So has everyone fell off :) and started bashing the bishop again

One time this week with no guilt or regret as I did not look at �naked people movies�. I had to push myself into doing it because I had no libido whatsoever. But I was going through lots of frustration over the past last week so I just thought it was time to let one off. I feel much more ease now. So for me it’s about once a month and the biggest thing I need to avoid is the �naked people movies�.
? think
☹️ thinking
? hmmm
? just do it
? 30 seconds later
? that was quick
? night night

always happens on a Sunday night? or should I say Monday morning. 7 days now instead of 30. I think all the changes I am going through has my defenses down a bit. Not upset with myself, just wondering what this wanting in me is. It is not fulfilled in this way. Nor does food or sleep or anything else. It is a wanting of something I can not put my finger on. I am in a good place, at peace with God, friends and family. Just a nervous wanting. Pray for me to figure this out?
Nothing to feel guilty about, its perfectly normal. If your doing it to �naked people movies�, then keep an eye on it for sure.
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Nothing to feel guilty about, its perfectly normal. If your doing it to �naked people movies�, then keep an eye on it for sure.

�naked people movies� is the demon that will take you from innocence to filth if you allow it!
I have masturbated a few times. 75% you could say work related :) experimenting with some length protocol, and I needed to wank. However, I can go without ejaculating now. I try to refrain from cumming, only once a week if that.

No �naked people movies� watched when wanking either, but I have seen a few short clips. Wasn't feeling like playing about though, so, guess I'm in control.

Its very easy for me, to just visualize the pussy now.
I let one off last night but I only thought about my wife and reviewed the pictures that look like her. I have found that there is absolutely no guilt or regret when I masturbate thinking about my wife. We have been estranged for 10 years but I am still married so I still have this right. I don’t want to get caught up in masturbation every day but when it does happen at least I have a good justification for the I let one off last night but I only thought about my wife and reviewed the pictures that looks like her. I have found that there is absolutely no guilt or regret when I masturbate thinking about my wife. We have been estranged for 10 years but I am still married so I still have this right. I don’t want to get caught up in masturbation every day but when it does happen at least I have a good justification for the guilt.
Nothing wrong with that

Happened again but this time I went into territory I should have avoided. I have so much trouble on mind mind, so much in the air, I think I go to masturbation for a sure relief for stress. It is short lived but effective. The true solution is tackling these issue and dealing with them, not becoming overwhelmed. So if I do masturbate in these times more often it is purely for this reason and as long as I remain with my safe zone (wife thought and women who resemble, boobs and butts and no nudes) I have no grief but if I go outside this realm I add to my to my stress by grieving my Spirit. A fine line indeed.

I do not think I can give a rhyme or reason to frequency other than I remain mostly abstinent in peacetime but active in stresstime.

Red is right, it does rob you of your energy but in my stressful times that is the exact energy I want to part with, replace it with a more relaxed state. It can also grieve the Spirit when we follow a bad habit as such, and that can replace much needed spiritually, again as Red said.
Yeah its a funny thing is masturbation, because you've just made a good point in that it can have advantages in using up lets say, nervous anxious energy over something.

But, then again, one could do another activity, and its what is the person using to masturbate over? if its �naked people movies�, then its a huge negative, it can lead to addiction, and desensitize around sex in general.

I have masturbated a few times this week, however, in my defense is has been at nighttime regarding penis enlargement. I needed to be erect, so simply had a tug. I didn't use �naked people movies�, but imagined in my mind past encounters, and pretending a sexy black babe was in my room sucking my cock.

This works for me, I can remain erect. So, I really dont need any �naked people movies� thank god.

So, yeah I'm "behaving" with using it only when need be. I refrain from ejaculating, doing it once - twice at most each week. I think the ejaculating can drain you, its life force after all. I know this is disgusting to many, and I dont do it out of fetish, its something I have done for 20 years, but I consume my own ejaculation.

I think its taking back my life force into me, its filled with goodness after all.

But back to the thread. Yeah, just use masturbation wisely, in low amount when not engaged with PE.

I haven't done it for awhile, but try sitting in meditation posture and visualize having sex ... eyes closed, dont touch yourself at all ... your using the mind to remember it clearly, and go through the whole scene from start to finish. That may help.
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Agree completely. This is been such a hard week for me! Medical issues, dental issues, my sewage system is completely broke, just everything is going wrong at the same time. And when I get this immerse in stress I go to what brings me instant relief.

Pray for me my Brothers I watched �naked people movies� and masturbated. Home alone for the first in months. Idle hands are the devils workshop indeed.
Very good thread!!!
Interestingly, I agree with both initial statements @DLD and @Big Schwanz Acht

I struggle to eliminate �naked people movies� and masturbation, but in may case IS NOT because I am trying to eliminate sex or lust. The reason in my case is, because sex feel SO MUCH BETTER with a real woman WITHOUT �naked people movies� and masturbation in your life.

Sure, if you're single or even if you're dating somebody, there will be moments in which you're so fucking horny that cant handle it anymore and need to explode in milk, but I think this should be done only under those circumstances and NOT as a consequence of watching �naked people movies�. Nither if you feel horny should have the need to watch �naked people movies� to release. Beat the monkey just because hormones dictate so with the help of your brain.

I just happened to grow up in this transition between not having internet/cellphones/computer when I was a kid, to growing up with more and more access to �naked people movies� due to technology. And I remember how horny I would get as a kid when just thinking about the possibility of watching unlimited �naked people movies� which was more like a dream, compared to today were �naked people movies� is accessible 24/7 in HD quality of all kind, types, etc. It feels and seems so normal that is not even a turn on anymore.

I haven't accomplished it yet, but I REALLY WANT to not watch �naked people movies� anymore. Masturbate yes, because I think when you eliminate �naked people movies� becomes a normal act of nature. But when maturbation is triggered by an habit of watching �naked people movies�, then theres a problem. �naked people movies� really desensitize the brain to the point that a real woman could feel not as good as watching good �naked people movies� and jerking off.
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I've had a few too many wanks this week. Wonder if it has anyhing to do with the sun, and getting horny? I'm also stressed due to worry about my thyroid, which is abnormal atm.
I've had a few too many wanks this week. Wonder if it has anyhing to do with the sun, and getting horny? I'm also stressed due to worry about my thyroid, which is abnormal atm.

The Sun will DEFINITELY make you feel horny since exposure to Sun is IMPERATIVE. Please NEVER follow the advise from doctors about avoiding sun light. Is one of the most harmful things we an do. Skin disorders and cancer IS NOT a consequence of sun exposure but rather a chronic deficiency of essential nutrients to process the UV light from the sun.

If you have issues with your thyroid, you are most probably severely chronic deficient in Selenium. BUT, as Naturopathic Doctors say, running to walmart and buying a bottle of Selenium caps WILL NOT cure the chronic condition. It takes nutritional science behind and a lot more understanding of nutrition.

Naturopathic Doctors are always opposed to tell "this disease is a consequence of lack of this" "that disease is a consequence of the lack of that", because then people run to the store to buy a cheap bottle of that nutrient, take it, to only come back and say "it did nothing" at which point allopathic medicine takes adavatge of the situation to label Naturopathic Medicine as quack which is not the case.
Very good thread!!!
Interestingly, I agree with both initial statements @DLD and @Big Schwanz Acht

I struggle to eliminate �naked people movies� and masturbation, but in may case IS NOT because I am trying to eliminate sex or lust. The reason in my case is, because sex feel SO MUCH BETTER with a real woman WITHOUT �naked people movies� and masturbation in your life.

Sure, if you're single or even if you're dating somebody, there will be moments in which you're so fucking horny that cant handle it anymore and need to explode in milk, but I think this should be done only under those circumstances and NOT as a consequence of watching �naked people movies�. Nither if you feel horny should have the need to watch �naked people movies� to release. Beat the monkey just because hormones dictate so with the help of your brain.

I just happened to grow up in this transition between not having internet/cellphones/computer when I was a kid, to growing up with more and more access to �naked people movies� due to technology. And I remember how horny I would get as a kid when just thinking about the possibility of watching unlimited �naked people movies� which was more like a dream, compared to today were �naked people movies� is accessible 24/7 in HD quality of all kind, types, etc. It feels and seems so normal that is not even a turn on anymore.

I haven't accomplished it yet, but I REALLY WANT to not watch �naked people movies� anymore. Masturbate yes, because I think when you eliminate �naked people movies� becomes a normal act of nature. But when maturbation is triggered by an habit of watching �naked people movies�, then theres a problem. �naked people movies� really desensitize the brain to the point that a real woman could feel not as good as watching good �naked people movies� and jerking off.

Please Jack get on the no fap diet! I’ve never felt better about myself then when I quit watching this filth. I’m not perfect and I do mess up and when I do I come directly here to confess what I did. This helps me with my regret and guilt and also helps other people to help me. �naked people movies� has become a massive issue in life in general. It takes the place of true intimacy and it completely screws up your expectations in sex. ❤️
Diet could definitely be a factor - Intermittent Fasting, Fasting & or Keto (thinking atleast one can help most people tremendously especially for westerners) - Darren Schmidt, Eric Berg

Its about getting to that 90 day Goal (The Reset), Just going 90 days no P (step 1 for No PMO / No FAP) is a big deal though.

Definitely cut it down to a 7 day goal then 15 etc. (or whatever works.)
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