hit 19 today when i pressed real hard down in the last 5 mins of a session.
Thats from 17 to 19 in bout 8 weeks,on Bathmate measure that is,got more foreskin thou too.
fmp65;434662 said:
hit 19 today when i pressed real hard down in the last 5 mins of a session.
Thats from 17 to 19 in bout 8 weeks,on Bathmate measure that is,got more foreskin thou too.

Awesome news!
fmp65;435992 said:
no improvement last 8 days.

Have you started working in jelqing into your routine?
fmp65;431169 said:
week 5 and i past 18.5 on measure and found out if i use a steelring at the base of penis and bends Bathmate down(keep it under water) with my hands it gets thicker and longer after the 20mins than normally.

You telling me, you gained 2 inches in erect length outside the Bathmate?
nope,am telling i can press Bathmate so i reach 19 on the Bathmate measure and as i said earlier only different i notiched is the blood-vein on top of my penis got ticker and actually it seems like it goes backwards again,only press just past 18 now after 10 weeks.
fmp65;436941 said:
nope,am telling i can press Bathmate so i reach 19 on the Bathmate measure and as i said earlier only different i notiched is the blood-vein on top of my penis got ticker and actually it seems like it goes backwards again,only press just past 18 now after 10 weeks.

Remember gains in the tube are different than gains outside the tube. Inside the tube you are pressing deep into your bone pressed length as the pump is being pressed downward as the suction pulls you forward. This eventually become not only length gains but also girth, particularly girth at the base bringing much more stable erections and an improved erection angle. Keep at it and size increases come. As I asked before but did not hear an answer is are you working jelqing into your routine?
No changes anymore,after 15 weeks with Bathmate,as far as i can figure out,the biggest change for me was in first 8 weeks.
fmp65;442274 said:
No changes anymore,after 15 weeks with Bathmate,as far as i can figure out,the biggest change for me was in first 8 weeks.

Explain your routine as you are doing it now and we can advice you on how to change this. We all hit plateaus and need to change things up when this happens.
i do 20 mins to 25 with Bathmate daily and the jelq and some strecing.
but no gains since week 12 at all.
Try increasing time with the Bathmate and split up your sets into 3x10 with jelqing or squeezes in between each set. Another option would be to start doing it twice a day or even 3x's a day and gradually increase time with each set.
Elemental;449364 said:
Try increasing time with the Bathmate and split up your sets into 3x10 with jelqing or squeezes in between each set. Another option would be to start doing it twice a day or even 3x's a day and gradually increase time with each set.

Exactly the advice I was going to give, thanks Elemental!
Earlier i asked bout that and reply was 20 mins with Bathmate is more than enough to get gains,so why should i do more time and 2 or 3 times pr day,thats against what it says on my Bathmate.
fmp65;449642 said:
Earlier i asked bout that and reply was 20 mins with Bathmate is more than enough to get gains,so why should i do more time and 2 or 3 times pr day,thats against what it says on my Bathmate.

There are many things that say do it one way and we decided to try a different way:) The Bathmate is no different. The best way to gain with the Bathmate is through using the DLD Bathmate Girth Blasters, it utilizes all the smartest moves and brings gains quickly. I would not go 2-3 times a day, what I suggest is going 2-3 times in sets of a workout. So 5 minutes in the Bathmate an 5 minutes jelqing, repeat 2-3 times.
Try increasing time with the Bathmate and split up your sets into 3x10 with jelqing or squeezes in between each set. Another option would be to start doing it twice a day or even 3x's a day and gradually increase time with each set.
Exactly the advice I was going to give, thanks Elemental!
So i just read that advice wrong or?
fmp65;449744 said:
Try increasing time with the Bathmate and split up your sets into 3x10 with jelqing or squeezes in between each set. Another option would be to start doing it twice a day or even 3x's a day and gradually increase time with each set.
Exactly the advice I was going to give, thanks Elemental!
So i just read that advice wrong or?

Ahhh, I see the discrepancy! Sorry bout that:) It was not meant to confuse, it was just two different ways to say the same thing:)

Let me put it like this. DLD Bathmate Girth Blasters are the best girth routine I have ever created, period. Doing the exercises and routine as I wrote it would be following the exercises as follow:

10 Minutes in the Bathmate at full pressure
10 Minutes using the Slow Squash Jelq
10 Minutes in the Bathmate at full pressure
10 Minutes using the Slow Squash Jelq
10 Minutes in the Bathmate at full pressure
10 Minutes using the Slow Squash Jelq

Now considering how advanced this is, it is not uncommon for me to suggest it at a much lower level of intensity. I will offer the routine as:
5 Minutes in the Bathmate at full pressure
5 Minutes using the Slow Squash Jelq
5 Minutes in the Bathmate at full pressure
5 Minutes using the Slow Squash Jelq
5 Minutes in the Bathmate at full pressure
5 Minutes using the Slow Squash Jelq

And beyond this, for the newbie:
5 Minutes in the Bathmate at full pressure
5 Minutes using the Basic Jelq
5Minutes in the Bathmate at full pressure
5 Minutes using the Basic Jelq
5 Minutes in the Bathmate at full pressure
5 Minutes using the Basic Jelq

These workout can be further scaled down at the users choice.
fmp65;453214 said:
its still more than Bathmate recomments.
So the 20 mins isnt enough.

Screw what Bathmate says, there is so much insurance mumbo jumbo in manufacturers products and in the case of the Bathmate, ignore it. The routine I posted is being used by many men who are not injuring themselves, they are gaining. I would never suggest using the Bathmate for a straight 20 minute set, that is sili and does not take advantage of all the modifications we have created to make it work better. Going 5-10 minutes in the Bathmate followed by the same time jelqing (or SSJ) is brilliant and works wonders.
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