Yesterday routine
Hot shower
45 second bundled each way
[words=]Newbie routine[/words] 45 second each stretch
1 minute
BTC each way
Maybe DLD can help me with the name but where you pull your penis out and hook two fingers into the ligs and pull back. I did those 45 seconds each way
Modified A stretch 45 seconds
Close to base downward stretch 1 minute
[words=]Extender[/words] 1 hour high tension
BTC 1 minute each way
[words=]ACE[/words] wrap 2 hours
[words=]Newbie routine[/words] with 2 minute bundled
BTC each side
[words=]ACE[/words] wrap 1.5 hours
BTC 1 minute each way
Today I'll try to get a little bit of [words=!!!]
LM[/words] in. I'm going to see what type of length work I can do in the mornings before work. I've decided I'll sacrifice a little sleep for some gains. I figure with my normal routine getting up 30 minutes eariler will give me plenty of time to get my routine and getting ready done.