Make it a contest, thats what me and the wife are doing now. We both gained about 15lbs since we met. We are going on a 10 week diet, and changing our eating habits for good after(15lbs over 8 years isn't horrible especially considering 2 kids were involved and any guy thats been with a womend when she's pregnant will know what i mean). Part of this 10 week contest is weighins every 2 weeks, who ever wins 3/5 weighins gets their special prize which we picked ahead of time. Weight count lbs lost and fat % lost and add them together. Her prize is a day spa treatment, mine is a 2 hour �naked people movies� of us doing what ever i want, this got her REALLY motivated. Unfortunatly for her it got me really motivated too. After first weight-in I lost 8.5lbs and 3% bodyfat, she lost 4.0lbs and 1% bodyfat, and now she is more motivated then ever and I reap the benefits whether I win or lose.
supermanx said:
Her prize is a day spa treatment, mine is a 2 hour �naked people movies� of us doing what ever i want,

lol, that's great.
You should never have to pussyfoot around someone else's problem. Especially if that someone is your partner. By such logic one would not confront an alcoholic, drug addict, philanderer, etc. Being overweight is just as dangerous and unhealthy. God forbid anybody be responsible for their own actions. The men laying it into this guy just because he has a little self respect and desires the same in his mate, get a grip and take a double dose of maturity. As for the women who think it's insensitive for a man to not tolerate this in his woman don't worry, there are obviously plenty of men out there with no self worth as well. You'll always have company at the midnight drive thru. ;)Also just to clear things up, the answer is no. Those jeans DO NOT make you look fat, but your FAT ASS does. LMAO
KiTTie8695 said:
Not with everyone.

Yes for everyone unless they have a medical condition.Endomorphs are naturally chubby but it is possible to change there shape through strict diet and exercise,ive seen many do it over the years and also seen many that give up because its to much effet,its hard work,i don't like healthy food,i will just have one piece of pizza.ect ect.

I was a typical endomorph as a kid,fat unhappy didn't like exercise,it was only at 16 when i started to want to take an interest in girls and they didn't want to no that i started to eat very strict no junk at all.
By 18 i looked like a mesomorph,lean skinny and started BB still doing it now at nearly 34,if i let my diet go just a little and stop doing exercise i gain fat at a scarey rate.

Overweight people can change there shape weight if they have the determination to do so but most don't have the willpower to do it.
What is an endomorph? I'm curious, cause I have a hell of a time losing weight, hence my own large ass.
There are 3 body types most people have a mix of 1-2.

endomorph naturaly big bones thick body type round face stores fat easily.

ectomorph naturaly thin narrow shoulders hips waist low bodyfat,fast metabolism means they can eat quite a lot without getting fat.

Mesomorph,broad shoulders narrow waist,lean and muscular.
Got any links or advice on specific remedies for endomorphs or something like that?
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