Double Long Daddy, The Guru
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Performing the DLD Blaster:

Warm up to the Blasters
Sitting on the toilet in a totally flaccid state stretch penis upward to a taunt pull. In this state do 100 quick Kegels. This will aid in making you aware of the PC muscle prior to engaging in the Blasters. It will also serve to pre-exhaust the PC muscle to some extent. When this is complete move on to the actual Blasters.

The Blasters
Sitting on the toilet get yourself into the DLD “A” stretch. For some this may be difficult due to wrist size so the RB fake arm stretch or the Dual Fulcrum Stretch can be substituted. I would prefer that everyone eventually get into the “A’ Stretch as an ultimate goal so continue trying to get into it as you make gains.

Once in the “A” Stretch pull your penis to a good solid stretch straight out. In this position do kegel. (take note of how your penis will pull back as the PC muscle flexes) Hold this Kegel for 5 seconds. Feel the pull back? If not loosen stretch a bit...your main objective on this part of the stretch is to feel that slight pull make so the next part of the exercise can be felt. The Kegel portion of this exercise is to serve only this function..this is where you will be training your PC muscle the stretch is only in place to feel the pull back.

Now this is where you want to really stretch ... do a Reverse Kegel (as you make this change from a Kegel to a Reverse Kegel you will feel the PC Unflex) As you RK pull your stretch to accommodate the unflex, meaning just as when you Kegel the penis pulls back the penis in a Reverse Kegel will produce more slack. Stretch this to your max for 5 seconds. During this 5 second Reverse Kegel be sure to pivot your arm or fake arm to increase tension. The idea on the Reverse Kegel is to take your stretching capasity beyond normal and this is accomplished by the Arm pivot, Fake arm Pivot or Increasing pull on Dual Fulcrum.

This is one Rep.

You should continue to do rep sets of these. (formula 5sec Kegel, 5 sec Reverse Kegel= One rep. [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]x 50[/words])

This stretch is done in conjunction with the Blaster. It may be performed in The "A" stretch or the "Dual Stretch" I am hoping people will come out with other versions of this so all can do it as the benefits for me over the past month have been incredible.

I call it the Bundle Stretch, the reason is a theory I have been thinking about for some time. My thoughts came from understanding how wire is strengthened and stretched. If a wire is only one strand the stretch is limited to the endurance of that single wire. In order to create the ability to stretch beyond the wires single strand strength it would have to be stronger. The way to make this single strand wire stronger without adding to it is to "Bundle" it meaning add more strength to the wire by twisting it. Now at first I knew initially this action would make the wire shorter but it would also make it stronger. When the wire is in this state it know can be stretched harder due to it's added strength. When unbundling the wire more length is created without damaging the integrity of the original single strand wire.

I applied this same line of thought to my penis. In the "A" stretch much of the time I felt I was stronger than my penis and if my penis were stronger I could apply more pressure. So using the same principles that related to the wire I used on my penis. In a totally (and I mean totally) flaccid state I would turn my penis 2-3 times making it "Bundled" in a sense in this state I would set up the "A" stretch and do a set of ten Blasters, then shake it out, turn in the other direction and set up an "A" stretch and Blast in that direction. The result was incredible, I was able to cement that additional 1/2" in length I have been working on so desperately.

Here is a picture of the "A-Stretch"
Hydromaxm, sounds like a nice length routine, i think i'll try doing this in the morning and doing my girth exercises at night....the dld blaster bundled does give a nice stretch though. i'll give it a whirl.

current size: 7.5x5.0 (need to focus on girth a wee bit more)
I have 1 question about the Blasters which I'd like you to clarify. I know that in JAI stretches, you purposely don't pull too hard (to avoid kickback or whatever). And when I stretch normally - such as 12:00 pulls, Bundled pulls, or modified A-Stretches - I pull like all hell.
But when I'm doing Blasters, in the A, I notice that if I'm pulling too much, I don't see much "movement" in the transtion between kegel to RK. I believe that you wrote somewhere that you'll see it if you ease up a little on the pull. Is that right? Did I understand correctly?
I want to know if we need to pull for all we're worth in the Blasters, or if the K/RK action intensifies the benefits sufficiently.
Originally posted by WaxN
I have 1 question about the Blasters which I'd like you to clarify. I know that in JAI stretches, you purposely don't pull too hard (to avoid kickback or whatever). And when I stretch normally - such as 12:00 pulls, Bundled pulls, or modified A-Stretches - I pull like all hell.
But when I'm doing Blasters, in the A, I notice that if I'm pulling too much, I don't see much "movement" in the transtion between kegel to RK. I believe that you wrote somewhere that you'll see it if you ease up a little on the pull. Is that right? Did I understand correctly?
I want to know if we need to pull for all we're worth in the Blasters, or if the K/RK action intensifies the benefits sufficiently.

Yes WaxN...There should be an increase when you move into the Reverse Kegel. Although you are stretching all the time the KEGEL stretch is at like maybe 75% potential when you go into the Reverse Kegel kick it up to 110%.
For anyone new to this exercise I want to give you a little history on the DLD Blaster.

First, I apologize for never posting this here; I have no idea how I forgot to do so.

The DLD Blaster is the exercise that got me to 9" in my first year of training. This exercise also has helped tons of other guys realize massive length gains. The reason it works so well is simple. When we stretch the penis has a natural tendency to protect itself. The protection it uses is what we call a kegel. When we try to stretch while unknowingly flexing our PC muscle the majority of the stretch is taken up by the PC muscle instead of the much-desired LIGS. The DLD Blaster forces the LIGS to endure the stretch because when we do a Reverse Kegel the PC muscle is in an unflexed state and the majority of the stretch is taken up by the LIGS. The reason we do the flex in and out is to constantly fatigue the PC muscle. This is a difficult exercise to master but well worth your time. Learn it well, ask questions if you need help and maximize your length potential.
Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
Yes WaxN...There should be an increase when you move into the Reverse Kegel. Although you are stretching all the time the KEGEL stretch is at like maybe 75% potential when you go into the Reverse Kegel kick it up to 110%.
Thanks, that answered my question....
75% on the kegeled stretch, but maxed out on the reverse. :)
One more Q...sorry, lol
But between reps, do you ever let go of the penis or do you hold it for entire set of 50 x 5/5??? Also, do you recommend any rest time between sets?
Thanks, as always.
I have experimented with some many different time signatures and I always come back to the 5 over 5. I think the quick flex is a major reason these work so well.
jesus christ i was doing blasters sort of by accident when i was in a lazy ass stretch.. its like i could feel this insane tightness and had full control over my ligs.. i cant get it to work in the A stretch yet so im gonna keep practicing
Originally posted by Hopingbig
jesus christ i was doing blasters sort of by accident when i was in a lazy ass stretch.. its like i could feel this insane tightness and had full control over my ligs.. i cant get it to work in the A stretch yet so im gonna keep practicing

As I said earlier, practicing and mastering this exercise has been so important to length gains for many guys I have worked with.
is there anything wrong with doing them in a lazy ass stretch? im doing them again now and it feels extremely intense like this but ill try and do it in an A-stretch but the main issue for me is keeping my grip while im kegeling

now i know why they're called blasters, i can feel the actual blast feeling when i do a reverse kegel, thanks again dld.. i wish i discovered these earlier
DLD, i can't seem to do a reverse kegal, every time i try and do one nothing seems to happen. Can you some how let me know what i am doing wrong?
Thanks Hopingbig. that gave me a better picture of what it should feel like. If possible, can anyone provide a link to doing a reverse kegal right?
Just make sure you Dont have to take a dump before doing these! ;)
Originally posted by stillwantmore
Just make sure you Dont have to take a dump before doing these! ;)

Blasters are best done during your morning shiznit. Grab a coffee, a cigarette and retire to the can for 20 minutes...kill a couple birdies with one stone:D
Hmmm i just cant seem to do these properly in an A stretch.. it still feels intense but nothing like when i do them in a lazy ass stretch.. guess ill keep trying
i can't really do the A-stretches that well. like someone mentioned earlier i can't really keep hold of the head when i'm doing the kegel thing. it just slipps right the hell outta my hand and it sucks,......well i guess now i have to keep going and trying with these stretches. when i get a new routine going i'll be sure to incorporate these exercises into it.
Some Q's:
Kegal(hold back the shizz or pee) is that when the penis almost want to get back in where it come from by the force?
And Reverse K(move the shizz or pee out), is that when you force it forward?

Gonna try doing as many as possible tonight.
Before and after that do; get full erection and keep the blood there with a string and constantly pump the PC, kegal front and back. And have it there for like 10-15min. I think thats like RedZ's routine, did it last night and it were kinda good.
Instead of doing jelq i do like; masturbate-pull out insted of in, in that case it take years to cum so it gets a fine exercise. =P
Note: You do not have to be going to the bathroom to use these muscles. They are described this way because it is easy to comprehend. If you empty your bladder before doing this exercise the muscle movements may be performed with no accidents.
Is it better to be doing the Blasters as an A stretch or a verticle stretch pulling it up your body, like pulling it towards your face. I thought i remember reading on one of your DLD blaster posts on another forum about lying down on a bed and dueling the blasters that way, but if you do the blasters with the A-Stretch then wouldn't you do it on the can or on a seat? Thanks.
Also how do you know that you have a real stretch gonig on? Like people say they feel their ligs loose and such. What kind of feeling do you say you have after you know you worked the ligs out well.
Originally posted by SlickRic
Also how do you know that you have a real stretch gonig on? Like people say they feel their ligs loose and such. What kind of feeling do you say you have after you know you worked the ligs out well.

SlickRic, this is a very good question but the answer may not satisfy you<:( Some men have lig soreness after a workout and this is a sign of a great workout for them. Other men may never feel soreness or worked out but they are still getting a good workout. This is so individual and difficult to track gains by. Rely heavily on 2 things:

1.) That you understand and perform the exercise correctly

2.) The you measure bone pressed flaccid stretched often to track gains.

Measuring will always be the best way to track your gains as fatigue, soreness, red spots, etc may happen or not regardless of the workout being good or bad. Put everything you have into each exercise and track your gains very closely.
Just discovered these. A timeless classic, going to start incorporating it into my routine next month!!

8incyclops;570407 said:
Wow a 10 year old thread bump great exercise even better with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words].

DLD Blasters are what put DLD on the map and they are still the best length method today! This is why they play a role in so many men's arsenal of exercises. And you are right about the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PowerAssist[/words] and [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words], Blasters with the assistance of these tools just makes gains so much faster. The good news of the week is that the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words] 2.0 will be ready for sale before Christmas, this will be a great day. With the redesign I think all of the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words] looks so much more user friendly and not so archaic. Everyone who is serious about length will want to score the new [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words], it is the Penis Enlargement tool of the Century!
8incyclops;570407 said:
Wow a 10 year old thread bump great exercise even better with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words].

DLD Blasters are what put DLD on the map and they are still the best length method today! This is why they play a role in so many men's arsenal of exercises. And you are right about the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PowerAssist[/words] and [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words], Blasters with the assistance of these tools just makes gains so much faster. The good news of the week is that the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words] 2.0 will be ready for sale before Christmas, this will be a great day. With the redesign I think all of the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words] looks so much more user friendly and not so archaic. Everyone who is serious about length will want to score the new [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words], it is the Penis Enlargement tool of the Century!
I am a noob - but wanted to throw my experience in here.

I have done DLD blasters with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Power assist[/words] - god, it's intense. I have a good feel for my kegel and pretty good feel for my RK.

after one day of doing dld blasters I had to go to full tension (I always rock lowest tension) on my [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]SG[/words]. SO, after day two, I had to add the smallest [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extenders[/words] onto my [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]SG[/words] to maintain a good stretch for [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] healing... after day three, I had to take off the smallest [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extenders[/words] and add the second smallest [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extenders[/words] to maintain a good stretch.

These are amazing.
The other thing I'd throw in here for RK's. If you are having a problem with these, everyone always says focus on trying to urinate....and that works pretty well for me.

When it's not......

I go sit in the hot tub so my balls can hang. When I RK I focus on pushing my balls down - read this in a Taoist book.

In water when I do them right I see my balls move down 1/4-1/2 an inch. I am starting to see this in a dry sitting under an it lamp
Hope that helps.
dmoney101;597350 said:
This needs to be bumped for anyone new to the forum. One of my favorite stretches ever.

One of the first new exercises brought into the old days, this exercise changed the way men gained in PE in ways they never dreamed possible.
doublelongdaddy;597368 said:
One of the first new exercises brought into the old days, this exercise changed the way men gained in PE in ways they never dreamed possible.

Let's not get cocky here haha
I think this exercise alone has caused more gains then any other exercise!
Tons of guys on different forums have gained using just this exercise alone!
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I think this exercise alone has caused more gains then any other exercise!
Tons of guys on different forums have gained using just this exercise alone!

If you go to founders you’ll see that DLD blasters are still one of the biggest threads they have, and it’s been locked for more than six years now. :D

There’s another thread at thunders that is huge also. The day I decided to leave thunders I made a thread called “DLD says a sad farewell to Thund3rs Pl@ce” I never went back to them from that day forward. MOS was started and I brought most of their members over to the brotherhood. That thread is also locked but if you go check it still in their top 10 biggest threads. ?
One of the greatest exercises out there. I'm currently doing this with my length master and I intend doing it for 1 year. The plan is to do two rotations/twist for 6 months and then move to 3 rotations/bundled for another 6 months. I do 40mins of this in combination with 20mins expressive stretching. This is all I'm doing for length until 10th October 2023.
One of the greatest exercises out there. I'm currently doing this with my length master and I intend doing it for 1 year. The plan is to do two rotations/twist for 6 months and then move to 3 rotations/bundled for another 6 months. I do 40mins of this in combination with 20mins expressive stretching. This is all I'm doing for length until 10th October 2023.

It was all about that kegel/reverse kegel stretch
Performing the DLD Blaster:

Warm up to the Blasters
Sitting on the toilet in a totally flaccid state stretch penis upward to a taunt pull. In this state do 100 quick Kegels. This will aid in making you aware of the PC muscle prior to engaging in the Blasters. It will also serve to pre-exhaust the PC muscle to some extent. When this is complete move on to the actual Blasters.

The Blasters
Sitting on the toilet get yourself into the DLD “A” stretch. For some this may be difficult due to wrist size so the RB fake arm stretch or the Dual Fulcrum Stretch can be substituted. I would prefer that everyone eventually get into the “A’ Stretch as an ultimate goal so continue trying to get into it as you make gains.

Once in the “A” Stretch pull your penis to a good solid stretch straight out. In this position do kegel. (take note of how your penis will pull back as the PC muscle flexes) Hold this Kegel for 5 seconds. Feel the pull back? If not loosen stretch a bit...your main objective on this part of the stretch is to feel that slight pull make so the next part of the exercise can be felt. The Kegel portion of this exercise is to serve only this function..this is where you will be training your PC muscle the stretch is only in place to feel the pull back.

Now this is where you want to really stretch
... do a Reverse Kegel (as you make this change from a Kegel to a Reverse Kegel you will feel the PC Unflex) As you RK pull your stretch to accommodate the unflex, meaning just as when you Kegel the penis pulls back the penis in a Reverse Kegel will produce more slack. Stretch this to your max for 5 seconds. During this 5 second Reverse Kegel be sure to pivot your arm or fake arm to increase tension. The idea on the Reverse Kegel is to take your stretching capasity beyond normal and this is accomplished by the Arm pivot, Fake arm Pivot or Increasing pull on Dual Fulcrum.

This is one Rep.

You should continue to do rep sets of these. (formula 5sec Kegel, 5 sec Reverse Kegel= One rep. [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]x 50[/words])

This stretch is done in conjunction with the Blaster. It may be performed in The "A" stretch or the "Dual Stretch" I am hoping people will come out with other versions of this so all can do it as the benefits for me over the past month have been incredible.

I call it the Bundle Stretch, the reason is a theory I have been thinking about for some time. My thoughts came from understanding how wire is strengthened and stretched. If a wire is only one strand the stretch is limited to the endurance of that single wire. In order to create the ability to stretch beyond the wires single strand strength it would have to be stronger. The way to make this single strand wire stronger without adding to it is to "Bundle" it meaning add more strength to the wire by twisting it. Now at first I knew initially this action would make the wire shorter but it would also make it stronger. When the wire is in this state it know can be stretched harder due to it's added strength. When unbundling the wire more length is created without damaging the integrity of the original single strand wire.

I applied this same line of thought to my penis. In the "A" stretch much of the time I felt I was stronger than my penis and if my penis were stronger I could apply more pressure. So using the same principles that related to the wire I used on my penis. In a totally (and I mean totally) flaccid state I would turn my penis 2-3 times making it "Bundled" in a sense in this state I would set up the "A" stretch and do a set of ten Blasters, then shake it out, turn in the other direction and set up an "A" stretch and Blast in that direction. The result was incredible, I was able to cement that additional 1/2" in length I have been working on so desperately.

Here is a picture of the "A-Stretch"

you said “You should continue to do rep sets of these. (formula 5sec Kegel, 5 sec Reverse Kegel= One rep.” You said this is the formula for the A stretch DLD blaster. Should I also use this formula straight up while pulling the penis straight up? Is that okay if I follow this same formula while stretching Up? Is it also ok if I use my extender for DLD blasters cause of an issue with my hand right now?
you said “You should continue to do rep sets of these. (formula 5sec Kegel, 5 sec Reverse Kegel= One rep.” You said this is the formula for the A stretch DLD blaster. Should I also use this formula straight up while pulling the penis straight up? Is that okay if I follow this same formula while stretching Up? Is it also ok if I use my extender for DLD blasters cause of an issue with my hand right now?

All of that is just fine
I guess I never posted this here:O
DND, I’m having a hard time understanding blasters without the visuals. This image link is broke, could you repost or send to me directly?

New to this forum but am not new to PE. I’m in a rut because I’ve experienced little to no gains since starting my PE journey 7 months ago and am about to give up. I found your old post in Thund3rs Pl@ce and followed the trail here.. I’m hoping DLD blasters will get me some results, cause I’m on my last leg. I’ve been hanging for months for about 8-10 hours a week, nothing. I incorporated an ADS between hanging sets which has me stretching my unit for 8 total hours each day, nothing. I even got a Stealth unit which is mighty comfortable I might add, which at least has me preventing turtling when I sleep or am not stretching… but no noticeable gains in length.

I hope DND blasters can kick start some gains for me, so any visual or detailed info you have would be great!
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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