go down and then remove the ring. If you’re still worried, though, they also make rubber O-rings.

These rings are exactly like the O-rings, only they are chrome and are generally marketed as a cockring/sex toy. Any local sex shop will have them, or you can order them from this site (or any other sex website). You’ll find all sorts of other exotic cockrings here, but for our purposes these are perfect. I use a 1.25” chrome ring for ADC.
http://www.nysexshop.com/s_t.asp?p=3&m=2127 (metal)
http://www.nysexshop.com/s_t.asp?p=3&m=2128 (rubber)
http://www.tampabayleathercompany.com/store/toysandart/cockrings.htm (head ring, scroll down to Chrome Cock Ring)
This is the ring I use for my girth sessions. With so much expansion, my penis puts a lot of pressure on the seam in the other rings, which can really hurt. The ALCHEMY ring solves this. This is a seamless cockring. It’s a bit more expnsive, but well worth it. One thing to be aware of though, is that they come a bit bigger than advertised. For example, my “small” ALCHEMY ring, which is advertised as 1 1/4” is actually about 1 3/8”. This actually works to my advantage though, because the 1.25” chrome ring I have is too tight for girth work, and the 1.5” ring is too big. I use the “brushed metallic ring,” since it’s the cheapest, and I love it.
http://www.nysexshop.com/s_t.asp?p=3&m=2124 (metal band, medium and large)
http://www.nysexshop.com/s_t.asp?p=1&m=2123 (metal band, X-tra large)
http://www.nysexshop.com/s_t.asp?p=3&m=2122 (brushed metallic rings, all sizes)

Generic Viagra
I cannot say enough about this. I feel like generic viagra is responsible for the last .25” or so of my girth gains. Pop 25mg of this about an hour before your girth session and you won’t have to worry about constantly stimulating yourself to keep a solid erection. I don’t watch adult entertainment during my sessions due to personal beliefs, but I still don’t have any trouble staying hard, even for an hour-long session! A member here at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] named pupper has connections for the generic viagra, so send him a PM if you’re interested. It’s much more affordable than Pfizer Viagra and it works very well.
Yes, guys, I'm taking a few of these with me on my honeymoon next June.

REDZULU2003’s Constrictor Guide
RED has written THE definitive manual for constrictors (also known as clamping, extreme ulis, etc.). Download and read it before attempting constriction exercises. This has everything you could possibly want to know about how to do these advanced girth exercises.
In my opinion, hanging is the best way to get serious length gains. The legends of Penis Enlargement, including DLD, Stillwantmore, Supra, ctmwm, CaptnHook, and of course Bib himself have all used a hanger at one point or another.
Captn’s Wench
CaptnHook developed this hanger a few years ago, and it is a fantastic design. This is the only hanger I’ve used, but I must say I love it. It was very cheap to make, and it’s extremely comfortable to use. I found that the “Grippers” were difficult to find, so I used 2 rectangular pink erasers that I got for $0.97 each at CVS, and stuck the Velcro to one side of the eraser. Make one and try it out, you won’t be sorry. This is a fantastic device.
Bib Hangers
I haven’t tried these hangers, but they are THE hangers. CaptnHook based his Wench on Bib’s design, and all other homemade hangers have also attempted to emulate this hanger. There are two models, the Original and the Starter. The Starter is smaller. I’ll post a review of the Starter as soon as I get it (should be a week or so). Guess who just bought Stillwantmore’s legendary Bib Starter?


UPDATE: I've now had some time with the Bib Starter, so I'm finally able to review it. This hanger is awesome. Once you get the settings right and get used to putting it on, it's a breeze to use. The hanger is very comfortable. I use less wrap than is recommended, but that's just a personal preference.
There is a bit of a learning curve to it though, so be prepared to spend some time figuring it out. Bib has great info on his site regarding all the settings and such, and it would be wise to take the time and figure everything out.
Anyway, I highly recommend buying this hanger if you're serious about length gains. But I'd say try the Captn's Wench first still, because it's a low-cost way to see if hanging is for you. It certainly isn't for everyone. If you like the Wench and want to take your hanging "career" further, get a Bib or a Bib Starter. You won't regret it.
Ball Enlargement
When I first started Penis Enlargement 4-5 years ago, the site I joined promised larger balls. So did every other Penis Enlargement paysite on the web. But as far as I know, none of these sites delivered. The ones that had anything at all about BE on them only listed a simple manual sack stretching exercise, and even that was basically a footnote to the rest of the site. I eventually became convinced that it was impossible to get larger balls, and only possible to make them hang down lower.
Last year Supra made a huge post about ball enlargement, and he totally changed my view on the subject. I realized it was possible, and I wanted to try it! Here’s his post:
Here’s another great post by Supra on ball jelqing:
The ball jelqing really helps increase the size of the balls, and the other techniques help them to hang lower. Here are some of the products I’ve used to help stretch my scrotum.
Leather Ball Stretchers
These are a great introduction to the world of continuous ball stretching. You can buy these in various lengths. Just strap it on and go! They are very effective at stretching the scrotum. A word of caution: remove them before going to bed or doing and strenuous activity.
http://www.tampabayleathercompany.com/store/toysandart/ballstretchers.htm (scroll to Leather Ball Stretchers)

Ball Weights
This is one that scares a lot of people off. Trust me, if you do it right, it doesn’t hurt! It actually feels nice to have a full pound or so swinging between your legs. And it’s an incredibly effective way to achieve lower balls! There is a slight learning curve required to get it as comfortable as possible (and it helps to trim your pubic hair!), but once you figure out how to do it, you’ll love it! Supra, ctmwm, and myself all use our ball weights often. At one point Supra was wearing two of them!
At one point I recommended buying from Eros Boutique. I still do, since I’ve had great service with them. I’ve never dealt with their website much though, since their store is a short walk from my apartment. I’ve had several people tell me they were satisfied with ordering from Eros Boutique via the web. But, I’ve found an even cheaper source of these same exact weights. I have absolutely no experience with this site though, so take it for what it’s worth. It’s the same page as the leather stretchers.
If you’d rather order from the tried and true (and still inexpensive compared to other sites) Eros Boutique, this is the place (don’t worry, the attachment crushing the guy’s balls is not included):
Foreskin Restoration
There has been a huge interest in FR lately, and with good reason. I tried several FR methods in the past, but I’ve found only a few to be both effective and cost-efficient. I’m currently not doing FR, but since I have some experience with it in the past, here are the only two devices I can recommend.
Stillwantmore’s Do-It-Yourself Weighted Cone
This is SWM’s homemade adaptation of the PUD. It’s extremely simple and cheap to make, and works quite well. Millionman was kind enough to trade me a DIY cone for a Captn’s Wench that I made for him, and I used the cone for a good while. I got to the point that the tape was irritating me too much, but that’s just a personal thing. This is a great device.
http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?p=74812 (pics are gone)

This is a great little FR device. It’s tapeless, which is good for me, and it can put a very large amount of tension on both the inner and outer foreskin. If you were going to buy one FR device, it should be this one. It’s inexpensive compared to other FR devices out there, and I couldn’t imagine any of them working better than this. You can find these on Ebay as well. The guy that makes them is very friendly and communicates with each individual whether you order them from his site for from him through Ebay.

Well, that’s all for now! I’ll review the Bib Starter as soon as I’ve had some one-on-one time with it.

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