Hi all,

Am now two and a bit weeks into following DLDs [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] *Here* and have finally taken my measurements as per *Here*

BPenis EnlargementL: 5.75"
BPFS: 5.75"
NBPenis EnlargementL: 4.5"
[words=http://fleshlight.sjv.io/c/348327/302851/4702]FL[/words]: 3.25"
Penis EnlargementC: 5.25"
PFC: 3.25"

So as i say, not quite my starting measurements as i've been doing it a short while, but still useful as a guideline for gains to come. I seem to have slightly better girth than the "average" guy (LOL most around [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words] aren't average!) and length that could really do with an extra inch. So, I have everything to gain and nothing to lose by doing Penis Enlargement !

I am going to follow DLDs starting routine religiously. I see others adding blasters etc within a few weeks, but I am a firm believer in walking before running and building a firm foundation so am sticking as close as possible to the "word of DLD".

I wear a Ring of Power about two thirds of the time. My balls shrink after exercise which is the main time i cant wear it. I do wear it at night always and during the day as much as possible. I've started wearing tracksuit bottoms a lot as jeans don't do my balls any good frankly! Also, as noted at *Here* the RoP has managed to drop my balls significantly, so I would not hesitiate to recommend it to anyone.

I kegel infrequently, not too hard though. I dont suffer too much from sex longevity problems and am proficient at kegels so am not regulating practise of them at this point. This will likely change though soon.

I use a small electric heating pad to do warmups and down. I am in the Uk and bought it from the high street store Index.

I use "Johnsons Baby Oil" for a lube when Jelqing.

As Jelqing is something you should do when near erect I watch some adult entertainment on the pc as I jelq, try it, you'll find you enjoy Jelqing more!

(However, as a new Penis Enlargement'er, like most i find i have a problem with sudden erections. In an effort to teach it that Penis Enlargement time is not play time I am refusing to masturbate before or after Penis Enlargement'ing.)

I live at home with parents currently and do the full routine in one go, late at night after parents retire for evening.

TIPS (not that i'm an expert!)
It took a week until my fears subsided that pulling on my knob would be hurtful or indeed i would pull my bell end off. Once I learnt that would not happen, my stretching became much stronger.

Too much lube can be an issue. I am *very* careful about only putting a small amount of lube on as too much will stop friction and make it strangely very hard to get an erection that I can jelq with.

As an aid to staying focused on my Penis Enlargement'ing i will update this regularly and visit [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words] forums daily and help where and when I can. The more i give back the more i feel i will gain.

Slow and steady wins the race - so I will not jump ahead in the routine or try "the latest thing".

I will re-measure myself no more often than monthly. Doing it more often will not likely produce much but could greatly dent my confidence or morale.

I am doing a 6 on 1 off routine and do not set my day off in stone. I leave it flexible so I can take it when I need it, but always try hard to not take it early in the week so the option is there if i need it.

I do jelqs in sets of 100s with each hand. That is i do a hundred with my right hand, then 100 with my left. I find this easier and quicker than changing hands and as i am uncut it helps me control my foreskin.

START DATE 6th March 2004
Day 1 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3, Jelq:100,200,300
Day 2 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3, Jelq:100,200,300
Day 3 : No Penis Enlargement done
Day 4 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3, Jelq:100,200,300
Day 5 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3, Jelq:100,200,300
Day 6 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3, Jelq:100,200,300
Day 7 : No Penis Enlargement done
Day 8 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3, Jelq:100,200,300
Day 9 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3, Jelq:100,200,300
Day 10 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3, Jelq:100,200,300, Warmdown
Noticed today the whole thing was getting much quicker, about 25 mins in all
Day 11 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3, Jelq:100,200,300
Day 12 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3, Jelq:100,200,300
Day 13 : No Penis Enlargement done
Day 14 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3,4 Jelq:100,200,300,50 Warmdown
Dropped rotary cranks. Not only as i could not stop getting erections, but also because i was feeling pain in the area underneath the head where it connects to the main meat of the penis. I think i was straining it as the whole penis was not being kept 100% straight. Instead I am adding a 4th set of stretches where i redo the others.
Added 50 jelqs as i felt good and wanted to. Had no feeling that i was overdoing it.

Day 15 : No Penis Enlargement done
Day 16 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3,4 Jelq:100,200,300,10 Warmdown
Also did 40 jelqs with both thumbs at top of penis to spread blood to sides a little.
Day 17 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3,4 Jelq:100,200,300,10 Warmdown
Also did 40 jelqs with both thumbs at top of penis to spread blood to sides a little.

Ah bollocks, just realised i am past week 2 and should be doing 600 Jelqs a day now! Ah well, that will start tonight for sure.

Thats the story so far. Will update in a week or two.
Looks good levista. You seem to be on a good road to some good gains. I just finished [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] and started to do Phase2. Believe me when you get there you are gonna like it. But you made a very good decision on not jumping into the later phases too fast. Going easy and steady is the key. Good luck.

I like that you are taking full advantage of the basics. This is something you will be rewarded for in the future. I also see you understand that this is change of life, not just a quick vacation. This type of thinking will keep you gaining. Good luck (my definition of good luck: "I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more luck I have."). Keep us posted.

Back again, I'm currently thinking I will update this weekly with my progress logs and thoughts/issues that come into my head, and be as much of a diary as a progress log. I'm hoping something I write may help someone else following in my footsteps and trying DLDs excellent [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words].

Part of week three is logged in my initial post and here is the conclusion;
(remember i do 4 sets of stretching as i dropped rotary cranks)

Day 18 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3,4 Jelq:100,200,300,400,500,600 Warmdown
Day 19 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3,4 Jelq:100,200,300,400,500,600 Warmdown
Day 20 : No Penis Enlargement done
Day 21 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3,4 Jelq:100,200,300,400,500,600 Warmdown
Day 22 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3,4 Jelq:100,200,300,400,500,600 Warmdown

The most exciting thing to happen this week was going up to 600 jelqs a day from the starting 300. To be honest, its been enjoyable and not a chore at all. Almost every day i have jelqed on for a few more reps as i've been "in the zone" and almost sad to have to stop.

Also, despite being right handed, I have started to use my left for the grip on the stretches and found I can often get a better grip and stretch. I guess the theory is my right hand is doing more all day so is tired? Whatever it is, some work with weights in the gym has proven to me my right wrist is often weaker so I am now ambidextrous for stretching. Bizzarrely I also find sometimes that when Mr Penis wants to play when stretching that switching hands confuses it enough to allow me to stretch without an interruption.

I am trying hard to *not* measure myself. A few times i have looked and thought "is that bigger? looks bigger!" but managed to avoid it. I know personally that my BPenis EnlargementL really is my maximum, as it took me a few days to get a reading that big (nerves was losing me a quarter inch) so I will be 100% sure if I can gain length that i truly truly have. Roll on that happy day!

I am looking forward to getting to the next stage but greatly enjoying where I am now.

Keep a log! I have a book i record my Penis Enlargement'ing into from temporary sheets of paper i use while Penis Enlargement'ing. If you are like me and listen to music to help the mind relax while stretching, or watching adult entertainment during Jelqing you can easily forget what set you're on or how many you have left to do. A wise man once said "how can you know where you are going, if you don't know where you have been?".

I have started reading a thread or two on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words] between stretching sets. Anything that takes my mind off the penis for a short break will help loose any semi-erection in Mr Penis so I am fresh for my next stretching set.

Watch adult entertainment during Jelqing. I know I keep harping on about it, but i feel it is the easiest way to use visualisation, increase blood flow to your groin, possibly boost testosterone, and keep you focused on why you are doing what you are. You want to bone women, right? There is also maybe a slight chance it will help me increase longevity during sex by teaching me that I
can see naked female flesh while my dick is getting heavy sensation and it *not* be all about working towards climax. Overall, it cant hurt!

I am enjoying my days of rest. I rested on day 20, and found on day 21 my flaccid looked bigger, and that night my dick seemed stronger, rested and keen to go again. I dont necessarily feel "bigger" on most days, but after a rest day I certainly do.

Overall I would say my flaccid is bigger. It was genuinely crap to begin with and I regret deeply taking 2 weeks to measure it. My starting stats are actually "starting stats plus two weeks of Penis Enlargement'ing" which means I have no bencHydromaxark to prove my flaccid has gained right now, other than in my minds eye!

The world is full of motivational books telling you why you need to set goals, and who am i to argue ?

Short Term (within 6 months): I want to hit 6" BPenis EnlargementL. This will prove to me that all this is real (i already believe it but want to see it on me). I cannot hit this size right now even if i cheat with the tape, so this is a very important milestone.

Mid Term (within 2 years): 7" BPenis EnlargementL. This will soundly move me into the area of better than 95 out of 100 blokes out there, without doubt or question.

Long term (with 3/4 years) 8" BPenis EnlargementL. Up into the upper stratosphere of cocks around, and more for the ladies pleasure than mine.

I have no real specific girth aims right now, that may change in later stages of DLDs program, i have a good starting girth and expect it to grow in relative proportion to my length achievements anyway.

Thats all for now, as i write i'm in week 4 and i can predict next weeks report will be interesting!
Incredible records LEVISTA! You are going to do so well in this, I just know it.
Its a minor irritation to me that more people dont do fuller routine logs. It never ceases to amaze me how newbies (like myself only a few weeks ago) always have to ask the same questions and the same small amount of people help them out. There are 7000 members of this site, and yet few seem to post in detail of what they have went through and dealt with to get their gains. This is my hope, that others will follow here and be reassured and informed by my logs.

I guess in a perfect world more people who gain would stop to help others going down the same path and share tips and advice, but i guess its human nature to not think of others, sadly. Think of the gainers as mountain climbers that reached the top, then dont shout down to others what the easiest route is, for example. Every climber has to learn the mountain fresh :(

I am not attacking anyone, just trying to say that sometimes solely posting your routine really is only telling a fraction of the story.

WEEK FOUR Penis Enlargement LOG

Day 23 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3,4 Jelq:100,200,300,400,500,600
Day 24 : NO Penis Enlargement Done (day off)
Day 25 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1
Experienced pain. I go into detail below
Day 26 : NO Penis Enlargement Done (to rest)
Day 27 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3,4 Jelq:100,200,300,400,500,600 Warmdown
Day 28 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3,4 Jelq:100,200,300,400,500,600
Day 29 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3,4 Jelq:100,200,300,400,500,600 Warmdown

So in the previous week the jelqs had increased to 600, and all seemed to be going well. However on day 25, very early into my routine things were in pain. Not constant pain, only when i performed the stretches. The days prior to this i had been getting very occcasional shooting pains in my penis, like a sudden *bang* then gone. Maybe one a day. I was already sure my penis was adapting, yet was surprised to be hurting this bad after a day of rest!
Pain is part of Penis Enlargement so i didnt panic, and i know from weight training how pain is often just a sign of recovery and possibly a cry for more of it. Plus [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words] is very clear that all this is normal!

Strangely though i decided to masturbate, possibly to reassure myself everything was ok. Worse still was to come, after climax during cleanup i could see the infamous "red spots" on my penis head. My first ever! A sure sign of growth, but to be honest i was somewhat uncomfortable seeing this happening to me. I *had* to rest and see these go before I could regain the
nerve to continue.

So, the pain convinced me to stop, chill and halt Penis Enlargement for now. My Penis Enlargement is a long term thing, and that is my mindset. With a lot of things in life i find there is a "tortoise" and a "hare" mindset. Just like the childrens story, the two raced and the hare went off at top speed, never looking back yet being so cocky that he makes a fatal mistake (taking a snooze). The tortoise however starts off steady, builds to a good pace he can maintain and not only finishes, but beats the hare in the end. The tortoise knew beforehand that it was going to be hard, needed work, discipline and application.

Why am i telling you a kids story? I choose to be the tortoise in Penis Enlargement. Stopping does not bother me, nor will i let it bother me. I AM going to be big, but i AM going to get there safely and in comfort. I will never work hard, instead chosing to work smart. Being distressed/angry at a halt would not help things in any way after all, so i choose to be calm about it.

On Day 27, things were back to 100% and everything resumed as normal. Everything was strong and healthy, spots were gone and my confidence was higher than before!

(Folks this is why you need to do a basic routine like this and not jump into some advanced stuff. If these basics could stop me in my tracks, i fear what the advanced stuf could do if your penis is not ready for it!!)

With all this in mind, my 6 on 1 off routine will stay, but i will not hesitate to take another day of rest if i feel it is necessary. Health and strength are what counts, not keeping a routine for the sake of it.

Also, i am feeling this week my first real internal strain and that something is clearly taking effect from this whole process :) Its a little as if something has loosened, or became less solid, at the back of my penis.

Long hard outward breaths seem to help a little during stretches to combat oncoming erection. Theres something about focusing on breathing that demands the bodies attention.

A RoP one this, but when my balls are somewhat retracted wearing the rods at the sides seems more comfortable and to be the best way to keep them (the balls) as out as possible. However, when the balls are hanging free, top and bottom seems to be the way to go.

Penis Enlargement'ing is truly an ART not a SCIENCE. The only thing we all have in common is that we are all different! We all get varied sleep, diet, supplements, natural testosterone, stress levels, daily physical exertion etc...so dont get hung up on others gain, dont get jealous, you are only racing yourself :)
levista said:
Its a minor irritation to me that more people dont do fuller routine logs.

I agree. If I did not keep such a good record [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words] paysite would be like every other site out there. No matter what the exercise was, I kept track recording every detail.
I keep a log of what all I do, and how I feel on days in general anyway, but I am very thorough on my Penis Enlargement log. I got it from keeping lifting records, sets and reps etc. Without knowledge of where you've been how do you know where you are going? Levista you have an awesome mind set, it is long term. Be positive, and if you need an emotional lift or need some help just send me a PM, anytime.
Thanks Millionman, with my Penis Enlargement its not that i have this burning fire to stay on the path, actually i seem to be taking for granted the fact i am going to do it as much as i take for granted that i am going to keep breathing. I just *know* i am going to go as far as possible with all this :)

Day 30 : NO Penis Enlargement DONE
Day 31 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3,4 Jelq:100,200,300,400,500,600 Warmdown
Day 32 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3,4 Jelq:100,200,300,400,500,600, +100 Warmdown
one of those strange days when i had a hard time staying hard so i did an extra hundred. I guess when you can't get quality then quantity has to do
Day 33 : NO Penis Enlargement DONE
Day 34 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3,4 Jelq:100,200,300,400,500,600,+50
Day 35 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3,4 Jelq:100,200,300,400,500,600,+50, Testicle Health, Warmdown
Started Testicle Health, see below
Day 36 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3,4 Jelq:100,200,300,400,500,600 Testicle Health, Warmdown
Another day of playing "Dude, where's my erection?"

Grip strength continues to improve. To those who recommend wearing rubber gloves or similar to improve grip I can only say your grip will not improve if you don't attempt to improve it !! Besides, I know when handling my precious crown jewels I want a hands-on feel at all times, I dont want any sensations missed or blocked by any third party like a rubber glove :)

When grip starts to fail, I don't hesitate to call in reinforcements...the other hand! Like the cavalry to the rescue it squeezes the clamping hand, usually only a little extra pressure is enough. It's clear how much extra power I could get from using the 2nd hand fully, may be something I look into in the future!

On day 35 I started a Testicle Health routine. Adding stuff like this is fun and doesn't become "too much" Penis Enlargement, as opposed to perhaps if i had done things like this from the start Penis Enlargement may have been too time consuming. My routine is a simple ball massage/play session for 5 mins. I will build up to 10 mins within a few weeks, but as always I like to start gentle and walk before trying to run.

Stretch intensity has been steadily increasing. The pressure I use now would have scared the hell out of me at the start, but now it's like my penis mocks me, daring me to do more and more. Note though that I always treat the first set gentler as a kind of warm up set (despite having just used a heatpad) and on the 4th set I will really try to show my penis no mercy :)

I've been adding 10% a lot to the Jelq sets (though its not logged above). Basically with the erections coming and going a little I'm hoping to make up for any dodgy Jelqs with this extra few. It's purely as and when I feel like i need it though.

While helping LuckyLuke in the newbie forum, on an issue of the after-pump from Penis Enlargement I realised I wasn't getting enough of a one frankly. In the next week I will (and have been) be doing slower Jelqing motions as this is where the problem was. I suspect I was focusing more on the adult entertainment i watch during Jelqing rather than the Jelq, so thanks LuckyLuke for the inspiration :)

A 5on 2off seems to be the norm for me now, I cant do it any other way due to social life etc but I am happy with that.

So, my first 6 weeks of Penis Enlargement'ing are zooming by now. I am nervous of re-measuring and yet of course very keen to do so at the same time.

And yet, I am strongly leaning towards staying on stage 1 for longer than the minimum 6 weeks. I figure if i have gained, why would I change a working program? And if i haven't then I'm not ready for the more advanced stuff?

Overall a good week, and my penis continues to feel healthy after my small scare last time. I have to say though that most days when I start to Jelq I can't help but feel my penis is not fully ready for it. The first few strokes it feels a little tender....though not painful etc in any way. After off-days, it feels like it's missed it though :)
levista said:
And yet, I am strongly leaning towards staying on stage 1 for longer than the minimum 6 weeks. I figure if i have gained, why would I change a working program? And if i haven't then I'm not ready for the more advanced stuff?

If it ain't broke don'e fix it!
Day 37 : No Penis Enlargement Done
Day 38 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3,4 Jelq:100,200,300,400,500,600, Testicle Health, Warmdown
gone back to slow jelqs, getting good pump
Day 39 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3,4 Jelq:100,200,300,400,500,600, Testicle Health, Warmdown
red splotches on head noticeable. i dont care as i know they always go away
Day 40: Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3,4 Jelq:100,200,300,400,500,600, Testicle Health, Warmdown
Day 41 : No Penis Enlargement Done
Day 42 : Warmup, Stretches Sets:1,2,3,4 Jelq:100,200,300,400,500,600, Testicle Health, Warmdown
refitted my RoP so it fits perfect and stays on. i am a happy man
Day 43 up to and including Day 48 : No Penis Enlargement Done

Have had an unexpected long break from Penis Enlargement'ing. Shits been going on, what can I say.

Will get back into it tonight. Have done the 6 weeks of Phase 1, but am sticking with it. I took a half-assed measurement of my BPenis EnlargementL this morning and my penis has grown. I want to re-do it with a strong erection before I start posting results.

But, this shit works folks. Period.
levista said:
Will get back into it tonight. Have done the 6 weeks of Phase 1, but am sticking with it. I took a half-assed measurement of my BPenis EnlargementL this morning and my penis has grown. I want to re-do it with a strong erection before I start posting results.

But, this shit works folks. Period.

Cool to here your gonna get back into the game hardcore. I can't wait to hear your measurements with a level 10 erection.

Learn from my mistake people, when you take your starting measurements be damned sure to use a solid rigid tool like a ruler. Do not use a soft measuring tape. It wont truly negate the fad pad for you, it'll contour to your schlong also.

My starting measurements were taken with tape.

However I just used a ruler which has centimetre measurements. I then ran the tape along the ruler to the length of my dick and lo and behold;

my BPenis EnlargementL is now 6.25", up from a "start" point of 5.75".

I can recall from years ago measuring my dick with a ruler and I *think* i had a 6 incher so all in all i am fairly certain I have made an actual genuine gain of about a quarter inch or so.

Complicating things, i didnt actually measure myself until 2 weeks into DLDs phase 1 program and I have no idea is my size reading from years ago was bone pressed or not.

Should probably add my dick is as unique as everyone elses and curves a little upwards. Geez, I am getting a fresh appreciatation of how hard doing something as simple as measuring your dick is.

Regardless, fuck it all, i'm pressing on with Penis Enlargement and intend to be able to use my dick as a walking stick when I am retired.

Am somewhat bummed I haven't got an actual reading of exact gains for you all after all my work trying to get others to use the phase 1 and not jumping into advanced shit, but ah well, these things happen.

My current routine
largely a boost on phase 1


Stretches ; 4 sets of 45 seconds
Jelqs ; Sticking to 600 good jelqs
Testicles ; Up to a 10 minute massage and 3 10 second pulls to encourage dropping
levista said:
Complicating things, i didnt actually measure myself until 2 weeks into DLDs phase 1 program and I have no idea is my size reading from years ago was bone pressed or not.

This is all good Lev. I have been exercising and dieting for a couple months now and I am hazy on my original weight due to scale issues but fuck it I feel and look better. You know you feel and look bigger and you also know you have made some measurable gains so it's all good. Just keep track for now on.
Oh and of course it doesnt look any bigger to my naked eye lol, but when she's all pumped up during a jelq i'm more sure she's growing. i'll stick to the ruler from now on lol
Read my post above about my measurements screw-up before you read this.

Just remeasured my BPFS after a long bath (with a ruler) and it is 6.25". From a starting BPFS of 5.75"

Who knows how much it has truly gained because I don't :(

Main thing is I have another genuine guide to work from, for here on out.

My BPFS and BPenis EnlargementL were the same to begin with, and now they are still the same.

I have the creeping fear I have not grown at all, though I find it hard to believe. My basic flaccid has increased visually.

Anyways, fuck it, I'm going to keep Penis Enlargement'ing.

I wanted to make sure i redid the BPFS as DLD posted on a thread elsewhere about how it is the first indicator of upcoming erect gains, so was hoping for a bigger than BPenis EnlargementL measurement, but ah well... :moon:
levista said:
Read my post above about my measurements screw-up before you read this.

Just remeasured my BPFS after a long bath (with a ruler) and it is 6.25". From a starting BPFS of 5.75"

Who knows how much it has truly gained because I don't :(

Main thing is I have another genuine guide to work from, for here on out.

My BPFS and BPenis EnlargementL were the same to begin with, and now they are still the same.

I have the creeping fear I have not grown at all, though I find it hard to believe. My basic flaccid has increased visually.

Anyways, fuck it, I'm going to keep Penis Enlargement'ing.

I wanted to make sure i redid the BPFS as DLD posted on a thread elsewhere about how it is the first indicator of upcoming erect gains, so was hoping for a bigger than BPenis EnlargementL measurement, but ah well... :moon:

Seems pretty common to mismeasure in the beginning, I know I did. No big deal man. I am sure you gained something.
levista said:
Read my post above about my measurements screw-up before you read this.

Just remeasured my BPFS after a long bath (with a ruler) and it is 6.25". From a starting BPFS of 5.75"

Who knows how much it has truly gained because I don't :(

Main thing is I have another genuine guide to work from, for here on out.

My BPFS and BPenis EnlargementL were the same to begin with, and now they are still the same.

I have the creeping fear I have not grown at all, though I find it hard to believe. My basic flaccid has increased visually.

Anyways, fuck it, I'm going to keep Penis Enlargement'ing.

I wanted to make sure i redid the BPFS as DLD posted on a thread elsewhere about how it is the first indicator of upcoming erect gains, so was hoping for a bigger than BPenis EnlargementL measurement, but ah well... :moon:

Thats cool Lev, as long as you have a solid measurement now you can track it very closely. I lucked out on my pre-pe measurement...one day way before starting Penis Enlargement JEN had a piece of string and she measured my penis, I still have the string:)
haven't updated for a while, so decided to copy a reply to a PM I received recently which will explain all :)

twins172_up said:
i really admire how dedicated you are on keeping a daily log...which i guess everyone should do just for the simple fact it will keep you from slacking off...i joined this site a while ago but never really started to do the exercises..i figure i never would really have the time to do them properly but lately i've been feeling like nike...just do it..well i was emailing you cuz i would like to mirror your journal....i think i will stay focus on the task at hand or hands if i was updating daily...i wanted to know how did you get started and how do you update your log daily and i will also like to create a link for anyone that would like to check out my progress...any help would be greatly appreciated...thanks twin

Hi Mate,

i was actually similar to yourself. I knew about and joined [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words] maybe 6 months before I actually started. But i often find with me that it takes me time to believe and take on board new ideas, i seem to be fairly resistant to change! Then one day I just realised I could find the time to do this. Over the next week or two I got the equipment I needed, mainly a electric heating pad and lube etc.

Daily as I do my Penis Enlargement, before i begin I grab a scrap of paper and write my routine like this;

50 100
50 200
50 300
50 400
50 500
50 600
Testicle Health

And importantly, i tick off or cross through the stuff as i do it. I split the jelqs into 50s as i do 50 per hand, then swap hands (it works for me!). You would be surprised how often i would be completely lost if not for this log, i literally do not have a clue if i have done 200 or 450 jelqs some days as your mind will wander.
As I Penis Enlargement i will add any thoughts to the scrap of paper. Things like "really go for broke on the last stretch set" , "grip improving", "sore, take tomorrow off" etc. These are important to me as over time I can see how I have improved and changed/adapted. Some dry stats dont do this alone.
I do my Penis Enlargement at night, so the next morning I copy the details into a book i bought just for this purpose. This long term log will help me see what worked for me and what I tried and dropped/adapted etc. It'll stop me thinking in the future "did i do this variation before? did it work? how well did i try it and for how long?" etc etc.

Other than that I update my [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words] routine thread once in a while as a public sign that this is important to me, and getting feedback such as yours makes it all worthwhile.

I'm only human though, and lately my Penis Enlargement has stopped. For the last few weeks! This is due to finding a girl and a job which has left me tired/exhausted often at the end of the night when I would be Penis Enlargement'ing (no other time suits me due to living with folks currently). So, its been demoralising but I know I'll be back as soon as the rest of my life settles down a little and i get back into a routine.

The problem with our secretive self Penis Enlargement'ing is you only really have yourself to motivate you and keep you focused and when other things distract and get on top of you its very easy to skip workouts. I start to see why DLD does this everyday to cement the routine and habit.

Ah well, I will be back for sure...bottom line is...I WANT A BIGGER DICK :)

Use DLDs [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] mate, take your measurements, and start a routine thread in the forum. If you want to put a link to it in your sig let me know I can walk you through it.

Hmm, I think I may add all this to my routine thread in case it can help anyone else :)

very best,
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    Hi. Good to be here.
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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