AboveAvgAries;702764 said:
The stretch I have been working on is pretty simple and I believe it falls along the isometric exercise category. follow this: shower at the gym, stainless steel handrail at hip height (sanitary)... follow this: shower at the gym, stainless steel handrail at hip height After bundled stretches, with a large cock ring, place penis over the bar. Put ring over the head, and pull with left forefinger under the bar to anchor the head. Hold rail with BOTH hands, and also anchor head with right thumb. Lean back slowly and feel that burn. I am no PE expert, but the weight of your body will be greater than what you can exert with your forearm.

Body weight is a great force to use. Excellent exercise and thanks for sharing.
I hope my description was clear enough, the ring used was the larger one from Adam and Eve
Ps. This has been done after the following SRT ... Open to feedback/ experience on timing

Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds x 3
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds x 3
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds x 3

Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

hydrocortisone cream apply ***

apply Uncle Jim's Strapping Method.one hour at a time at which time you will take off, do 25 rotary cranks and 1 set of Behind the Cheeks Stretching. (this should take no more than 5 minutes in all, a normal bathroom break.
AboveAvgAries;702764 said:
The stretch I have been working on is pretty simple and I believe it falls along the isometric exercise category. follow this: shower at the gym, stainless steel handrail at hip height (sanitary)... follow this: shower at the gym, stainless steel handrail at hip height After bundled stretches, with a large cock ring, place penis over the bar. Put ring over the head, and pull with left forefinger under the bar to anchor the head. Hold rail with BOTH hands, and also anchor head with right thumb. Lean back slowly and feel that burn. I am no PE expert, but the weight of your body will be greater than what you can exert with your forearm.

My gym is an old school, hardcore gym, complete with semi-dirty community shower lol vs private stalls. I'm wanting to try this, but if I get caught, am wondering if I can say I got hung up in the handrail by accident? Lol!
I will try to get some good pictures of the hand rail and an illustration
kyomoto;702730 said:
Oh. Well I was referring help me in PE haha. :cool:

Well this is a very confusing thread :) I was under the impression this thread was about the bodybuilding perspective? Sorry for the misstep.
doublelongdaddy;702793 said:
Well this is a very confusing thread :) I was under the impression this thread was about the bodybuilding perspective? Sorry for the misstep.

I'm thinking the handrail at the gym qualifies for bodybuilding perspective? Lol! If I get caught doing that one.. Lol! Anyhow, am ready to get this thread back on to bodybuilding perspective. I've volunteered to help with bodybuilding questions in that thread area, but as for PE, I'm finding that bodybuilding, and penile tissue are very different, yet very similar. Creating ever more micro tears through progressively heavier exercises/weight certainly works, but what's different (for me), is the fact that too much intensity is causing me to atrophy, meaning, having to take off ten days at a time after a few weeks of training. Minor amount of atrophy, and weak erections seem to plague me if I train too intensely. Am walking in the gym in five minutes, and there I'll be blasting my legs with squats, and stiff leg deads that will be enough to make a seasoned pro vomit. Very different, yet very similar in theory anyway.
It is, however it did get a little off topic. Stretching, hanging and isometrics all directly relate to the bodybuilding world
nothing but good
Am I correct that this should work best after bundled stretches?
This is an insightful thread. Thank you, AboveAvgAries.

Like yourself AboveAvgAries, I too have a background in bodybuilding. I was really hardcore into bodybuilding from age 16 to 21. My 5' 10" frame went from 180 pounds to 230 in 5 years and I maintained a low body fat percentage. Now I just train my body to maintain a healthy and strong heart.

Anyway, back to your post. My approach to PE is deeply informed by what I learned in bodybuilding. I see more similarities than differences between the two. From my point of view, PE is a kind of bodybuilding, because the goal is largely aesthetic. People who are into bodybuilding and people who do PE both want to build mass and sculpt their body in a way that is pleasing to the eyes. I mean, no one really needs to look like Dorian Yates or Arnold Schwarzenegger in their prime or to have a schlong as big as Mike Salvini's, but some guys do want to look like one or the other or both and are wiling to train their body to come as close as they can to achieving that ideal. I am here on this forum to learn from Mike and others, because I hope to grow my schlong to 10.5 x 6.5.

My experience in bodybuilding has taught me that technique, intensity, dedication, diet, sleep, rest, and having self-confidence in one's ability to grow and to reach and pass goals are the keys to success. I carry over this set of beliefs and practices to my work in PE. And so far it is paying off.

I want to end with a sound practice that you write about: rest. Rest is when the body rebuilds and grows; this occurs during sleep and during the day when we are not putting physical stress on our bodies. I do not believe that rest is valued as much as it should be valued in the field of PE. My advice is to listen to your body. Don't train if you're still sore. Your body needs time to repair the tissue that has been damaged during training. The soreness is a sign that your body is repairing the tissue. Once the soreness has gone away, then get back to training.
Well put John Wayne ... Rest is important, because that is when the magic happens. Over the last 5 years I have learned what works for me with BB as far as rest, PE rest ratio yet to be determined. Any experience here would be great.
AboveAvgAries;702849 said:
Well put John Wayne ... Rest is important, because that is when the magic happens. Over the last 5 years I have learned what works for me with BB as far as rest, PE rest ratio yet to be determined. Any experience here would be great.

Thank you for your reply, AboveAvgAries.

I'm still a newbie when it comes to PE. I began my PE journey on May 1, 2016. I do not yet have my training-rest ratio down. I'm still learning.

In the recent past I used too much intensity when doing bundled stretches and immediately felt a localized soreness within the tunica. I stopped doing PE as soon as I felt this sensation, because it was a feeling that I had not experienced before during PE. I decided to err on the side of caution and take a week off from PE. The soreness lasted for a little less than 48 hours. After a week off, I returned to my routine with escalating intensity to a point where I was before I felt the localized soreness in the tunica.

There have been other times when I have taken a day or two off because it felt that my body needed the rest. I average six days on and one day off.

This has worked for me as I have been making some solid gains. When I began PE I was 7.5 x 5. Today, I measured about 8 and 1/8 x 5 and 1/16. I am happy with my gains in length. But I need to figure out why I am not gaining as fast in girth.

I hope this is helpful.
AboveAvgAries;702837 said:
Am I correct that this should work best after bundled stretches?

You should do Bundled Stretching before every girth or length routine. This is important as it pre-stretches the very dense Tunica tissue allowing for you to make better gains.
John_Wayne;702848 said:
This is an insightful thread. Thank you, AboveAvgAries.

Like yourself AboveAvgAries, I too have a background in bodybuilding. I was really hardcore into bodybuilding from age 16 to 21. My 5' 10" frame went from 180 pounds to 230 in 5 years and I maintained a low body fat percentage. Now I just train my body to maintain a healthy and strong heart.

Anyway, back to your post. My approach to PE is deeply informed by what I learned in bodybuilding. I see more similarities than differences between the two. From my point of view, PE is a kind of bodybuilding, because the goal is largely aesthetic. People who are into bodybuilding and people who do PE both want to build mass and sculpt their body in a way that is pleasing to the eyes. I mean, no one really needs to look like Dorian Yates or Arnold Schwarzenegger in their prime or to have a schlong as big as Mike Salvini's, but some guys do want to look like one or the other or both and are wiling to train their body to come as close as they can to achieving that ideal. I am here on this forum to learn from Mike and others, because I hope to grow my schlong to 10.5 x 6.5.

My experience in bodybuilding has taught me that technique, intensity, dedication, diet, sleep, rest, and having self-confidence in one's ability to grow and to reach and pass goals are the keys to success. I carry over this set of beliefs and practices to my work in PE. And so far it is paying off.

I want to end with a sound practice that you write about: rest. Rest is when the body rebuilds and grows; this occurs during sleep and during the day when we are not putting physical stress on our bodies. I do not believe that rest is valued as much as it should be valued in the field of PE. My advice is to listen to your body. Don't train if you're still sore. Your body needs time to repair the tissue that has been damaged during training. The soreness is a sign that your body is repairing the tissue. Once the soreness has gone away, then get back to training.

Just gotta apply that same discipline to everything you want to do. It's hard having that much because we get lazy but, there will be a spark in all of us if it's truly us willing to put the effort.

Now about rest. I started rethinking my experience of of 1 year and a half with PE, I went from beginners 1 on 1 off schedule (gaining my 1inch) to a non stop at 11 months and gained my last 1 inch then. I'm finding it that I need to rest more as I'm not gaining perhaps its my routine thats too intense and I'm thinking it's not too intense. So I'm going to actually start doing 1 on 1 off, but with my more intense routine and see how this goes. As far as my PE experience I've never had soreness or any sign of fatigue, yet I gained 2 inches in total.
John Wayne nice work. Let me know what you find with girth ... I'm assuming you do Jelqs & pumping? I have a cheap pump but it has worked so far....
How can I make a video to show the above bodyweight stretch?
AboveAvgAries;702892 said:
How can I make a video to show the above bodyweight stretch?

I believe there's a host of websites that allow for nudity videos. I'd try Vimeo but I'm not 100% sure. And just record yourself, upload the video to your laptop/computer or if you're recording with a phone you can probably upload directly through your phone to a mobile version of the website (that allows nudity).
And I can post here?
We'll see, uploaded this video; there is a size limit
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