Do people actually still think the US organised 9/11?

If anyone does here, than what evidence are you useing? link your references.
I went to a Boston University event where very well known David Ray Griffin, who is a researcher and author of a few books questioning the legitimacy of the Bush administration's explanation of the 9/11 attack and it was pretty fascinating. People call his ideas "conspiracy theory" but, in actually, he's just trying to find facts to support what the government tells us and sadly, they don't add up.

Did you guys know a building #7 collapsed at 5pm on 9/11 as well? A 47 story building, steel frame, one block away from the WTC collapsed, in free fall in 2 seconds (ask any physicist, architect, engineer, etc, and they will confirm that the only explanation is that it was controlled demolition). So two planes hit two buildings, but three fell. How weird. And how convenient that that building holds government offices containing top secret CIA, FBI, FEMA, Enron, MCI World Com investigation documents...all now lost.

How did the WTC collapse? Because of the fire generating heat and that melted the steel is what they told us. Well, further tests shows that the steel is made to withstand up to 2800 degrees, and the fire could not possibly be hotter than 1800 degrees. And how odd that the government immediately shipped the steel out and burned them days after 9/11? These aren't conspiracies, just actual facts of what happened. It's really kind of scary.

Oh and Osama Bin Laden has been dead for 8 years now, too! Up till 12/13/01 his messages were being intercepted pretty much every day...then all of a sudden it's over. Since then, there hasn't been a single message intercepted. Of course, the government will keep saying he's alive to keep us thinking it's ok to be over in Iraq, which really didn't have anything to do with anything. They just have a huge source of oil that we want.

No one seemed to notice how the government had construction companies stationed in Iraq ready to "rebuild" BEFORE the 9/11 attack happened. Or how come we immediately surrounded and secured the oil refineries first thing before anything. Or question how come the Iraqi "terrorists" were blowing up or setting fire to their own oil supplies and source of country wealth. They rather destroy it then have some foreign company come over and occupy it!

This is a lot to digest and a lot of you probably have disagreements. Hey, I love this country. But that doesn't mean I should turn my back when injustices are done.

There's a bunch of sites if you guys want to check it out. I'm not affiliated with them, just listing them for your reference:
or just google them.
I've yet to see anything concrete and what would the purpose be for the US to do that? the whole to invade Iraq & Afghanistan doesnt add up because terror attacks have been about from that group before 9/11.

Saddam hussain if you do your history, was turning a BLIND EYE to training camps in the north of Iraq and letting every tom, dick and harry in so when the alliance went in we have attacked those and sorted the problem out.

Again ask yourselves what BIGGER purpose would it serve for the US to attack itself? The economy shot down and people were scared to travel to the US afterwards and still do fear going over with the tight security and interragations at the airport.

I suppose folk reckon the London and Madrid bombings were staged? I've heard some madman from texas who does various dvds say this and how sick indeed ... yea I know gouverments in the past have done tricks like this such as Hitler and even the US denied shooting down some Iranian passenger plane many years ago saying it was a fighter jet, but it was pretty hard they say to mistake it on the systems ... than again as we know the US and Iran dont get along, so that one I can accept but the rest .... nah, its used to smoke screen the advances of the real threat we need to watch and monitor.

I'll look at those links you provided and if anyone has more, keep them here. I accept everyone's views as we are entitled to our own and this thread is an adult debate on the topic which is healthy for everyone ... no point bottleing things up inside.
You can't debunk an event that never occurred. It's like proving the moon landings were real when we all know they weren't.

My point is, digital technology is so powerful these days, they can create images in filming and present it "live" to us and we will not question it, but if you actually think about the details of a specific situation such as 9/11, it's impossible for anyone with any intelligence to believe some men in a cave across the other side of the world planned and attacked the most well defended Country on the planet, it really is something out of a Hollywood movie.

Not only did they attack America, they did it and conveniently left irrefutable evidence of their actions, they also somehow avoided the US military from shooting them out of the sky..

This really is a little too suspicious even for the dumbest person to believe.

The government controls the media, so they basically control our opinion, independent sources of information collected from intelligent members of society is usually considered a "conspiracy" because the government can easily just ignore it and claim all these people are crazy, although the really crazy thing is, to believe some men in a cave who shit in a hole and drink camel milk, planned and executed what no other country on the face of the planet could do even during WWII when bombs and bullets were literally raining into millions and millions of bodies.

So if what the US government claims is accurate, the US was attacked by men in a cave who can't even afford shitting without cleaning their arse with their hand, actually did do this, then the USA is a joke, the US military is a joke, the US defense is a joke, the US military is not as powerful as they say it is..

Which I find very hard to believe, we all know who has the bombs, we all know who has the elite technology in relation to war, so for the Government to claim some dirty little cave men did what no other nation could do, is not only an insult to every US citizen and their intelligence, it's an insult to some of the biggest and greatest military and war related events of our entire history.

People often believe what we are told by the government and media, we have been conditioned our whole entire life by our parents and society to believe what we are told, like at a young age we believe in the tooth fairy and santa, as we get older we become aware this is not accurate, a similar thing happens with war and war related information, except we seem to believe anything we are told no matter how ridiculous it seems, why? Because that magic TV says so, that all mighty powerful government tells us how to think, how to act, if they could get away with it, they would tell us what paper to wipe our arse with and how many sheets to use.
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sikdogg;247334 said:
I saw a great documentary on Discovery a few months ago that pretty much debunked all the 9/11 conspiracy theories... Guys, don't believe everything you see or read on the Internet...

Instead believe everything you see on T.V. and believe the corporate owned Popular Mechanics.. OK :)
Not sure if the fact that 2.3 trillion went missing from the Pentagon budget. Some may ay that is just how Washington operates. I tend to think that blowing thing up and blaming people for it is how governments work....
It is main stream History that Hitler burned down the Reich-stag building. You can even hear from such cooky people as Glen Beck or Michael Savage. It is just easier to say the Mohammad Atta was not trained at Military instillation inside the United States. It is just easier to say that Al Quada was not brought into existence by our meddling in Afghanistan in the late 70's
The Bin Laden family and Bush family who are major stock holders in the construction company The Carlyle group which received a considerable amount of the Construction contracts. I mean no conflict of interest. Kinda like Rick Perry forcing girls to get the HPV vaccine from Gardacil which he is heavily invested...But remember the Suits love you...:)
when i was just a kid. i got told that usa was land of the free.

here people was reasonable and although they did have a love for guns (something we dont have in europe anywhere close to that) i respected usa for their believes.

now adays when you ask questions americans start to yell at you telling you that your a terrorist, unpatriotic and so on.

i know not everyone is like that. but most things 9/11 has been no where close to debunked.

take building 7.

this is a building that didn't get hit by anything. not a plain not a missile not anything.

it simply just fell. also this is a really pretty demolition. instead of fighting the war on terror. hire them for building demolitions in the future. they are doing an amazing job.

debunk it please?

ohh. this building wasnt even in the 9/11 case. it got left out??????????????????????????


there was used more money investing in bill clinton pooning his secretary. than there was investing 9/11.

i don't mind people saying 9/11 was a terrorist attack.

i don't mind people telling me that you can get weird coincidences out of everything.

what i do mind is the fact that your not allowed to ask questions.

and when you do you rarely meet a fair and honest debate. even in the news groups they start doing personally mud throwing at these people.

in denmark some scientists working on a big case found nano termite in the dust of the 9/11 an explosive used to make metal turn into butter.

and when they asked the scientist how he thought it got there his answer was: they moved it in there with trucks?

sorry but just to believe a payed tv station that is in so many cases wired to the same group of rich people. is just plain stupid.

usually i show this video. since it makes fun of people believing in the public lie.

wake up everyone.

rich people want to be richer. and have more power. simple as that.

you want the world to chance? do something about it
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