My pm dont always seem to work, so can some one spam him too death l0l. hit a slight problem, my gf trying to stop me doing pe she says i am getting to big for her untill i got out of her its the girth she is worried about, she says if i keep doing Penis Enlargement i will split her in half, l0l which sounded good first time i heard it, but now I really can not make any girth gains becuase she will kill me, so going to have to cut jelqing down from 400 to i think about 250 just to keep my girth as it is, might be ok if i up my stretching routine, i will go for another half an inch in length and see if that becomes a problem.
Na man she said its the girth, maybe i got a bit bigger in that section i will measure again soon, so i think i will be okay if i just work on length, like i said i will aim for another half an inch, might have to change my goals for this girl, girth wise any way.
set your goal high, and get what you get man, nothing worse than reaching your goal. What will you do next :p
Yeah I want my 7 at least in length, but I can not work on girth, i checked my girth again last nite and updated my sig, it was closer to 5.25 thats half way to 5.5, seems i have been gaining girth very well and i know thats down to my jelqing, I need to work on length so am am thinking about cutting down on jelqing from 400, and maybe for next month work on a soild stretching routine or untill i gain another half an inch then see where I am at. Input please guys...
I keep stretching the ligs for now, as I'm still a noob, the thing I do most is stretching when I think of it...
1" length gain in 3 months???????????????? :O

wow thats brilliant

i'm shocked. i didnt know it could happen so quick. did you just do the newbie routine or anything else?
keep us updated on the vigRx tabs please buddy as im considering getting some to aid me on my journey to a bigger penis.

at the min im really wantin a lot more flacid length and girth.
icecam said:
keep us updated on the vigRx tabs please buddy as im considering getting some to aid me on my journey to a bigger penis.

at the min im really wantin a lot more flacid length and girth.

From my own experience Penis Enlargement pills ( I don't know if they all do, but vimax pills does) will give you nearly instant flaccid gains. Probably temporary ones ( the time you take those pills), but I found it helped me stretch better :)
According to the Penis Enlargement survey, there is a verage gain of one inch in the first three months, so you had average gains.
voodooface, your gains should be your decision. not your gfs! especially when your making gains so easily! im the same girth as you (gets to about 5.8 near the base) i had sex with this slim pretty girl the other day and it was literally like throwing a sausage down a hallway!! if you are hurting your girl then maybe she is smaller than most. seriously though, i think if you got bigger she would be able to take it!
goldmember said:
I gained nothing from the three months of low-angle hanging, except hanging knwledge :)

I should have listened to the LOT theory when I first began.
Now I am hanging according to my LOT. For the last month I have been hanging SO with my new pulley setup. I have been trying to get about 150 minutes daily on average with a max weight of 10 pounds, dropping down to five for my final couple sets. After measuring recently, I see I have gained 0.25" in both flaccid stretch (bone-pressed) and erect. Awesome! Goodbye plateau! Those last 6 months were pretty discouraging :(

Note: I think bone-pressed measures are a better measure than non-bone-pressed for long-term Penis Enlargement because of the fat pad. I mean, don't you want to know that your dick got bigger from what you are doing to it rather than losing weight? I mean, my fat pad is 1". If I dieted like mad and worked out with more cardio I'm sure I could cut it in half. Does that mean my penis gained 0.5"? Well, in all reality, YES but not because of my Penis Enlargement efforts. I like to know how much my Penis Enlargement efforts are contributing to my gains.

this is why ive started hanging SO LMAO
VooDooFace said:
Yeah i have got my proof now, its so strange looking at a ruler and seeing that one inch difference, I am going to work my ass off for the next inch, want that super seven then work on girth up to 7.5, mind you another half an inch would rock. Penis Enlargement fucking works.

Great news, pal. I think one inch in that time frame is indeed a fast gain.

Just a suggestion. With trying to give up smokingy You're down to the nitty gritty of giving it up altogether. I was there. I know.

When you yearn for a cigarette, you might just grab your dick and start a P.E. session. Here you're replacing one form of self-gratification with a more productive one.

Just a thought. Good luck with further gains and of course giving up that nasty habit.
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