It's all how you feel about yourself as a whole I think. I'm about 7x5.75 and think it's tiny. Some people can't stop comparing themselves to people better than them. It's not wrong to want to have a bigger penis even if you are average already, but there are also tons of guys who are average and worry about other things. We aren't shallow or sick for wanting more. It's important enough for us to work hard for it each night so it must be a good enough reason.
Some of you guys are like anorexic women who think they are fat and need to lose more weight. 90% of you posting in thread should hold your head high and be happy to whip your dick out. It's always good to want to do better but you should stop and smell the flowers along the journey.
I believe you are right magic, but I think what alot of people above and myself included are dealing with is this distorted view of how our penis should look. Whether its adult entertainment, society, or our experiences, I feel many of us have been told that what we have isn't good enough or big enough. I know for me, I am right around the 7" mark now and I feel good with the gains I have made and where I am at now, but I am nowhere near satisfied with what I want. I myself, still think my penis looks kind of small because I compare it to what I want it to be, and its still a ways away from there. Your right that we should be happy with what we got especially if its above average, but why survive when you can thrive? I want to be an outlier from the data and until I reach that point I don't think my mind set will change much but its possible it could.
I understand. And I completely agree with the thought of wanting to improve. I want to be the subject of women's gossip and the stuff of legend.
magiksock;473973 said:
Some of you guys are like anorexic women who think they are fat and need to lose more weight. 90% of you posting in thread should hold your head high and be happy to whip your dick out. It's always good to want to do better but you should stop and smell the flowers along the journey.

I agree, that's why I said some people can't stop comparing themselves to something they believe is better. It's psychological to a certain point. Some people are unable to enjoy the present because they are so wrapped up in what they are not. I think there is a happy balance between self acceptance and self improvement. I'm looking to find it.
Scypher;474039 said:
I hear you brotha. I want that look of amazement on their face when they see it

Exactly. Imagine instead of a woman feeling she has to tell you your penis is great is to make you feel better, she is afraid to tell you how great your penis is to protect herself. Puts you in that alpha male role pretty quick.
I only speak for myself, but I'm not trying to become an alpha male. I am glad I can recognize areas of my life that can be improved upon because I want to create the best me possible. However I do not want to be someone who betters themself to be better than other people. I think we can go wrong when we start comparing ourselves for satisfaction because you may be a big fish in a small pond at one point but there always comes a time where that bigger fish comes along, and when it does you will condemn yourself.
I just really love women and want to give them all that I can as a man. I don't care about being better than anyone. I just want to be able to give a woman everything she needs from me as a man because it's an important part of my being. My idea of an alpha male is probably a lot different than others'. seems like a good option for you is to educate yourself highly about Penis Enlargement, then make the routine that works for you and try it as much as you can so that you make gains.

There is much information on here to make awesome gains. It's a matter of having the right routine that works for you, staying focused on it, and with that comes the build in confidence.
Ironwill1984;474325 said: seems like a good option for you is to educate yourself highly about Penis Enlargement, then make the routine that works for you and try it as much as you can so that you make gains.

There is much information on here to make awesome gains. It's a matter of having the right routine that works for you, staying focused on it, and with that comes the build in confidence.

Definitely Ironwill. Thanks for the support. This site is amazing and I am so happy that I am a part of it.
sorry guys but there is something fundamentally wrong with all of you :)

said in a friendly haha voice but i actually mean it.

this world has gone to shreads the last couple of centuries. and us men stopped acting like men and started to act like women.

alittle story to get you on my wagon:

your going out with your women. and you wanna be nice (wrong) so you ask her where she wanna go?
she doesnt know. but you insist, i mean now your taking her out. so you want her to take make a decission. this is a nice thing to do right?

anyway you guys end up in a fight and your thinking? what the fuck just happened? i was nice and shit and why did i end up getting no pussy tonight?

this is just a simple story to give you an idea of what im talking about some of you are actually thinking "hey how the fuck do this forum throll know that happened to me recently?" where others are thinking: " i don't take the bitch out to eat. period!" and therefore don't understand the points in this. do as you please this is just info not dogmatic laws.

women... they don't wanna be your judge they don't want to be in charge.
thrust me when i say this.
women love to have a guy who is in control. and who goes for his goals. for her this is a sign that he can take care of her. and that she has succeeded in finding a good partner to mate and love with.

just open your eyes and see the relationships where the women is in charge.
they are always crunky. and/or cheating (funny enough with somebody who can take charge)

now don't get me wrong. women like their oppinions to get heard and if your a man who's in charge they will tell you what they need feel like, what kind of food you want. and they will give it as hints or try and seduce you to get this (your the big alpha. and a strong women knows how to get a big alpha to go the way she wants) don't get me wrong this has nothing to do with a women manipulating, this is simply just a womens way of communcating to a strong male.

i know alot of people born and raised with disney and the feminists ideal will say im sexist now....well. have you ever seen a feminist having a good sexual relationship? i haven't and for that i rest my case.

with this sayd don't think its about being a douche. be good to your girls. but be the one who is good to her because your the big one. not because your a goddamn poppy dog!.

why did i take this issue up?

your honestly looking for womens oppinion about your size?

come on. women are the most deillusioned people when it comes to all kind of sizes.

their breast size. their width.
their shoes. everything they keep denying to themself. they don't know shit about size. their ability to measure with their eyes is replaced by their ability to deny things that make them appear bigger than they are.

have you ever seen a women parallel park? this is dangerous shit. run for cover! and you want them to measure our manifistation of our manhood?

hell no!

sorry guys but you got to rewire your mind and your cock.

first of find DLD's thread about how they can manipulate a cock into looking bigger on screen (sorry i couldn't find it) there is so many things with angle lense, and proportions that you will easily realize that most adult entertainment stars is actually maxing out at around 7 inches erect lenght.

with a few being bigger.

im closing in on a 7 iches erect cock myself.

when i was 16 i dated the most unsecure girl ever. who just happened to have 2 exes. 1 with a 11inch. another one with a 10 inch.

after we broke up and a couple of years later i meet her again. and she had started to date the 10" guy again. suddenly he broke up with her. the reason? all she could take about..... was me.

then she started to date the 11" guy who turned out to be a crackhead.

she wanted to date me again (i said no)

and she found a new guy (who she stated "was fucking huge")

so as you may understand i have a small penis. im only closing in on 7 inches.......

what is happening here is this extremely unsecure women who is so afraid and so woundable that she will lie and fake everything to give herself more power.

i bet if you ask the 11 or the 10 inch guy they will tell the story that i was the biggest (spoken from her mouth)

really she is so insecure that she prefer dating her exes rather than finding somebody new. she is so much of a comfort junkie she cant enjoy the world. she needs to go down roads she have already been down at.

if you want to grow 2 inches for your girl? give her a diamond ring and suddenly she will see your cock as huge.

STOP looking for the answers in women. look for them in yourself.

realize that you have a good size of cock. realize that you can easily satisfy a women (which is honestly not that hard)
if you cannot satisfy a women then start doing some research on sex advise for men. just a couple of techniques and suddenly your the new sex god (actually had a girl calling me a sex god at some point /flex)

and understand that it is not the womens call to tell you what size you have. DONT GIVE HER THAT POWER!

do some research find out the tools to truly see how big pornstars actually are. and then find out your not really small.

a women may have an oppinion about you. but the truth is women don't know what they want. they want you to tell them. meanwhile we are waiting for the women to tell us what they want. which is completely and udder madness.

i got a 6.8 inches erect cock. (none bp)

what i have heard of comments:

"you have a small cock."
"omg omg omg omg omg omg omg"
"your a god your a god your a god!"
"it was okay"
"easy your way to big for handling me like that (recent milf who complained about the way she got hammered)"

this is just some examples. you must realize that women know that guys are acting like dogs towards them. waiting for their appreciation. and praises. first when a women realize that you don't care about her opinion in the sex and you know you self by heart she can appreciate the sex 100%

you see women are so afraid they can't satisfy us. when they can't do that they lock up and don't get anything out of it themself.

when you where a kid you where raised by your mom and you looked for her acceptance..... you have grown up and you need to stop doing that!
Aimingforthetop, I agree with most everything you said above, especially about us being in control, decisive, and how women can be very delusional, but a certain part of me wants affirmation from women about my penis. Seeing how you stated above the different comments different girls made about your cock, and me being almost exactly the same size as you, I have had comments all over the board (its small, its regular, its big), part of me wants to do Penis Enlargement so I can eliminate all of those answers but one (its HUGE). I know that having almost a 7" cock is pretty big, but in a way I still see it as small and as long as I think a women might find it as small, I'll probably still be Penis Enlargement'ing until I hit that point where I am a statistical anomaly. But thats just me (and yes, I may be messed up in the head because I think this way, but its just the way I am).
im here aswell and im growing my cock aswell :) im doing it personally for me. i like being bigger. i also do training for a better physique.

but the important here is that i do it for myself. not for some random chick to see me in another perspective because of the size of my genitials.

if that is all then she can buy a big dildo.

the reason why im so much against this is because i have the filosofi that you need to love you self to be loved. and if your womens oppinion matters so much to you you will be addicted to her which will remove your independence. love people and be happy. but be proud of your self 100%

that is my main goal. do understand that girls can be crazy even if you actually hit 10inches the girl suddenly have an ex with a 11 inches and your back to posting in this thread.

find the size you want and work for it FOR YOU.

and if you really wanna feel big next to the girl? find an asian! ;)
I feel that P.E should be purely for us men, if women like it then thats a side benefit, no way in hell would I do this for a woman, they are not worth it. I personally just love the idea of having a big penis, it would just give you that confidence and everyone will wonder what does this guy have? Well people its a big dick, everything all men secretly want and all women (probably) crave. I didn't start P.E because I was insecure about my penis or because some slag told me it was small, as far as Im concerned I couldn't give a rats arse what she thinks of my cock as long as she gets on her knees and gives it a good hard suck! I started P.E because I looked at my penis and thought, "this isn't perfect" and "If I could I would make it like this" and as I can I am. I believe all things in my control I should strive to make perfect and as I can perfect my penis (to what I see as perfect) then I will and that goes for all things.
We are men, we are our selves and women can attach themselves to us give us pleasure and improve us if they wish, for all other purposes, be it to manipulate, make us feel inadequate etc they can go fuck off and either squeeze some other poor bastard or find someone who will teach them what a real man is like. Love your penises for what they are and build them because you love them. You buy presents for yourself because you love yourself and feel you deserve them, look at P.E like a present for your cock.

Good luck to all
Aimingforthetop, a lot of the things you said are recently new concepts to me that I have been learning to figure out. There were a few things you said that I hadn't fully considered before as well. That is definitely the mentality that is necessary. When I am in the mood and mind state that I am an asshole and I don't care what anyone thinks of me, this is when women are attracted. When I am a pussy/care about what they think, this is when they avoid me. It's a funny paradox. Not caring if you get it is the best way to get it, but you genuinely have to not care. And I totally agree that no matter the size of your penis, you need to be an arrogant prick in the sense that any woman you are with will feel extreme pleasure, and if she doesn't it's because there is something wrong with her.
But at the same time, feeling like you don't deserve to even look at a woman unless your penis is ____ amount and hating yourself to the core for it is a great motivator in changing. Doesn't even have to be regarding women, it can be anything. Misery is a great motivator. People tend to sit and enjoy when they are happy. I guess the balance is allowing the misery to get you to your goal, but not being so fucked up in the head that you find ways to still hate everything once you get there. I must admit, I find myself enjoying the "journey" much more than I thought. I even catch myself some days thinking that I am good enough the way I am, but that can be dangerous thinking because it slows down the achievement. I feel blessed to be a miserable prick who is never happy with anything because frankly, I can do better. I guess the most important thing is to work on more than one aspect of yourself at once, so hopefully they all meet around the same place once you feel you acceptable.
some people wants failure to be breathing in their neck to make them move faster. for me its the success. i got 1 taste and suddenly i was addicted to it.

the way i see it. lets say i got 365 days a year. if i end up becoming 70. that gives me: 25.550 days to live in in total.

and im not going to waste them on being: unhappy. not feeling adequiet or being someone elses puppydog.

i don't focus on hate. and i always try to forgive. and move on in my life. even when time is tough on me.

i have been down before almost lived on the street. now i make more than 4 times more than the rest of my friends.

am i more happy now? nope. i was equally happy all the way.

i always feel good i always do my absolutely best. i always challenge myself. and i see every failure as another lecture that just makes me better than before.

most men use their entire life trying to satisfy women. i learned game pretty quick and became good at it. fucked around and realized pretty quick that girls arent that big of a deal and the reason why guys are craving them in the first place is because they cant get any (the starving man syndrome, he will drool at the sight of a rice flare) at this point it is 3 months ago i got pussy last time.. not that i can't get it. i simply just can't be arsed with all the work. rather use the time for personal development (here including Penis Enlargement). investing. working. or just socializing with my friends.

searching for approval from a women is the wrong attitude. she should be looking for yours!
I might be the only one who thinks this way, but there are things that girls do that are sexy and attractive that turn me on. One of the many things that is very attrative to me, is a girl talking about, reacting, dealing, and handling my cock as if its a big deal. Not only do I want to better myself and just have a bigger penis for many other reasons, but I also want to give my girl the fantasy to live this out in real life because in the end, it turns me on. This is the affirmation I want from a woman, nothing more.
Scypher;475100 said:
I might be the only one who thinks this way, but there are things that girls do that are sexy and attractive that turn me on. One of the many things that is very attrative to me, is a girl talking about, reacting, dealing, and handling my cock as if its a big deal. Not only do I want to better myself and just have a bigger penis for many other reasons, but I also want to give my girl the fantasy to live this out in real life because in the end, it turns me on. This is the affirmation I want from a woman, nothing more.

Well put.
i had this experience with a bulgarian girl. who it took me 15 mins just to enter her. and the sex was amazing. i could feel how she got stretched out by me. and she made these small sounds. like she wasn't able to sceam because it was too intense. we just layd in eachothers arms for hours while i penetrated her. it was like this trance of continues orgasm. and i felt so very close to her. after the sex she just looked at me for a full hour. laying in close to me. kissing eachother once in a while this was friday. the rest of the weekend we did all crazy stuff together just hanging out.

that monday she went home. never saw her again.

great and wonderfull memory.

there is no denying that sex can be amazing. and to have that extra something in the bed can make the world change for you.

and there is nothing wrong with wanting to be good in bed.

but this is where i draw the line.

its called self improvement because you do it for yourself!

when you start doing it for other people you remove yourself as an individual and you become addicted to someone else.

ever heard the saying: to be loved you need to love yourself?

most people now adays don't love them self. and they go from relationship to relationship to cover up the fact that they are living as a half human. only fullfilled when they are with someone else.

the funny thing is that when you become independant. suddenly your entire field changes and the girls you meet are also independant. and the quality of the chicks you meet will rize to another level.

i like working out in the gym. and i love the feeling of it. i live the strengh that i get. and the confidence.

but i don't care what other people may think.

i want a bigger cock. i want this because i choose so. and i will be proud of the hard work that needs to be put into it.

chances are.

that with a 8/6 i will meet girls.
that i cannot penetrate
that dont even want to try
who think it is extreme.
anal sex will probably be out of the question.
and perhaps i will only meet size queens. who is only on me untill they find something bigger.

there will always be negative things about what you do.

will you be listening to that aswell?

i do this 100% Because of me. not a girl. not many girls.

this is what i want.

to put all this work into satisfying somebody else is just plain wrong in my head
Aimingforthetop;475144 said:
i had this experience with a bulgarian girl. who it took me 15 mins just to enter her. and the sex was amazing. i could feel how she got stretched out by me. and she made these small sounds. like she wasn't able to sceam because it was too intense. we just layd in eachothers arms for hours while i penetrated her. it was like this trance of continues orgasm. and i felt so very close to her. after the sex she just looked at me for a full hour. laying in close to me. kissing eachother once in a while this was friday. the rest of the weekend we did all crazy stuff together just hanging out.

that monday she went home. never saw her again.

great and wonderfull memory.

there is no denying that sex can be amazing. and to have that extra something in the bed can make the world change for you.

and there is nothing wrong with wanting to be good in bed.

but this is where i draw the line.

its called self improvement because you do it for yourself!

when you start doing it for other people you remove yourself as an individual and you become addicted to someone else.

ever heard the saying: to be loved you need to love yourself?

most people now adays don't love them self. and they go from relationship to relationship to cover up the fact that they are living as a half human. only fullfilled when they are with someone else.

the funny thing is that when you become independant. suddenly your entire field changes and the girls you meet are also independant. and the quality of the chicks you meet will rize to another level.

i like working out in the gym. and i love the feeling of it. i live the strengh that i get. and the confidence.

but i don't care what other people may think.

i want a bigger cock. i want this because i choose so. and i will be proud of the hard work that needs to be put into it.

chances are.

that with a 8/6 i will meet girls.
that i cannot penetrate
that dont even want to try
who think it is extreme.
anal sex will probably be out of the question.
and perhaps i will only meet size queens. who is only on me untill they find something bigger.

there will always be negative things about what you do.

will you be listening to that aswell?

i do this 100% Because of me. not a girl. not many girls.

this is what i want.

to put all this work into satisfying somebody else is just plain wrong in my head

Sounds like some good times, but there are a lot of people who have low self esteem for many reasons. You're blessed to be so positive about yourself. Others have to work very hard at it.
thrust me mate. i have not always been positive. pretty much been violent, jaloux and agressive my entire live.
the reason why i know so much about this veing one with yourself. is because i was the worst there is.

i still have people who is afraid of me because of something i did years ago. when i was another person. change is possible. all it requires is 1 step at the time. and patience.

every man should be happy with who he are. and everyman should trife for becoming the best version of himself.
Size is nothing more than a confidence boost...depending on how you look at it. If you think size is everything, thats the same as assuming since someone is tall as a tree, there a beast a basketball. Dont assume ANYTHING in life and it will go much more smoother.

I got a buddy who has been horse hung since puberty hit all of us. Yet he is a joke in the circles of girls cause he last less than a minute.

I didnt get a chance to read through all of this thread but Im commenting off the title, I will go back and read through when I get some free time.
Last edited:
Girth Hammer;475597 said:
Size is nothing more than a confidence boost...depending on how you look at it. If you think size is everything, thats the same as assuming since someone is tall as a tree, there a beast a basketball. Dont assume ANYTHING in life and it will go much more smoother.

I got a buddy who has been horse hung since puberty hit all of us. Yet he is a joke in the circles of girls cause he last less than a minute.

I didnt get a change to read through all of this thread but Im commenting off the title, I will go back and read through when I get some free time.

You should tell him about kegeling and control exercises, help him out with that one, should be an easy fix.
Here many men are doing their to reach your level. Then why are you still unsatisfied. You are way over enough to satisfy your GF.
Something that bugs me off are the guys saying that they think they are small when they are 6.5 or 7 inches, if you have a seven inches long cock you can work in adult entertainment, when im erect and i measured im about 6.5 7¨ inches PAPB!!, come on man wake up! get your girl and have fun.
shortdick;605435 said:
Something that bugs me off are the guys saying that they think they are small when they are 6.5 or 7 inches, if you have a seven inches long cock you can work in adult entertainment, when im erect and i measured im about 6.5 7¨ inches PAPB!!, come on man wake up! get your girl and have fun.

It's cause when your dick grows it's such a slow process and you see your own dick everyday so you don't even end up noticing it's bigger. I thought my [words=]sg[/words] wasn't doing anything after 3 months then I slapped down a ruler and was half inch longer. Even same now I'm 7.25 and don't feel I look any different than when I was 6 when I started but the ruler doesn't lie. Hell I measured at 6 flaccid the other day and though damn that looks small I used to be that size hard? Yep I did
shortdick;605435 said:
Something that bugs me off are the guys saying that they think they are small when they are 6.5 or 7 inches, if you have a seven inches long cock you can work in adult entertainment, when im erect and i measured im about 6.5 7¨ inches PAPB!!, come on man wake up! get your girl and have fun.

Most men, no matter what size they are will find a way to feel bad about it. I have seen guys come to the forums in tears about their 8" cocks. I think it is all relative to each one of us.
Most men, no matter what size they are will find a way to feel bad about it. I have seen guys come to the forums in tears about their 8" cocks. I think it is all relative to each one of us.
shortdick;606240 said:
Most men, no matter what size they are will find a way to feel bad about it. I have seen guys come to the forums in tears about their 8" cocks. I think it is all relative to each one of us.

? You posted exactly what I posted
Guess that was kind of a downer without giving the other side of the equation. If we follow the words “I am” with a positive statement attached to our name will bring a wave of positive energy into how you feel about yourself. So when you say I am followed up with something positive. Here is a good example; I am Michael and I am a success.
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