Ok guys, so here is alittle about me. I've been researching Penis Enlargement for probably 5 yrs now. I have a 1" binder full of info and some of the more advanced stuff. I went into a adult entertainment shop and saw a book in the back that was titled "How to enlarge your penis". On the back of the book was a pic of John Holmes in all his glory! I bought the book and read it through about 3 times before trying the exercises. Now I was kinda scared cause.... well, it's my dick that I'm yanking on! Now the beek really didn't tell you much except basic stretching and jelqing. It was claimimg 2 inches in a month.

I wasn't getting the gains they promised and figured either I'm not getting the right info or not enough info. So I searched the internet and found Thund3rs Pl@ce. I printed everything I could find and googled the shit out of the information I had and got some more. I kinda forgot about it for a yr and decied to get back on the internet and read what information I had. Finally I found [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] and looked around here for another yr and finally joined the forum.

Started the evrcises and in the first week I could tell that my erections were starting to get harder. After that I really don't know what the hell happened and I stopped again. So here I am now and I have been oing Penis Enlargement for about a week. I have a journal that I write in everyday the exercises that I do and how I felt after the exercise. I'm going in balls to the walls guys and there is no looking back. I want to thank everyone on here for your support and thank you DLD for opening our eyes to the world of Penis Enlargement!
Take all of the energy collecting information and convert it into gains!:) Sometimes we can become so involved with the HOW that we lose site of the goal. It sounds like you are ready to make some good gains.
doublelongdaddy;362474 said:
Take all of the energy collecting information and convert it into gains!:) Sometimes we can become so involved with the HOW that we lose site of the goal. It sounds like you are ready to make some good gains.

Thanks Mike, the work will definitely be easier having a good knowledge on the exercises now!
Hey guys, I just got done with my jelqing. I did them for about 10 minutes and after my session I measured my girth 100% erect. My girth was exactly the same. I notice alot of guys have 1/4 gain for about an hour. My ok grip is pretty tight and I'm about 60-70% erect. Should I jelq at a higher erection % ?
rivieraman71;362518 said:
Hey guys, I just got done with my jelqing. I did them for about 10 minutes and after my session I measured my girth 100% erect. My girth was exactly the same. I notice alot of guys have 1/4 gain for about an hour. My ok grip is pretty tight and I'm about 60-70% erect. Should I jelq at a higher erection % ?

no, don't worry about it. some guys just get more fluid build up
dmoney101;362532 said:
no, don't worry about it. some guys just get more fluid build up

Thanks dmoney. During and up to about 10 minutes after my workoutout I can see all the veins. Plus I look really swollen, so I know something is happening. The same with my stretching routine. After my routine my flacid is about 1/2 inch longer.
rivieraman71;362538 said:
Thanks dmoney. During and up to about 10 minutes after my workoutout I can see all the veins. Plus I look really swollen, so I know something is happening. The same with my stretching routine. After my routine my flacid is about 1/2 inch longer.

i know what you mean. those veins look bad ass haha. usually my flaccid turtles up though. just wait til the end of 1 month of exercising then measure. i bet you'll see some results
dmoney101;362539 said:
i know what you mean. those veins look bad ass haha. usually my flaccid turtles up though. just wait til the end of 1 month of exercising then measure. i bet you'll see some results

Yeah, my girth is always consistant it's my length that varies all the time. My max is about 7.5 but I lost 1/2 an inch cause of my fat pad from weight gain, and my erections aren't the best cause of my diet and lack of exercise. Just changed my food intake and started working out last week too. That is my I'm Penis Enlargementing, so I can get to my full potantial everytime. Plus I wouldn't mind a few inches!
Instead of using hot water for my warm ups and warm downs I heated up white rice in a sock and I have to say I really like it. It stays hot for a long time and I feel that I got a much better workout this time. Also I think I'm going to try my jelqing at close to 100% erection as I can. I have been doing them 60-70% and I'm not seeing any temporary results when I measure after jelqing.
rivieraman71;362501 said:
Thanks Mike, the work will definitely be easier having a good knowledge on the exercises now!

A very short man once said; Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action has arrived, stop thinking and go in.
Ok guys, I just got done jelqing and I did my session with a 100% erection and I feel like It was really good. Was doing it at 60 - 70% before and I didn't feel like I was getting the most out of my workout.The only thing is after I was done my gigth didn't swell up temporarily. But when I became flacid my girth was as big as when Im erect. Any input?
Ok guys, I just got done jelqing and I did my session with a 100% erection and I feel like It was really good. Was doing it at 60 - 70% before and I didn't feel like I was getting the most out of my workout.The only thing is after I was done my gigth didn't swell up temporarily. But when I became flacid my girth was as big as when Im erect. Any input?
I took some measurements tonight and I thought my nbpel was 7 but the weight gain has affected it. So here are my starting stats.

BPFSL 8.25
NBPenis EnlargementL 6.5 / 6.75 depending on erection quality
BPenis EnlargementL 7.625
EG 5.5

So as you can see I need to get rid of that damn fat pad.
rivieraman71;362699 said:
I took some measurements tonight and I thought my nbpel was 7 but the weight gain has affected it. So here are my starting stats.

BPFSL 8.25
NBPenis EnlargementL 6.5 / 6.75 depending on erection quality
BPenis EnlargementL 7.625
EG 5.5

So as you can see I need to get rid of that damn fat pad.

if there's an inch difference between you're NBPenis EnlargementL and BPenis EnlargementL then you gotta do something to get rid of that fat. there's a .1" difference in mine lol. your flaccid stretch is really good. those are all great stats
dmoney101;362825 said:
if there's an inch difference between you're NBPenis EnlargementL and BPenis EnlargementL then you gotta do something to get rid of that fat. there's a .1" difference in mine lol. your flaccid stretch is really good. those are all great stats

What does it mean if theres an inch difference between BPenis EnlargementL and BPFSL, as in rivieraman's case? Is that more potential for his erect length to catch up to his flaccid stretched length?
dmoney101;362825 said:
if there's an inch difference between you're NBPenis EnlargementL and BPenis EnlargementL then you gotta do something to get rid of that fat. there's a .1" difference in mine lol. your flaccid stretch is really good. those are all great stats

Thanks for the support dmoney. Just started working out last week and beek walking 2.5 miles a day for 2 weeks. When I push on my pad and that extra 1" - 1.25" is exposed it is pretty impressive looking what an inch difference can make. Definitely motivation to get in shape!
laocoon;362829 said:
What does it mean if theres an inch difference between BPenis EnlargementL and BPFSL, as in rivieraman's case? Is that more potential for his erect length to catch up to his flaccid stretched length?

I sure hope that's what it means!
laocoon;362829 said:
What does it mean if theres an inch difference between BPenis EnlargementL and BPFSL, as in rivieraman's case? Is that more potential for his erect length to catch up to his flaccid stretched length?

These are the erect gains of the future...FS will always convert to EL. Erect stretches will help this happen quicker. The use of the FastSize [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Extender[/words] will also help convert these gains with little effort.
rivieraman71;362908 said:
So should I do stretches while I'm erect also? Never heard of this before.

I believe I remember reading a posting by DLD about erect stretches which should, in theory, help convert flaccid stretched length to erect length. (correct me if Im wrong)

Basically you get fully erect and stretch it in all directions, but not stretching like flaccid stretching where you grab below the glans and pull, but you basically "point" your erect member by gently holding below the glans and pushing it up, down, left, right, up and to the right, etc., the same directions you should stretch in the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words].

I tried to find the article but couldnt find it, and again, I apologize if this isnt what DLD meant by erect stretches.
rivieraman71;362878 said:
Thanks for the support dmoney. Just started working out last week and beek walking 2.5 miles a day for 2 weeks. When I push on my pad and that extra 1" - 1.25" is exposed it is pretty impressive looking what an inch difference can make. Definitely motivation to get in shape!

oh yea. i remember the first time i trimmed my pubes when i was young and i was like "holy shit, my dick is pretty big" lol. once that fat starts shredding you'll look a lot bigger, especially when you're flaccid stretch and erect length even out. at least you have something to look forward to, that you know will happen. my flaccid stretch is about the same as erect length, so i've gotta work even harder ::P
dmoney101;362954 said:
oh yea. i remember the first time i trimmed my pubes when i was young and i was like "holy shit, my dick is pretty big" lol. once that fat starts shredding you'll look a lot bigger, especially when you're flaccid stretch and erect length even out. at least you have something to look forward to, that you know will happen. my flaccid stretch is about the same as erect length, so i've gotta work even harder ::P

Yeah I'm definitely looking forward to 8.25!!!
Got done stretching and I feel really good. Took my BPFSL and I don't have any temp gains but my flaccid is pretty nice. I was using some pretty good force while I was stretching. Thought I would see a temp increase but maybe my ligs are taking a while to stretch out.

Also I think I'm changing my routine from 2 on 1 off to

Mon - stretch
tues - jelq
wed - stretch
thurs - jelq
fri - stretch
sat - jelq
sun - stretch

I think if I wait a day between each jelq and stretch session I will kind of shock the ligaments and tissue as they are healing and promote faster gains. Just a theory but I'm gonna try it. Curious to what you guys that have doing Penis Enlargement for a while think of this. Especially DLD and Red.
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Ok guys, I'm running into a problem. Penis Enlargement and work are butting heads. I've been working as an over the road driver for the past 3 months and they have me set up team driver. I don't really have time to do my exercises anymore. Between driving 9-11 hrs a day and being in a truck 24/7 with another person it kind of makes it difficult. I can;t heat up a pad or a sock before and after (no access to a microwave all the time) and I don't have any lube (Think it would be an wierd conversation if my codriver found it). I want to do the stretching before I go to sleep but I'm afraid that without warming up before and after if will have little effect. And dry jelqs hurt after awhile. Can you guys help me with some ideas??? Please!
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Try to find an [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] (all day stretcher). If I am not mistaking an [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] can be used like an [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words], if you wear loose trousers so to make it invisible. There are a couple of threads that describe how you can build an [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] on your own, but if you like to have a professional solution, I think the FastSize [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] works great too.
Wearing an [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] 9-11 hours will definitely bring you gains :P
Thanks guys. I think I might wear this while I sleep. We have to take a mandatory 10 hr break after driving. That should be plenty of time each night wearing this.
they dont recommend wearing it while sleeping because youre supposed to take it off after 2 hours to restore circulation.
just fyi
maybe wear for 2 hour periods while driving?
rivieraman71;376005 said:
thanks lacoon! I'll definitely keep that in mind. Do u guys have any recomendations for girth work. Should I clamp?
[words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] and Slow Squash Jelqs are the latest and greatest.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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