That Rothschild sounds ganksta; he stole all y'all's azn tech right. Does he own the flying saucer made from clay?
tkto;610005 said:
That Rothschild sounds ganksta; he stole all y'all's azn tech right. Does he own the flying saucer made from clay?
Google about Rothschild then talk. What harm he did and is doing to the entire world. He introduced �naked people movies�. In World War II in the camps. Find it for yourself. I can write pages and pages. Who controls �naked people movies� industry in USA. It's the jews. A game plan of Rothschild the Jew. Now don't tell me �naked people movies� is good. What harm it is doing and done to the society. It's a moral, social, economic attack by the jews. Banks of china and USA are in major control of the jews all agents of Rothschild.

World wars also inflicted by Rothschild.
dmoney101;609854 said:
It's 5000 years old from every source I've come across. The sumerian religion is the oldest that we know about at this point. If you have proof otherwise then please provide it

I will give you one proof daily.

master_mind;610004 said:
Yes you are right and I know what Rothschild has done to our indian history and history of the world also.

People try to say they has conflicting views but I believe 3 Gospels were given to give a greater perspective on the word of God. One Gospel could have been disputed as personal preference to the theologian but 3 allows for greater interpretation. Luke was a great historian of the day and this was why he was brought in to check the facts and make sure they were correct.
master_mind;610010 said:
I will give you one proof daily.


There was a city...but does that mean it's definitely the city ruled by Krishna in Hindu texts? No. Not at all. Still cool that there's a 32,000 year old city hidden under the sea.
dmoney101;610089 said:
There was a city...but does that mean it's definitely the city ruled by Krishna in Hindu texts? No. Not at all. Still cool that there's a 32,000 year old city hidden under the sea.
Will answer this tomorrow I am going to sleep its now 5 am .
dmoney101;610089 said:
There was a city...but does that mean it's definitely the city ruled by Krishna in Hindu texts? No. Not at all. Still cool that there's a 32,000 year old city hidden under the sea.
Let me talk in your mindset.

One thing is sure 23000 years old city in sea in India. Means civilisation existed in India 23000 years ago. So India is the oldest. If oldest then it's religion also the oldest. So hinduism the oldest.

When 32000 years old city will be found then we will talk about it but by now 23000 years old is the winner.
No one "wins" because a city was found near India. What do you think India is somehow superior to the rest of the world? Lol
doublelongdaddy;610047 said:
People try to say they has conflicting views but I believe 3 Gospels were given to give a greater perspective on the word of God. One Gospel could have been disputed as personal preference to the theologian but 3 allows for greater interpretation. Luke was a great historian of the day and this was why he was brought in to check the facts and make sure they were correct.

My pastor also agrees that the different books reinforce each others credibility, but like my homie says " tecato I was raised in this belief so forgive me for not immediately accepting yours". Jesus knocks on you door but if you don't answer his majesty dont think he will just stay there waiting on ur stubborn ass.

Go with Jesus bros
dmoney101;610237 said:
No one "wins" because a city was found near India. What do you think India is somehow superior to the rest of the world? Lol

Oh come on come on now you say city found near India. Ok you way found near India not near Pakistan so it's part of India. See the satellite images you will come to know the fact. Oh when did I say India was superior. But you will agree we have given yoga and we all know the power of yoga.
Dmoney101 I can tell you SOO many facts you won't believe.
The Russian Arkaim Stonehenge is 3000 years older than the British one . This place was visited by Putin in 2005 and declared as a national treasure as soon as he saw the ancient Hindu Swastika symbol on non-earthen pottery , and found the square within a circle similar to the Sri Yantra mandala. This Stonehenge was built during the rule of Emperor Vikramaditya in 7000 BC, whose symbol was the Swastika. These Stonehenge structures are used to connect with the cosmos.

ALL STONEHENGES ARE ONE TIME STRUCTURES. After use they are buried.Every year in Kerala , BBC comes with their TV crew to film these Tantric ATHIRATHRAM rituals. The atlar is eagle shaped. 1110 specially designed bricks are used. The ritual is for cosmic consciousness, universal brotherhood and prosperity.

Into the homam fire went clarified butter ( ghee ) , cow dung cakes , rice and mystical herbs to purify the atmosphere – along with divine sound mantras.
Alaska Stonehenge is the center spot of the globe.Distance from Ankor Wat to Giza pyramids is 4754 miles. This multiplied by the Vedic Golden ratio of 1.618 gives 7692 miles which is the distance from Giza to Nazca . Now 7692 miles multiplied by the golden ratio again gives 12446, which is the distance from Nazca to Ankor Wat. The centre of this circle is the Stonehenge at Alaska.
master_mind;610252 said:
Dmoney101 I can tell you SOO many facts you won't believe.
The Russian Arkaim Stonehenge is 3000 years older than the British one . This place was visited by Putin in 2005 and declared as a national treasure as soon as he saw the ancient Hindu Swastika symbol on non-earthen pottery , and found the square within a circle similar to the Sri Yantra mandala. This Stonehenge was built during the rule of Emperor Vikramaditya in 7000 BC, whose symbol was the Swastika. These Stonehenge structures are used to connect with the cosmos.

ALL STONEHENGES ARE ONE TIME STRUCTURES. After use they are buried.Every year in Kerala , BBC comes with their TV crew to film these Tantric ATHIRATHRAM rituals. The atlar is eagle shaped. 1110 specially designed bricks are used. The ritual is for cosmic consciousness, universal brotherhood and prosperity.

Into the homam fire went clarified butter ( ghee ) , cow dung cakes , rice and mystical herbs to purify the atmosphere – along with divine sound mantras.
Alaska Stonehenge is the center spot of the globe.Distance from Ankor Wat to Giza pyramids is 4754 miles. This multiplied by the Vedic Golden ratio of 1.618 gives 7692 miles which is the distance from Giza to Nazca . Now 7692 miles multiplied by the golden ratio again gives 12446, which is the distance from Nazca to Ankor Wat. The centre of this circle is the Stonehenge at Alaska.

There's no reason not to believe any of that. All I ever debated was that Hinduism is 11,000 years old. I wouldn't doubt there were civilizations in India 32,000 years ago. It's not too hard to believe really. India has been the center stone for spiritual development over the years. I work with many gods, and some of the only ones who are truly gods and not just thoughtforms created by humans are the Hindu gods, among a few others that Buddha was in contact with during his times. Also YHVH and his archangels exist. Hekate as well. Not all Hindu gods truly exist, but the most important ones like Ganesha, Shiva, Hanuman, Brahma, Laxmi, and Krishna do. That's just a small list.
A o my nika forget your pagan fanaticisms. My nika clay azn just confirmed that he has been in contact with psycho azn aliens, and everyone know they ain't down with Rothschild cuz he's white. Still without young money there is no cash money; which is required to replicate starship caliber tech. So clay is in-league with red shield whether he likes or not
dmoney101;610379 said:
There's no reason not to believe any of that. All I ever debated was that Hinduism is 11,000 years old. I wouldn't doubt there were civilizations in India 32,000 years ago. It's not too hard to believe really. India has been the center stone for spiritual development over the years. I work with many gods, and some of the only ones who are truly gods and not just thoughtforms created by humans are the Hindu gods, among a few others that Buddha was in contact with during his times. Also YHVH and his archangels exist. Hekate as well. Not all Hindu gods truly exist, but the most important ones like Ganesha, Shiva, Hanuman, Brahma, Laxmi, and Krishna do. That's just a small list.

I will give you a finding of 74000 years man lived in India. More proof of hinduism 11000 years old or even more. Native South Americans called red Indians follow hindu tradition of marriage the 7 step marriage. Hunuman the monkey god temples in America. Temples all over the world.
tkto;610388 said:
A o my nika forget your pagan fanaticisms. My nika clay azn just confirmed that he has been in contact with psycho azn aliens, and everyone know they ain't down with Rothschild cuz he's white. Still without young money there is no cash money; which is required to replicate starship caliber tech. So clay is in-league with red shield whether he likes or not

You are not ready to believe the proofs. Pagans called the temples have been found all over the world. It has been proved and carbon dated also. About flying saucers I will give you solid proof. Tungsten and molybdenum used in ancient times to harden steel. I will give you a proof of ancient metallurgy. Do a proper research about the Jew Rothschild. He created both the world wars.

tkto;610388 said:
A o my nika forget your pagan fanaticisms. My nika clay azn just confirmed that he has been in contact with psycho azn aliens, and everyone know they ain't down with Rothschild cuz he's white. Still without young money there is no cash money; which is required to replicate starship caliber tech. So clay is in-league with red shield whether he likes or not

what? lol
master_mind;610009 said:
Google about Rothschild then talk. What harm he did and is doing to the entire world. He introduced �naked people movies�. In World War II in the camps. Find it for yourself. I can write pages and pages. Who controls �naked people movies� industry in USA. It's the jews. A game plan of Rothschild the Jew. Now don't tell me �naked people movies� is good. What harm it is doing and done to the society. It's a moral, social, economic attack by the jews. Banks of china and USA are in major control of the jews all agents of Rothschild.

World wars also inflicted by Rothschild.

Well that escalated quickly
Well duh no one can deny that pagans were around the world, since any religion that isn't Christian or Jewish was called pagan lol. And any god that wasn't Christian was renamed and called a demon by the church.
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