true, like when soup is overcokked it looses its goodness.....Hydromaxmmmmm their must be ways, CUMMON FUCKERS lets get lucking into this....anyone know if they sell these in the UK....I want one ;)
They already sell this in the form of a pill at most homeopath shops. It goes by the name of "Filix Mas", and yes it's for the treatment of Tape Worms. It also has a few side effects. It's not very expensive to buy as well!!

Filix Mas - Wonder if it could indeed help with penile enlargement????

ANyone willing to try an experiemnt with it???? try them pills for say 1 month and do the normal usual exercise and see what happens.

Anyone interetsed?
Hey guys...

Appears this thread is still alive and kicking. I've been busy, plus trying to deal with health issues, so not experimenting with anything... Have an echocardiogram scheduled in a couple weeks... Hopefully nothing major... Probably stress - related.

Sorry to hear that man...hope it goes well.

As for the Felix-Mas....I have alot of ferns and will cook them in a few days and try it out.

What should it be..the leaves? or the roots?
Originally posted by REDZULU2003
Sorry to hear that man...hope it goes well.

As for the Felix-Mas....I have alot of ferns and will cook them in a few days and try it out.

What should it be..the leaves? or the roots?

Wow RED, bottoms up!! No clue about the leaves or the roots though.. ?:(

Red, tell us when you're about to try it and if we hear nothing of you again, we'll know not to try it ;)

Seriously careful.
I will...but I need to know what ta cook....the actual leaves or the roots??????????????
what am gunna do is cut the leaf in half and than cook it...than eat it.
Monday is the day.
It has put me of abit....but I will not be consuming alchohol anyway...but it says overdose...consuming alchohol on medicine can make it stronger etc.....I wonder what it would indeed feel like to take this stuff???? like being pissed maybe?
LMAO that plant grows EVERYWHERE here!
it can't be toxic, cause i had a rabbit a long time ago and he used to eat this. but the rabbit is a herbivore which means his stomache is made to process plants only, which could also mean he isn't affected by the poison i think.
but dudes, we have 1 in the living room and several outside and when i was little i used to eat this stuff :p
it has a strange taste but it isn't bad. i used to eat a leaf, but i was like 8 years old at that time and i didn't feel something "unusual" hehe.

maybe one should take this in high quantities. you can always consume a Norit tablet with it to neutralize toxins.
I found a homeplathy site that sells filix mas in different forms, pills, granules, ointment, and liquid.
Maybe it wouldn't have to be taken internally if the ointment could be used. I don't know, I'm not a doctor or anything like that. I'm just interest like the rest and wanted to be of help. Here's the site I found it on.

I hope it's of help!

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