I suspect that this is much like any other part of a parent providing sex information to a child. The child can either get inaccurate or possibly dangerous information "off the street", from friends or from the Internet, or they can get accurate and reputable information from a parent.

If I had a son, I would rather tell him about Penis Enlargement as part of the full spectrum of information that he needs to know as a man. I think the angle of sexual health is a good one: "Son, this is a part of your body that needs care and maintenance to stay healthy, just like any other part of your body." No need to mention the enlargement aspect; send him to the right sources and he'll figure that one out on his own.
Well if my dad would have pointed me to this site 1-2 eyars ago I'd be FREAKED OUT completely.

At this age ( 16-17 ), I guess about every guy think their tool is too small, so here comes dad who's telling you to go somewhere like mos, you just got your confirmation that you ARE small.

As some member previously mentionned, if someone really wants to get bigger, he will find what he need pretty easily.
AlbertaBeef said:
I know when I was about 8 yrs old I became obsessed with making my unit bigger. I started at that time to tie a nylon rope to my penis and to my knee while I slept, somletimes I wore it to school as well.

lol And it still works? Guess you know what you're doing.
cbarnard said:
Take it from a son... don't do it. I would be so freaked out if my dad said anything about this to me. If he thinks he needs it I'm pretty sure he'll look for it himself. It's not hard to find, and this site would most likely show up in a search for that kind of information.

Very good point that has been missed here. If you do so, you have to have the right kind of relationship with your son. If he talks and jokes with you about sexual matters, discusses sex drive urges/frustrations and like matters with you, then he's not going to be freaked out about it. However, if the two of you don't have a close relationship....DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. Penis Enlargement is, at best, advanced level father-son bonding, not entry level father-son bonding.
Yeah I would be pretty embarassed if my dad told me about Penis Enlargement and such... I don't think I could do it cuz everytime if I was in the restroom or home alone he would know I'm probably playing with myself.
I dunno about this, most of the time like people have said it will really freak them out, i would be freaked if it happened to me. On the other hand alot of people dont start as early as they would of wished and im sure alot could be taken from starting earlier. The problem is you have to really want to do pe for it to work and unless they already want to they may not be dedicated enough to make it work.
A lot of people here mentioned they would drop some information where their son could find it, as a way of introduction. This is a good idea as the boy (15+) can then make their own decision based on where they are at in their mind.

It would probably be a great idea if someone could make a small e-book, or one or two page sheet that showed the absolute basics of directional stretching and basic jelq like 200 to do in the shower.

The program could be set out to be done before the boy goes to bed, or when he wakes up for the stretches and the jelqing in the shower. Boys this age find the privacy to masturbate, so it probably would not be hard for them to follow a daily 15 minute routine, that will most likely make a big difference.

Anyone out there skilled in making a basic intro publication that could be passed around for review and then available for the group?

I think I would strategically put this publication in a place where my son would find it.
Thanks for all the great replies, everybody. I've still got a lot of thinking to do on this subject and years (thank god) before I have to come to a decision. I like the idea of leaving dome lit around for him to find and letting him make up his own mind, so maybe that's what I'll do when the time comes. Thanks again.

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