For bigger success rate in this,i think that certain things should be investigated.Such as:
-effects of masturbation on gains
-age & Penis Enlargement(all of us should post how old are)
-sleep period per day
These are one of main factors that effect on gains,as i think.

Second suggestion is that we all should write about things like,what are we going to do when we hit 6 inches,just to keep motivation factor on a decent level.It should be in a separate thread.

If anyone has something to add in this list,let it be here.

That should be enough for now!
I stopped masturbating (and ejaculating) when I started Penis Enlargement. I do "edge" though. DLD has brought up an interesting point about this in another thread. I'm unable to find the thread, but he basically said that Penis Enlargement'ers can be prone to depression and other side effects if we always prevent ejaculation. Based upon my limited experience, I'd have to agree with DLD. I seem to get more aggressive and more moody when I have not had sex for a while. Since I don't ejaculate during masturbation either, I think this may cause a hormonal imbalance.

Let's talk about sex: I had sex yesterday morning and measured my girth in the evening at 1/8" greater than a week ago. I had sex last night and measured my girth this morning at 5.75" - 1/8" greater than last night! Both measurements were taken with at least 24hrs rest between Penis Enlargement exercises. So, IMHO - sex helps Penis Enlargement gains (in girth at least).

I'm in my mid 30's: I think perseverence, intensity and routine have more to do with Penis Enlargement gains than age.

Sleep period: My sleeping pattern is all whacked out right now, but usually I like to get 8hrs.

Other factors: I lift weights 6 times a week and take protein and Creatine after workouts.

6" EG is my short-term goal. My long-term EG is 7", so I'll be plugging along after I hit the 6" mark. Also, I have to say that length is at least as important as girth, but has taken a back seat to girth during this competition. I will most definitely focus more on length when I hit the 6" EG mark.
I just try to make sure I don't ejac until my working out is done for the day. The only way ejaculation will effect gains is that if it hinders your ability to stay hard.
the longer i go w/o masturbating, the hapier and more outgoing i am

i get a feeling of depression after i cum...

its weird
BeBobBox - its not wierd,i had the same case.My starting girth was same as yours,lenght even less.That feeling had stoped after i started eating more chocolates and other sweets.Before that i was avoiding sweet things.Other option is that it reminds you of fact that you canot satisfie women during intercourse,which was my case.

This night i had a dream about my ex-girl. which reminded me of my goal.She loved me,but wasnt happy in bed,i was frustrated becouse of that and behaved stupid,so she dumped me,though i know that she loves me still.
When i hit 6 i am going to ask her to go with me for a drink!After that i will kill her!
You should know on which way!!! Just joking of course.
Right. When you stress the tissue, ejaculating isn't going to "unstress" it. And growth probably doesn't happen in the 3 hours after you finish working out. In fact, a few sessions when I've done Slammers and ejaculated towards the end my penis felt TIRED. I've heard some say it's like a knockout punch to the workout.

Granted, I do get better erections more often when I don't come often, which is a benefit to girth work.
so back to profesionalac's original question ;)
1. Never noticed any differenz
2. I'm 19 (don't look so shoked) ;)
3. I only sleep about 5 - 6 hours a day, sometimes less but i get it back at weekends when i sometimes sleep up to 15 hours in one period ;)
4. my cold girth is exacly 11,6cm
5. I guess i am the smallest GAS

So lets get rolling
AlloyCG said:
In fact, a few sessions when I've done Slammers and ejaculated towards the end my penis felt TIRED. I've heard some say it's like a knockout punch to the workout.

Granted, I do get better erections more often when I don't come often, which is a benefit to girth work.

I doubt ejaculation has anything to do with no gains. DLD does girth before sex all the time. He is thick as hell. There is a lot of speculation of hormonal increases from not cumming after a good girth workout, rising your chances of better gains. However I don't buy it one bit.

After I cum my flaccid has always hung thicker and heavier, longer too. Now I'm the type of guy who is not into quickies, when I'm horney I will jack off for 30mins to 2 hours depending on how horny I am, same goes with sex, i always want to stay in the pussy as long as i can without cumming. So basically overtime I bust it is huge relief for my penis. On top of that it is a workout. I've always edged, my whole life i've done it. Most of the time after a good nut I wake up in the morning with a throbbing slightly painful woody. It is sore has hell, especially after a night of sex. I really feel it the most in the base area of my penis, but it is not limited to that area. As long as I'm not busting every night my erections are fine.

Now after a good girth workout I believe it is O.K to bust. It makes the insides of my unit sore, very sore, especially in the morning with my woody!
Also I sometimes cum while in the clamp, while your cummin, your PC muscle is a spastic, and you can't control it contractions. Every time it contracts my penis gets as hard a steel pipe. Then it starts throbbing after the nut. So I normally leave the clamp on until I notice my erection starting to go down. I get mad sore after this.

Final note don't worry if you cum during your girth session. However you should not start your girth session with the intent to cum. If it happens it happens, not a big deal IMO. But make sure you don't nut everytime. I say everyother day, and you should not have any erection issues.
eh i decided not to wack it after starting p.e so i was going like a month at a time without getting off and i was wondering wtf was with my flaccid length and i started wacking it the past week and now my flaccid is thicker and longer so i dunno wtf maybe im just happier! aha
jmacbling -

Nice gains man! An inch in length in 3 months? Along with .6" EG? Fucking nice dude. I find my flaccid looks better when I ejaculate regularly (few times a week.)
This is a wonderful thread! I love seeing this stuff get talked about.
I gave up clamping for a moment becouse of this:Clamping causes penis swelling,and most of the size is fluid,and i need days off from them.Yesterday i once again thought about DLDs first routine,and found out that He did Jelqing-ULIs mostly for girth expansion for the first 8 months,and he gained well.Perhaps this could be a winner routine for girth:

Hot wraps or anything else for warm up.5 min
set of jelqs+3 ULIs+set of jelqs+1-3 basic isolated compression squeezes+set of double handed jelqs+1-3 isolated comp.sq.+massage jelqs(25-50% erect)+warmdown

Routine in basic the same as this gave me expansion of .4 inch without any fluid,hours later,when i got erect my girth was at least .2 inch above normal+i can do 2 sets of this in a day and maybe dont ever have a day off(i dont have erection problems,and no pain at all).
I don't ejaculate after a girth routine but I do some edging. I too am in a better mood when I prolong ejaculation.

I am 20.

I get about 7-8hrs of sleep per day however I can function properly on 6hrs as well.

My EG fluctuates between 5.8-6. I am starting to drink lots of water and doing basic excercises.
I cum after about every other girth session. If I'm horny and the wife isn't expecting some soon, I'll jerk it. When I Penis Enlargement regularly, I don't have erection issues w/ the wife. Of course, it's hard as hell to get a full erection by myself, but it's always been that way. Still 90% is more than enough for solo action.

Anyway, I've been experimenting w/ doing intense squeezes immediately after I cum. Kind of like an edge gone too far. I'm still mostly erect and my penis feels more stretchy. Though I'm not a soldier, I'll let everyone know if it prove fruitful.
There are certain facts that should be considered:
You all noticed that when you take a day off after a killer girth routine during that day you have more erections or near erect states.Also after a period of intens girth workout,when taking few days off.
Most of you have heard that you need certain levels of testosterone,and DHT or similar hormons in blood for growth to occur,and that blood in penile tissue full of that stuff(after workouts) promotes that.
Another one:
I think that the basic difference between a plain muscle and penis itself,is that muscles need to be stressed over the edge of its capabilities and than they need a period of rest to recoupe and grow.Although most of you think that the same principles should be used for penile growth,i dont think so.
Like African tribesman are lengthening their necks(using rings placed around their necks),or lowering their lipps(making them larger in downward direction),its not neceessary to stress spongiosum cells to their max. for them to enlarge(grow),and you dont need days off too.Perhaps sessions more often(2-3 a day),and going just for 0.15-0.30 inch. Expansion in each will do the job better than a killer workout and 1-2 days of rest after that.

In previous case damadging of cells stimulates the brain to produce more DHT,testosterone,... for healing of damadged tissue and that causes more erects states.My opinion is based on my personal expiriance (and also some knowladge).I usualy masturbate(dont have a girl right now) 1-3 times per day,and before Penis Enlargement i didnt had morning woods like i do now after girth workouts in the late evening the night before.

p.s sorry for bad english if it is,i am from Serbia
Sounds intresting... but on the other hand i think that the penile tissues are completly different then any other part of the body. Seeing it from that point of view would mean that you can't realy compare any kind of workout you youse on all the other parts of the body completly to you're Penis Enlargement workout. So starting out from that point of view i think wee still have to find "the perfect way of" training this part of the body. I mean look, if you wanna train muskels baff you know what to do, if you wanna strech you're lets say ears baff you know what to do and when you wanna strech and widen you're dick baff you got 100red different methods that all kinda work but are all a bit different and work different from person to person.
Like you said, some say streching and pumping you're dick up as much as you can at once like with muskels and then resting is best, others go after you're theroy and say a middel work but everyday without rest is best and again others say at the max with no rest is the best. This comes up because i would say it all works, but nobody can give a perfect way to do it because until now, nobody realy knows what does our dick "realy need for a perfect training"?!
Does this conclude into the fact that our dick is one of the easyest parts of the body to modify (against medical belives) because there are so many ways of training that work?
Or is it because we havn't realy found the "perfect" way jet?
There is realy only one thing about Penis Enlargement we realy all know! And that is that our dick takes one of the longest times to modify.

Just something i've been thinking about
Yeah, it does seems like the dick is one of the more resilient bodyparts and most resistant to change.

I generally try to avoid busting after a girth session, as I want to keep things as engorged as possible for as long as possilbe. That said, I have let loose on occasion after a post-Penis Enlargement edging session gone awry. I'm not sure whether it's had a negative effect on my girth gains as I've not really experienced any -- even when I was more strict with the post-Penis Enlargement jacking.

I'm in my late thirties. I get about 7 hours of sleep a night. I am irritable as hell if I don't cum about every other day. My struggle is trying to time my Penis Enlargement sessions so that they don't coincide with the evenings that my wife and I have sex. (Want to make sure that soldier is not too tired to go into battle. Too bad I didn't know about all this Penis Enlargement stuff BEFORE I got married, lol.) Currently, I'm on a Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri morning Penis Enlargement schedule. I often jack it on Penis Enlargement days, but late in the evening after I've enjoyed a full day of engorgement.
I NEVER cum after or before a session....but that might change cos it was just a thing I had, kinda like goodluck bullshit ect lol

I'm 20 years old, also my girth is 7.25-7.3 ... shrunk from 7.5 in the past months due to not cementing gains...I dont give a fuck lol Get anywhere from 3-6 hours sleep on workdays and about 10 hours on my days off.
I wasn`t able to maintain an erect state lately for the most of my workouts,also my girth seamed to be little below my stat.It maked me wonder untill last night.Most of the time during the recent weeks I was hard working on my job in a cold enviroment,and I didn’t had a chance to go out and have fun.Motivation for workouts was on a decent level,but expansion was not!I faced almost the same problem that I guess Bebobbox had,and still does.When I was masturbating,which is my daily habbit,my penis was preety limp,without any chance to get harder.Last night`s party changed that,and a fact that I was flirting with the most of the girls there(it was a birthday parthy).I even chelanged one of them with a biggest titts to fuck with me on a washing machine.It didn`t happen,because she was just foolin around with me,although she danced with me and I felt certain fluid between us.When I went home I coulnd restrain my self not to masturbate,and I did it several times(3 times during the night and one time in the morning),and he was still hard enough.I felt my testosterone level rised up again so I manadged to have one session after my job has finished.Before a session a measured again and my girth was 5.2(it was slightly above 5 when I measured the day before).Guys,I concluded that when you are happier and positive about your self due to the energy you get when you go out and have fun,your workouts can be dramaticaly improved.Well I guess that this is nothing new for the most of you,but I thought I should post my experience.
BeBobBox said:
the longer i go w/o masturbating, the hapier and more outgoing i am

i get a feeling of depression after i cum...

its weird

there is a drop, in some chemical, that makes you happy, in your body after you cum. eating something sweet and sugary help reganarate that chemical.

so eat chocolate after you cum and you wont feel that depressed.

its very normal. i get depressed too. my feeling is more like self-pity...
BeBobBox said:
the longer i go w/o masturbating, the hapier and more outgoing i am

i get a feeling of depression after i cum...

its weird
Its not depression, its aa sense of clarity! i'll explain, do you ever wonder why teen agers and people with harmonal problems generally are poor discision makers? its because all that stored up sexual tension, harmones and such basically cloud your abitlity to reason and effectively make proper discissions. so basically masturbation is a good thing cuz without all that sexual tension and such built up your mind is left clear and focused. I know alot of you wont believe me but just try to put it to the test. simply wait till you have an important discision to make then descided and then go and "release"(whether by masterbation or sex) and think again and am sure your discission will be quite different.
I know that us guys think of sex like ahundred times a times a day but do you ever notice that just after masturbation or sex your mind is completely clear of sexual thoughts and desire? I know mines is and as a matter of fact I am most productive when my mind is clear so I dont know about therest of yaall. Whenever I have descisions to make I wait until my mind is clear which is basically after i've ejaculated and i've been doing it for so long now that I am now able to do it without having to ejaculate first bcause I now know how to disregard those thoughts whenever.
Please take my advice as I have proven it time and time again and have advised peoloe on my theory and they have too confirmed it.
profesionalac said:
I wasn`t able to maintain an erect state lately for the most of my workouts,also my girth seamed to be little below my stat.It maked me wonder untill last night.Most of the time during the recent weeks I was hard working on my job in a cold enviroment,and I didn’t had a chance to go out and have fun.Motivation for workouts was on a decent level,but expansion was not!I faced almost the same problem that I guess Bebobbox had,and still does.When I was masturbating,which is my daily habbit,my penis was preety limp,without any chance to get harder.Last night`s party changed that,and a fact that I was flirting with the most of the girls there(it was a birthday parthy).I even chelanged one of them with a biggest titts to fuck with me on a washing machine.It didn`t happen,because she was just foolin around with me,although she danced with me and I felt certain fluid between us.When I went home I coulnd restrain my self not to masturbate,and I did it several times(3 times during the night and one time in the morning),and he was still hard enough.I felt my testosterone level rised up again so I manadged to have one session after my job has finished.Before a session a measured again and my girth was 5.2(it was slightly above 5 when I measured the day before).Guys,I concluded that when you are happier and positive about your self due to the energy you get when you go out and have fun,your workouts can be dramaticaly improved.Well I guess that this is nothing new for the most of you,but I thought I should post my experience.

I must say I most certainly agree with your statement. Fist off though I must say that I believe the fluid you felt between you and the young lady was indeed a substance refered to as "sweat"! LOL. I have always noticed that when I maintiain my daily routine of jerking off my dick realy doesnt stand very hard some of the times but most of the times its just doesnt stand as hard as it should vut that never happend when i'm about to have sex or having sex as i'm rock hard when i'm anticipating sex so its never a problem. Also I notice that my penis stands exspecially hard when ever i'm going for a secon orgasm, like when I cum once and I allow my dick to go dead and then stand up again its so hard that it actually hurts but its extremely well defined and my alot of times when am havings sex with my girlfriend shes always saying that my dick is s hard it feels sharp lol (whatever that means). I know thayt if you go for a week without masturbation or sex your dick will stand up significantly easier and harder but you'll cum much faster. Oh and also masturbating often decreases the power of your orgasm withch may allow you to go alot longer, maybe you can cum twice before you stop. and last but not least I definately believe that masturbating makes you alot harder to cum during sex(although you come so fast when jerking off) cuz I am know as Mr. Marathon man as I average 2-4 hours to cum once, i've gone 5 and 6 hours before cuming but its very rare.
So yaall can conclude whatever you want but I believe masturbation is a good thing and definately is a healthy practice.
jmacbling said:
eh i decided not to wack it after starting p.e so i was going like a month at a time without getting off and i was wondering wtf was with my flaccid length and i started wacking it the past week and now my flaccid is thicker and longer so i dunno wtf maybe im just happier! aha
I dont choke my chicken after workouts, dont get me wrong i have and most of the time want to but I find I see more gains when i dont wack it. My dick doesnt seem as strong if I cum after a girth workout. Thats where I notice the change the most is in girth.
jamdong said:
Its not depression, its aa sense of clarity! i'll explain, do you ever wonder why teen agers and people with harmonal problems generally are poor discision makers? its because all that stored up sexual tension, harmones and such basically cloud your abitlity to reason and effectively make proper discissions. so basically masturbation is a good thing cuz without all that sexual tension and such built up your mind is left clear and focused. I know alot of you wont believe me but just try to put it to the test. simply wait till you have an important discision to make then descided and then go and "release"(whether by masterbation or sex) and think again and am sure your discission will be quite different.
I know that us guys think of sex like ahundred times a times a day but do you ever notice that just after masturbation or sex your mind is completely clear of sexual thoughts and desire? I know mines is and as a matter of fact I am most productive when my mind is clear so I dont know about therest of yaall. Whenever I have descisions to make I wait until my mind is clear which is basically after i've ejaculated and i've been doing it for so long now that I am now able to do it without having to ejaculate first bcause I now know how to disregard those thoughts whenever.
Please take my advice as I have proven it time and time again and have advised peoloe on my theory and they have too confirmed it.

WARNING: My response sucks

Now here's the scary version of proof. When a sex crime is commited, the majority of the victims are alive when the POS ejaculates. Sure, the victim is very often beat up and subdued/bound but once the sexual predator has
ejaculated, this is when his mind is the clearest and his perverse thoughts are no longer his drive or motivation. He realizes just how bad a thing he has done.

He now has to get rid of the evidence and this is when a murder is commited and the evidence (the body) is either buried or destroyed. Hours later, he is deranged once again due to his perverted and twisted drive.

(I just wonder how many of these type of crimes and situations would be avoided if whore houses were legal, affordable and safe?)