I've finally got this together! Took long enough!

What you need?

1 Hose clamp, 2 inch or so. Make sure it fits around the pipe insulation with a small space still showing maybe 1/4 inch. 49cents at home depot!

1, 6 foot strip of pipe insulation, 2 in or less depending on your flaccid girth. Find a size that will fit your flaccid penis snug. 1.49 at home depot!

Thats it thats all you need to buy!

Step one cut a piece of pipe insulation 3/4 to an inch wide.

Step two put the pipe insulation on over the flaccid penis, all the way to the base as far as you can get it. Begin to become erect. I should'nt have to tell anybody how to become erect!

Step three at around 50% erect put the clamp on, center the clamp on top of the pipe insulation. Tighten the clamp some. Begin to get fully erect. Once your there tighten the clamp to desired tightness. Push the clamp and insulation into the pubic bone and kegel for fuller engorgement. do the desired constrictor you want. Thats it!

When taking off the clamp and insulation, just release the clamp, then you have to tear the insulation to get it off. Don't worry about wasting the insulation, because a 6 foot strip will last a long ass time.

A cable clamp works great with the pipe insulation as padding for the penis. So if you want more padding for oyur cable clamp try the insulation out.

This is the method I use for ADC. It is very small, and you can't even tell you got it on!
Seems like a fasinating contraption...

What are these for, Im not really too familiar with most of the terms or proceduers around here...

To me, they seem like a type of Hold, yes?

How long do you wear that device for?
ItsElectric said:
Looks like fun! :D What section is this stuff found in? I'm gonna run by there in a minute.


Man I'm sorry I forgot what section this stuff is in. I do know there not on the same isle here in St Louis. I just walked around and ended up finding this stuff!
Yes and it is fun ass hell! lol
GreatShinobi said:
Seems like a fasinating contraption...

What are these for, Im not really too familiar with most of the terms or proceduers around here...

To me, they seem like a type of Hold, yes?

How long do you wear that device for?

Hey man go to reds Redzulus post here and click on this THE CONSTRICTOR GUIDE REVISION 4 **NEW**
and you will find every thing you need to know!
Im thinking about getting this but wondering if it is Just as good as the CAble clamp. Would you's use this instead of a cable clamp.(truthfully)
I've yet to try this method myself, but it looks like it has the potential to work just as well if not better? Looks like it constricts in a more circular direction than a cable clamp would?

Do you cut a slit down the middle of the insulation after cutting it for the width, or does it stay a solid ring?
stillwantmore said:
I've yet to try this method myself, but it looks like it has the potential to work just as well if not better? Looks like it constricts in a more circular direction than a cable clamp would?

Do you cut a slit down the middle of the insulation after cutting it for the width, or does it stay a solid ring?

It stays a solid ring, I tried cutting the middle the first couple of times I did this and its very hard not to pinch the skin. The pipe insulation works as a seal, much better than a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]ace bandage[/words]! I use the cable clamp as well with the pipe insulation and it works like a charm! The hose clamp works better with ADC, while the cable clamp is good for constrictor work just because how easy it is to snap on and off. The hose clamp is a little more difficult, but not much!
I read somewhere that this constricts more-so than the cable clamps, but the only downside was that you have to screw and unscrew it, to take it on/off.

ItsElectric said:
I read somewhere that this constricts more-so than the cable clamps, but the only downside was that you have to screw and unscrew it, to take it on/off.


I have used these hose clamps on and off for a while because I could not find
cable clamps. They work great as far as I am concerned. The only thing I do
different is use a piece of rubber hose instead of the pipe insulation. I have
not done a daily routine with the clamp because I am doing a regular weight
hanging routine for length. But I want to tell you that you can enlarge the
living crap out of your dick with this thing. It is better than pumping for
short term enlargement. But unlike pumping, your dick seems to be hard with
with blood instead of fluid build-up. With a normal routine it is my opinion that
you could easily get as thick as a coke can. I can do a session with one of these and barely get it in my wife and she has a pretty loose twat. As you
can tell, I can't say enough about these things. The only down side is having
to screw and unscrew during the routine.
ItsElectric said:
I read somewhere that this constricts more-so than the cable clamps, but the only downside was that you have to screw and unscrew it, to take it on/off.


True to that. I just use mt fingers to tighten and loosen the screw. In the beginning I used a screw driver, I think after awhile the screw becomes easier to loosen and that is why I now do it with my fingers. With the insulation you really don't need to tighten the clamp to much, because the insulation works as a seal around the penis to hold blood in there!

Like I said before the cable clamp works great with the insulation too!
Nice thread!

Your dog was like "WTF is my owner doin' now" :D
These work great!! Now what i'm trying to fiddle with is Clamping the base with the hose-clamp and then clamping right under my head with the cable clamp. Oooooooooooooh yayah!

LOL, good shit guys! I'm gonna pick up a hose clamp and some pipe insulation soon just to try this out.
AncientChina said:
I like the way the hose clamp looks and its adjustable range, which seems neat, very interesting, there ain't much I can say as Red already commented and he knows better than anyone.

By the way, your dog recently had puppies? Well you better check them, cause they look a little like Supra, eh? Supra ya' crazy mofo, only Supra can have babies with any species! All hail, the master of the ring. :)

lol hey where is the dogs brother? With the same body as his mamma?
doublelongdaddy said:
Nice thread!

Your dog was like "WTF is my owner doin' now" :D

lol My dog does the same freaking thing when I'm using my [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]tugger[/words], she comes up and checks it out and then smells it, I'm like go lay down girl.
I use a hose clip which has notches like a cable clamp but it is the same size as the worm drive clip (which I have also used) so it is discreet as an ADC.
When about 90% erect I force it in against the base and pull buy the glans before fully closing my notch clip, I get and extra bit of length clamped this way. This is harder to do with the worm drive as you need more dexterity.

The worm drive clips are also available with wing nut screws so you dont need to carry a screwdriver. Screwdrive blade is not a good thing to have near you anyway, better off using a small wrench
trigger said:
I use a hose clip which has notches like a cable clamp but it is the same size as the worm drive clip (which I have also used) so it is discreet as an ADC.
When about 90% erect I force it in against the base and pull buy the glans before fully closing my notch clip, I get and extra bit of length clamped this way. This is harder to do with the worm drive as you need more dexterity.

The worm drive clips are also available with wing nut screws so you dont need to carry a screwdriver. Screwdrive blade is not a good thing to have near you anyway, better off using a small wrench

Worm drive clips? You got a pic I could see?

Well with the hose clamp my screw is loose enough to manually tighten and loosen it. The screw in my head is pretty loose to lol
Well I had forgotten about this thread until I was in HOme Depot today buying some latex tubing for my ROP, and I saw some hose clamps on the same aisle (the PVC pipe aisle). So I picked up a few, and was going to get some pipe insulation, but I decided it would be really hard to hide a 6 foot foam tube, so I bought some electrical tape instead. I wrapped it around the hose clamp and voila! I had found a hassle-free ADC! And it's perfect! Very comfortable, very inconspicuous, and no preparation. Good stuff. I thought maybe some of the stealth Penis Enlargementers on the board could definitely use this if they want to try some ADC.
9cyclops9 said:
Well I had forgotten about this thread until I was in HOme Depot today buying some latex tubing for my ROP, and I saw some hose clamps on the same aisle (the PVC pipe aisle). So I picked up a few, and was going to get some pipe insulation, but I decided it would be really hard to hide a 6 foot foam tube, so I bought some electrical tape instead. I wrapped it around the hose clamp and voila! I had found a hassle-free ADC! And it's perfect! Very comfortable, very inconspicuous, and no preparation. Good stuff. I thought maybe some of the stealth Penis Enlargementers on the board could definitely use this if they want to try some ADC.

Excellent idea 9, I was a little leary myself of bringing home all that pipe insulation.
9cyclops9 said:
Well I had forgotten about this thread until I was in HOme Depot today buying some latex tubing for my ROP, and I saw some hose clamps on the same aisle (the PVC pipe aisle). So I picked up a few, and was going to get some pipe insulation, but I decided it would be really hard to hide a 6 foot foam tube, so I bought some electrical tape instead. I wrapped it around the hose clamp and voila! I had found a hassle-free ADC! And it's perfect! Very comfortable, very inconspicuous, and no preparation. Good stuff. I thought maybe some of the stealth Penis Enlargementers on the board could definitely use this if they want to try some ADC.

Good idea, I'll try the tape too! Tell ya what I think of it!
ItsElectric said:
So did you just wrap the tape around the clamp and it's comfy?


Yup. Make sure you get the tape on every part of the metal that might touch your penis. It's working great!!
itselectric- "These work great!! Now what i'm trying to fiddle with is Clamping the base with the hose-clamp and then clamping right under my head with the cable clamp. Oooooooooooooh yayah!"

i did that (double clamped horse 440) for 3-4 minutes then i took both clamps off and had red spots all over my shaft. kick ass indeed
bigtyivier said:
itselectric- "These work great!! Now what i'm trying to fiddle with is Clamping the base with the hose-clamp and then clamping right under my head with the cable clamp. Oooooooooooooh yayah!"

i did that (double clamped horse 440) for 3-4 minutes then i took both clamps off and had red spots all over my shaft. kick ass indeed

You will have a fat cock if you keep these up no doubt about it!
Been using this for a while now. Could never find a cable clamp. Cheap alternative (only about 50 cents a piece and easy as hell to find). Here's a little trick, if you can't use your fingers to unscrew it use a penny.
I actually figured that out a long time ago - the pipe insulation and that metal strap - I quit though because I got scared that if somehow the thing stripped or something, I wouldn't be able to cut it and get it off. was terrified of ending up in an emergency room with that contraption on my dick!

I actually used this combnation for HANGING and it worked BETTER than the bib hanger.

Dangleboy said:
I actually figured that out a long time ago - the pipe insulation and that metal strap - I quit though because I got scared that if somehow the thing stripped or something, I wouldn't be able to cut it and get it off. was terrified of ending up in an emergency room with that contraption on my dick!

I actually used this combnation for HANGING and it worked BETTER than the bib hanger.


Even if it did get stripped you could easily cut it off with a pair of wire cutters. It is thin metal and could be cut no problem. I also expermiented with hanging with this set up. But I like to ues a two peices of wire PVC piping to go on top of the insulation, which requires a larger hose clamp, but works very good.
As I am open to just about anything that promises to help with girth, this ADC stuff sounds really interesting. Question for you ADC vets: Conventional wisdom has it that when clamping, you shouldn't leave the clamp on for more than 10 minutes b/c of the threat of tissue death; if you are supposed to get a firm erection before clamping for ADC, how is this any different than regular clamping? Why is this safe, when regular clamping for more than 10 minutes isn't? A newbie wants to know...
Brianrex, the difference is that you won't be erect the whole day with ADC. You don't want to have it as tight as when you clamp so that way the blood can flow out easily and your erection will go down. You'll just have bigger, longer erections than normal.

Also, one thing you may want to try is a cockring. I just got one yesterday, and I'm already a convert. They're much less hassle, and you just slip it on in the morning and forget about it. My EG by the end of the day yesterday was nearly 5.75" up from my normal measurement of 5.25"! I always get bad blood spots on my penis when I ADC because it's easy to have it too tight and not realize it. But once you find the right measurement of cockring (I use 1.25" inside diameter) you don't have to worry about tightening it or any of that. Plus they're cheap. I got mine for 89 cents at the hardware store. Look for O rings in the plumbing section. Get a few sizes so you can experiment with which is right for you. You may also want one to go around your cock and balls. I'm going to get one of these for after girth workouts.
JUST curious....does anyone still use the hose clamp with the electrical tape(or duct tape) instead of the insulation. Thats the way i've had it since i got it. Its working great as a regular clamp + THANKS CRAZY_ED!
Ive been clamping for about 2.5 weeks and im just starting to get the hang...however 90% of the time when I clamp i get an uneven distribution of blood to my dick. Right under my head on the left side of my penis a bubble always starts to form durin a session after a while. If any vets have any suggestions I would be very appreciative.
Hey man seeing is how I just got rid of ringworm all over my chest, it looks like all those red spots and you legs apear to be ringworm as well or psorisis. You going to get that treated?
This sounds like a fantastic idea. I could never get the cable clamps to work properly. Too much padding meant a bad grip and not closing closely to the body enough. Too little and my cock didn't fit properly :(

Those wingspade look easy and I bet the clamp is awesome. Gonna try this one when I get the time. Maybe this will give me some girth!
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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