tkto;609232 said:
Idk what the allure is with these monk niggas. What is this enlightenment does it mean they were ignorant before?
Shiiit the day my god Jesus (ymcmb) decided to meditate the devil himself appear to try and fuck wit him only to get his lil ass slapped down. If I wanted to look up to a wise and intelligent man I'd opt for dld before some nigga all always sittin on his ass fat as fuck

Lol very immature. Give me an answer. Why the entire world is trying to know the power of YOGA of India. It's all about meditation and breathing and mastering your body to fight ailments.

I have so much information what to tell. You need scientific evidence of meditation I have.

- - - Updated - - -

master_mind;609239 said:
Lol very immature. Give me an answer. Why the entire world is trying to know the power of YOGA of India. It's all about meditation and breathing and mastering your body to fight ailments.

I have so much information what to tell. You need scientific evidence do meditation I have.
meditation is no joke.
dmoney101;609228 said:
I said he WAS Jainist..Obviously you don't become a spiritual leader and create your own dhamma then say you follow another religion. That's stupid as fuck.
"Hahah reborn theory he disapproves by Buddha because he saw some ailments in child hood life" isn't really a sensible sentence, but I'm assuming you're speaking of how Buddha left the lavishes of his palace one day and saw poor, sick, and dead people in the streets. Not sure where in the world you came up with that disproving reincarnation. The swastika isn't simply a sign of lord Ganesha nor just a hindu sign, it's been around since before hinduism and has been used in way more circumstances than just that.
Regardless of your entire argument, no matter what you say, even if Buddha was hindu up until the very last second before he reached enlightenment, Buddhism is still nowhere near being a "sect of Hinduism". It's an entirely different religion. Shivaists are a sect of hinduism. In order for it to be a part of hinduism, Buddhism would at least have to have something in common with it. But how can a religion that completely rejects the need of gods be a part of a religion that worships more devoutly than almost any other religion?
Gautam Buddha was an Indian. He was born in 1900 BC during the reign of Bindusara of Shishunag dynasty.His father was a Hindu Shiva worshipping brahmin.

When the western countries, came out from the quaternary ice age in 9500 BC, and were staying in caves, eating raw meat India was a great civilization, with kings staying in palaces, wearing silk and writing poetry in Sanskrit.
dmoney101;609158 said:
It's not "hard" it's just, how many people take the time to learn Hebrew so they can fully comprehend what the Old Testament was actually saying? Unfortunately not too many.

I have so if anyone has questions to the translation I can easily do that for you. I studied Greek, Latin, Hebrew and some parts of Aramaic. There are not many translations that are off too much in English but as I said some words need further elaboration to fully understand. I can say that the way the Bible is written in English is very good and as close to unabridged as possible.
i agree with mastermind the power of mediation and strengthing the connection to yourself is very powerful
jacob5414;609253 said:
i agree with mastermind the power of mediation and strengthing the connection to yourself is very powerful
For every one in here, power of meditation and yoga.

My father 68 years. By pass heart surgery in 1992. Expected life of this surgery 8 to 10 years. You need to get surgery done again.

His haemoglobin was around 9 , he was given injections every 3 months.
28 pills every day,
Serum creatinine above 2.5 bad for kidney,

Now due to yoga and meditation within a span of 2 years,

Haemoglobin above 11 injections stopped
Serum creatinine now below 1.5
Heart veins no cholesterol
Now 12 pills a day,

He is a master piece of yoga and meditation.
master_mind;609244 said:
Gautam Buddha was an Indian. He was born in 1900 BC during the reign of Bindusara of Shishunag dynasty.His father was a Hindu Shiva worshipping brahmin.

When the western countries, came out from the quaternary ice age in 9500 BC, and were staying in caves, eating raw meat India was a great civilization, with kings staying in palaces, wearing silk and writing poetry in Sanskrit.

Technically he wasn't Indian since he was born in modern day Nepal in a time when "India" wasn't a country. This is all unimportant though.

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master_mind;609275 said:
For every one in here, power of meditation and yoga.

My father 68 years. By pass heart surgery in 1992. Expected life of this surgery 8 to 10 years. You need to get surgery done again.

His haemoglobin was around 9 , he was given injections every 3 months.
28 pills every day,
Serum creatinine above 2.5 bad for kidney,

Now due to yoga and meditation within a span of 2 years,

Haemoglobin above 11 injections stopped
Serum creatinine now below 1.5
Heart veins no cholesterol
Now 12 pills a day,

He is a master piece of yoga and meditation.

Meditators have a tendency to live a long ass time and stay mentally healthy until they're ready to pass on
dmoney101;609365 said:
Technically he wasn't Indian since he was born in modern day Nepal in a time when "India" wasn't a country. This is all unimportant though.

- - - Updated - - -

Once 9000 b.c India had ruled the entire world, so Nepal was a part of India. We were living on the banks of river saraswati. But due tectonic plate shifting in he Himalayas the swaraswati river dried and the civilisation shifted all over the world.

The stone hedge was created by us, the pyramids of Egypt was designed by us, martial arts by us. The Sri Yantra found in ancient temples is 10000 years old. The angle of 51 deg 49 min 38.25 sec is used for the Egyptian pyramids.
11000 years ago-- Hinduism gave this world :--

The consciousness of the double slit quantum experiment observer.

The principle of " mind over matter".

Yin-Yang principle , of the cosmos.

Energy and matter is convertible E= MC2 ( formula used to end the 2nd world war with Nuclear bomb --localised in Hiroshima and Nagasaki )

( it goes further to E=T MC2 as in Vedic BRAHMASTRA, for faster than light Tesla Scalar Interferometry-- formula to start and end World War 3 -- AND TOTAL ANNIHILATION ). Where T is 'delta T ' or change of time. When scalar beams hurtle through hyperspace the flow of time gets redirected temporarily.

That biological internet DNA which holds the intelligent force , cannot be destroyed--mentioned in Rig Veda of 5000 BC as Tvatsa , double helix coiled serpents.--to hell with Darwin

Zero point field, The Akasha or Ether and Scalar waves.

The Schuman resonance of 7.83 Hz or OM which triggers quantum tunneling and opens wormholes

The Sri Yantra which contains the elusive theory of everything. World's oldest architecture based on Sri Yantra vaastu, in the form of majestic temples and Egyptian pyramids . It is the FRACTAL geometric design of the universe or the universal mind.


Vedic Nanotechnology from silver colloids for anti-viral medicine to mercury ion for flying saucers to self assembling conscious mantra triggered missiles to invisibility cloaks to water based homeopathy.

The miraculous powers of MUDRA and Nadi channeling.

Ayurveda-- the holistic medicine

Sanskrit, the worlds oldest written language-- the only unambiguous computer language suitable for N-GRAM NLP and AskMSR. This language originated from the 12 strand DNA of Maharshis with fractal minds.
master_mind;609563 said:
11000 years ago-- Hinduism gave this world :--

The consciousness of the double slit quantum experiment observer.

The principle of " mind over matter".

Yin-Yang principle , of the cosmos.

Energy and matter is convertible E= MC2 ( formula used to end the 2nd world war with Nuclear bomb --localised in Hiroshima and Nagasaki )

( it goes further to E=T MC2 as in Vedic BRAHMASTRA, for faster than light Tesla Scalar Interferometry-- formula to start and end World War 3 -- AND TOTAL ANNIHILATION ). Where T is 'delta T ' or change of time. When scalar beams hurtle through hyperspace the flow of time gets redirected temporarily.

That biological internet DNA which holds the intelligent force , cannot be destroyed--mentioned in Rig Veda of 5000 BC as Tvatsa , double helix coiled serpents.--to hell with Darwin

Zero point field, The Akasha or Ether and Scalar waves.

The Schuman resonance of 7.83 Hz or OM which triggers quantum tunneling and opens wormholes

The Sri Yantra which contains the elusive theory of everything. World's oldest architecture based on Sri Yantra vaastu, in the form of majestic temples and Egyptian pyramids . It is the FRACTAL geometric design of the universe or the universal mind.


Vedic Nanotechnology from silver colloids for anti-viral medicine to mercury ion for flying saucers to self assembling conscious mantra triggered missiles to invisibility cloaks to water based homeopathy.

The miraculous powers of MUDRA and Nadi channeling.

Ayurveda-- the holistic medicine

Sanskrit, the worlds oldest written language-- the only unambiguous computer language suitable for N-GRAM NLP and AskMSR. This language originated from the 12 strand DNA of Maharshis with fractal minds.

These are all ways that people have tried to either understand or express God:)
Hinduism is nowhere near 11,000 years old. And everything you claimed as being indian like the pyramids is just...dumbfounding. Seriously. The fact that someone actually believes that the indians created the pyramids and stonehenge (though there is something similar to stonehenge in india). God...I thought this thread was a discussion of using magick to increase your penis size.
tkto;609232 said:
Idk what the allure is with these monk niggas. What is this enlightenment does it mean they were ignorant before?
Shiiit the day my god Jesus (ymcmb) decided to meditate the devil himself appear to try and fuck wit him only to get his lil ass slapped down. If I wanted to look up to a wise and intelligent man I'd opt for dld before some nigga all always sittin on his ass fat as fuck

ummmm lol. why did you put (ymcmb) after jesus??
youknowme123321;609785 said:
ummmm lol. why did you put (ymcmb) after jesus??

I'm thinking he's a troll based on the supreme ignorance. He even thinks the fat Chinese Santa Clause name Budai who is known as smiling Buddha is the actual buddha. Shame shame.
dmoney101;609763 said:
Hinduism is nowhere near 11,000 years old. And everything you claimed as being indian like the pyramids is just...dumbfounding. Seriously. The fact that someone actually believes that the indians created the pyramids and stonehenge (though there is something similar to stonehenge in india). God...I thought this thread was a discussion of using magick to increase your penis size.
Ok I will give you the proof.

Proof of hinduism 11000 b.c. Old already given you the proof of the idol with CIA in Colorado is carbon dated 26450 B.C. You can read the thread earlier.
Let me create a proper file and then upload it for you then you will believe it
It's 5000 years old from every source I've come across. The sumerian religion is the oldest that we know about at this point. If you have proof otherwise then please provide it
dmoney101;609763 said:
And everything you claimed as being indian like the pyramids is just...dumbfounding. .

Nah the nigga is sayin Indians are actually aliens since they can bend time, use telekinesis(tractorbeam whatever),turn u to the nigga from borne legacy, and yes shoot lasers (which you can't build a pyramid without).
dmoney101;609854 said:
It's 5000 years old from every source I've come across. The sumerian religion is the oldest that we know about at this point. If you have proof otherwise then please provide it

Yes I will give you the proof tomorrow today a little busy. Historians are re writing history also. I will tell you about golden ratio, Pythagoras theory, astrology, calculus, sink holes in Egypt at the tie of Pharos, pyramids, how old is hinduism, hindu crop circle found in USA in the lake, and more.

We don't need to prove power of indian hindu yoga and meditation it's already proven to the entire world. Lot of proof is there where indian sadhus being alive without oxygen by meditation and staying in water for hours by meditation. There are vedio s of this research available every where. These tests have been taken in labs in USA by well known scientists.
tkto;609888 said:
Nah the nigga is sayin Indians are actually aliens since they can bend time, use telekinesis(tractorbeam whatever),turn u to the nigga from borne legacy, and yes shoot lasers (which you can't build a pyramid without).
Buddy tomorrow I will post a lot. One thing for you.

A tablet of carbon dated 4000 b.c. Was found in the pyramids. Now that is in the British museum. That tablet contain versus from our holy book BHAGWAD GITA.
master_mind;609963 said:
Historians are re writing history also.

this is true and super interesting. in the last decade so many things we thought are proving to be wrong. I just listened to a podcast with Graham Hancock and he mentioned that the people who built the Pyramids aren't believe to have actually been slaves like I was taught in elementary school. they were hired to do the work. then they believe the sphinx is MUUUUCH older then previously thought. that they originally had lion faces. these are just small examples or re writing history but very interesting stuff
Historians control what we perceive as the past. Believe me, much of what is written is bias in some way, either through politics, money or even personal preferences. This is why the Bible contains four Gospels instead of one, so that there would be little question to the authentication. 3 of the Gospels give a perspective view of the same word of God while one remains independent from them.
doublelongdaddy;609985 said:
Historians control what we perceive as the past. Believe me, much of what is written is bias in some way, either through politics, money or even personal preferences. This is why the Bible contains four Gospels instead of one, so that there would be little question to the authentication. 3 of the Gospels give a perspective view of the same word of God while one remains independent from them.
Yes you are right and I know what Rothschild has done to our indian history and history of the world also.
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