doublelongdaddy;719847 said:
If Sammy wants my help I am here and I will give him the exact things that need to be done but he needs to return.

I'm sure he will be back soon after this holiday season is over with. I know you can get him on the right path mike I have faith.
smitty2590;719974 said:
I'm sure he will be back soon after this holiday season is over with. I know you can get him on the right path mike I have faith.

Saving Souls is my Gig :) I want every soul here to receive the same ability to gain as I have had. If I can save one man from the endless depression that comes with penis issues, it makes it all worth while.
doublelongdaddy;720283 said:
Saving Souls is my Gig :) I want every soul here to receive the same ability to gain as I have had. If I can save one man from the endless depression that comes with penis issues, it makes it all worth while.

tought i was the only fool whit those issues,but im starting to realize that i was not the only one lol.. i have realized tht most men feel they dont need those ''ridiculous''exercises..:p

Just my imagination lol
LONGERDICK7+;720314 said:
tought i was the only fool whit those issues,but im starting to realize that i was not the only one lol.. i have realized tht most men feel they dont need those ''ridiculous''exercises..:p

Just my imagination lol

Yup, we are very alike and like attracts like :)
kyomoto;716322 said:
Best way to grow your penis is by doing exercises without equipment and only your hands. Check out SRT and newbie routine for a complete newb friendly guide to help you grow. I gained 2 inches with something similar to the newbie routine in 11 months. Please be aware this stuff takes time to work. It takes around 3 months to gain half an inch.

Kyomoto, do you have this routine posted some where? Curios as to what differs from the newb routine. Thanks
Sammy,from a medical point of view, I would encourage you to visit an endocrinologist,micropenis (which is your case) medically termed "micro-phallus" is usually cause by hormonal deficiency or other hormonal related issue as to not overwhelm you with the terms lol. if I may ask,how tall are you and how old are you? and do you have any problem with Alopecia (hair loss) do you ever feel depressed or lose the will to do any for of social activity? what about muscle mass,would you consider yourself underweight? please get back to as soon as possible so we can work things out
Sammy, I hope all is OK and I hope we did not do something to offend you, we only want to help you. Please let us know you are OK.
Hey guys how are ya doing? :)
FIRST OF ALL, I am so sorry for late answer, I am sorry doublelongdaddy for the late answer recently I was thinking to much and of course ya have said nothing that offends me ya have been giving a great help even the friends whom are with us and thanks to them for standing and supporting me as well.
Having a small penis is like living in a dark place, and my penis is getting smaller by the time sometimes my penis enters outside my body I really don't know how to explain that tho, but sometimes my penis can be less than 1 cm.
I stopped watching �naked people movies� but I still have premature ejaculation plus erectile dysfunction besides the smallest penis I have ever seen.

I am upset as a result of what I have, to be honest sometimes I think to cut it off because I feel don't have penis I mean I feel I am not real man.
PLZ doublelongdaddy can ya really help I got divorce 4 times which that caused me to think about killing myself (Committing suicide) here in my country they call me dickless.
I had found my on of my x-wives was cheating on me, a man without penis is like a nonentity that cannot be seen.
I hope ya can help brother but support is not enough, I can take because it doesn't cure my injures, nonetheless I really thanks everybody who's here and for your effort to know my story.
I would like to talk more but I feel speechless right but i keep my self informed to know your next help.

Thanks everyone and I real whole your remarks I really appreciate that furthermore.
Have a nice day, waiting for news.
Megamike, Thanks for your remark.
Of course I don't have any social activity because I am not religious, and I live in fascist country living with myself.
Besides we don't have doctors we have impostors, ya need to know only America has the greatest doctors I have ever seen.
I am 28 years old.
PLZ can ya tell me more about this ailment I could possibly have I need to learn more.
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Acromegaly, hey buddy how are ya?
In fact I am not doing well, I guess I have {microphallus} sometimes my penis enters on my body I can't even see it like I am dickless.
And in my country we don't have doctors we have fucking fascist using that terrorist mythology whilst we are fucking dying.
I am sorry for saying this but it's fact.
Sammy55;720883 said:
Megamike, Thanks for your remark.
Of course I don't have any social activity because I am not religious, and I live in fascist country living with myself.
Besides we don't have doctors we have impostors, ya need to know only America has the greatest doctors I have ever seen.
I am 28 years old.
PLZ can ya tell me more about this ailment I could possibly have I need to learn more.

Obviously why I'm about to say it's just as easy as it sounds to me but if it's financially feasible why not take a trip here to America or Germany or one of the many other countries where you could truly seek help? I understand it may not be possible right this moment but I'd start planning and saving to make it a possibility man. Keep us updated on what you decide to do and how things are going.
you have 3 glands that are responsible for production of specific hormones,more importantly growth hormone, these glands are the hypothalamus,pituitary gland and the gonads (testicles) sometimes the neurological connection between them is faulty, usually between hypothalamus ad the pituitary gland (which secretes GH based on orders from the hypothalamus) because they are directly connected to each other as the pituitary gland is right below the hypothalamus at the base of your I ask again,how tall are you and are you bald/balding? please answer those questions its very important
You have been given all the meaning advice. Its now left for you to take action. Stop drowning yourself in bad thoughts and start doing pe. No matter how small your penis is, you can still do PE. start training and stop dwelling in negative thoughts. Have you received your bathmate you ordered?
Good on you for quitting �naked people movies�. That should help with election quality issues and stamina. I agree with Megan Mike's post about seeing an endocrinologist even if you have to travel a little bit it's probably worth it so that you can get your blood work done and see what your hormone levels are. I would practice controlling your premature ejaculation maybe get a fleshlight. The stepladder analogy is very good when confronting premature ejaculation because it's all about getting closer to the point of no return and then backing down in when you understand that well you can practice edging and you will probably gain some size in the process.
Don't forget to add new B stretches in every day frequent basic stretching is also going to help bring blood flow to the area try to stay positive man no more negative thoughts about yourself
huge-girth;720909 said:
You have been given all the meaning advice. Its now left for you to take action. Stop drowning yourself in bad thoughts and start doing pe. No matter how small your penis is, you can still do PE. start training and stop dwelling in negative thoughts. Have you received your bathmate you ordered?

true keeping those negative toughts away keep things better...
smitty2590;720887 said:
Obviously why I'm about to say it's just as easy as it sounds to me but if it's financially feasible why not take a trip here to America or Germany or one of the many other countries where you could truly seek help? I understand it may not be possible right this moment but I'd start planning and saving to make it a possibility man. Keep us updated on what you decide to do and how things are going.

Hey buddy, how are ya doing?
Ya might be right I am financially ruined, to be honest I found have only 5000 dollars in bank I don't know if can it help me to reach America or Australia.
My country sucks and it is a fascist dictatorial country and ya people know that, and therefore, we have nothing here except some impostors being impersonated themselves as doctors as well as we don't have endocrinologist or even urologist.

Talking about country is an endless story nonetheless. I am trying to learn English more to improve well, but do ya suggest a not an expensive school that can help me out.
Here's my skype: dark.pitch
feel free to contact me and ya can see me via cam to talk.
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