Great read Supra. Very good points in those threads. I am also very dissapointed about those "Penis Enlargement wars" and getting the DLD and MOS down. That thing really sucks. DLD made a lot for the Penis Enlargement science. Every forum has it's own groove and style. Info is out there somewhere for everybody to get it. I like MOS because it is an open community. i used to post something in cheekycherry forums but I don't go there anymore because they are closed too much. If somebody just says something about the other forum or something like that he flies away. Those mods are just waiting for a mistake.
Yeah and penis is definitely not everything. The personality, good ethics and positive thinking are the key.
Nice article SUPRA. I understand your frustration and that is the main reason I did my original in depth study of the �naked people movies� industry:Is Everything Really What it Seems?. This study not only helped me with my frustration with the �naked people movies� industry it also allowed me to see my penis in a new light.
Supra said:

The seeing is not in the believing guys, I don’t believe half the people out there that claim there size, even if they show pics, 90% are fake, DLD has shown me that. When people say they are this big and that, I want to a real clear pic, that is not hazy or fuzzy without your hands in the way, Granted I got my 8” pic up, with my hand in the way, but I could not help it, There are other pics of me up that are in the same thread that you can see tis the same size with or without my hand in the way. Plus I don’t know two shits about photo-editing and all that BS, I just Penis Enlargement, if you don’t believe my size or DLD’s who cares, I Don’t and neither does he.

I know this is controversial but if you claim to be above 8x6 and don't have pics, I dont' believe. I think you may have that, you might not.

When I clear 8x6, hopefully in a few months, I'm going to have clear photographic evidence. I'm talking fully ruler, and tape. I know a lot of guys don't like doing that. I think a lot of us have anxiety disorders. Including me, I will get hella scared doing it too. I think that type of anxiety disorder is what inspires us to do things like this. Most guys just don't care enough to do pe. Good for them, but I'd still rather be anxious and have a huge dick because of it:).

If you are under 8x6 I believe what your saying, because there is no 'motive' to lie really. Also for me when I clear 8x6 in both ways, I will take clear photos like stillwantmore every 2 months. So I can prove progress to others, so they know I'm not bullshitting.

Let me just reiterate, I'm not saying people above 8x6 with no pics are lying. I'm saying I personally find it hard to believe them. They could very well be telling the truth.
randolf said:
I know this is controversial but if you claim to be above 8x6 and don't have pics, I dont' believe. I think you may have that, you might not.

When I clear 8x6, hopefully in a few months, I'm going to have clear photographic evidence. I'm talking fully ruler, and tape. I know a lot of guys don't like doing that. I think a lot of us have anxiety disorders. Including me, I will get hella scared doing it too. I think that type of anxiety disorder is what inspires us to do things like this. Most guys just don't care enough to do pe. Good for them, but I'd still rather be anxious and have a huge dick because of it:).

If you are under 8x6 I believe what your saying, because there is no 'motive' to lie really. Also for me when I clear 8x6 in both ways, I will take clear photos like stillwantmore every 2 months. So I can prove progress to others, so they know I'm not bullshitting.

Let me just reiterate, I'm not saying people above 8x6 with no pics are lying. I'm saying I personally find it hard to believe them. They could very well be telling the truth.

Putting a ruler against your dick only gives you more credibility. Men can choose to do this or not but in my opinion it proves their claims in a electronic world of exudations.

When GQ magazine came to my house the interviewer and I discussed Penis Enlargement, my gains, my exercise, etc. but as he said talk is cheap and the proof is in the pudding. He requested a measurement in front of him. Even though I do have issues with anxiety I felt accommodating this request would give me credibility behind all my hard work, so I did it.

When I first went to my best friend JAZ's house to film the MoS stuff the first thing he asked was to see it measured in front of him (remember he is a life long friend) I accommodated because again I felt my integrity was on the line.
Supra said:
Don’t waste time looking for this perfect size that you think you need to be, you got your own penis and you can make it bigger, but first, be happy with your penis, you have to be happy with yourself, on the insides to be happy with the out sides, your light shines from within. Your penis does not make you a man, what makes you a man is your insides, your beating heart, you honor, your word, your integrity. If you have none of those, you are no man, even if you are 15X8. It does not matter how big you are, if you have the virtues of a man, you are a man, big or small, short or tall, 130lbs to 250lbs. I am 180lbs and can outwit any man that does not have those virtues, cause I have honor, courage and commitment.

Ya sometimes we forget about the reality. Like just two days ago I was admiring how my eyebrows protect my eyes from sweat so well. How the hair there grows to be just the right length and texture. Or a while before that my family's dog at home jumped up and my eyes blinked out of natural reaction for safety.

We sometimes forget the myriad of little things. Or big things really. The way all of our bones and mucles fit together. Our lips, our skin, we are more then just a penis.

Having said that a penis is a big factor in being a man. Its a visible symbol of fertility. It has functional capability. Its one of the few differences between men and women. I mean they have skin, they have lips, they have eyebrows. They dont' have a penis though.

To me building up a huge cock is even bigger then being buff. Or tall I'd rather be hung and a short fucker, then really tall and have a small dick.

I think what your saying is that say your are 8x6, and another man walks in the room who is 8.5x6.5. You aren't neccessarily less of a man then him. Even if he is buffer then you and taller and better looking, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

A woman still might choose you because of your personality or she might just for some unexplained reason feel attraction to you. Some women my friends find hot I dont' really find hot. Some I'm like damnnn and they don't find attractive at all.

Thats one thing our stupid media doesn't get, different people like different things. I personally like a girl with some sweet curves even if she weighs a bit more. Other guys like thin girls. You can't say this guy is more attractive than this other guy. To you maybe, to another woman she might find the 'less attractive' one turns her on for some reason.

I like women with nice big healthy noses, in regards to that one body part. Most guys like tiny almost non existant noses.

In terms of penis, I believe women on average like a far above average size penis. They like one that is 'vascular', and super hard and healthy. They don't want some semi impotent guy. Actualy women will tell you they'd rather have a nice hard cock thats average then a large softish one. However they would go for a large hard one. That is their nature, to seek out healthy and fertile men. Its a genetic advantage and therefore it has spread and it will continue to spread.

Also in my opinion a big cock is more pleasureable for the guy. Having more surface area for one thing on the most sensitive organ is a good thing. Making sex a tighter fit because you have more girth is also good. And reaching farther in her to places you haven't is good for you as well as for her. Even if there were no women on the planet, I still would do Penis Enlargement for this reason. I believe a big cock and healthy cock gives you more pleasure too.
doublelongdaddy said:
Putting a ruler against your dick only gives you more credibility. Men can choose to do this or not but in my opinion it proves their claims in a electronic world of exudations.

When GQ magazine came to my house the interviewer and I discussed Penis Enlargement, my gains, my exercise, etc. but as he said talk is cheap and the proof is in the pudding. He requested a measurement in front of him. Even though I do have issues with anxiety I felt accommodating this request would give me credibility behind all my hard work, so I did it.

When I first went to my best friend JAZ's house to film the MoS stuff the first thing he asked was to see it measured in front of him (remember he is a life long friend) I accommodated because again I felt my integrity was on the line.

Exactly, even your long time friend who I'm sure trusts you, wanted proof.

If I was writing a story on it I'd want to see some proof too.

Everyone on lpsg was claiming huge sizes, actualy ridiculus sizes but no picture proof. That site is some very funny reading but I dont' believe their claims. Maybe 8x6 is too low to feel a need for picture proof. It just seems to be the official 'large' starting size.
Wow, very good thread Supra. As I'm sure you already know, I agree with the honor, courage, commitment & integrity stuff. That proves your worth as a man more than just about anything. Borrowing some of your hindsight, a lack of consistency has been my main issue as well. I could also be bigger by now, being "in the game" for about as long as you have. Ah well, life happens and we learn dont we? I'm not going to dwell on why I havent been more consistent and how I could/should/would be bigger than I am now. I'm still happy with my size, I just have yet to reach my goals. I'm not stopping until I do though. I will say that I have a much better game plan with my Penis Enlargement now than I probably ever have over the last few years.

I have recently taken a 'back to basics' approach to my Penis Enlargement, and I feel like I'm back on the right track. There's nothing wrong with pursuing whatever type of Penis Enlargement you think sounds good, but you really need to pick one or two, three at the most types of exercises and STICK TO THEM. That I have learned, albeit the hard way, is the key that will get you results better than most things. Not jumping into the wonder-exercise (insert patent pending) of the month that everybody else on the bandwagon is jumping on every time somebody comes up with a "new" idea.

I also see too many guys getting all wrapped up in the size debates. Sure, I agree that it is a good thing, perhaps a mentally calming or reassuring thing to know what 'average size' is or where you fall on the scale of size compared to the numbers, but constantly comparing yourself to other men does you no good. All it does most of the time is cause you more problems in your head and more doubts and more feelings like "damn, I'll just never be big enough no matter what I do". That most likely causes a lot of guys to quit Penis Enlargement before they get even half way to their goals. There will ALWAYS be somebody with a bigger penis or better love making skills than you. That's life. You just have to focus on what YOU have, what YOU can do to improve upon that, and 'just do it'.

Most of us are here because we for one reason or another are not completely happy with what we already have. Determine how much more length or girth you would like to have. Take a little time and think about how realistic your goals are for YOU and your life schedule. Then, put together your plan of attack to hit those goals.
I have read your posts Supra, but are you really quitting Penis Enlargement? I can't believe one day your shooting drugs in your dick and boasting about your size and then the next you just quit? there's a lot of controversial stuff out there, but I still want to be involved here. maybe the penis isn't the most appropriate part to improve, it gives you one more thing good about you. self improvement is what we're all here for, and as long as you truly realoze your goals in life, sorted out yourself, Penis Enlargement is a great thing to do, we've got a smallcommunity here, and I will stay.
Where or when did Supra say he was quitting? Misinterpretation I guess ;)
Dario said:
It sounds as though, regarding Penis Enlargement, a motto of sorts that you have realized is: KISS "Keeep It Simple Stupid".

Couldn't have said it better myself
randolf said:
I know this is controversial but if you claim to be above 8x6 and don't have pics, I dont' believe. I think you may have that, you might not.

When I clear 8x6, hopefully in a few months, I'm going to have clear photographic evidence. I'm talking fully ruler, and tape. I know a lot of guys don't like doing that. I think a lot of us have anxiety disorders. Including me, I will get hella scared doing it too. I think that type of anxiety disorder is what inspires us to do things like this. Most guys just don't care enough to do pe. Good for them, but I'd still rather be anxious and have a huge dick because of it:).

If you are under 8x6 I believe what your saying, because there is no 'motive' to lie really. Also for me when I clear 8x6 in both ways, I will take clear photos like stillwantmore every 2 months. So I can prove progress to others, so they know I'm not bullshitting.

Let me just reiterate, I'm not saying people above 8x6 with no pics are lying. I'm saying I personally find it hard to believe them. They could very well be telling the truth.
Since I don't know [yet] how to post a pic I haven't "posted" my size because I have gotten tired of "peeps" not believing my size is real
stillwantmore said:
Where or when did Supra say he was quitting? Misinterpretation I guess ;)

He didn't. Yep, misinterpretation. I think Supra if anyone is going to Penis Enlargement till he grows old and gray...

as a matter of fact, I can vividly picture him in a rocking chair on his back porch, grumbling away happily, squeezing a bottle of viagra in his other hand and tugging on his grizzled old log with the other... :s LMAO
randolf said:
I know this is controversial but if you claim to be above 8x6 and don't have pics, I dont' believe. I think you may have that, you might not.

When I clear 8x6, hopefully in a few months, I'm going to have clear photographic evidence. I'm talking fully ruler, and tape. I know a lot of guys don't like doing that. I think a lot of us have anxiety disorders. Including me, I will get hella scared doing it too. I think that type of anxiety disorder is what inspires us to do things like this. Most guys just don't care enough to do pe. Good for them, but I'd still rather be anxious and have a huge dick because of it:).

If you are under 8x6 I believe what your saying, because there is no 'motive' to lie really. Also for me when I clear 8x6 in both ways, I will take clear photos like stillwantmore every 2 months. So I can prove progress to others, so they know I'm not bullshitting.

Let me just reiterate, I'm not saying people above 8x6 with no pics are lying. I'm saying I personally find it hard to believe them. They could very well be telling the truth.

I totally understand, I do have pics though, you may not have seen

Supra's 8X6 pics
fallen_one23 said:
I have read your posts Supra, but are you really quitting Penis Enlargement? I can't believe one day your shooting drugs in your dick and boasting about your size and then the next you just quit? there's a lot of controversial stuff out there, but I still want to be involved here. maybe the penis isn't the most appropriate part to improve, it gives you one more thing good about you. self improvement is what we're all here for, and as long as you truly realoze your goals in life, sorted out yourself, Penis Enlargement is a great thing to do, we've got a smallcommunity here, and I will stay.

I am never going to quit pe, just one of the things I have learned is that my Penis is not who I am and granted it makes for a lot of good convo with friends nad family.

I just got done doing my Supra Slammers, now I am doing lazy ass's.
Shafty said:
He didn't. Yep, misinterpretation. I think Supra if anyone is going to Penis Enlargement till he grows old and gray...

as a matter of fact, I can vividly picture him in a rocking chair on his back porch, grumbling away happily, squeezing a bottle of viagra in his other hand and tugging on his grizzled old log with the other... :s LMAO

Damn right!
People just need to understand some of the truth's with all of this and get over nonsense with the forum wars and trash talk, I myself used to be involved in it, and its just stupid, I cannot break down the walls, but I can shed light on them and maybe turn a couple heads in doing so. People should learn to realize that we are all Penis Enlargementing together and there is no reason to bash one another while doing it.

I have seen more politics and bullshit about Penis Enlargement than I have on any other board that I am on. Its like the "Who has got a bigger dick contest” Who really cares. If it is about money, which I know it is between MOS and �other PE site�, people need to get over that and realize that and embrace competition. Instead of trying to abolish it, cause it is not reality. Embrace it, it makes you look better, not trying to run everybody off, just cause you have the power. If someone comes up with a better hanger or a better way of doing something, embrace it, don’t shun it. It only hurts people feelings and make you looks bad.

There would not be all this hate if people would not start it and get over there ego's for once and just Penis Enlargement and get over that someone might no more than you and such. DLD never had a problem with anyone at all until he wanted to do his own site, he was even backed by everyone and then suddenly that all changed, God only knows why.

There are to many guys at �other PE site� that just get shitted on cause they have good ideas, Captain Hook, Pirate Steve, Chicken Choker and many other, they have bad ass hangers and cause they come upon with the idea, they get slapped with commercial member. Everyone talks about how everything is free over there, but its just not the case. I wish people could see that. I think �other PE site� has some great stuff and has help 1,000's of men, but I think that the just don’t like competition at all, and there is a lot of censorship and brain washing and things get covered up fast if they don’t like something. I love bib, he is a bad ass guy and has helped me out a ton, and his hanger is great, but I think that others should be able to show there idea’s without getting a bad label slapped on them.

It is apparent and obvious that bib and thunder are associated 100%, thunder is always talking about paying bib’s server bill and thunder says he “clicked the switches” on bib site for the hanger, ok fine that’s cool with me, if they are in it together or are the same person, whatever, bib has never done me wrong, and I support the bib more than any other product. But I just don’t think it is right to shun anyone else with a hanger, yes the bib is patent, but the other hangers are not like the bib at all, so he has nothing to worry about.
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Any internet "community" is like life. You have people who are always going to BS , in life the best thing to do is smile and forget them, without kicking up an argument. The same things applies here , if someone says he's 9x7 and is'nt , what do you or I care ? ultimately the only person he's cheating is himself. There's no need to get stressed or have an uproars as it won't help anyone.

Just focus on yourself , we're all here to make ourselves bigger, and I personally do it for me , not for any women, although they will of course reap the benefits. If I can help a newbie , or a more experienced member can help me on the way then we all win.
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