I've been thinking. If I create intensity up to 9 months lets say and gain like 1 inch and then cement it throughtout the same time, take a break of 1-2 months, go back to PE doing that same progression WHILE having the same gains from the first 9 months. The question is, will I still gain from the same intensity even after I had my plateau? Or would i still need even greater intensity. From what I discovered from my muscles in my body is that I got big gained like 10 lbs of muscle once and then got sick lost
weight, I started over just recently and already gained 4 lbs or so, BUT this time I'm starting with lighter
weights and already gaining. So I wonder If I can do the same thing with my penis, gain while having the previous gains with the same intensity but allowing for a 1-2month rest. I'll be testing this.