well this poses a challenge, DLD should do �naked people movies� but only once to establish this site!
He could get lot more exposure and fans that way...
You've got to want to do �naked people movies� and its something he has never wanted to do, plus he has a wife he loves dearly. We bring members here via other exposure instaed of literally the boss having to expose himself.
I heard Lex did some Penis Enlargementing ( Probably stretches and jelqing ) in his mid-twenties. Don't know if that's true.
stillwantmore2;400677 said:
I think Tony Danza does Penis Enlargement. He just seems like the kinda guy who would. I don't know him or know anything about him, but I'm just guessing...that's the vibe I get from Tony. ;)

Anybody got any Cool Huh-whip?

Also stars such as- Nick Swardson, Steve Carrell, and Joy Koy. I have a suspicion of Will Ferrell. That is just a guesstimation though. These guy's know our stories :cool:

stillwantmore2;400603 said:
Hard to say really. Two that come to my mind though are __________ and __________. Both appear to show "signs" of Penis Enlargement. __________ has been shorter in older videos. Shane is just so thick you just have to assume he does something. Its no secret many pump before a scene.

Vin Diesel
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Once few ''big names'' in �naked people movies� admit using Penis Enlargement people will be doin it on s massive scale!
PainsForGains;400601 said:
Anybody? What are the signs? The videos? Who in �naked people movies� has Penis Enlargemented, what did they do and how can you tell?

Almost every guy in �naked people movies� has had phalloplasty and it's just so brutally obvious.
For starters, your penis does not point at your feet with a full erection. I don't care how much weight it has. I have a slight downward angle due to the weight of erection but not STRAIGHT DOWN AT MY SHOES.

This is sign 1 of the suspension ligament(s) having been surgically cut whether it was by a surgeon or someone that performs body modifications. You'll notice if you see them fully limp or at certain angles their penis sits entirely too low to be natural to the point that it is actually coming out of their scrotum!(there's photos of __________ in this state) This also explains for some of the floppy and spongy quality at full erection.
It also makes the risk of injury incredibly high. This is why they so often grab their penis when a girl is on top and, the scenes of women taking control are short if not rare.

Sign 2 is the folding in half at full erection that doesn't result in a trip to the emergency room!
I am very large the natural way and when I see their penises bend in half while every vein is so engorged with blood it's cutting through their skin, I know for fact I would be in the hospital.
The reason they're not is because without that suspension ligament, your veins do not become nearly as rigid.

Sign 3 is the spongy quality to the shaft and tip at full erection. Some guys don't gain much length after the ligament is cut while some guys can gain 4 inches!
Diesel and Napier have without question had the surgery. They change shape and size routinely
Aside from the Aloderm or tissue grafts, there is this huge bundle of veins that is removed from the leg and implanted in the penis to supply more blood for the new tissue.
This is why you see what looks like an artery through the guy's cock!

Sign 4 is so obvious in __________ at times.
You can see this weird bulbis implant on both sides of his penis as well as the surgical scars hidden in the scrotal wrinkles. At times they stick out and look so bizarre that it takes a complete moron to believe it's just natural tissue when they're so clearly artificial looking. This is why he doesn't suffer from the typical feet pointing erection.

Signs 5 and 6 I will bundle together.
There is a clear change in skin color from the shaft to the pelvis it literally looks like someone drew a perfect circle around the bass of the penis before coloring it from top to bottom. This is again incredibly obvious on __________ and Napier at times. There is also some of the two tone circumcision skin removed which makes the length more uniform and seemingly bigger. This is one of the few benefits of being uncircumcised.

At one point I just started clicking stills where this shit is just so ridiculously obvious. These guys do this for a living and without question, monster cock �naked people movies� has made the most money for the last 40 years. Fake boobs are often easy to spot but nobody bothers to consider that men in the sex industry are just as common to go under the knife. Phalloplasty is the number 1 cosmetic surgery performed on men in the country.

Very few of these guys are topping 8-8.5 inches contrary to the flattering camera angles, tiny women and absurdly sloppy measuring scenes. A couple of them are indeed hitting the 10 inch mark or about that but, they've had surgery.

Natural Penis Enlargement takes a LONG time and at some point, you stop getting gains.
Once this happens you have two options.
Obviously go under the knife which is a huge gamble.
Or get a traction device and wear the awkward thing everyday almost all day for a couple more years until you fulfill your genetic potential.

The first thing you need to do when seeking a naturally larger penis is stop referencing �naked people movies�!
Only a few of the guys in monster dick �naked people movies� are natural and once you realize these guys are all 5'7 to 5'9 at most with only a couple being 6 footers, you will wake up. Just check their arrest records. Most are 5'7 which is pretty much a runt.
I'm 6 foot and a 5'7 girl is still usually a shrimp next to me unless she's a husky one or a heifer.
My dick on a 5'7 frame fucking a 5'4 woman would look 10 inches long and nearly as thick as a soda can. I can already hold myself next to a soda can and on camera, I look the slightest bit smaller in girth.

�naked people movies� is a complete fantasy just like anything else you watch on that screen I don't care what the source is!
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Coke can also do all those things, too. Or working the hell out of your dick. Hell, the other night I had sex with a squishy bendable dick myself. It was the first time I had that issue. I think I just beat it up too bad and the sex partner didn't help.

Which brings me to a really old comment about John Holmes having such a great dick: what? After 1970 that dude was fucking with a soft loofah for a cock in 90% of his scenes, just squeezing a big fat squishy mass and shoving it in. Doubt he had any surgery, but a lot of the big dick �naked people movies� dudes have wood issues- probably for various reasons. Most of the guys with the rock hard arrow dicks really aren't that big. For example, a guy mentioned in a comment a couple years ago- Johnny Sinns- he's maybe 7x5 tops. He looks longer because he's skinny and his dick is skinny, chicks are small, etc.

I honestly doubt most of the �naked people movies� stars have had work done. I just think they aren't as big as most people think, and they have other issues such as sickle cell ( as DLD always mentions), pumping, over-use, etc.
bigbutnottoo;516380 said:
I honestly doubt most of the �naked people movies� stars have had work done. I just think they aren't as big as most people think, and they have other issues such as sickle cell ( as DLD always mentions), pumping, over-use, etc.

I too agree 100%. Size in �naked people movies� has become a mastery of light, angles, special lenses and a slue of other industry secrets to make any guy look much larger than life. AVerage penis size in �naked people movies� is 6.5-7" in erect length with 5" of girth.
bigbutnottoo;516380 said:
I honestly doubt most of the �naked people movies� stars have had work done. I just think they aren't as big as most people think, and they have other issues such as sickle cell ( as DLD always mentions), pumping, over-use, etc.

You can see the scars on some of them and weird looking lumps in others. __________'s penis at points looks like even some of the veins are part of the implant the way they stick out and don't really move with the skin of his penis. Their penises are just so unnatural looking as even girls will openly tell you. His penis has a bizarre cuff for the first handful which I am all but certain is an implant to prop up his dick due to ligaments being cut.

Dude their dicks look so artificial they might as well have a crutch under the damn thing holding it up. Look at John E. Depth's rubber banana cock. It folds in half at full erection like a sponge!
Diesel bursts blood vessels in one video and has to stop. This is a huuuuuuge risk of getting the suspension ligaments cut.

Your penis does not point directly at the floor when fully erect AND flop around.
I'm incredibly large so I can get some downward point like Ramon but I don't swing and flop around like Diesel and Napier.

Napier I can show you photos of him at full erection where he's maybe 7 inches and other shots where he's definitely 10.
Most of them have had surgery dude and for you to believe otherwise is beyond ignorant, it's simply stupid. They have sex for a living so of course they're going to enhance what they have.
Napier's size is all over the place even when he BARELY manages to attain full erection.

A mainstream reporter followed a guy about 5'8 through his surgery for a documentary on Discovery Channel years ago. He went from 7 inches in length to TEN after hanging weights. It's all about spending the money with the right doctor. We all see horrible breast implants and assume they all look fake. Not true. Well done implants are nearly impossible to spot, particularly if they're silicon and custom made for that woman's physiology.
Most are just chop and drop get them out of the shop disasters.

Obvious signs of chopped ligaments, traction devices, implants, alloderm injections and whatever else they're willing to try ASIDE from injecting viagra directly into their penis which is very common. Do the research. Plenty of men around 7 inches end up around 10 after the surgery. It's just not mainstreamed like breast implants and the doctors competent at producing these outrageous results are few and insanely expensive.

Bottom line is, men and women that enjoy tremendous size don't give a shit where it came from. It's not the same as those of us into huge natural breasts that are completely turned off by implants.
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Anybody? What are the signs? The videos? Who in �naked people movies� has Penis Enlargemented, what did they do and how can you tell?

Many believe __________ did PE. There is this guy called Brick_____. I notice he pumps before some of his sex scenes.
I don't look up to �naked people movies� stars.
Some of them have even cut their ligaments, and have clearly implants in their penis.
Also they film the videos with fish eye lenses, to try to fool us with their size.
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Yes, I know from personal experience that both __________ and __________ both have done pe.
Hearing this as well as seeing your above comment that most of them are 6.5-7x5” makes me feel so much better.

it’s been a lie I’ve been facing my entire life lol
Hearing this as well as seeing your above comment that most of them are 6.5-7x5” makes me feel so much better.

it’s been a lie I’ve been facing my entire life lol
All men have faced this lie. That's why it's so important to have a supportive brotherhood to tell you the truth.
Penis Shaming is a real thing, it can make men depressed about their size.
We need to spread the word about MOS to every men that wants to know about PE.
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