It must be self perception because I'm just over 7" BP and I feel like everyone around me must be at least 2" longer. I just can't help but feel that way right now for some reason. If I was 8" NBP I would feel better about it though, thats for sure.
I'm 8 X 5.5 and I feel small sometimes as well. I think it's because I haven't gained anything (due to not having a steady workout) for years. When I was growing steadily, I felt like I was the biggest man alive. I guess it all depends on your frame of mind. If you think negative about yourself, you'll naturally view yourself in a negative way. Same goes with positive thinking. Trust me, if you're over 7 inches, you have the majority beat in size, if that's what drives you.
It must be self perception because I'm just over 7" BP and I feel like everyone around me must be at least 2" longer. I just can't help but feel that way right now for some reason. If I was 8" NBP I would feel better about it though, thats for sure.
Does women say your big.
dee3186 said:
Does women say your big.

My ex girlfriend was lousy in bed she never took me full and always moved out of the way to avoid deep penetration..

after her I got with a dominican girl who loved my size she talks to me about it all the time..she says im perfect length and girth (yes this girl picks up my self-esteam) I tell her im normal just to see what she says and she insist I have a big package.. like (i guess what they say about guys with big feet is true) i wear a size 13 shoe

my current girl.. I just started sleeping with her and she hasent said much about my size even though im her first sexual partner.. she said im veiny and ones during phone sex she said it was big.. but that could be talk..not sure what she really thinks..kinda has me worried...
that is NOT small. be thankful

believe me I am thankful but it's such a mental thing I know there are alot of guys out there smaller than me but I just picture everyone bigger...

maybe i watch to much adult entertainment
hey pyro wats your nbp. were almost the same im 7 1/8 bp but my nbp is only 6.35 when i measure on top in middle but if i move the ruler over off ther area of my pubic bone still on top of my dick but kinda to the side im 6.55'' i think my pubic bone sticks out some or something bcuz im kinda skinny so i dont have a thick fat pad.
I'm in the same boat with a lot of you guys. I'm about 6.5- 6.75 NBP x 5.25 Girth and I feel small also. After I gain enough to be over 7" NPB with a weak boner I think I will feel better because thats just above average (assuming average is 5"- 7"). But it will probably still look small to me :(.


I find myself constantly measuring with a ruler because I refuse to believe I am 6.5" and over because it looks so small, heh.
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Hmmm... it's not surprising that we all think we're small. This is a penis enlargement forum, after all! I know I'm a good size at 6.5 NBP / 7.25 BP, but it almost always looks small to me. Sometimes I've looked at it and thought Dang! Looks big! but usually not. Usually I see it and think, Ugh! You're pathetic. It's very strange, too, because I've never had anyone complain about my size or make any comments that might have seriously made me feel inadequate subconsciously, so I don't know why that is. My belief is that we all suffer from some form of body dysmorphia, kind of like anorexic girls, but instead of seeing ourself as too fat, we see our penis as too small, when in reality we are all pretty much normal, and in some cases extra large.

One thing you can do to help with this self-image problem is take a cylindrical object that is the exact same size as your penis. Hold it in your hands, study it, play with it, try to put it in your mouth. While you are doing this, try to put yourself in the place of your sexual partner mentally, handling your tool, and how she would see its size and experience it. I know this sounds gay, but try it. I think you will come away with a better perception of your size if you do this. I tried this myself and after trying to get my mouth around a 6" girth, I realized my wife has the ability to unhinge her jaws! :D I do not know how she gets it in there, especially without biting! Although I do not see my penis as being any larger, I came away from the experiment knowing, Damn! That fucker is pretty big!
dee3186 said:
Does women say your big.

I haven't been with one since I was 6 1/2" BPenis EnlargementL and they commented on my size but in a negative way. In fact, my ex-girlfriend is the one that drove me to find this site. Oh well, at least I know now that bad things can have good results. I'll prove it here in a year or two. rofl
I haven't been with one since I was 6 1/2" BPenis EnlargementL and they commented on my size but in a negative way. In fact, my ex-girlfriend is the one that drove me to find this site. Oh well, at least I know now that bad things can have good results. I'll prove it here in a year or two. rofl
Gomer is your nbp really 5 1/2 with a bp of 71/6 or did i read that wrong
i feel small 2 , 6.7 x 5.7 NBPenis EnlargementL and 7.2 BPenis EnlargementL :( I havent gained in about 8 months whats going on darn it all i want it 7.5 NBPenis EnlargementL :)
I am 8bp by 6.25 girth, and I feel small sometimes. You are always your own critic. I goes with everything. How you look, how you act. I bodybuild and I am 6'1 200lbs at 7.9% bodyfat and I am not happy with the way I look. I work at a all nude male strip club and some of the guys I work with have some big dicks. I never feel adequate around them. But they comment on mine as being huge. When it comes down to it, it is all how we look at ourselves.
I think it really depends on your mindset whne your thinking about it. After a hard lift or a jog i feal great think i look good and my dick is perfect. Other days i feel like shit hate the way my body looks think my dick is small, just depends on what kinda mood in in
against_odds21 said:
Well you all need to wake up. Most of you downers are far over average. My goal is 7. I think thats huge.

I know my dick is big, however it just depends what mindset I am in when I look at it. Sometimes I will see it as 5.5-6 inches, other times I will see it as 8+.
You you guys I think mine looks small and I am trying to push over my 8 3/4" BP mark. Now I say that because that is how I feel when I look at my boner in the mirror with me attached @ 6'1" and 225 lbs and maybe only 18% bodyfat, but when I am railing my 115 lb 5'4" girlfreind I look down and having her body as reference I think, Whoa!! am I big or what?? so I think ones perspective has much to do with it. Just my thought on this.
against_odds21 said:
Well you all need to wake up. Most of you downers are far over average. My goal is 7. I think thats huge.
You talkin 7bp or nbp, bcuz yeah i think 7 nbp is big but nbp dont feel big at all to me.
AlbertaBeef said:
You you guys I think mine looks small and I am trying to push over my 8 3/4" BP mark. Now I say that because that is how I feel when I look at my boner in the mirror with me attached @ 6'1" and 225 lbs and maybe only 18% bodyfat, but when I am railing my 115 lb 5'4" girlfreind I look down and having her body as reference I think, Whoa!! am I big or what?? so I think ones perspective has much to do with it. Just my thought on this.

I'm 6 foot and 150 lbs with about 5 or 6 % bodyfat and my girlfriend is 110 lbs and 5 foot 3. I know what you mean when you look down and it seems huge.
pyro said:
Im about 7 inches long and i feel small....anyone here an 8 and feel the same way?

Get over it!!

You are BIG! If you act like you have a big cock, and you have a big cock, and you are confident, you will be happy with yourself!!
cacavolante said:
Get over it!!

You are BIG! If you act like you have a big cock, and you have a big cock, and you are confident, you will be happy with yourself!!

thanks I guess your right
im around 7 inches none bone pressed and 7.5 bone pressed, and I get depressed about my size all the time, hell it still looks small, and it still looks skinny.
I'm like 6.9 -7.0 inches erected but I still feel small thinking everyone is 1 or 2 inches more than me. And I feel more insecure about my girth being 5.3 -5.5 inches.

I know its a good size but I just want more...I guess I'm just being selfish but again I don't think I'm done with my growing since I did turn 18 like almost a year.

Does anyone know when the penis stop growing?
I think the problem with these beliefs, and Penis Enlargement in general is the fact that our subconscious mind attempts to hold onto the frames we have set about ourselves. We are "growing" a lot faster than our subconscious mind can change our limiting belief structures, so consequently we continue to feel small. This leads us to the problem of achieving our goal of 8X6 and still feeling small, so we change our goal to 9X6.5. Once that is achieved the same thing happens.

One has to break down their limiting belief structures to feel fully satisfied with them selves and their size. There are a number of ways of doing this, ie NLP, Hypnosis, astral projection (there is no "astral" btw, you are actually projecting into your subconscious mind-this is the most powerful way to change)

If you don't do this you will continue to look for happiness by yanking on your dick 2 hrs a day and watch life pass you by. This is the same type of belief that anorexic women have. Once I get to 7.5(or 8) X 6 I am through, but I will change that belief structure so I feel like the huge person i am.

Something to think about,
why are you all so worried? Can you get your women off? If you can your size is fine and if you can and you wanna be bigger just exercise you don't need to be worried about being small.
im just under 7EL x 5EG and im happy enough with what i am.

im aiming for 7.5 x 5.5 but everything i gain is just gonna be a bonus from here onwards.

do as your man a bit up say get an object the same size as your penis and examine it. fuck i thought 6inches was big lol
Well, I know 95% of the guys on this forum most likely post ONLY their BP length....I on the other hand at 7" of NON BP length do not feel small. I could see how someone who is 7" BP could feel small when your NON BP could be as much as 2" or more shorter than your BP. If youre talkin' 7" of NON BP length you are very far from small man.
ok question I lost 1 inch off my erect length and I have no idea how it happened ?:( can anyone help me with this (I had nbp6.5-6.8 now I cant even break 6 <:( ) do u think it could be arousal levels?( I was looking at adult entertainment and I had the ruler beside me) Because that is a big hit for me (its not Penis Enlargement related I know that because I havent done any Penis Enlargement in two months since I got to school. If anyone can help me with this it would be greatly appreciated.
It seemed like I was because I was watching my favourite adult entertainment where I usually get an 100% erection. (u know where it feels so full that u dont think there is gonna be anymore blood going in)
I am also around 6.9/7 inches and i feel like i have a small dick. I seriously feel like I have a 5 inch and everyone else is walking around witha long 8 inch. In realistic term it would really be me 7 inches and everyone else is 10 inches. I seriously want to get 9x6 so I can go around screaming "I have a huge dick!" or some other stupid thing. I'm always hearing guys talk about a if a girl tell you to pull out your dick if u would do it. I would, but then again in the back of my head its like "ur only 7inches ur dick is too little to be showing off"
My erect has never been small or an issue except when i was having erection problems, but my flaccid has always been a different story. The downer for me is flaccid size and always has been. Now when im erect im always over 7 inches and now 7.5 non bone pressed with a good erection, so i feel pretty damn good about myself when in the erect state. When i look at myself when im soft i just dont see what i want it to be, i look down at it and get a little pissed alot of the time. Im always hovering in and out of 4-5 flaccid now, but on days when im all small and shrivvled up which do happen often esp now in the winter, that realy grinds my gears. Im aware that flaccid size has no correlation to erect size, but even the fact of that still doesnt make me feel any better. Even though i know horses and donkeys flaccid dicks cant be seen alot of the time and are small and do the same thing, i still always torture myself saying why couldnt i be hung just a little bit better.

Thats the one thing that has always made me feel small. Sometimes i look down on it and say how does it get as big as it does. Then again, im not that big, atleast not yet, so maybe im not yet meant to be a realy low hanger? I mean im hung decently, but a 7.5 inch erect guy isnt going to have a 6 inch flaccid, which is what i want, but thats for those guys who are 8.5 and over. I dont know, but thats always been my whole delema, not erect size.
kdogg101;187478 said:
It seemed like I was because I was watching my favourite adult entertainment where I usually get an 100% erection. (u know where it feels so full that u dont think there is gonna be anymore blood going in)

stop watching adult entertainment. it makes it harder to get a full hard on when you're with a girl
Im a little passed 7 and when bone pressed im a little pasted 7 1/2 and I understand where your coming from my gf likes it but im not to much into it
pyro;173929 said:
Im about 7 inches long and i feel small....anyone here an 8 and feel the same way?
I'm 6.5 and am fairly happy with it to be honest, but its not perfect in my eyes, so thats why I'm working on it. One day it will be perfect!
Im pushing 6.75 bpel but only around 5.25 nbpel. It does not seem long until i see bp. Then it looks pretty massive. Its all about perception. If you always had a 3 inch dick 6 would be huge. If you always had 6 or 7 then 8 would just seem about normal.
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