Thanks alot for taking the time to get that reply up Gimme9, and though I dont fully understand the technical Dual-warp drive central fusion accelerated plasma ray audio jibber jabber.....but it made some sense and I have faith that it may help out in your routine...

1 1/4 inches of length in a month and a half is a helluva gain man,
and you lost half of it????....

maybe hypnotic gains arent like NPenis Enlargement gains :D

One thing i dont like though, is htat the testimonials at are obviously absolute bullshit, just like a penis pill site....

Looking forward to the outcome of this experiment....\

doublelongdaddy said:
Hydromaxmmm ?:(

You dont think I mean i want to skip my routine do you??? :D
I may not have actually have lost half an inch, when layed off i gained a lot of weight, i've heard that enough weight gain can effectively "shrink" the penis by building up fat over the pubic bone, so while the length may still be there - i just can't get at it.
Ok guys, I got the "New and Improved" Penis Enlargement hypnosis CDs from today (wed 12JAN05), gonna start this weekend. I'll keep regular updates and do no other Penis Enlargement while conducting this hypnosis Penis Enlargement experiment (and MAN! you guys better appreciate this as I've been DYING to get back into Penis Enlargementing!).

I would like to post a pic of my start size for a base reference and occasional updates for growth if/when applicable, I seem to recall reading some rules for posting and adding pics but cannot find them - is it cool to add pics here?
Gimme9 said:
Ok guys, I got the "New and Improved" Penis Enlargement hypnosis CDs from today (wed 12JAN05), gonna start this weekend. I'll keep regular updates and do no other Penis Enlargement while conducting this hypnosis Penis Enlargement experiment (and MAN! you guys better appreciate this as I've been DYING to get back into Penis Enlargementing!).

I would like to post a pic of my start size for a base reference and occasional updates for growth if/when applicable, I seem to recall reading some rules for posting and adding pics but cannot find them - is it cool to add pics here?

Whats your progress so far. I am really interested in this subject. I have wanted to try it out for a while but dont have enough money for the wendi cd's. Anyway best of luck with your experament.
Actually - no - a had a bit of a setback. I started taking Strattera for my ADHD last week, and discovered much to my horror, that on top of my other more tolerable side effects (headaches, bad sleep, upset stomach), I was also unable to get HARD!
While I'm willing to put up with a LOT just to be able to think straight, THAT'S where I drew the line! I stopped taking it Monday, I haven't fully regained a SOLID erection yet, and want to post pics first, then start.
So give me another day or two to shape up then I'll post and begin.
do you know if there is any hypnosis website (for Penis Enlargement) in spanish, I understand spoken english quite well, but I think that unless the speach is in my mother language It won't run.
Gimme9, I'm into the same "voodoo mind power" stuff as you. I've never tried the hypnosis CD's yet. There are enough around that it makes it difficult to choose. Thank's to guy's like you with a shared interest, you'll help me with a choice.
About 5 years ago I ordered a book via snail mail (I've never seen it on the web) called "Forbidden Secrets" author Raymond Carlton (RaCa). This book is all about the power of the subconscious mind and penis enlargement. Some of the pics may be fake. But his personal story is quite inspiring (10 inches plus). It really opened my mind and directed me towards greater knowledge of how we create our reality through conscious and subconscious programming. Has anyone else read or heard of this book?
nickynine said:
Gimme 9 sold me on the new Wendi cd's. Today is day number 1 for me. I will see what hapens on day 90.

Awesome, I forgot about this Hypnosis thread, and since Gimme9 is AWOL or something, I'm glad someone is carying on the experiment, KEEP us updated man.... :)
Day one was great. I like the fact that Wendi has various hypnosis setions on hers cd's and direct suggestion to listen to while your sleeping. Only 89 more days to go. I should mention now that I also hang. I have been in Penis Enlargement for a long time but never dedicated enough to make gains. So I will mention that today March.5, 2005 my stats are 7 x 5.
VladtheImpaler said:
since Gimme9 is AWOL or something, I'm glad someone is carying on the experiment
HEY guy's what's up? well not me, My doc convinced me to stay on the ADHD meds until our next visit (mid-March 05) she suggested a half dose, might minimize/eliminate some/all the side effects, well i do have fewer headaches, but i still can't get an erection which means i can't Penis Enlargement, hypnotically or otherwise, well i guess i could listen to the new CD's but i can't take ''before pics'' to verify any results.
so sorry for abandoning you guys but for the time being i'm down for the count.
Gimme9 said:
HEY guy's what's up? well not me, My doc convinced me to stay on the ADHD meds until our next visit (mid-March 05) she suggested a half dose, might minimize/eliminate some/all the side effects, well i do have fewer headaches, but i still can't get an erection which means i can't Penis Enlargement, hypnotically or otherwise, well i guess i could listen to the new CD's but i can't take ''before pics'' to verify any results.
so sorry for abandoning you guys but for the time being i'm down for the count.

Whoa, what good is a head-med if you cant get a hard-on, and in no way am I trying to get you back on your experiment all greedylike....I was on ADD meds for a very short time, and they made me feel right fucked.

Hope it all works out for ya... :)
thanks Vlad, the particular med in question is Strattera, for anyone who might be reading, and it's not a really a stimulant like most ADHD meds, it's actually something that seems to enlarge blood vessels in order to supply more blood to the brain, it diesn't really help with the "scrambled thoughts" and i suspect widens those tiny blood vessels that are supposed to close locking the blood in the penis. hence preventing any possiblity of erection - well that's not entirely true - i tried a cockring and that actually worked, but the orgasm sucked and it seems to do something to the prostate also, i felt a very strange tingling inside between the base of the penis and the anus (TOO much info? LOL). I really adding that info for others with brains like pinball machines!.
i'm really not interested in straight stims as i don't think there are any that are not addictive.
I have Sleep Apnea. Which has worsened over the years and with it so has my ADHD -proportionally. this leads me to believe that the Apnea is aggravating the ADHD. But APNEA causes sleep deprivation, which in turn causes an inability to concentrate/focus. i'm hoping that taking care of the apnea, will in turn cure the ADHD, or at least get it manageable. then no more need for meds - which I don't really want to continue anyway.
So sorry for making this so long and COMPLETELY non=Penis Enlargement related . . . the point i am TRYING to make is . . .
I read somewhere that ADHD can be caused or at least aggravated by nutritional deficiencies, AND i've found a web Co. that sells vitamins etc. SUPenis EnlargementR CHEAP, so my Addle brained friend, i'm going to research this nutritional possibility, if you're interested lemme know, i'll pass along what i find.
and good luck Nicky, hopefully i'll be able to join the experimant soon.
sounds to me like you guys are being hypnotized to buy more hypnosis tapes

i would never trust those, what if some guy throws in some subliminal messages and you wake up a homo or something

i recommend self hypnosis, right before you go to sleep

repeat:"my dick is so huge" over and over, and then envision it, your body and mind will work at it while you sleep

seriously, those tapes do something very similar to that, you might as well do it yourself
chainandballer said:
i recommend self hypnosis, right before you go to sleep

This is good advice as we are able to produce the same results that a hypnotist does by following similar steps. Hypnosis is all about suggestion and repetition which we can do through things like mantras or visualization techniques. I think some people will just feel better hearing it from someone else and this is why these hypnosis tapes or even therapy with an actual hypnosis specialist are very popular. I think the hypnotizer's main goal would be to help the patient but I bet they do slip a couple of "100 more appointments until this works" in:D
SO far my hypnosis sessions are Not so much on visualizing a bigger dick, but on cell growth/health in my penis. I am friends with 2 pro.body builders who use hypnosis for bigger muscles and they live by it.
Anybody else have trouble being hypnotized? I've listened to a couple of these and I'm fully concious through the whole thing. no matter how much I try to relax I'm still there. Would it be better to try these when your really tired?
yes i too have a LOT of trouble being hypnotized, between ADHD i can't follow the scripts, and sleep apnea i fall asleep as soon as i do relax!
But there are things you can do to improve your relaxation.

1) do the session at the same time and place each day. Morning is good if you do it as soon as you wake up as you're actually in a hypnogogic state. If you take a shower after work, take a few extra minutes after to just soak in some hot water to warm/relax muscles then go do a session.Or just before bed, when your already tired and your bodies preparing itself for relaxation naturally.

2) lying down is good if you can do it without falling asleep, as it's a signal to the body that you WANT to relax, if not, find a comfortable chair, one you don't have to support yourself in like a kitchen chair, you want one more like a soft living room chair.

3) i don't know what CD's your listening to, but they SHOULD start with a relaxation track, if not try this;
once you're in your "hypno chair" Take a few deep breaths, inhale SLOWLY and completely, hold for a couple seconds, then exhale slowly. as you exhale try to imagine all the tension just oozing out of your body, letting yourself melt into the chair/bed.
That should be enough if these things are done "religiously" each day. if you still have trouble try "forced relaxation" . . .
4)After your deep breaths, squeeze this muscles in your feet - HARD - for a 3,5, or 10 count, which ever is most comfortable for you. But not hard/long enough to cause cramping - cramps are NOT relaxing!! After flexing you feet let them relax then move up to your calfs, flex, hold, release. Now up to your thighs, then groin, abs, chest, back, etc. on up. hands, forarms, biceps, finally neck (since this is a hard muscle group to flex stretching while you do it is good) and the jaw - there's a lot of tension held in the jaw, and then scrunch up your face for a few seconds. The whole time you are doing this you should be breathing deeply and slowly, not like in step 3, just nice deep relaxing breaths. But AFTER you've done all this, do step 3 again and now start your cd.
Also if you have two cd players, like a stereo system and a portable walkman or something, listen to the session on the portable and play something else on the other stereo. we're talking something RELAXING here - no rock, rap, or techno, something soothing, and without WORDS - they're too distracting. If you've got some nature sounds cds those are good - ocean waves, rain etc. I find the birds in jungle sounds to be a bit to perky for my tastes, you can usually find these CDs at drugstores at the register counter for about ten bucks.
It goes without saying that you don't want the TV on, or the phone, you want to KNOW your not going to be distracted during your session. You're only taking half an hour a day to do this, but if YOU don't take it seriously, neither will your subconcious.

I hope this helps, if not let me know, there are more advanced things we can do. But they're kinda "new age voodoo"ish, So if you're not into all that "ancient chinese secret" stuff, then that's about all I've got that'll help. This SHOULD be all you need though.
Good luck!
I'm listening to some of those fake sounding ones on Yah I have just ADD as well and my mind tends to wander. They do start out with an induction (I think thats what they're called). I tried his Multiple Male Orgasm one and wasn't really drifting off at all. Also listened to the whole Penis Growth one. Was concious and alert through the whole thing. Would turning off the lights or creating some soft lighting be helpful as well? Maybe some aromatherapy candles or whatever. They help you sleep, why not help get hypnotized. Another thing, sometimes I take melatonin to help me sleep, would that be a good idea to take a half hour before the session? I dont have a CD burner so I just plug my headphones into the computer and get a pillow and a blanket and lay on the floor. That doesn't exactly send me into relaxation mode either.
You know I downloaded a Penis Enlargement thing from that Wendi Friesen off of Kazaa a while back and have yet to listen to it so I can't speak to it as far as it's effectiveness. If somebody wants it I'll send it or post it but it's over 23,000kb so being totally computer illiterate I'm at a loss as how. Maybe I'll stick it on my Mp3 and have a listen.
I listen to some of those warpmymind files while i sleep..not sure if theyre working or not..i havent really felt any of the changes they claim to make...Hydromaxm
MidwestFreek said:
I listen to some of those warpmymind files while i sleep..not sure if theyre working or not..i havent really felt any of the changes they claim to make...Hydromaxm
u cant expect hypnosis to work if u are asleep
ive been hypnotised and wrote a section for the school paper in college,
had an easy time with two chicks on both sides, i pretty much led the scene when told to act shit out, its all suggestion, but then its interpretation. its bland if youre into spellbinding, but for me it was booby fondling.
AlbertaBeef said:
You know I downloaded a Penis Enlargement thing from that Wendi Friesen off of Kazaa a while back and have yet to listen to it so I can't speak to it as far as it's effectiveness. If somebody wants it I'll send it or post it but it's over 23,000kb so being totally computer illiterate I'm at a loss as how. Maybe I'll stick it on my Mp3 and have a listen.
upload it there^^^
wants9 said:
Hypnotists say that you can't compell someone to do something that's really against their will, but I think it's hard to explain stage hypnosis under that condition. Maybe if you made them think that giving head was actually something else that they like to do?

I was watching a seminar for hypnosis professionals who want to get into stage hypnosis. And the number one thing they did was reveal the secret to stage hypnosis.

There's barely any hypnosis involved in the getting people to do stuff... HUH!?!?

Yep... the hypnosis is actually used as a test to find out the "closet exhbitionists" in the crowd" People who really really want to do crazy stuff, but just need an excuse to do it. The show is their excuse.
going4nine said:
Alek said:
Thanks. They've reached their user limit, though, so I can't get in without an invite.

Sure ya can. Go to their chat room, where they have initiation tests to get in. I would give ya an invite, but I already spent them, but one I am keeping for a friend. And it'll be atleast 1 month before I earn a new one.