
May 8, 2011
Hello All,

As I've been reading around the forum and seen quite a few threads of guys stating that they don't have much privacy due to one thing or another... a question popped into my head.

Do any of you guys out there that have girlfriends, wives, or significant others have support from them? Or do you guys decide to hide this from them because you are ashamed that they won't like it or something?

I personally think that having support from ones spouse is probably very helpful and it probably will help you want to achieve your goals faster.

Please let me know what your experiences are with doing Penis Enlargement while having a partner, wife, or spouse in your life.

This is a touchy subject for me, let me explain. I, at one time, HEAVILY advocated for getting the girlfriends involved. At the time Jennifer, my mate, knew about my Penis Enlargement and thought it was a massive turn on. I started to tell guys to tell their girls but as time passed things took a very ugly turn. The turn-on Penis Enlargement used to be for Jen turned into a hate, a hate she could never shake. She became massively jealous of my pe, a very strong form of penis envy, and this led to an eventual break up. Her last note to me outlined these very points. I wish I could go back and never have let her know as I think I would still be with her. I would expect a huge percentage of women would support Penis Enlargement but I think many of them may end up turing in the same manner. In my opinion, keep Penis Enlargement to yourself, no need to brag or look for any support outside of these doors. She will notice the size increase and will enjoy it but will know no better to how it is getting bigger. You will get the occasional "Is your penis still growing" and with that say "I guess so:)"
Well so my wife knows that I am interested in getting into Penis Enlargement at least getting a Bathmate... but I'm glad you said something about your experience. Is the reason why she became jealous of your Penis Enlargement is because you were into it so much?

I guess I'm a bit confused as to why a woman would be able to hate something that would only make a sex life better for both you and her?

But overall I must say I do understand keeping it secret and to yourself would probably be the best thing to do for the long haul. Do you think it would have been different if you and Jennifer were married?
I agree that it is not as important that it needs to be their business. Most people that do not understand take it as an inferiority complex. Whether it is or not it is a very healthy activity and important to YOU. Society has a negative view about it if they even know anything about it at all. I think it is not the worst case scenario if they find out about it as time passes, after all you are mates, and DLD's case is a bit more complicated because he is the leader of the most successful penis enlargement website on the internet so he had a little more involvement with it as a lifestyle than a pass time. hat is a very devastating situation to go through and it is not fair the person you are expected to share your truest loves and deepest desires down to the confidence of also knowing your negative characteristics, in this day and age you still have to keep a watch out for your own back sometimes. Penis enlargement is a confrontational subject and it is widely debated between the medical field and among men alone. For you to share it with a sexual partner is letting them have an opinion on something they should not have a decision in either way. It is your penis and personally I will not imagine a life where I don't catch myself in the bathroom doing the __________ stretch, it has just become second nature. I think when you start feeling like penis enlargement is a regular part of life the urge to tell her will fade as a distant memory and you will be satisfied with not saying much if anything more.
Turnover;432336 said:
I agree that it is not as important that it needs to be their business. Most people that do not understand take it as an inferiority complex. Whether it is or not it is a very healthy activity and important to YOU. Society has a negative view about it if they even know anything about it at all. I think it is not the worst case scenario if they find out about it as time passes, after all you are mates, and DLD's case is a bit more complicated because he is the leader of the most successful penis enlargement website on the internet so he had a little more involvement with it as a lifestyle than a pass time. hat is a very devastating situation to go through and it is not fair the person you are expected to share your truest loves and deepest desires down to the confidence of also knowing your negative characteristics, in this day and age you still have to keep a watch out for your own back sometimes. Penis enlargement is a confrontational subject and it is widely debated between the medical field and among men alone. For you to share it with a sexual partner is letting them have an opinion on something they should not have a decision in either way. It is your penis and personally I will not imagine a life where I don't catch myself in the bathroom doing the __________ stretch, it has just become second nature. I think when you start feeling like penis enlargement is a regular part of life the urge to tell her will fade as a distant memory and you will be satisfied with not saying much if anything more.

Wow what an awesome response Turnover. I really like what you put in your comment and it makes sense. I am hoping by doing the exercises everyday (so far just stretching ... trying to get a routine together;) ) that it will become second nature and I will be able to help achieve a healthier penis and lifestyle overall because right now more than ever since I found this wonderful forum I believe you should take care of the one part that pretty much brings you a lot of joy in your life. After all the famous saying goes here "If you don't use it, you lose it." Of course that doesn't mean you will lose your penis but that little guy might not be as good as he once was if you don't help train your penis and help exercise it.

As you mentioned about the medical field not agreeing with Penis Enlargement as a whole, I have a read a ton of documents from Dr's that say Penis Enlargement is a fab and there is nothing that can be done to help lengthen the penis nor enlarge it besides the costly and sometimes bad surgery. I even talked to my Dr about seeing how I can get a bigger penis before I came on this site like last year and he said that I'm done growing and that's all there is to it.

Now that I see this place I think it is a total bunch of crap what he told me and honestly I wish I would have this place back then so I could have started my adventure already... but damn me with being not lucky. :) Ah well there is always time for change and that is exactly where I am headed.

Thanks so much DLD for sharing you experience with me on this thread. And thanks to Turnover for adding your great comments. I really appreciate all the feedback from everyone on this forum.

My girl knows and is very supportive, not to mention she likes bigger cocks.....she even helps suck the air out of my Bathmate! lol
chuck89gt5.0;432544 said:
My girl knows and is very supportive, not to mention she likes bigger cocks.....she even helps suck the air out of my Bathmate! lol

Got to see a video of that!~
Yes, I have to question if the issue here is fanaticism in DLD's case. I mean c'mon, Penis Enlargement is your whole life practically, yes? I imagine she said Penis Enlargement came before her and so on-which isn't really an unreasonable jealousy if she felt like it got in the way of your relationship. I might be way off... but considering your name is "DLD" I have to assume Penis Enlargement takes up A LOT of your time.
It is what it is, but it may not apply to everyone-that's all I'm saying.

So far since I let my wife in on it (a month ago maybe?) it's been very nice, very encouraging and moderately involved. It was a pain in the ass before she knew as I'm trying to do 6 hours of extending a day. Now that she knows, I can try to reserve 3 hours for evening when I'm with her and hang out with my penis in a vice. She likes it (Penis Enlargement) a lot and definitely is 100% into it. In her case it might be because I'm her first, so with Penis Enlargement she still gets to experience different penises if you will... kind of funny but I think it's a little true.

On the one hand, it's fun to have a private secret and wait for her to notice and say something about your Penis getting bigger. On the other hand, it's a lot easier to do Penis Enlargement when your SO knows-at least if you live with them. So far I'm definitely in favor of it-IF you have a good relationship.
I had not planned to tell my gf about Penis Enlargement, but she kept asking me why my dick was getting bigger. I tried to joke about it for awhile and I said "I put fertilizer on it!". This held her off for a few weeks, but she got very persistent a few days ago and wanted to know what I was doing. I finally told her I was doing stretching exercises. She said she was OK with it, and said more length would be good (the way she said it left me with no doubt in my mind that she likes longer better). She also said she didn't care about more girth.

In one sense this was nice to hear, but it also means she wasn't being completely honest when she told me before that my size was "perfect". Us men do put women in an impossible situation when we ask them what they think of our penis size, so I can't really blame her for not being 100% honest before.

Overall, I do wish I had been able to keep from telling her, but she was getting very persistent and I generally believe in being open and honest in relationships and I felt like I had to tell her.

Personally, I think it's best not to tell your gf or wife if you can avoid it. Unless you are in a very extreme situation in which you realistically think she's going to break up with you because you're too small, there's typically probably more downside risk than there is upside risk. Of course, if your gf or wife is about to leave you because you're too small, you might want to question if the relationship is worth it in the first place.
There is one thing I'd like to point out here because I feel its very important. Regardless of your choice in deciding to tell or not tell your girlfriend, partner, spouse, etc., there is another issue that I feel its vital to understand. Its "projection". Do not make the mistake of taking on someone else's "stuff" if they don't agree with your Penis Enlargement efforts. For example: You tell your girlfriend and then it escalates into an issue where she demands you give it up or she leaves. Don't make the mistake of thinking that you should not have told her. Realize that her dense energy has now been released, but you are NOT the cause of that dense energy! You helped to release her massive amount of emotion (that she likely has mistakenly thought you were the cause of), you were only the catalyst, not the cause!
Its a case of her projecting her emotional pain onto you. If you indeed watch yourself, you'll notice that you tend to do the same thing at times and project your stuff onto other people pretending that they are the cause of something you feel. It doesn't work that way. We each must learn to take responsibility for the dense energy within us and stop blaming others for what we feel coming up within us. If someone blames you for something they feel within them, know that they are basically "unconscious". They do not realize they are the cause of their own pain. Once we become "conscious" of our responsibility to transmute our own dense energies, we stop blaming other people. If your girlfriend, wife, partner blames you or others for anything its because she's projecting, period. Once you stop projecting onto others, there is peace and only peace within.

There's now way I'm telling my wife. She is an over-communicator and I don't want her to get a glass of wine in her at a party and turn the conversation to my penis obsession. Ugh.

She's now seeming to notice the bit of growth I've had and the harder hard-ons, and at some point I'll have to deal with the "why does it seem bigger" questions... That will be a good thing and I'll figure it out when it happens. Likely will attribute it to better health and working out.
ExSS;432682 said:
There's now way I'm telling my wife. She is an over-communicator and I don't want her to get a glass of wine in her at a party and turn the conversation to my penis obsession. Ugh.

She's now seeming to notice the bit of growth I've had and the harder hard-ons, and at some point I'll have to deal with the "why does it seem bigger" questions... That will be a good thing and I'll figure it out when it happens. Likely will attribute it to better health and working out.

If she does that (asks about the growth) just put her on the defense, with phrases such as "You must have me mixed up with your much less endowed lover...."
My wife knows and its because we dont want to hide things from each other. I Penis Enlargement for myself but for her as well. I guess my opinion would be to tell here that way when she finds the Bathmate or extender its not a WTF is this! I also find it easier to get sessions in the Bathmate and stretching in if she knows. For those that are adament about not telling how do you find time to use your Bathmate! Both my shower and bath are part of our ensuite so if she wants to come in to use the bathroom or get ready and Im in the shower with the pump on how do you hide it???
My girlfriend of 7 years knows. And considering my dedication to bodybuilding shes used to my obsessive personality at this point. She was a bit worried because she claims she likes it the way it is, but I'm really doing this more for me. I'm fairly big but I've always wanted �naked people movies�star equipment.
rhino19;432709 said:
My wife knows and its because we dont want to hide things from each other. I Penis Enlargement for myself but for her as well. I guess my opinion would be to tell here that way when she finds the Bathmate or extender its not a WTF is this! I also find it easier to get sessions in the Bathmate and stretching in if she knows. For those that are adament about not telling how do you find time to use your Bathmate! Both my shower and bath are part of our ensuite so if she wants to come in to use the bathroom or get ready and Im in the shower with the pump on how do you hide it???

Exactly. If you use an extender or a time consuming routine like that... I really don't see how you could not tell her-it's a necessity of the program, otherwise the program would/will suffer. I'd say you'd want a solid relationship though and it's really a plus if she's supportive and doesn't ever try to use it against you. To me with my wife, it's kind of like when she diets-she talks about her diet, her body, food, etc.. a LOT. So this is my "diet", as a man, this is what I care about. So if a woman maybe understands how it is a fair analogy-we look at our penises like they look at their body fat, they might be pretty supportive and even helpful.
Getbig1987;432714 said:
My girlfriend of 7 years knows. And considering my dedication to bodybuilding shes used to my obsessive personality at this point. She was a bit worried because she claims she likes it the way it is, but I'm really doing this more for me. I'm fairly big but I've always wanted �naked people movies�star equipment.

That a boy!
Wow this thread is actually getting more attention than I thought it would. I am glad a lot more of you guys are sharing your experience with this. I think once I get my Bathmate I'm going to try and be as secretive about doing the whole Penis Enlargement thing as much as I can... unless my wife catches or becomes persistent about it. I'd like to be able to surprise her with something bigger than what I currently have... ;)
Something I'd like to add...many of you have seen my "out of the Penis Enlargement closet" thread

http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/...r-It!-Get-Out-Of-The-Penis Enlargement-Closet!!

Anyway, I support a little of what everyone above has said honestly. I can see all sides of the "should I hide it or not?" argument. The fact is, there is no perfect answer. It "just depends" is more the case. You can't deny that some types of Penis Enlargement like pumping/Bathmate use WILL be noticeable if you get fluid retention. My wife knows when I've pumped...even the slightest change in the texture of my penis is noticeable to her. She says it has a slightly "squishy" feel to it. Even when I cannot see any fluid retention. LOL. Sooo...it really just depends.
stillwantmore2;432780 said:
Something I'd like to add...many of you have seen my "out of the Penis Enlargement closet" thread

http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/...r-It!-Get-Out-Of-The-Penis Enlargement-Closet!!

Anyway, I support a little of what everyone above has said honestly. I can see all sides of the "should I hide it or not?" argument. The fact is, there is no perfect answer. It "just depends" is more the case. You can't deny that some types of Penis Enlargement like pumping/Bathmate use WILL be noticeable if you get fluid retention. My wife knows when I've pumped...even the slightest change in the texture of my penis is noticeable to her. She says it has a slightly "squishy" feel to it. Even when I cannot see any fluid retention. LOL. Sooo...it really just depends.

I have to definitely agree and say that it does depend. I hope everyone that replied was not under the impression I was looking for a clear cut answer. I got the answers I was looking for ... which was a mixed bag. Certainly your level of trust with your partner plays a huge role in this as you want to please them in an area where you once felt like you weren't or whatever the case might be.

I am really glad everyone is open enough and honest enough to share their experiences. It makes coming to this board more enjoyable everyday, I actually look forward to getting on the forum and seeing what responses have you guys added to threads and how much more knowledgeable I can become in a day. This place is just awesome - can't say that enough.
Jaytea;432782 said:
I have to definitely agree and say that it does depend. I hope everyone that replied was not under the impression I was looking for a clear cut answer. I got the answers I was looking for ... which was a mixed bag. Certainly your level of trust with your partner plays a huge role in this as you want to please them in an area where you once felt like you weren't or whatever the case might be.

I am really glad everyone is open enough and honest enough to share their experiences. It makes coming to this board more enjoyable everyday, I actually look forward to getting on the forum and seeing what responses have you guys added to threads and how much more knowledgeable I can become in a day. This place is just awesome - can't say that enough.

Exactly! Many people are deeply jealous when it comes to relationships and if your partner finds out you are doing Penis Enlargement whether you come to them and admit it or they discover it against your will...they may tend to think that you are "doing it for someone else".
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