I'd be happy to tell you. First, I want to say that I understand your frustration. I know several guys who feel cheated by having their foreskin removed as a child. I guess I was lucky, in that I was able to make that decision for myself as an adult.
My Experience in the Difference between Being Uncut and Cut
Although this is simply a matter of personal preference, I simply like the look of cut better. Also, I have a big head, and I simply think my dick looks better without the additional skin there. My partner at the time also preferred cut, so I was more than happy to oblige.
Smegma/Headcheese: One thing all uncut guys have to deal with is smegma and the odor associated with it. Some guys have it worse than others. The underside of the foreskin produces a substance that keeps the head moist. Unfortunately, the combination of this moisture and the dead skin cells under the foreskin can give an odor and can build up and look like crumbly white cheese. It's not exactly pleasant looking and definitely not sexy. It's completely harmless (and some say it's actually good for the skin of your dickhead), so it's not a huge deal and you get very used to it. If you keep it clean, it doesn't build up a lot, but even just a few hours after bathing, you can smell it again. Was very happy not to have to deal with smegma again!
Pearly Penile Papules: These are little pimple-like growths that can form along the ridge of your dickhead, usually in a straight line. I've seen some that actually grew to about 1/4" spikes. I got them when I was uncut, but they never got as long as that. Mine was just like a row of small pimples. They completely went away when I got cut. They are completely harmless and are not contagious, but it's never comfortable being on a date and having to say, "Oh, don't worry, you can trust me, it's not an std." lol
There is no question that by removing the foreskin and the smegma, and letting the head of your dick be exposed to air and rub against the fabric of your shorts, the skin of your dickhead will dry out and become a little less sensitive. This has in no way affected my enjoyment of sex, though. I still love the feeling of thrusting and the feeling of cumming just as much cut as I ever did uncut. I've never heard anything to suggest that cut men have a hard time "feeling it" when having sex or have a hard time cumming. I've also never heard that uncut guys are more likely to be premature ejaculators, because they are more "sensitive." Sex is awesome and the dickhead is plenty sensitive, whether you're cut or not.
Oral Sex:
I do think that being cut might have affected my enjoyment of oral sex. It's hard to tell. That being said, my recent ex could sometimes make me cum in as little as 1 minute. Talk about talent! It's all a matter of technique, and how horny I was! lol I have to admit, though, that since oral sex has so much less friction than fucking, maybe for some guys, it might make a difference there.
There is a difference here. With a foreskin, I could beat off and my hand would never touch my dickhead directly. The skin would move up and down along the shaft and head. It was a lot quieter and never required lube. Without a foreskin, I either have to use lube or I have to be careful not to beat off too often or for too long. The callouses on my hand can rub my dick skin raw. The upside is that I really like the feel of my hand directly on my dickhead.
Daily Life:
In general, when my dick is in my pants, being cut or uncut is not something I think about. I guess I am aware of it, though, at these times:
(1) When I take a leak - it's very nice not to have to deal with pulling the foreskin back and smelling that odor and getting a drop or two of urine trapped in the foreskin.
(2) When I wear boxers or boardshorts, I definitely feel my dickhead against the fabric more. I definitely like this feeling, but it means I have to be a bit more discreet! lol I definitely have to wear a jock to the gym under my gymshorts rather than boxers.
(3) When I shower, I don't have to deal with pulling the foreskin back and taking the time to clean the smegma.
(4) In briefs, and in boxers in my dress pants, you can definitely make out the shape of my head more clearly now. I don't want to be indiscreet at work, but I have to admit, I sort of like this. I don't go out of my way to hide the fact that I have a dick swinging in boxers under my trousers.
I hope this answers your questions. Feel free to ask me anything else. This is simply my experience. Other guys might have a different experience. I am very happy that I choose to get cut. I have never regretted it. At the same time, I respect other people's decisions and sympathize with you that your choice was taken away from you.
Good luck with the foreskin restoration. I hope it works for you. I am interested, though, in learning whether you start producing smegma once you get your foreskin back.