Blu,not everyone who does pe has MENTAL issue's lol,i do it because i like sex and fucking and regardless of what anyone says a bigger cock does make sex more enjoyable,increased friction,increased stimulation means more intense orgasms for both partners.
lol.... yeah, I agree. LMAO I didn't mean to cause anyone any REAL offense! I'm just saying that people who HAPPenis EnlargementN to have serious emotional issues should examine why they might be obssessed with Penis Enlargement. :blush:
Another thing I want to add is that its all about Penis EnlargementNIS VOLUME. :) And we all know that with GIRTH comes VOLUME, don't we? Girth = maximum friction = great sex. ;) You don't have to have one that's as long as a trout, but it helps if its as THICK as a trout. lol
Blu said:
lol.... yeah, I agree. LMAO I didn't mean to cause anyone any REAL offense! I'm just saying that people who HAPPenis EnlargementN to have serious emotional issues should examine why they might be obssessed with Penis Enlargement. :blush:

Without a doubt mate.
You know you all bring up some good points especially DLD. But when a woman says she wants a big cock I'd say most the time she's more wanting girth than length and even then there is a limit. That's why I'm not trying for any huge gains I figure 7" long non bone pressed and 5.5-6" girth is going to be all I really need. But I'm glad DLD said what he said cause I was distressed about hearing of the "size" of my gf's ex...he claims to be just under 8 when in reality I'd bet he's really about 6.5" or so. Cause she's not made a huge difference between myself and him saying "he's just a little longer" and I'm 5.5"!!!

but yeah doesn't suprise me some girls like a smaller one it's easier to experiment with oral, anal and you get a larger variety of positions (granted some positions require a larger cock than 4" though)
when i was in highschool n 6in girth had 3 girls call me too big, never heard of someone older sayin it though
I agree that girls dont know the difference in size either, I would have to say girls also like to say they like big cock in order to gain popularity and w/e. The majority of girls aren't going to want a guy with a huge cock, anything above average isn't going to be their preference.

This particular girl is 19 years old her ideal penis size is 4 inches.
Painful Pleasur said:
size doesn't matter to me, i dont really care what people think of size. i do it for the feel.

Ok then, if you don't care about size then why are you on a site that is dedicated to men trying to enlarge their penises? Jesus, quit wasting space. :s
My05Cavy said:
Ok then, if you don't care about size then why are you on a site that is dedicated to men trying to enlarge their penises? Jesus, quit wasting space. :s
obviously they dont make glasses for people who just plain stupid. if you read what i said, I do it to so I can feel more during sex, I dont do it for the idea of having a bigger penis because of society.
Painful Pleasur said:
obviously they dont make glasses for people who just plain stupid. if you read what i said, I do it to so I can feel more during sex, I dont do it for the idea of having a bigger penis because of society.

Lets not kid ourselves here man. We all do it at least a little so we see a bigger dick when we look down there..
More Meat said:
Lets not kid ourselves here man. We all do it at least a little so we see a bigger dick when we look down there..
i could care less, i just want to feel more during sex
Painful Pleasur said:
i could care less, i just want to feel more during sex

That brings up an interesting debate. All other things being equal, do bigger guys feel more pleasure? I'd imagine I'll never have the pleasure a 4 x 4 guy gets when girls deepthroat him because I'll never be deepthroated myself.
this girl i am messing with (not sexually yet tho) told me she been with a guy thats like 8 inchs(and girls at work even confirmed it) but she said he hurt just scared tho that my wang is going to look like a 2 inch after seeing his lol
Depends if you can get a girl with a big mouth! I have been deepthroated at 7.5, dick disapeared, and she cud av tuk alot more!

I feel more pleasure now, and i know my gf does!

I am going to get to 8" then eventually 9" .... why not!!! we can!
guys you who say size does not matter, u r not lookin inside of your heads before writin that bullshit! why would one be in Penis Enlargement if size doesnt matter? be honest! we all want to impress those fuckin whores with a big penis and 4 most of us, the bigger the better! it´s a result we got from beeing exposed to lots of �naked people movies� where they set value on big guys.And sure for them (girls) size matters!
if they have a litte pussy, a little dick is not bad, if they have a big one a big dick is needed. I think things r like this
i could care less what you losers think you can go ahead and say w/e you want about me but i dont do it to have a big penis, i do it because I want to feel more when I have sex. If sex felt better than what it does now, I woldn't care if it was 1 inch. I just want to feel something when i have intercourse.
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