I went to a Boston University event where very well known David Ray Griffin, who is a researcher and author of a few books questioning the legitimacy of the Bush administration's explanation of the 9/11 attack and it was pretty fascinating. People call his ideas "conspiracy theory" but, in actually, he's just trying to find facts to support what the government tells us and sadly, they don't add up.
Did you guys know a building #7 collapsed at 5pm on 9/11 as well? A 47 story building, steel frame, one block away from the WTC collapsed, in free fall in 2 seconds (ask any physicist, architect, engineer, etc, and they will confirm that the only explanation is that it was controlled demolition). So two planes hit two buildings, but three fell. How weird. And how convenient that that building holds government offices containing top secret CIA, FBI, FEMA, Enron, MCI World Com investigation documents...all now lost.
How did the WTC collapse? Because of the fire generating heat and that melted the steel is what they told us. Well, further tests shows that the steel is made to withstand up to 2800 degrees, and the fire could not possibly be hotter than 1800 degrees. And how odd that the government immediately shipped the steel out and burned them days after 9/11? These aren't conspiracies, just actual facts of what happened. It's really kind of scary.
Oh and Osama Bin Laden has been dead for 8 years now, too! Up till 12/13/01 his messages were being intercepted pretty much every day...then all of a sudden it's over. Since then, there hasn't been a single message intercepted. Of course, the government will keep saying he's alive to keep us thinking it's ok to be over in Iraq, which really didn't have anything to do with anything. They just have a huge source of oil that we want.
No one seemed to notice how the government had construction companies stationed in Iraq ready to "rebuild" BEFORE the 9/11 attack happened. Or how come we immediately surrounded and secured the oil refineries first thing before anything. Or question how come the Iraqi "terrorists" were blowing up or setting fire to their own oil supplies and source of country wealth. They rather destroy it then have some foreign company come over and occupy it!
This is a lot to digest and a lot of you probably have disagreements. Hey, I love this country. But that doesn't mean I should turn my back when injustices are done.
There's a bunch of sites if you guys want to check it out. I'm not affiliated with them, just listing them for your reference:
or just google them.