
Jul 25, 2012
i ordered my Bathmate the other day from amazon. i hope its legit. i am excited about this new adventure, but i am flying blind. i am very grateful for this site, for it has taught me a lot. yet my mind is still full with questions. i dont really know where to start or how to use the Bathmate for that matter. i believe taking measurements makes for a good start.

any tips, knowledge, or personal experience regarding the best ways to gain length, girth, how to take accurate measurements, or how to use the damn thing will be most appreciated.

Welcome man,

I'm new also, been using the Bathmate for about a month. Tips, take it easy the first few days. Aim for 5min sets, instead of 15min do 3x5. Do jelqs in between. Shave, use some oil or vaseline on the rim for better suction. Have fun.
You in for some real fun and some crazy expansion! Let us know your review.
will do DLD. cant wait, hope it works. what the best way to measure my girth?
JDMalex;494187 said:
will do DLD. cant wait, hope it works. what the best way to measure my girth?

When it's at it's biggest and always press to make that measurement bigger! I do not believe in taking time off to measure girth, I say measure at your biggest and use that measurement as a basic for the inspiration to make it cemented! Use a tailors tape and measure at your thickest point along the shaft, but not the base!
doublelongdaddy;494611 said:
I do what I can:) Thank you my friend!

hey man, i just wanted to let you know that i've read over your newbie routine and its very informative, thanks! i am still waiting on my Bathmate in the mail. i'm very excited to try in out that i find myself plotting on how i should go about this. can you please answer these following questions, and please excuse my ignorance, for i'm sure these questions have been already answered in your writings or this forum alone.

not really trying to stand in the shower for 30mins, so can i fill it up with water and take it to my room?

in hardcore Bathmate stretching how high is high pressure?

also in regards to the routine after the basic stretching and hardcore Bathmate stretching do i go into basic jelqing/Bathmate super sets?

after jelqing it reads to pump for 5 to 10mins. does the mean to pump straight for that amount of time, and are you sure my dick wont pop? lol

i know my PC muscle can be worked by cutting off the flow while i pissed. what i'm really try to say is do i just squeeze? i guess i'm doing it right. something in my dick jumps and my asshole gets tight. does that sound about right?

thanks for hearing me out brother. when i get my big dick ima say, "bitch i owe this to doublelongdaddy!" :cool:
JDMalex;494838not really trying to stand in the shower for 30mins said:
First day or 2 i used it in the shower, but that was just a waste of water. Now i just fill it and pump it, then sometimes walk around the house with what looks like a space sword lol.
tyv;494884 said:
First day or 2 i used it in the shower, but that was just a waste of water. Now i just fill it and pump it, then sometimes walk around the house with what looks like a space sword lol.

Yeah, it does take a couple tries to understand that you can use outside the shower but once you realize, well it is like a space sword:)
haha thanks
i used the Bathmate for the first time last night. i guess i got a little carried away because my dick has blood shot marks on the shaft. also im not circumcised and my foreskin was extra puffy. i hope to grow my dick not stretch out my foreskin. should i worried? after using the Bathmate my dick didn't look longer but fatter. i couldn't help myself but jack off jajaja

JDMalex;495355 said:
i used the Bathmate for the first time last night. i guess i got a little carried away because my dick has blood shot marks on the shaft. also im not circumcised and my foreskin was extra puffy. i hope to grow my dick not stretch out my foreskin. should i worried? after using the Bathmate my dick didn't look longer but fatter. i couldn't help myself but jack off jajaja


You sound like you went a bit overboard but it is hard not to! Back down your pumping time a bit and work in some manual girth exercises to help with the fluid retention. 5 minutes in the tube followed by 5 minutes jelqing x 3 sets will give you the best results.
cool thanks
JDMalex;495539 said:
cool thanks

You are welcome but I sure wish it were cool:) This heat is a bummer!
haha tell me about it i live in ga <:(
JDMalex;496168 said:
haha tell me about it i live in ga <:(

It has been out of control lately, worst summer for a long time. I feel like I am in Miami! (without the fine bitches and air-conditioning) :)
doublelongdaddy;496191 said:
It has been out of control lately, worst summer for a long time. I feel like I am in Miami! (without the fine bitches and air-conditioning) :)

ha i'm actuality from miami:cool:. i'll take miami's heat over georgia's any day. the humidity here is unbearable. that and the short supplies of fine bitches lol
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