ma999;651197 said:
I mentioned in an earlier post on this this is normal and to be expected.If you check out my earlier post it explains though it's shrinking In appearance it's still Increasing internal vasodilation. Also did you do all cold pumping or hot then cold? I think how this order occurs is important for Max potential.

Let's elaborate on expansion and make sure we are all on the same page.

Expansion to me is the expansion of the tunica, CC, CS, and smooth muscle. Everything that expands for girth in an erection. When your getting out of a hot pumping your skin other soft tissues stretches and expandand, and will get some lymph fluid. This leads to very large appearance.

With cold we have to view it slightly different. The science mention above explains how it COULD expand the tunica and the internal tissues easier. With cold pumping those soft tissues contract to trap internal heat and for me dispels lymph fluid better. Even if we get more internal expansion from cold, it will still look smaller compared to hot pumping with less internal expansion due to the vasoconstriction on the skin and soft tissue. COLD PUMPING WILL NEVER Appear as large as hot pumping. This is why I feel it might never take off.

The question now is when is it best to use cold/ice and how long for? Right now I never done a complete cold pumping session for all my sets. I don't think Nessairly a complete cold focus would be as beneficial as hot and then cold as they bitg effect the penis differently . What I THINK could be best and experimenting is ice water pumping last. The heat will stretch the skin all the soft tissues. Then in while the cold will contract the expandand soft tissues in a in expanded state helping to cement. .when doing cold first you won't get that soft tissue expansion . Last I do longer last set 10-15 minutes of ice or coldest water I can. Maybe a hot, cold, hot like in cryotherapy is another option but I think you would still need a longer cold set.

I did all my sessions with cold water.
huge-girth;651387 said:
I did all my sessions with cold water.

do you use cold water while using your [words=]BM[/words] n are u getting gains?
shortdick;651417 said:
do you use cold water while using your [words=]BM[/words] n are u getting gains?

I did it only once and I don't like it because I didn't get the amount of expansion I used to get from a warm water session.
huge-girth;651437 said:
I did it only once and I don't like it because I didn't get the amount of expansion I used to get from a warm water session.

Good to know.
huge-girth;651437 said:
I did it only once and I don't like it because I didn't get the amount of expansion I used to get from a warm water session.

I've been doing it for the last few days now, and I like it because I dont have a shitload of fluid buildup after, and what buildup there is, is gone in an hour. I get pretty good expansion though, about as good as I got with warm water, but I'm also doing this mostly at the end of a routine after I've been warmed up for a while by other methods.
Some different conclusions here, I think we need more experimentation.
I will have to give this a try again because I didn't watch adult entertainment while doing it and I've come to realize that it affected my expansion because I wasn't able to keep an erection in the pump.
huge-girth;652138 said:
I will have to give this a try again because I didn't watch adult entertainment while doing it and I've come to realize that it affected my expansion because I wasn't able to keep an erection in the pump.

I need visual stimulation to keep myself erect, I try to use the most innocent material I can to keep myself up for the session.
What would this mean for those doing manual stretching and using [words=]extenders[/words]?

Dipping your cock into an ice water bucket with an [words=]extender[/words] on? lol
bro i will save you some time

stretching with heat makes you grow faster
(read this sentence lol)

seriously though there is a reason why every pe site, even thunders, uses warmth in stretching and bathmates. cold water could be a useful shock or cool down though like a couple guys suggested. The Soviets experimented a lot with cold and raising testosterone, but I think we are talking about stretching tissues not balancing hormone levels. I mean conversely we can say too much hot water is going to be a bad thing and kill T levels. Give it a try, but i mean there is a reason why nordic people and eskimos are growers instead of showers, its because cold restricts the penis.
Max Whitewood;652457 said:
What would this mean for those doing manual stretching and using [words=]extenders[/words]?

Dipping your cock into an ice water bucket with an [words=]extender[/words] on? lol

This is more directed at warming up and down or cooling up and down:)
acromegaly;652470 said:
bro i will save you some time

stretching with heat makes you grow faster.

Here is an article and and medical study Stating and showing some evidence from the study that ice was better in increasing degrees of flexibility than heat. This is one of many studies having the same results of ice increasing flexibility.

Icing Isn't Just for Injuries: Cryotherapy Improves Flexibility | Breaking Muscle

Comparison of Stretching with Ice, Stretching with Heat, or Stretching Alone on Hamstring Flexibility

But the whole point and mentioned in my first post was NEVER an argument against heat but ,to used in conjunction with Ice for the most possible gains.

The article and study clearly state of how it works is due to increase vasodilation and it's effect on stretching. So to apply it to girth and use in ice or cold pumping this relies on understanding of the hunting reaction

I've already explained prior posting how the hunting reaction can allow the internal structures of the penis expand beyond its normal limits . I will not retype it all but in short This is due to incresased internal heat caued caused by the hunting reaction. This allows these structures to expand and stretch easier with the heat increasing elasticticty. The incresased blood flow and widening allows to create more pressure or the more stretchable structure. This how theory and function of cold pumping can take you further. It sounds contractdictory but the cold and shrinkage on the skin helps trap heat and allows the internal temperature to keep warm and to raise the temperature.

Vasodilation is GOD to the function of the penis without that you have no erection. Vasodilation is the process that allows smooth muscle to relax and have an erection. It's how Viagra works as a vasodilator.

So if people take Viagra for girth work for better Expansion. And how Viagra works is As vasodilator . Everything above states how cold incresases this. So why would we not want to more of it.

And yes your penis will shrink the skin due to cold due vasoconstriction on the superficial tissues and heat will let it hang easier. It's only when it's used in a proper context will cold be beneficial .
Last edited:
shortdick;652617 said:
most of the time cold water shrinks the unit ...and heat let it hang...

I find the same thing!
Its ok bro I have faith in cold water pumping even if I haven't tried it.

Sometimes new techniques don't catch on like Dld's size blasters.
templnite;652763 said:
Its ok bro I have faith in cold water pumping even if I haven't tried it.

Sometimes new techniques don't catch on like Dld's size blasters.

Time will tell but your are right, sometimes, actually a lot of times, something does not become popular until it gets enough user attention. Even so, I have exercises I have created that no one has even responded to buried deep in the history of [words=]MOS[/words].
master_mind;652976 said:
I will try with cold water.

Please MM and anyone else trying cold water therapy bring your experiences back to the forum so we can gain a greater understanding of the effectiveness of this.
doublelongdaddy;653209 said:
Please MM and anyone else trying cold water therapy bring your experiences back to the forum so we can gain a greater understanding of the effectiveness of this.

DLD, I'm solely using ice cold water in my daily [words=]BM[/words] sessions. My progress, updates and findings are in my thread within the routines section. Any questions, please ask away. Within two weeks I aim to be doing 2 [words=]BM[/words] sessions per day, so I should be in the knowledge by the time I hit that frequency.
roboscop;653313 said:
DLD, I'm solely using ice cold water in my daily [words=]BM[/words] sessions. My progress, updates and findings are in my thread within the routines section. Any questions, please ask away. Within two weeks I aim to be doing 2 [words=]BM[/words] sessions per day, so I should be in the knowledge by the time I hit that frequency.

I think the best information will come with the gains you make using this process. Can you link your progress thread for me?
Look you guys I'm doing cold water bathmates, and bathing with as cold water as possible. So far its shown better eq, better flaccid, and better fluid prevention.

Make sure if you're gonna clamp after you pump to do a lukewarm [words=]bathmate[/words] before, this ensures you have a pain free clamp
templnite;683644 said:
Look you guys I'm doing cold water bathmates, and bathing with as cold water as possible. So far its shown better eq, better flaccid, and better fluid prevention.

Make sure if you're gonna clamp after you pump to do a lukewarm [words=]bathmate[/words] before, this ensures you have a pain free clamp

With cold water, coming out of the tube, do you find more or less retention than if you used hot water?
Yes definitely and the difference in temperature provides a new, exiting sensation. Im really digging the cold showers too they leave you more awake and your skin more smooth. I guess it has to do with the pores shutting off, and not letting any grease come out. I also guess there's a similar effect in the tunica where it closes the micro pores that lets fluid retention permeate the skin.

The only problem is after you come out the [words=]bathmate[/words] you feel more rigid. It takes a bit more careful manipulation to get your expansion. Which is why I said that if you must clamp/ssj, make sure to warm your cock a little in a rice sock or another [words=]bathmate[/words] this time with warm water. *ice-cold nigga sub-zero*
templnite;683705 said:
Yes definitely and the difference in temperature provides a new, exiting sensation. Im really digging the cold showers too they leave you more awake and your skin more smooth. I guess it has to do with the pores shutting off, and not letting any grease come out. I also guess there's a similar effect in the tunica where it closes the micro pores that lets fluid retention permeate the skin.

The only problem is after you come out the [words=]bathmate[/words] you feel more rigid. It takes a bit more careful manipulation to get your expansion. Which is why I said that if you must clamp/ssj, make sure to warm your cock a little in a rice sock or another [words=]bathmate[/words] this time with warm water. *ice-cold nigga sub-zero*

I suppose that stiffness can be dealt with using Bundled Stretches or even masturbation to return good malleability. I have to try this myself to get my head around it better. Thanks Temp!
I started this thread some time back and glad it had a positive response this time around. I wish I could find the time to condense my previous postings into one, change the language, more studies and proof I found , and make it easier to understand.
The science I posted backing it is legit. Because the hunting effect it actually allows more vasodillation(widening of the blood vessels and increases oxygen ) and increased relaxation of smooth muscle(the process that allows erections to happen). It really makes it optimal for pumping.But explaining how it works sounds contradictory , and sticking your cock in ice water is not appealing. I'm OK that it never took off or people think it's dumb My only wish is actually if someone could challenge it with science instead of "this is dumb heat has been proven to work " this again isn't argument against heat cause again the hunting responds raises the internal temperature through the vasodillation caused by the cold. Again it all sounds contradictory, but I linked the science and I'm getting long winded and rambling as usual.

Templenite the biggest thing I taken from it was I always had better EQ, and on less fluid retention, there is scientific reason in one of my postings why there would be less fluid . When I was done I always tried to fit in a small 3-5 warm water session at very low pressure, just trying to bring the temp back up. Unfortunately I had to stop with the cold water pumping after I had issues dealing with [words=]bathmate[/words] valves constantly failing, I had to ship it to England I think to get it looked at and then it got lost in the mail return.
I now take at least 3 cold baths a week. While doing this Il make sure to do my [words=]BM[/words] session, trying this.
The sciense behind seems legit and very logical and I cctually enjoy cold water.
BigBeardBig;684560 said:
I now take at least 3 cold baths a week. While doing this Il make sure to do my [words=]BM[/words] session, trying this.
The sciense behind seems legit and very logical and I cctually enjoy cold water.

Can't wait to hear the results of this. So many have started cold [words=]BathMate[/words] work but never seem to go long enough to give an accurate or viable reason to do it. I hope your experimentation gives us a more clear view of cold water work.
Hold on player what's this valve failure business? From the cold your valves started leaking?
doublelongdaddy;684564 said:
Can't wait to hear the results of this. So many have started cold [words=]BathMate[/words] work but never seem to go long enough to give an accurate or viable reason to do it. I hope your experimentation gives us a more clear view of cold water work.

Will do DLD. Its win/win sitruation for me as I prefer cold baths and its cheaper :)
templnite;684664 said:
Hold on player what's this valve failure business? From the cold your valves started leaking?

It had nothing to do with cold water, it started before I used cold water. I had about 11 valves sent to me in a little over a years time. They would all freeze making it hard to push and Leak.I have amazing soft water system,so no harsh water was ever used. I cleaned it consistently with there cleaning products and recommendations , took the valves and caps cleaned it, even the spring, Nothing solved it. I enjoy the convenience of the [words=]bathmate[/words] and for the most part had great customer services and hope get another someday but with all the issues with the valves, then told they weren't responsible for it being lost when sent back, it didn't have tracking or insurance number for me that I was SOL.
ma999;684839 said:
It had nothing to do with cold water, it started before I used cold water. I had about 11 valves sent to me in a little over a years time. They would all freeze making it hard to push and Leak.I have amazing soft water system,so no harsh water was ever used. I cleaned it consistently with there cleaning products and recommendations , took the valves and caps cleaned it, even the spring, Nothing solved it. I enjoy the convenience of the [words=]bathmate[/words] and for the most part had great customer services and hope get another someday but with all the issues with the valves, then told they weren't responsible for it being lost when sent back, it didn't have tracking or insurance number for me that I was SOL.

That sucks
I've been trying cold water pumping for the last week, and it seems to help me hit max size more easily and consistently.

With warm water, I often need to do a couple of sets to get to my max length on the gauge, and sometimes I don't get there at all. With cold water, I hit it on the first set.

I've tried just straight cold tap water, but it's better with some ice cubes thrown in to get the temp down further.
emceemonkey;685204 said:
I've been trying cold water pumping for the last week, and it seems to help me hit max size more easily and consistently.

With warm water, I often need to do a couple of sets to get to my max length on the gauge, and sometimes I don't get there at all. With cold water, I hit it on the first set.

I've tried just straight cold tap water, but it's better with some ice cubes thrown in to get the temp down further.

Awesome, now if you could, please keep this up and keep us up to date so we know that this method is working.
emceemonkey;685204 said:
I've been trying cold water pumping for the last week, and it seems to help me hit max size more easily and consistently.

With warm water, I often need to do a couple of sets to get to my max length on the gauge, and sometimes I don't get there at all. With cold water, I hit it on the first set.

I've tried just straight cold tap water, but it's better with some ice cubes thrown in to get the temp down further.

Sounds tempting but sends shivers down my spine at the thought of the cold haha
One thing to notice right away is being able to pump much harder much more quickly. I chalk this up to a numbing effect of the cold allowing to push through past pain thresholds.
Yeah I'm finding it less painful overall, at max pressure I'm usually in some discomfort... much less so with the cold water.

I'll be keeping this up for a while, it feels like a good method. I'm also using a cock ring in the [words=]BM[/words], BornInFigi style. With the cold water plus the ring I'm getting good expansion with minimal fluid buildup.

I'm also doing a clamping session once a day. I get much better expansion clamping if I've done a [words=]BM[/words] session earlier in the day. I hit 6.75" in the clamp today, 7/8 inch over my normal girth!
doublelongdaddy;685286 said:
Awesome, now if you could, please keep this up and keep us up to date so we know that this method is working.
BornInFigi;685305 said:
One thing to notice right away is being able to pump much harder much more quickly. I chalk this up to a numbing effect of the cold allowing to push through past pain thresholds.

I agree about this! I've had a few sessions now using cold water. Not ice cold, but still quite cold from the tap. I still need to try with even colder water, but these past few sessions have been very good!
If nothing else; it's different stimulus compared to the warm water. And as I've read and seen around, I think it is good to give your body and penis different kind of stimulus from time to time, in order to advance & grow!

Going to use cold water for upcoming sessions quite likely too. Results are at least not worse than with warm water, in some terms perhaps better.
Worth of a try, brothers!
arkailija;685796 said:
I agree about this! I've had a few sessions now using cold water. Not ice cold, but still quite cold from the tap. I still need to try with even colder water, but these past few sessions have been very good!
If nothing else; it's different stimulus compared to the warm water. And as I've read and seen around, I think it is good to give your body and penis different kind of stimulus from time to time, in order to advance & grow!

Going to use cold water for upcoming sessions quite likely too. Results are at least not worse than with warm water, in some terms perhaps better.
Worth of a try, brothers!

If I were to do this I would cover both bases and vary the use of cold and hot water to see if this might work even better, keeping the penis in a constant state of flux. You never know but it seemed to make some sense to me.
doublelongdaddy;685801 said:
If I were to do this I would cover both bases and vary the use of cold and hot water to see if this might work even better, keeping the penis in a constant state of flux. You never know but it seemed to make some sense to me.

Sounds good my main man! Yes, I could try this next time, first some cold or warm and then switch. Tonight I really did have a great session, great elongation and decent girth enhancement! Could be my growth took a small spurt, as little while ago my I felt my pubic joint (or what is is now) pop. Thank goodness I had read about it and didn't freak out; well, pretty much over 90 % of my body snaps, cracks and pops anyway. But overall, to the point, different stimulus, perhaps during a one session. Got to try it!
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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