It’s a slippery slope and you can go from the most simple image and without control and up in the most disgusting filth. I’m happy that I was able to stop at a certain point but still that’s not attaining what I desire which is to control myself. I have no qualms about masturbation but I do about �naked people movies�. I usually do not feel any kind of libido to really masturbate so when it comes up I sort of feel like I should take advantage of it but then when I’m done I always have regret. But this time the regret will fade quickly because I’ve already admitted it to you I’ve asked you to pray for me and when I wake up tomorrow it’s a new day and I’m not gonna spend one minute feeling guilt. On to better stronger more discipline days.
I agree and I will pray.
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I’ll read it to this afternoon I gotta laydown and take a nap I’ve been up all night. It’ll give me something to look forward to when I wake up. I’m so happy both of you have responded makes me feel better about what happened and I thank you for your prayers. I think we’ll have a nice nap now knowing that you both care so much, thank you
I’ll read it to this afternoon I gotta laydown and take a nap I’ve been up all night. It’ll give me something to look forward to when I wake up. I’m so happy both of you have responded makes me feel better about what happened and I thank you for your prayers. I think we’ll have a nice nap now knowing that you both care so much, thank you

My situation is I’ve been celibate for 11 years, I have not been on a date or with a woman in any capacity over this 11 years. Masturbation always seemed like a daily necessity, and for me �naked people movies� was needed (for the most part). Today I can go a week or sometimes a month. I do not want to quit, I thinking quitting anything creates a rule and that rule will most certainly be broken. I do not do it because I want to, most times I have to force it, I do it because I begin to get fustrated and easily angered. When I get to that point I find the lesser of the two would be releasing myself.

Understand I am also a minister and I can not teach masturbation is wrong as it is not written to be. (Yes, I know about Owan?) so since God did not speak against it, where He had plenty of opportunities, the 613 laws could simply be 614. Why was it not mentioned in negative light? I think because a single man who has given his life to the Lord needs that release. I know I should like a perverted preacher, and that is just fine? I teach Gods Word as it is written.

With all that said sometimes I can look at very innocent material and take care of business when I find myself in that situation. Problem is it never stays innocent, it almost always leads to full out �naked people movies�! So trying to avoid this is where I suffer.

I would be happy to get myself to once a month and work from there. Quitting seems unrealistic for me since I am complete celibate. But getting longer periods would be awesome cause no matter when I do it the guilt and regret is always the same. I refuse to go to God and dump my guilt on Him, Jesus already has completely forgiven me so why would I remind Him of something He has already completely forgiven and forgotten? “I have forgotten your sins as far as east is from west” that eternity! So I am stuck with the guilt and that sting hurts so bad I think twice next time. I will only go to God in praise, glory and honor of everything They have done for me.

So I will start this accountability tomorrow since I have had a very stressful week filled with frustration. Monday is a good starting day. I will be accountable from them forward.

I pray this helps us get to a better place and helps others who want to take part too. Thanks for starting the thread ❤

Out of curiosity DLD why are u celibate? Is it spiritual ? Why have a massive penis and not be in a relationship
I became a minister after Jen left me. I also decided that I wanted to be celibate as it allowed me more time with God and helping people. I am in no religion, I strictly teach from the Bible and teach the message of “grace without works”. I believe in the work Jesus Christ did at the cross was enough.
I became a minister after Jen left me. I also decided that I wanted to be celibate as it allowed me more time with God and helping people. I am in no religion, I strictly teach from the Bible and teach the message of “grace without works”. I believe in the work Jesus Christ did at the cross was enough.

Interesting that's awesome... DLD!
The best decision I’ve ever made in my life because now live in complete peace. I am able to dedicate so much time to the brotherhood and to my ministries with my focus where it should be on the task not on the tits LOL

I hear u yeah distractions suck lol
You guys may find this thread insightful to what your doing

I only felt regret for a little while today and soon I realized I’m not gonna sit in this negativity any longer. I got back up, I brush myself off and I started all over again. This is not about perfection it’s about progress and all of us will progress at her own pace. This is where we can help one another. My weaknesses maybe your strengths and my strengths maybe your weaknesses. Let us pray for one another and let us help each other not only an accountability but in discernment and love.
Wow, great to see how this thread has taken off. And congrats to everone on lasting a week. Or however long you have lasted on your current streak. I'm praying for everyone.

It's been a while since I realized that "self" control is a myth. On my own I am weak, I cannot control my self. And I have found that I am ultimately no match for any lone temptation that I have encountered. Be it �naked people movies�, masturbation, camming. Whatever habits I have tried to hide from others and single out for dismissal, I have come back to. I consider it merely luck that I have not really had the occasion to cheat on my wife, and that I have never been vexxed with any particular predisposition to sexual gratification of any illegal nature. But I cannot judge those who are. If I had that itch, I have no reason to believe I could resist any lonely urge to scratch it for anything but the shortest stretch of time.

But I do have hope that these fights CAN be won, just not by the self. Not alone, not in secret. I do not need to fight myself, by myself, and nor should anyone. We fight together. The opposite of addiction is connection.

God protects me from temptation, and the companionship of my brothers gives me more strength than I could ever have on my own. For Him all things are possible and for us, there is no limit to what we can achieve together. Thank you for that.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Let me ask for clarification. Does a wank count if you just touch your penis glans for stimulation in a session? or does it have to be full blown bashing the bishop :)

If its the latter, I have gone over 7 days.
Wow, great to see how this thread has taken off. And congrats to everone on lasting a week. Or however long you have lasted on your current streak. I'm praying for everyone.

It's been a while since I realized that "self" control is a myth. On my own I am weak, I cannot control my self. And I have found that I am ultimately no match for any lone temptation that I have encountered. Be it �naked people movies�, masturbation, camming. Whatever habits I have tried to hide from others and single out for dismissal, I have come back to. I consider it merely luck that I have not really had the occasion to cheat on my wife, and that I have never been vexxed with any particular predisposition to sexual gratification of any illegal nature. But I cannot judge those who are. If I had that itch, I have no reason to believe I could resist any lonely urge to scratch it for anything but the shortest stretch of time.

But I do have hope that these fights CAN be won, just not by the self. Not alone, not in secret. I do not need to fight myself, by myself, and nor should anyone. We fight together. The opposite of addiction is connection.

God protects me from temptation, and the companionship of my brothers gives me more strength than I could ever have on my own. For Him all things are possible and for us, there is no limit to what we can achieve together. Thank you for that.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Two very important things, one, no rules or laws. Two, no going to God for forgiveness. We are told in one place in the Bible to confess our sins, “confess your sins to one another so you can pray for one another” this is exactly what this thread is about. Why not go to God for forgiveness? Because God has already forgiven and forgotten all of our sins as far as the east is to west. So grasping this it makes it hard for us to do something wrong when we can’t run to God to dump it on him. God made fool proof, he has forgave and forgotten all of our sins past present and future. So when we do do something wrong we have to suffer with the consequences and that is why Grace works and laws don’t. ❤ We should go to God for the right reasons to give him praise glory and honor for everything he has done for us, to pray for one another, to ask for strength and direction. Once we hace
Let me ask for clarification. Does a wank count if you just touch your penis glans for stimulation in a session? or does it have to be full blown bashing the bishop :)

If its the latter, I have gone over 7 days.

It would be considered having an orgasm. Touching yourself, playing with yourself there’s nothing wrong with that in my book. Where it turns ugly for me is when I go from innocence into �naked people movies�. We all do this for different reasons and I guess we all have a different types of goals. For me masturbation is not sinful in anyway. The problem with masturbation is I usually need a visual stimulus. This is all well and good when I can keep my mind in a clean space butI almost always end up in the worst place on �naked people movies�.

For me I need to recognize the moment the temptation comes up and stop up there. We never begin at the worst place it always progresses from a single thought. So if you’re aware of it and you feel that temptation begin you can turn away from it before it turns into a full blown out loss. For me, if I’m week I turned away from what I’m looking at and I look towards Jesus and the temptation always fades.

Again please keep me in your prayers and I will keep you in my prayers and let’s do the best we can.
We should merge this with the new thread we started the other day. If you know how to do it can you please help @REDZULU2003? The other thread I think it’s called keeping each other accountable. I would rather keep the title keep each other accountable and then merged the two threads. If you don’t know how to do it I can as lightning thank you so much.
We should merge this with the new thread we started the other day. If you know how to do it can you please help @REDZULU2003? The other thread I think it’s called keeping each other accountable. I would rather keep the title keep each other accountable and then merged the two threads. If you don’t know how to do it I can as lightning thank you so much.

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Reset 10 days in. Nothing too erotic, mostly seeing their beautiful faces. Pretty cool videos that only show the face. I feel regret but have already turned it over to God! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! So tomorrow is day one. Pray for me my Brothers, lots of stress that bring lots of temptation. Pray for my strength❤️
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