I found out that combining the Bathmate session with my manual jelqing session elimintes the FR or at least bring it down.
I start by 10-15 min of jelqs, after that I use the Bathmate for 5 min, then another 10 min jelqs, 5 min Bathmate and 5 min of light jelq for cooldown..
nhasson76;392515 said:
I found out that combining the Bathmate session with my manual jelqing session elimintes the FR or at least bring it down.
I start by 10-15 min of jelqs, after that I use the Bathmate for 5 min, then another 10 min jelqs, 5 min Bathmate and 5 min of light jelq for cooldown..

Thats it, just gotta to super-set the Bathmate with your girth work and it will bring mainly tissue expansion.
doublelongdaddy;390699 said:
Skin expansion would not really work into this as normal tissue expansion, it is the fluid retention that causes the expansion of the skin. Using the DLD Bathmate Girth Blasters bring mainly tissue expansion. If this is done repeatedly it will stretch the tunica and bring permanent girth gains.

I just did a bathmate session and my dick came out thicker than ever before. However, the skin was very squishy/puffy all throughout the shaft. My dick felt thicker than ever and looked great, but I got to wondering if this contributes to my gains any? I know the fluid isn't dangerous, but does it contribute at all to gains or are bathmate sessions wasted if you get too much build up? Like tonight's session, for instance, with a lot of build up was that just a wasted session? And should I wait a few hours for the fluid to drain and then try again to get more internal expansion? I have been using the bathmate consistently for around 6 weeks and haven't noticed any permanent girth gains. Only better morning wood. Thanks all.
Munto;724938 said:
Have you tried 5x5x3?

If not you are missing out on the best girth routine available!
jorgsmashh;724933 said:
I just did a bathmate session and my dick came out thicker than ever before. However, the skin was very squishy/puffy all throughout the shaft. My dick felt thicker than ever and looked great, but I got to wondering if this contributes to my gains any? I know the fluid isn't dangerous, but does it contribute at all to gains or are bathmate sessions wasted if you get too much build up? Like tonight's session, for instance, with a lot of build up was that just a wasted session? And should I wait a few hours for the fluid to drain and then try again to get more internal expansion? I have been using the bathmate consistently for around 6 weeks and haven't noticed any permanent girth gains. Only better morning wood. Thanks all.

Gains will come if you maintain consistency and intensity...I know for me, I have to always strive for more pressure than the previous session (tho I'm not successful every time). If you haven't added the WineMod, that's a total game-changer and I highly recommend it...just be judicious cuz the suction it produces can almost rip your d!ck off!
Big Schwanz Acht;724972 said:
Gains will come if you maintain consistency and intensity...I know for me, I have to always strive for more pressure than the previous session (tho I'm not successful every time). If you haven't added the WineMod, that's a total game-changer and I highly recommend it...just be judicious cuz the suction it produces can almost rip your d!ck off!

All great advice and should be implemented.
also...throw in some BM Hardcore Stretches
Munto;724938 said:
Morning woods are a good sign, especially if you haven't had any for a while :)!

Have you tried 5x5x3?

I don't know what that is but I assume five sets of five minutes? What's the 3? I'll have to look that up. I have done sets before. Usually 4 or so sets of 6 and this works well. The session I did above was two sessions of 8 or 9 minutes at really high pressure and I had so much fluid build up. When I do sets of 6 minutes I generally slowly increase pressure to where I get close to max pressure for just the last minute or so. This keeps the fluid down but my dick doesn't look like it has expanded at all. That fluid build up really gives me that 1" temporary girth that looks so great but if I don't get any fluid build up it just looks pretty normal.

Big Schwanz Acht;724972 said:
Gains will come if you maintain consistency and intensity...I know for me, I have to always strive for more pressure than the previous session (tho I'm not successful every time). If you haven't added the WineMod, that's a total game-changer and I highly recommend it...just be judicious cuz the suction it produces can almost rip your d!ck off!

Every time I increase pressure to new higher levels I get bad fluid. This makes me try to do sessions where I don't go to max pressure which makes me think I'm not getting the most out of the workout, but then if I increase pressure I just increase fluid. I have been experimenting with jelqing before to reduce fluid and also doing short 6 minute sets.

Big Schwanz Acht;725116 said:
also...throw in some BM Hardcore Stretches

I do these occasionally and even at high pressures and a good seal and a shaved pubic area I get small squeaks and seeps of air come in at the base. I really think the seal could be made better. Also this seems to pull more fluid in as well.
jorgsmashh;725186 said:
I don't know what that is but I assume five sets of five minutes? What's the 3? I'll have to look that up. I have done sets before. Usually 4 or so sets of 6 and this works well. The session I did above was two sessions of 8 or 9 minutes at really high pressure and I had so much fluid build up. When I do sets of 6 minutes I generally slowly increase pressure to where I get close to max pressure for just the last minute or so. This keeps the fluid down but my dick doesn't look like it has expanded at all. That fluid build up really gives me that 1" temporary girth that looks so great but if I don't get any fluid build up it just looks pretty normal.

Every time I increase pressure to new higher levels I get bad fluid. This makes me try to do sessions where I don't go to max pressure which makes me think I'm not getting the most out of the workout, but then if I increase pressure I just increase fluid. I have been experimenting with jelqing before to reduce fluid and also doing short 6 minute sets.

I do these occasionally and even at high pressures and a good seal and a shaved pubic area I get small squeaks and seeps of air come in at the base. I really think the seal could be made better. Also this seems to pull more fluid in as well.

5x5x3 is 3 sets of five minutes of bathmate pumping followed by five minutes of ssj, so you pump for 5 minutes then jelq for five minutes and repeat this 3 times. Try and get as erect as possible, you will soon see expansion without much fluid. Put a cock ring on afterwards...
Big Schwanz Acht;725116 said:
also...throw in some BM Hardcore Stretches

Very good Expressive Stretch.
5x5x3 is the main reason. I wanted a Bathmate. I love it. It has improved my EQ, expansion is amazing and fluid retention is minimal.
Just did a modified version of this tonight. I cannot get an erection in the shower unless I use some sort of lube or conditioner. The problem here is that if there is any conditioner or lube whatsoever on my sack, the majority of my sack gets sucked in there and causes very uncomfortable testicle pain. The erection fades very quickly too in the shower so I can't just rinse it off and go in the BM after rinsing. I did 3 sets of 5 mins in the bathmate at close to max pressure (without a wine vac) and the expansion was almost all internal! Not much fluid or puffiness at all. The third set I did I used cold water as cold as it would go and after that set my unit looked nice and girthy. Then I did around 10 mins of intense jelquing and another 10 of SSJs. For the SSJs, do I need to bend in all directions? I have tried but don't really get much pressure in any other direction other than bending it straight down. Also I think I do more of an Orange Bend than SSJ as I'm still confused on the difference between them and the Orange Bend feels so amazing. Also, I don't have a cock ring, but have been meaning to get one. What about traction wrapping? I try to traction wrap after every session and try to kegel blood into the head to keep it engorged. Will this do the trick? Thanks! So far now that I'm learning the tips and tricks of the BM I'm starting to like it! I'm on month 2!
mixerman;725194 said:
5x5x3 is 3 sets of five minutes of bathmate pumping followed by five minutes of ssj, so you pump for 5 minutes then jelq for five minutes and repeat this 3 times. Try and get as erect as possible, you will soon see expansion without much fluid. Put a cock ring on afterwards...

Sorry, see my above reply I forgot to quote you.
GottaGetAGrip;725207 said:
5x5x3 is the main reason. I wanted a Bathmate. I love it. It has improved my EQ, expansion is amazing and fluid retention is minimal.

Yup, they kick ass!
My days are messed. I wake up earlier than my girlfriend so do Bundled Stretches and all the newbie routine stretches in a hot shower.

Evenings when I'm back home, I have only a small window of time to do my BM workout.

I do 5 mins warm up, followed by Bundled Stretches.

I'm doing a 5x5x3 lite, if you will. Every 5 mins in the Bathmate, I fit in a round of BM Hardcore stretches and kegels + RKs.

The most I can hold an SSJ now, till it falls below 60% is about 35-40 seconds. So I do 6 SSJs (so a bit over 3 mins of SSJ) and end the set with 50 slow wet jelqs.

And repeat.
GottaGetAGrip;725418 said:
My days are messed. I wake up earlier than my girlfriend so do Bundled Stretches and all the newbie routine stretches in a hot shower.

Evenings when I'm back home, I have only a small window of time to do my BM workout.

I do 5 mins warm up, followed by Bundled Stretches.

I'm doing a 5x5x3 lite, if you will. Every 5 mins in the Bathmate, I fit in a round of BM Hardcore stretches and kegels + RKs.

The most I can hold an SSJ now, till it falls below 60% is about 35-40 seconds. So I do 6 SSJs (so a bit over 3 mins of SSJ) and end the set with 50 slow wet jelqs.

And repeat.

It looks like you are taking advantage of every spare moment to invest in yourself. Great workouts for the time and privacy restraints.
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