Whosoever is saying black magic doesn't exist should be scared of the unknown. I'm a Nigerian and I know what I'm talking about. I reserve my comment.
huge-girth;648403 said:
Whosoever is saying black magic doesn't exist should be scared of the unknown. I'm a Nigerian and I know what I'm talking about. I reserve my comment.

now now tell me about black magic of africa i am interested. Tell me about the voodo and how to control some ones mind.
master_mind;648407 said:
now now tell me about black magic of africa i am interested. Tell me about the voodo and how to control some ones mind.

yes its very true.....i saw in indias got talent recently also lol
but i was more influcenced by the movie FOCUS ...a con artist ....who can deviate someones mind or control it.........
i would love to learn this,,,

tell us about it huge girth
Aren't you guys wondering despite all the mass media awareness and campaigne made against internet scam in the USA and other parts of the world, but yet billions of dollars still enters Africa from internet scam? Anyone, no matter who you are or where you are located, you can be controlled and made to do things you never intended to do in your life. Well, I don't want to go further. I rest my case. Pogzee, there are stronger and power magic in India and Haiti as well.
huge-girth;648419 said:
Aren't you guys wondering despite all the mass media awareness and campaigne made against internet scam in the USA and other parts of the world, but yet billions of dollars still enters Africa from internet scam? Anyone, no matter who you are or where you are located, you can be controlled and made to do things you never intended to do in your life. Well, I don't want to go further. I rest my case. Pogzee, there are stronger and power magic in India and Haiti as well.

yes definitely balck magic is there in india very vastly aswell..... would you tell us about what you know ???
I know black magic is real. But I don't know about it being used for penis enlargement but if it can be used, it should work as an assistant to the routine you are doing. For example you have a way of gaining 1 inch of length in 3months, I believe black magic can boost the gains making it grow even further within that same 3months of constant workout but I've never thought of doing it. But I know so many places where one can do real black magic. There are some women referred to as white witches here in Nigeria, they have men too who are white wizards. They fight against red and black witches. In some part of Nigeria, every year you might see a black and white bird flying and fighting each other in the sky and all of a sudden the black bird falls to the ground and turns into an old woman and die. In other cases, you can wake up one day and see a woman standing on top of a very long pole and she will confess to witch craft saying she ran out of petrol or something while flying. The strongest of all black magic is witch craft and it is very common with the Yorubas and the Calabar tribes in Nigeria. The white witches brings prosperity, wealth, long life and power against the red and black witches. The witches are in charge of fame or stardom in Nigeria. For you to be famous in Nigera, you must buy the fame from them. But fame can be obtained from the marine world too, I mean from kingdoms under the sea. If you are reading all I have written and you are in doubt then I'm sorry to tell you that you should be scared of the unknown.
Ah black magic. I will tell you a black magic. Take a black cat jet black cat. Kill it and bury it in the soil. No one should know about it. Eat your meals sitting on top of the place where the black cat is buried. You cannot even drink water any where else. One day will come when you will be sitting there and the person who comes to give you meals over there will not be able to see you. Then that day at night without any one knowing take out the buried cat and take to the river. Wash all the bone and one bone will move upwards means opposite to the current of the river. That is the bone which will give you powers.
Another black magic in india. When be cremate our dead bodies we burn then. At the end we break their skull so that gases may escape. It is also said so that the soul may finds it way. Another is that the skull is broken so that no man can take the skull and perform black magic.

Now here is the point. If the black magic performer comes to know by chance a prostitute is being cremated he will never allow the skull to be broken. The skull of prostitutes possess the most power.
I agree to the fact of human skulls being used for black magic. A lot of people has been caught digging graves at midnght to steal skulls here in Nigeria. But I think for you to do a meaningful and powerful magic, you must be serving or worshiping a spiritual god that boost all your sacrifices.
master_mind;648427 said:
Ah black magic. I will tell you a black magic. Take a black cat jet black cat. Kill it and bury it in the soil. No one should know about it. Eat your meals sitting on top of the place where the black cat is buried. You cannot even drink water any where else. One day will come when you will be sitting there and the person who comes to give you meals over there will not be able to see you. Then that day at night without any one knowing take out the buried cat and take to the river. Wash all the bone and one bone will move upwards means opposite to the current of the river. That is the bone which will give you powers.

What kind of powers?
Very soon my black a magic will be successful and you guys all in here will transfer your penis size to me @ 0.20 mm per person and girth by 0.10 mm per person. Beware guys I have plans to do Internet black magic. Llllloooooooollll
Master mind you can't so nothing

- - - Updated - - -

Master mind you can't do nothing
master_mind;648452 said:
Very soon my black a magic will be successful and you guys all in here will transfer your penis size to me @ 0.20 mm per person and girth by 0.10 mm per person. Beware guys I have plans to do Internet black magic. Llllloooooooollll
Be careful what you wish for.... you may gain more than is desirable.

Unable to walk normal and go through doorways
Threak-X;648460 said:
Be careful what you wish for.... you may gain more than is desirable.

Unable to walk normal and go through doorways

Yup, I have that problem all the time:)
now i see why back hurts like hell...lol the bigger we get the harder it is to have a normal way to walk:O
master_mind;648452 said:
Very soon my black a magic will be successful and you guys all in here will transfer your penis size to me @ 0.20 mm per person and girth by 0.10 mm per person. Beware guys I have plans to do Internet black magic. Llllloooooooollll

Dont take no inches from the bros Please it is way to hard to make gains..
master_mind;648452 said:
Very soon my black a magic will be successful and you guys all in here will transfer your penis size to me @ 0.20 mm per person and girth by 0.10 mm per person. Beware guys I have plans to do Internet black magic. Llllloooooooollll

Please leave our hard earned gains alone.
master_mind;648427 said:
Ah black magic. I will tell you a black magic. Take a black cat jet black cat. Kill it and bury it in the soil. No one should know about it. Eat your meals sitting on top of the place where the black cat is buried. You cannot even drink water any where else. One day will come when you will be sitting there and the person who comes to give you meals over there will not be able to see you. Then that day at night without any one knowing take out the buried cat and take to the river. Wash all the bone and one bone will move upwards means opposite to the current of the river. That is the bone which will give you powers.

where do you get such information from ????
huge-girth;648425 said:
I know black magic is real. But I don't know about it being used for penis enlargement but if it can be used, it should work as an assistant to the routine you are doing. For example you have a way of gaining 1 inch of length in 3months, I believe black magic can boost the gains making it grow even further within that same 3months of constant workout but I've never thought of doing it. But I know so many places where one can do real black magic. There are some women referred to as white witches here in Nigeria, they have men too who are white wizards. They fight against red and black witches. In some part of Nigeria, every year you might see a black and white bird flying and fighting each other in the sky and all of a sudden the black bird falls to the ground and turns into an old woman and die. In other cases, you can wake up one day and see a woman standing on top of a very long pole and she will confess to witch craft saying she ran out of petrol or something while flying. The strongest of all black magic is witch craft and it is very common with the Yorubas and the Calabar tribes in Nigeria. The white witches brings prosperity, wealth, long life and power against the red and black witches. The witches are in charge of fame or stardom in Nigeria. For you to be famous in Nigera, you must buy the fame from them. But fame can be obtained from the marine world too, I mean from kingdoms under the sea. If you are reading all I have written and you are in doubt then I'm sorry to tell you that you should be scared of the unknown.

lol i didnt want to use magic for penis size.....lol
i only wanted to be able to control somones mind...like a con artist...or to influence someone.......
pogzee;648515 said:
lol i didnt want to use magic for penis size.....lol
i only wanted to be able to control somones mind...like a con artist...or to influence someone.......

To control someone's mind? That's what Nigerian scammers do.
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