If it fits into your schedule, I would recommend you do your Penis Enlargement first, and your weight training/cardio after that. It shouldn't make much of a difference, but if you exhaust yourself physically from lifting weights (not to mention tiring out your hands), you may be setting yourself up for a subpar Penis Enlargement session.

Another thing I've noticed when I'm cutting up is that I can't get as hard as I normally could when eating at maintenance or bulking. The combination of cardio, weight training and calorie defict are all pretty taxing on your body, not to mention the fact that your testosterone levels may drop when you near the end of a cutting cycle. It's definitely bad for girth work, unless you have viagara to counter it. I'm starting another cutter for the summer in a few days, and I'm thinking of switching to length work only to make the most of the time when my dick is less than perfectly functional.
holy shit shafty you right about when your in a cutting cycle your erections aren't hard, I didn't even realize that. I thought my erections werent as hard becasue I was stretching to much

I'd agree with Shafty. Yesterday I worked out before doing Penis Enlargement, and I had trouble getting a good grip and trying to squeeze hard enough to do girth work. Its true the other way as well...one of the routines may suffer depending upon which one you do first.
im2manly said:
holy shit shafty you right about when your in a cutting cycle your erections aren't hard, I didn't even realize that. I thought my erections werent as hard becasue I was stretching to much


I know... I didn't realize the connection at first, either. I thought it was just a random bout of erectile dysfunction, but since it has happened every single time when I'm cutting, there has to be a correlation. It becomes most noticeable at the later stages of a cutting cycle.

Esteban, have you ever experienced a cramping sensation in the hands from doing a combination of Penis Enlargement and lifting with little rest in between? Back when I was focusing on manual stretching and doing two 30 minute sessions a day, I often had to cut the evening session short, since my hands were cramping up and I just couldn't get a good enough grip to maintain a decent stretch for any period of time.
Shafty said:
Esteban, have you ever experienced a cramping sensation in the hands from doing a combination of Penis Enlargement and lifting with little rest in between? Back when I was focusing on manual stretching and doing two 30 minute sessions a day, I often had to cut the evening session short, since my hands were cramping up and I just couldn't get a good enough grip to maintain a decent stretch for any period of time.

Definitely. Luckily for me I seem to have a strong grip. Not from masturbating or anything, but from a combination of working out, and giving massages. I'm no massage therapist, but apparently I'm good at it according to some people, so both of my recent ex gf's practically made me give them a massage almost daily. And other people before then. Plus, my hands sweat a bit much (its called palmar hydrosis or something like that, and I hope to do the corrective surgery in the future) so my grip slips a lot. So, when I am doing lat pulldowns or something that requires grip, my hands have to work much harder. I'd take a pic of my hands if I had a camera, but the muscle in between my index finger and thumb are very developed.

That seems to be the muscle that you need to strengthen to get a better grip. If you make a massaging motion with your hands, or a gripping motion, you'll see that muscle working.

Even so, my hands get pretty tired from doing both in one day.
I do too, and wonder if it would help to do Penis Enlargement afterwards. Are there any advantages to your dick staying fuller after Penis Enlargement? Like does it help to get new enriched blood in? I always feel like my Penis Enlargement isn't as effective if I'm shrinking badly after. Could very well be wrong though.
Esteban, I think you could be right on the money. More bloodflow throughout the day = better healing, more expansion of the tissues (girthwise, if you have frequent erections) = better gains. I don't think you can create the optimal environment for growth if your penile tissues don't stay in an expanded state for a while after you're done with your Penis Enlargement session. The best possible formula would probably be to have skin splitting erections at frequent intervals later in the day to keep "reminding" your dick of its new, expanded size. If you just complete your workout and your dick shrivels down to nothing for the rest of the day, logic dictates you won't be getting the most out of your efforts.
Ulcasterdropout said:
I'd do Penis Enlargement first. I get mega shrinkage from working out that lasts atleast an hour after.

I definitely agree with this rather than doing Penis Enlargement IMMEDIATELY after.

When I work out my penis gets smaller for a while.
Try doing squats, then see how shrivelled your penis is after.

Actually, if you do Penis Enlargement BEFORE working out, then you lose the benefits of a post Penis Enlargement workout pump, because when you do a body workout your blood will be redirected away from your penis.

So....I'd either do Penis Enlargement several hours after a weight training workout, to give your penis a bit of time to be back to normal. And maybe you'd get the benefit of elevated testosterone in your system.

Or.....maybe the best thing to do is do Penis Enlargement the day after, on an off day from weight training.

But don't do Penis Enlargement immediately after weight training. I can only see that approach as being counter-productive.
I think it's irrevelent whether you Penis Enlargement before or after a workout. The fullness that you see in your dick after a good Penis Enlargement workout (post Penis Enlargement workout pump) doesn't cause you to make any gains whatsoever. Any gains you make will be from the actual stretching of the ligs/tunica and that doesn't happen after your Penis Enlargement workout but during. Remember that Penis Enlargement requires you to expand collagenous tissues and the only way to do that it thru constant tension. It will not grow longer or expand while resting.
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Well I can't automatically agree with everything you say there sikdogg.

You say that you think it's irrelevant whether you Penis Enlargement before or after a workout.
Well that's what you may think, but my own personal experience says it is relevant. To me it is anyway. (People are different).

Lots of people disagree with you about your feelings about being in an enlarged state after a workout.
Several people on here, and on Thunders, are always trying to think of ways to keep in an enlarged state as long as possible after a Penis Enlargement workout.
Many people believe that when the penis grows, it is beneficial if the penis tissues are in a more expanded state than normal.
If you believe this to be irrelevant, then why do feel this is irrelevant?

Nobody said it wasn't the workout that is the stimulus for growth, of course it is, nobody said it wasn't. But it doesn't grow when you are working it out, it grows in the period after working out. Maybe some of the big gainers on this forum can offer their own experiences of whether they feel that keeping in as large as state as possible after their Penis Enlargement workouts is conducive to their gains. If it worked for them, then maybe it is relevant, and it could do no harm trying to acheive a good post workout pump that lasts.

Maybe being in an enlarged state for many hours after a workout was the sign of an excellent workout. A lot of big guys on here actually advertise the fact that a certain exercise gives a great post Penis Enlargement pump that lasts for a long time. Do you not think it might be worth considering that that this may be relevant, at least to the people who have made successful gains?

I've tried doing Penis Enlargement immediately after working out, and it was a really crap workout. It just was. I just couldn't really get a good bloodflow in, and it wasn't conducive to getting the best erection. It was my own personal experience, so i don't understand how you can claim my experience was irrelevant. To me it was, it might be to others too.

You are dismissing a lot, and making claims that you are just stating as being true. But from where are you getting this information.
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Mercury said:
Well I can't automatically agree with everything you say there sikdogg.
I'm not asking you to... this is my opinion backed by my research and experience. If you think i'm wrong, show me your supporting proof. I'm always open discussing my belief further...

Lots of people disagree with you about your feelings about being in an enlarged state after a workout.
Several people on here, and on Thunders, are always trying to think of ways to keep in an enlarged state as long as possible after a Penis Enlargement workout.
Many people believe that when the penis grows, it is beneficial if the penis tissues are in a more expanded state than normal.
If you believe this to be irrelevant, then why do feel this is irrelevant?
Bro, muscles grow as they recover after a workout but the penis isn't a muscle and therefore doesn't work the same way. The parts of the penis that we try to expand to make gains are mostly collagenous tissues. Collagenous tissues are very inelastic in that i mean they don't stretch like muscles do, generally speaking. They are sinewy and only after constant tension do they eventually deform enough to expand. They don't grow as they rest like muscles do. If you don't believe me why don't you do some research on collagenous tissues.

I really don't care what you or any guy at Thunder's thinks as i have science on my side...

Nobody said it wasn't the workout that is the stimulus for growth, of course it is, nobody said it wasn't. But it doesn't grow when you are working it out, it grows in the period after working out. Maybe some of the big gainers on this forum can offer their own experiences of whether they feel that keeping in as large as state as possible after their Penis Enlargement workouts is conducive to their gains. If it worked for them, then maybe it is relevant, and it could do no harm trying to acheive a good post workout pump that lasts.

Maybe being in an enlarged state for many hours after a workout was the sign of an excellent workout. A lot of big guys on here actually advertise the fact that a certain exercise gives a great post Penis Enlargement pump that lasts for a long time. Do you not think it might be worth considering that that this may be relevant, at least to the people who have made successful gains?..
In terms of post workout pump, it does not do anything for girth unless it is being expanded at or beyond its physical limits. It is mostly a visual representation of ones effort and is comforting to see your unit in an enlarged state. To gain girth, not only do you have to expand the penile tissue but also the tunica. I'm sorry to bust your bubble but there is no way that a post Penis Enlargement workout pump is going to expand the tunica. If the tunica (a collagenous tissue) was so easily expanded by post workout pump to cause growth, then you wouldn't have to do Uli's to make girth gains... an erection from constant masterbation should suffice, but it doesn't. In fact, girth gains are the most difficult gains to make even after months of clamping and pumping. The only rule to expanding collagenous tissues is time under tension. You must supply sufficient tension to cause fatigue over a period of time to cause expansion.

What do you mean by "it doesn't grow when you are working it out, it grows in the period after working out"?? The fact is that the tissues are temporarily expanded during your workout while the tigs/tunica is fatigued. Rest time allows the lig/tunica to recover. Full recovery can actually hinder growths as the tissues will become stronger and will require more effort on your part to expand further.

I've tried doing Penis Enlargement immediately after working out, and it was a really crap workout. It just was. I just couldn't really get a good bloodflow in, and it wasn't conducive to getting the best erection. It was my own personal experience, so i don't understand how you can claim my experience was irrelevant. To me it was, it might be to others too
As far as doing you workout before or after a gym workout, that is completely up to your fatigue level, muscles worked at the gym, and personal preference. I've done it both ways and get a good Penis Enlargement workout either way. Granted that my arms are a little shakey but that doesn't take away from my effort level nor my erection level.

You are dismissing a lot, and making claims that you are just stating as being true. But from where are you getting this information.
As i mentioned earlier that my statements are based on my research on collagenous tissues, reading posts from the likes of Bib, SWM, RED, DLD, and from personal experience.

Don't take my word or anyone else's regarding this... do you own research.
sikdogg said:
I'm not asking you to... this is my opinion backed by my research and experience. If you think i'm wrong, show me your supporting proof. I'm always open discussing my belief further...

I haven't said you were wrong.
I just asked you where you get the information to be so certain that you are right.

sikdogg said:
Bro, muscles grow as they recover after a workout but the penis isn't a muscle and therefore doesn't work the same way. The parts of the penis that we try to expand to make gains are mostly collagenous tissues. Collagenous tissues are very inelastic in that i mean they don't stretch like muscles do, generally speaking. They are sinewy and only after constant tension do they eventually deform enough to expand. They don't grow as they rest like muscles do. If you don't believe me why don't you do some research on collagenous tissues.

I never said that the penis is a muscle.
And I never said that I didn't beleive you.

You say the penis grows due to constant tension. But you only apply the tension when you are doing a Penis Enlargement workout. Are you saying that the penis grows when you work it in a Penis Enlargement workout, and then stops growing as soon as you stop?

sikdogg said:
I really don't care what you or any guy at Thunder's thinks as i have science on my side...

Why don't you care?
People post anectdotal experiences of what they did, and what worked for them.
"Science" also says that you can't enlarge your penis without some kind of surgical procedure.
Depends what science you believe in, because science often has various people in contradiction with each other's views.
Posters on forums post pictures of their gains and explain what they did to acheive them. I'm not saying your theories are wrong, but it might be that mainstream science hasn't really researched into Penis Enlargement, and that the experiences of members on Penis Enlargement forums is no less valid if they acheived results.

Where is the scientific research on penis growth gained from Penis Enlargement exercise?

sikdogg said:
In terms of post workout pump, it does not do anything for girth unless it is being expanded at or beyond its physical limits. It is mostly a visual representation of ones effort and is comforting to see your unit in an enlarged state. To gain girth, not only do you have to expand the penile tissue but also the tunica. I'm sorry to bust your bubble but there is no way that a post Penis Enlargement workout pump is going to expand the tunica. If the tunica (a collagenous tissue) was so easily expanded by post workout pump to cause growth, then you wouldn't have to do Uli's to make girth gains... an erection from constant masterbation should suffice, but it doesn't. In fact, girth gains are the most difficult gains to make even after months of clamping and pumping. The only rule to expanding collagenous tissues is time under tension. You must supply sufficient tension to cause fatigue over a period of time to cause expansion.

I am aware that the post workout pump is temporary, I didn't say it wasn't.
I don't know what you mean by you're sorry to bust my bubble, but I haven't tried to tell people how it is. I've only mentioned that people on forums advocate the penis being in an enlarged state for as long as possible after a workout. Many of the big guys advise us to try and strive for a good post workout pump if we can.
I'm not saying you are right or wrong, and I'm not saying they are right and wrong.
I think it's fair to ask whether it may be a combination of both stressing the tissues AND stressing them to a degree that a post Penis Enlargement pump lasts for as long as possible.
Do you not think that something physiological is going on down there when the penis is in an enlarged state?

sikdogg said:
What do you mean by "it doesn't grow when you are working it out, it grows in the period after working out"?? The fact is that the tissues are temporarily expanded during your workout while the tigs/tunica is fatigued. Rest time allows the lig/tunica to recover. Full recovery can actually hinder growths as the tissues will become stronger and will require more effort on your part to expand further.

Well, you even said yourself that the size after a Penis Enlargement workout is only temporary.
Do we not need time for the penis to receive all the nutrients it needs to grow, or do you think that as soon as we have done a Penis Enlargement workout, it's grown a bit, then stopd growing as soon as we stop the workout?
I find it hard to get my head around the fact that tissue of any kind grows as instantly as that, and then just stops growing when you stop exercising it.

I'm very sceptical about your last sentence. I would have thought that it was the opposite of what you say, and that as you apply stress to your penis it would build up resistance to the stress by becoming tougher.
And if you left it alone for a while and gave it a rest it would gradually become less resistant as it doesn't have to go through as much intense stress.

I've noticed my self that if I don't do anything to my penis for a coupe of days, then it becomes softer and more pliable,..not tougher.

sikdogg said:
As far as doing you workout before or after a gym workout, that is completely up to your fatigue level, muscles worked at the gym, and personal preference. I've done it both ways and get a good Penis Enlargement workout either way. Granted that my arms are a little shakey but that doesn't take away from my effort level nor my erection level.

Well yes like I said, everyone is different. But I'm not just talking about the actual Penis Enlargement workout, I also mean that immediately after working out (squats for example), the bllod just doesn't flow to my penis and shrivels slightly. I don't beleive that it's fatigue, but that my muscles are wanting the blood supply, and that my penis doesn't need it as much at that time.

sikdogg said:
As i mentioned earlier that my statements are based on my research on collagenous tissues, reading posts from the likes of Bib, SWM, RED, DLD, and from personal experience.

Don't take my word or anyone else's regarding this... do you own research.

Well many of us do a bit of research. but as I said before there doesn't seem to be a lot to go on in studies of penis growth due to Penis Enlargement exercises. There are a lot of conflicting ideas, theories and principles, and the only science we seem to be able to trust the most, is the anecdotal experiences we read from other members.
They do something, it works, and we tend to believe that more than a theory. until people try to put the theory to the test.
I'd be the first to admit that I would like to know more than I do about this. But although reading online experiences is not as precise as it could be in explaining why something works better than something else,..it's the actual photos and the advice offered that we tend to trust more than a theory that hasn't been applied to Penis Enlargement yet.
sikdogg said:
If the tunica (a collagenous tissue) was so easily expanded by post workout pump to cause growth, then you wouldn't have to do Uli's to make girth gains

Wait a minute,...I never said that.
I never said having a good post-workout pump makes you grow in itself.
I made that very clear.
I even said this:

"Nobody said it wasn't the workout that is the stimulus for growth, of course it is, nobody said it wasn't...."

I never said at any point that having a post workout pump expands the tunica.
You are disagreeing with something that I never even said.
I guess i mis-understood your comments, that wasn't my intent... i sometime come on strong and appear aggressive when trying to make a point. I'll try to tone it down...

But i'd like to respond to some of your comments...
You say the penis grows due to constant tension. But you only apply the tension when you are doing a Penis Enlargement workout. Are you saying that the penis grows when you work it in a Penis Enlargement workout, and then stops growing as soon as you stop?
With regards to the ligs and tunica, yes. It does not grow while resting. The Corpora Cavernosa may grow while recovering but regardless of how much it grows, you won't see any of it's growth 'til you've sufficiently expanded the ligs and/or tunica.

Why don't you care?
Because alot of people get their "facts" from bro-telligence and not from research. They hear something from someone and assume its the truth without ever questioning the validity of the claim.

People post anectdotal experiences of what they did, and what worked for them.
You have to be careful with anecdotal claims as they don't necessarily prove anything. On person can say they made huge gains from flipping their dicks side-to-side and have pictures to prove his size, does that mean that flipping your dick from side-to-side will make your dick grow. Probably not, because you don't know what else they do as part of their routine, nor do you know their diet, or supplements and/or hormones their taking... you get the point.

"Science" also says that you can't enlarge your penis without some kind of surgical procedure.
Depends what science you believe in, because science often has various people in contradiction with each other's views.
Science has NEVER proved that Penis Enlargement doesn't work. You onnly have "experts" that don't believe that it is possible. DLD has posted an old study that actually proved that Penis Enlargement works. To my knowledge, there has not been any studies that prove Penis Enlargement does not work.

Where is the scientific research on penis growth gained from Penis Enlargement exercise?
There are countless studies that demonstrate the elasticity and properties of collagenous tissues, but not necessarily as it relates to Penis Enlargement. These studies are valid for our use since collagenous tissues in the body are pretty much the same. The ligaments around your knee is no different than the ligaments that support your penis, with the exception of physical size they're identical.

Do you not think that something physiological is going on down there when the penis is in an enlarged state?
Actually i don't... the enlarged state post Penis Enlargement workout is due to the residual engorgement from the workout. Simply put, the blood just hasn't completely left the tissues. There may also be some swelling from tissue damage due to an intense workout, but the residual swelling isn't enough to cause expansion sufficient for growth. It does in fact look cool to have a big thick schlong hanging between you legs and i for one would also like to keep it looking that way all the time, i just don't see how it can cause growth. If anything, the thickness that you see is a result of expansion not the other way around.

Well, you even said yourself that the size after a Penis Enlargement workout is only temporary.
Do we not need time for the penis to receive all the nutrients it needs to grow, or do you think that as soon as we have done a Penis Enlargement workout, it's grown a bit, then stopd growing as soon as we stop the workout?
I find it hard to get my head around the fact that tissue of any kind grows as instantly as that, and then just stops growing when you stop exercising it.
Yes the stretch you get from a workout is temporary, but as you stretch it everyday, over time it stretches a little bit further. Not necessarily enought to notice on a daily basis but it's there. Over several week or months it accumilates and becomes measurable.

An good analogy would be stretching and doing the splits in grade school (for sports or whatever reason). You stretch your muscles and ligs every single day, you don't really notice that you're going down lower everyday cuz the difference is very little, but over a course of weeks and months the effects become cumulative and you begin to notice that you are in fact gettinng closer to doing the splits.

I'm very sceptical about your last sentence. I would have thought that it was the opposite of what you say, and that as you apply stress to your penis it would build up resistance to the stress by becoming tougher.
And if you left it alone for a while and gave it a rest it would gradually become less resistant as it doesn't have to go through as much intense stress.
That is exactly how it works... but what we don't want is a strong ligament as it will take more effort to cause fatigue and expansion. The idea is to continually keep your ligs in a fatigued state so that they will expand. If you let them recover fully, they will become stronger and make gains more difficult. What people have been doing is to de-condition the ligs by taking time off. According to Bib, it takes approximately 6 weeks to fully de-condition your ligs.

Well yes like I said, everyone is different. But I'm not just talking about the actual Penis Enlargement workout, I also mean that immediately after working out (squats for example), the bllod just doesn't flow to my penis and shrivels slightly. I don't beleive that it's fatigue, but that my muscles are wanting the blood supply, and that my penis doesn't need it as much at that time.
I guess that it would depend on what you mean by doing Penis Enlargement right after a gym workout. If you mean immediately after (<30 minutes), then you have a good point but longer than that like an hour or so after, then i would tend to disagree. Within 30 minutes to an hour after a strenuous gym workout, you may still feel what remains of your pump, but longer than an hour you are no longer experiencing a muscular pump. What you are feeling is physical fatigue, especially if you just did heavy squats or deadlifts. Oftentimes, when one feels real fatigued they may lose all interest in most things and just want to rest. I sometimes feel this way so depending on how soon you do your Penis Enlargement workout after a gym workout, i can see you point. I typically do my Penis Enlargement workout about 2 hours after my gym workout most nights and rarely have any problems.

Well many of us do a bit of research. but as I said before there doesn't seem to be a lot to go on in studies of penis growth due to Penis Enlargement exercises. There are a lot of conflicting ideas, theories and principles, and the only science we seem to be able to trust the most, is the anecdotal experiences we read from other members.
They do something, it works, and we tend to believe that more than a theory. until people try to put the theory to the test.
I'd be the first to admit that I would like to know more than I do about this. But although reading online experiences is not as precise as it could be in explaining why something works better than something else,..it's the actual photos and the advice offered that we tend to trust more than a theory that hasn't been applied to Penis Enlargement yet.
I hear ya... but you can't focus all your research of Penis Enlargement based solely on other's claims on message boards. Yes i understand that it's very difficult finding studies relating to Penis Enlargement so what you have to do is look for studies that are focussed on areas that apply to Penis Enlargement. Do research on collagenous tissues, ligaments, tunica, spongy tissues, and such. These studies are not Penis Enlargement based but directly support the work that we do in Penis Enlargement. By understanding the physical components that make up the penis, you start to get a picure of how and why the penis grows. The picture is not be entirely clear, but it starts to take shape and make more sense.
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Thanks for your reply. I wasn't sure or not if you were intentionally meaning to sound aggressive or not, so thanks for that reply.
And likewise, I hope I wasn't coming across as being challenging for the sake of being challenging.

I actually agree with most of your last post.
And in some cases we appear to be speaking at crossed puposes. Or at the very least, looking at things in a slightly different way.
There's only one or two things that I don't agree with you fully on.
But I am open to everything you say.

I will get back to you later, and thanks again for that last reply, because sometimes these types of exchanges on the internet sometimes turn into arguments.
Thanks for the reply, and hope to get back to you later.

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