I read from time to time guys who say they have shied away from opportunities with girls because of the size of their penis. Other guys trawl the net looking for a definition of “average penis size” until they find one that make them feel closer to average as a confidence booster. Hopefully this thread will help you get over it and face up to your heterosexuality for once and for all.

OK, what is average?
Forget average, let’s discuss large, medium and small and compare the last two.
Medium is what most guys are. If everyone was in the medium range, size would not matter that much and technique would be the all-important thing for any aspiring lover of pussy. Many of us are smaller than this.
Most guys are around 6-7” in usable length and 5-5.5” girth.
Small and thin are sizes that are less than what most guys have. A very small penis is one that is much less than medium.

What about vagina size?
Girls generally start off with a vagina size of 4-6” that is designed with enough elasticity to accommodate up to 7-8” with care. Girls vaginas generally get looser over time from repeated penetration. Larger penises create larger vaginas in time. Childbirth greatly enlarges the vagina, although natural post-natal processes will rectify this for her to some degree. Surgical vaginal enhancement procedures are becoming increasingly popular with older women where their sexual pleasure has diminished because of this. A large vagina does not mean she is promiscuous and women are very conscience of the feel of their vagina to men.

So what does the difference feel like for her?
To get an idea of the difference, lube you hand up and compare the feeling of masturbating with two fingers and thumb with a full hand grip. Tighten the grip to simulate girth gain. One or two fingers with light grip will get you to orgasm, but the full tight hand feels better and gets you there faster.
Take the example of a girl with two guys, one small and one with good girth. A guy with a small penis (5x4.5”) will feel nice to her as he enters her but will not likely take her to climax without good technique, and interaction from her. If the same girl then takes a girthy medium (say about 6.5x5.5) and you will notice that each stroke takes her breath away a little. The feeling of penetration is intensely nice. This biggest affect comes from the girth. The girthy medium guy need not put as much effort to take her to climax because the thickness is working the G-spot and clitoris nicely. Her climax will likely be deeper.

Do women choose a lover based on his penis size?
Most women chose a partner based on social status, looks and personality. Like attracts like and interacts best. Penis size is normally a surprise package and a small penis will normally be a disappointment, but not a relationship-ender.
Women tend to consider guys in two categories; a good long-term partner and a good 1-night stand (good fuck). Women do talk about it sometimes and if you are known as one of the smaller guys, then you probably won’t be their first choice for a good fuck.
Look at it this way – would you stand up a beautiful girl you really liked because she wasn’t great in bed?

Can I be a good lover to her, even with a small penis?
She will think of you as a good lover when her body associates you with pleasure and satisfaction. While a larger penis is an advantage is creating vaginal stimulation and deeper orgasms, it isn’t just about penile penetration.
Think like a woman.
A woman cares about being desirable much more than she cares about your penis. It is important that you find her desirable and show it. Be outgoing and fun to her is the right start. Shy guys don’t get laid often.
You are more than just a penis. She is more than just a vagina. Her body has many places that give her pleasure. Research information on what women’s bodies and her erogenous zones. If being with you makes her feel good and desirable, then you will be desirable to her.
A woman will respond more when she feels safe and comfortable. Women are more susceptible to STDs, pregnancy and assault from bad guys.
Cleanliness is next to godliness and good personal hygiene is a must, bad personal hygiene is a major turn-off. Having an STD makes you a sexual leper. Insisting on safer sex indicates to her that you are more likely to be STD free, which is a major attraction.
Walk away from anyone who insists on unsafe sex.
Make love like a man.
From the moment you take her to bed, worship her body and show her how hot she makes you feel. Undress her piece by piece. Talk softly to her stroke her hair and caress all those places that she loves. Encourage her to tell you what is nice. It is all about her.
Oral sex is the next step, but if safe sex is needed, just tease her with your tongue instead (tummy area just above the pussy) and give her a preview of what may lay ahead if she comes back for more.
When you enter her, try to maximize the contact between your pelvis and her clitoris and tilt your pelvis to work upward toward the G-spot. Your penis will enlarge slightly closer to ejaculation and if she is close to orgasm, the feeling of deep ejaculation may tip her over the edge.
After you come, stay interested in her and give her the feeling that she was really good for you. She won’t like a guy who blows and then rolls over to sleep because that is selfish. Let her know that you are the type of guy who really wants to satisfy her even if she didn’t come the first time.

Will she laugh or put me down over it.
It is all about mutual respect and a good attitude. Would you call a large girl fat-arse if she only ever treated you with respect?
I have been with women who make good-natured jokes about small penises and they are just being playful. Be cool about it and don’t get little-man-syndrome.
Never put yourself down because this is a turn-off. If you like yourself as a whole, you become more likeable to her and every one else. If you keep going on about your small size to her she will just see you as a small cocked guy with little-man-syndrome.
Some women do have the no-small-dicks-for-me mantra, the same ways as insecure or immature men have no-fat –chick/small-tits bumper stickers on their car. It is the female equivalent of little-man-syndrome, which I would call ugly-chick-syndrome because they are basically fucked up in some way and should be avoided.

Will she leave me or be unfaithful because of my size.
If a women is going to leave you because you are too small for what she wants, then it will happen early on. If you took a woman home with you last Saturday night and she didn’t react to you much in bed and didn’t return you calls, then size may be one reason, particularly if you are very small. A woman will not usually admit that, so you will never know. Chalk it up as a 1-nighter and don’t worry about it. As long as you treated her well, she won’t speak badly of you to her friends.
In any longer-term relationship, some women are unfaithful. Half of them are meaningless flings and the other half are from being unhappy or bored with their partner or otherwise falling for another guy. Having another man’s larger penis would be tempting for a woman who wasn’t being sexually fulfilled and a 1-night stand is the most common fantasy women have. Let’s face it, we all have temptations.
Far and away the best way to deal with this one is encourage her to talk about her temptations and frustrations. Be tell-able without acting too jealous or insecure, or you may be the last to know.

She wants more than I have. What to do?
You need to be realistic about your limitations here. She enjoys being filled, like all women, and staying with you may mean that she will never experience that pleasure.
Sex shops sell toys of different types and shapes and most grown-ups will use them at one time in their life. Keep an open mind and experiment. Some sensible size therapy is fun and your penis will still feel the same to her. Interestingly, women will tend to choose a toy with function, men will go for size. Women love shopping too, so it makes a great date.
It is not unheard of to have a human dildo in the equation in the form of a trusted friend, random stranger or one who accepts credit cards for guaranteed emotional detacHydromaxent. This might be emotionally difficult for someone you love, but the offer will assure her that staying with you doesn’t mean never experiencing a more natural fulfillment.

What is the best sexual position for a small penis?
Any position that maximizes clitoral stimulation and pushes your penis toward the G-spot is good. She is less likely to come if she is too passive. She needs to interact with you.
Without a size advantage, you may have to experiment and be patient.
My current partner did a bit of her own research and took about 1-2 months to find the way to make penile penetration give her the big-O. She reached orgasm by being on top, pushing her clitoris onto my pubic bone while I screwed her by rocking on that same point. Within no time she was also multi-orgasmic. Years later, I learned that tilting my pelvis and putting a pillow under her ass pushed my little cock-head into her G-spot for a vaginal orgasm. When she is too wet and tented, I sometime use a dildo to bring her to orgasm, then resume with my own penis with good result.
Going in quick and not-quite-wet can increase vaginal stimulation due to increased friction inside for a quick intense fuck. And finally, a small penis is easy for her to swallow.

Have fun.
Usable length is what you can put a condom over and insert in a vagina.
There is a lot of debate about penis size statistics because of variations in measuring technique and the source of the data.
The length of your penis vairies from just-erect to fully hard. Fully hard, straightened perpendicularly from the body - measuring along the top of your penis from the base to the tip.
If you want to impress your girlfriend do this in the squat position with your penis pointed downward for an extra 0.5".
If you are in denial about having a small dick, look for a website that proposes the average size is less than 6", which will make you feel better. (PS you are probably medium length and thin).

Condom manufacturers make a living out of getting this right and medium condoms have a nominal girth of 5-5.5".

For most of my life I have been blessed with 4.9" x 4.5". Asking an open minded girl about where I stand on the bell curve confirms that I am small. A threesome is a good way to observe the difference. She will tell you that a thick shaft is sooo good. Liek thick fingers too. A small penis feels good to her too.

All in all everything I have observed and read since about 1980 comes to the same conclusions about penis size and its affect on women.
LOL. No I don’t recommend a strap-on as a first date. Honestly guys, the best performance boosters are your communications skills and self confidence. Let her tell you what does it for her, but stay in control cos girls really hate wimpy guys and doormats.

I once slept with a woman who told me her husband had a small penis. She was frustrated with his selfishness because he would only satisfy himself then goes to sleep every time. I was small too, but I ‘made her feel good’ cos I wasn’t selfish

In my med-teens an old girlfriend told my friend after we broke that I was crap in bed. While we were together she would often say ‘don’t be so gentle’ and made cues for me to try stuff which I didn’t pick up on. At the time I was being too affectionate and not paying attention to making sex fun for both of us.

Another girlfriend told my friends that “she never really enjoyed sex until she met me”. I paid her heaps of attention and really let her know how good she felt to me. My every hard on had her name on it and I couldn’t get enough. She never reached climax from my penis.

Lets look at a hypothetical new relationship between a small dicked guy and a hot girl who has had her fair share of male attention. They both relay like each other and the end of the night ends without her orgasming. The guys stays awake and keeps the attention to her coming cos that is what unselfish guys do.
Guy: “ You made be feel so good tonight and I want you to feel what I do with you..” Be really careful not to give her the impression that you think she is not good in bed.
Girl: Probably stays quiet
Guy: “I want you to tell me what makes you feel good inside”. Stays in control. Holding her in your arms or being on top keeps you in control.
Girl: Probably stays quiet, particularly if the small dick issue is really on her mind too.
Guy: “I cool with whatever you tell me” Kisses her to reassure her he means it. “I wanna here you come … for real”
Girl: will probably avoid the penis size talk, because she does not want to hurt your feelings.
Guy (Humerous): “ it’s ok baby, I know I ain’t a adult entertainment star…” and so on. Let her feel she can be honest with you and then be honest back to her.
As I've always said penis size really isnt that much of the big deal with think it is with woman and they want MORE from us than a cock. I ALWAYS pay attention to my woman during sex, before and afterwards and they have always classed me as a fantastic lover.
I'm sure you are Redzulu, but I'm not sure you qualify for the small penis membership;)

It seems the little guys are too shy to post.
The average size penis is between 5 and 6 inches, erect, and probably about between 4 and 5 flaccid..

My penis is 6 1/2 efect but it looks tiny to me, but I am always complimented by women that my penis is larger than average, so it's really a matter of opinion
We're all here to enlargen our penises, aren't we? At least most of us. I'm 6.2" bpel, and around 5"girth at base, 4,7" mid. Would that make me small? I sure feel small.
Switch;365570 said:
We're all here to enlargen our penises, aren't we? At least most of us. I'm 6.2" bpel, and around 5"girth at base, 4,7" mid. Would that make me small? I sure feel small.

I think all men feel small, we're so used to watching adult entertainment with average 7 1/2 inch penises.. It's only natural to feel small when we are comparing our dicks to the 1% of men who have a cock that large naturally
Bigger guys are more confident about showing off their asset. Smaller guys tend to keep it under wraps more. That is why you only seem to see or hear about the bigger guys.
If you want to see this in action, check out guys in a busy change room. The guys in the middle of the room or in full naked view of all generally appear to have bigger cocks. Then there are the other guys who are more discreet.

Want that gain,

We could speculate that statistics may be skewed toward the larger guys because the larger guys are probably more keen to be measured up than the smaller guys. I'll certainly concede that since the advent of internet surveys, the quoted average seems to have decreased by at least half an inch.

"Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics" - Famous quote by Mark Twain.

From what I have read from sexual advice forums in the past is that size becomes (or may become) a problem if you are small or, more commonly, if the ex-boyfriend(s) are large and she is accustomed to reaching orgasms from deep, thick penetration.
If most guys were 6-7 inches NBPenis EnlargementL... most guys would be 8 inches BPenis EnlargementL. The average isn't 8 inches BPenis EnlargementL. It's about 5-5.5 inches.
Not me;369717 said:
If you want to see this in action, check out guys in a busy change room. The guys in the middle of the room or in full naked view of all generally appear to have bigger cocks. Then there are the other guys who are more discreet.

I would feel insecure to change around people too and I am pretty big
I'm about 7.5x5.75-6 (Haven't measured too recently) and I still feel small. I think we will all feel small until we reach that end goal we have our minds set on.
Medicating;457781 said:
I'm about 7.5x5.75-6 (Haven't measured too recently) and I still feel small. I think we will all feel small until we reach that end goal we have our minds set on.

What we think and what we are are very different indeed. When we change the way we think, we change the way we see. Have you ever felt unattractive, undesirable or the like, go out that night and some girl finds you incredibly sexy all of a sudden you no longer feel bad. This is very similar but there is no other person to make you feel good about yourself, it is up to you. 3" is massive to some while 7" is small to others....much of it is perspective. With all that said, it makes little difference, you have found the pond to drink from and size is no longer an issue, you now only need to decide what you want and take it.
doublelongdaddy;457851 said:
3" is massive to some while 7" is small to others....much of it is perspective. With all that said, it makes little difference, you have found the pond to drink from and size is no longer an issue, you now only need to decide what you want and take it.
I don't think there are many who would think 3" massive, but do believe there are some who would think 7" small. I started at 4.5 NBPenis EnlargementL/5.5 BPenis EnlargementL and not only perceive it as small, I know it is small. When you are small, you spend a lot of time covertly looking at the other guy's penis, in the hopes you will find someone as small as you to assure yourself you are not alone.

I recently had to go to a urologist regarding my ED. I can't tell you how stressed I was knowing that I had to reveal my size to another guy. (I have lived my whole adult life concealing my dick from the sight of others) Before pulling down my shorts to reveal myself, I mentioned that I also had a small penis. He of course said everyone thinks they have a small penis. Once I pulled my shorts down, there was no reassuring comment about my size. I could tell by the silence that he also knew I was small. And that was after I had gained 1/2" EL through Penis Enlargement.

You are right, however, now that I am in the right pond, size is no longer a stressing issue because I know I can now do something about it.
TRBDONG;457930 said:
8+nbp 6.75+eg & i would be happy if I couldnt possibly grow anymore
Wow.. is that what you have now or what your goal is? Personally I wouldn't want that big girth.. I just think its a lot for some women to handle and I have already dealt with pain issues with mine at around 5.75 (6 at the base on good days). I would think 6 is all I would ever want.
REDZULU2003;334246 said:
Great post mate, could do with being moved to articles section.

i love guys with a small penis and would in fact date a guy with a small penis and im tired of hearing that all want big ones it should matter the love not the size
markwho40;497480 said:
i love guys with a small penis and would in fact date a guy with a small penis and im tired of hearing that all want big ones it should matter the love not the size

Variety is the spice of life! There is someone for everyone.
Glad to see this I'm not alone.
[ I started at 4.5 NBPenis EnlargementL/5.5 BPenis EnlargementL and not only perceive it as small, I know it is small. When you are small, you spend a lot of time covertly looking at the other guy's penis, in the hopes you will find someone as small as you to assure yourself you are not alone.

I can't tell you how stressed I was knowing that I had to reveal my size to another guy. (I have lived my whole adult life concealing my dick from the sight of others)

You are right, however, now that I am in the right pond, size is no longer a stressing issue because I know I can now do something about it.[/QUOTE]
I can't understand most of you guys in the 6" range saying you're small, kinda makes guys like me more anxious by comparison. I mean, 6" is considerably "BIG" in my book.
Goal is 8". Going for 200%... seems like a long shot.
asiandude4u;529919 said:
I can't understand most of you guys in the 6" range saying you're small, kinda makes guys like me more anxious by comparison. I mean, 6" is considerably "BIG" in my book.
Goal is 8". Going for 200%... seems like a long shot.

Relativity is a very special thing and your preference should not hinge on that of another man but on your own wants. The same preference is prevalent in many things and knowing yourself, and you own special wants and desires is most important.
So, I'm doing the Newbie Drill for a month now and I find this constant TINGLING on my ball and dick. I'm kinda anxious. Hey DLD, need advice. I've read something that you don't want to stretch things faster than your nerves can grow. An obvious sign that you're going too fast is tingling or numbness, caused by large spaces between the nerves. I'm not sure if this is the case as I don't skip doing warm ups.
Because of my special case I had to use this power ring as a crutch.
I have the one where it has Silver instead of copper, and it has magnets on both ends. When I put it on either around my dick and ball, or just my ball, my ball would grow to be fully loaded and my dick gets filled with blood, plus I felt like lifting heavy weights and my cum has more volume like 2 table spoon on my girl. Of course, I supplement it with some tabs. But even without the supplement I find I just have to put it on when I sleep and I wake up with a healthy boner. Makes me happy.
You see, I'm running on one wheel so I had to proactively do double the effort than normal. My functional one seems to overcompensate.
I was into body building, but I stopped. However I did gained some big solid muscles at one point though they seem to fade away rather pretty quickly when I stop going to the gym.
I've had several sexual partners so far and my libido is pretty much up there in the scale.
So, I'm doing penile enlargement right now and I had to stop getting with girls till I get the results
from these exercise and make a BIG comeback. Would like to surprise some of my ex gfs with the new bigger more improved me.
Some russians laughed at my dick and it really crushed me inside. And another girl of my ethnicity dumped me after I fucked her, so it may seem I wasn't able to satisfy as I wanted
and I felt inadequate. That's why I'm here, to man up and get this done and over with.
But, right now, I'm having this trouble as I'm getting this strange sensations of constant tingling around my ball and along my dick after a month of doing the Newbie Drill.
Must be a sign of nerve damage or over extension.
I don't know what to do. Should I stop the exercise till the sensation goes away or should I continue?
Maybe I was being over eager. Maybe I should stop the length exercises and go for the girth only while I wait for this strange unknown TINGLING sensation to go away.
It could be a warning sign that some nerve got damaged to the point of snapping.up. I wouldn't want that as this is all I've got, I have no more spare. I do hope I didn't stop
too late. I'm kinda anxious because I don't have a spare as this is all I have.
asiandude4u;530940 said:
Maybe I was being over eager. Maybe I should stop the length exercises and go for the girth only while I wait for this strange unknown TINGLING sensation to go away.
It could be a warning sign that some nerve got damaged to the point of snapping.up. I wouldn't want that as this is all I've got, I have no more spare. I do hope I didn't stop
too late. I'm kinda anxious because I don't have a spare as this is all I have.

This is the wrong thread to post this in, bro. This thread is topic specific. Make a new thread somewhere and you'll get a response.
neognostic;538030 said:
This is the wrong thread to post this in, bro. This thread is topic specific. Make a new thread somewhere and you'll get a response.

Yes men, please post threads in the appropriate place so others can find them. Asking an off topic question mid-thread will only confude the public. Start a new thread and allow everyone to learn from it.
Not me;334063 said:
OK, what is average?
Forget average, let’s discuss large, medium and small and compare the last two.
Medium is what most guys are. If everyone was in the medium range, size would not matter that much and technique would be the all-important thing for any aspiring lover of pussy. Many of us are smaller than this.
Most guys are around 6-7” in usable length and 5-5.5” girth.
Small and thin are sizes that are less than what most guys have. A very small penis is one that is much less than medium.

The average size is smaller than that.

Not me said:
Do women choose a lover based on his penis size?
Most women chose a partner based on social status, looks and personality. Like attracts like and interacts best. Penis size is normally a surprise package and a small penis will normally be a disappointment, but not a relationship-ender.

A small penis is a relationship ender. If you're below 6 or 7 inches in length and smaller than 5.5 in girth then she will reject/dump you.

Not me said:
Women tend to consider guys in two categories; a good long-term partner and a good 1-night stand (good fuck). Women do talk about it sometimes and if you are known as one of the smaller guys, then you probably won’t be their first choice for a good fuck.
Look at it this way – would you stand up a beautiful girl you really liked because she wasn’t great in bed?

Most women would dump a guy if he wasn't great in bed.

Not me said:
Can I be a good lover to her, even with a small penis?

Yes, but you will never be a great lover. Forget about even coming close to being the best she has ever had.

Not me said:
You are more than just a penis.

There are very few women in the world who will agree with this.

Not me said:
Will she laugh or put me down over it.

Some women will. Nearly all women will tell all her friends so they can laugh at you.

Not me said:
I have been with women who make good-natured jokes about small penises and they are just being playful. Be cool about it and don’t get little-man-syndrome.

Women who make jokes about small penises never mean it in a playful way. You're stupid if you think that. Those women are nothing but ruthless size-queens.

Not me said:
Some women do have the no-small-dicks-for-me mantra, the same ways as insecure or immature men have no-fat –chick/small-tits bumper stickers on their car. It is the female equivalent of little-man-syndrome, which I would call ugly-chick-syndrome because they are basically fucked up in some way and should be avoided.

The vast majority of women have that mantra.

Not me said:
Will she leave me or be unfaithful because of my size.

Most women will not choose you if you're small or on the smaller side of average. If she has chosen you then it's just a matter of time before she cheats on you with a well-endowed guy.

Not mte said:
If a women is going to leave you because you are too small for what she wants, then it will happen early on. If you took a woman home with you last Saturday night and she didn’t react to you much in bed and didn’t return you calls, then size may be one reason, particularly if you are very small. A woman will not usually admit that, so you will never know. Chalk it up as a 1-nighter and don’t worry about it. As long as you treated her well, she won’t speak badly of you to her friends.

I agree, except for that last part. Even if you treated her as a goddess, she will still speak badly about you to her friends if your penis wasn't big enough for her.

Not me said:
She wants more than I have. What to do?
You need to be realistic about your limitations here. She enjoys being filled, like all women, and staying with you may mean that she will never experience that pleasure.
Sex shops sell toys of different types and shapes and most grown-ups will use them at one time in their life. Keep an open mind and experiment. Some sensible size therapy is fun and your penis will still feel the same to her. Interestingly, women will tend to choose a toy with function, men will go for size. Women love shopping too, so it makes a great date.
It is not unheard of to have a human dildo in the equation in the form of a trusted friend, random stranger or one who accepts credit cards for guaranteed emotional detacHydromaxent. This might be emotionally difficult for someone you love, but the offer will assure her that staying with you doesn’t mean never experiencing a more natural fulfillment.

Then you might as well castrate yourself. It must be incredibly humiliating and emasculating to use sex toys on your partner because she thinks that your penis isn't big enough.
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Try a little less sub-adolescent name calling on your next few responses. It's both immature and irresponsible as well as greatly frowned upon.
[words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] is more of a brotherhood with a common goal of helping each other succeed than a competition to see who can spout off the best insults.

Try a little respect and professionalism.

Mmass;554558 said:
The average size is smaller than that.

A small penis is a relationship ender. If you're below 6 or 7 inches in length and smaller than 5.5 in girth then she will reject/dump you.

Most women would dump a guy if he wasn't great in bed.

Yes, but you will never be a great lover. Forget about even coming close to being the best she has ever had.

There are very few women in the world who will agree with this.

Some women will. Nearly all women will tell all her friends so they can laugh at you.

Women who make jokes about small penises never mean it in a playful way. You're stupid if you think that. Those women are nothing but ruthless size-queens.

The vast majority of women have that mantra.

Most women will not choose you if you're small or on the smaller side of average. If she has chosen you then it's just a matter of time before she cheats on you with a well-endowed guy.

I agree, except for that last part. Even if you treated her as a goddess, she will still speak badly about you to her friends if your penis wasn't big enough for her.

Then you might as well castrate yourself. It must be incredibly humiliating and emasculating to use sex toys on your partner because she thinks that your penis isn't big enough.
Mmass;554558 said:
You are more than just a penis.
There are very few women in the world who will agree with this.
Ok then, tell me this, what purpose does a date serve?
Assuming for a second that your words are truth, why would a woman need a whole evening in which to judge you when she could just whip her top off and watch what happens to your pants?
MAXAMEYES;554617 said:
Try a little less sub-adolescent name calling on your next few responses. It's both immature and irresponsible as well as greatly frowned upon. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] is more of a brotherhood with a common goal of helping each other succeed than a competition to see who can spout off the best insults.

Try a little respect and professionalism.

What? I wasn't insulting him. All I did was tell him that he's wrong and that his view on women is outdated.
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Shenlong;555848 said:
Ok then, tell me this, what purpose does a date serve?
Assuming for a second that your words are truth, why would a woman need a whole evening in which to judge you when she could just whip her top off and watch what happens to your pants?

Because women don't want to be seen for what they really are: Shallow, materialistic, hypocritical and horrible size-queens. If it was socially acceptable for women to just take off a guy's pants in public and get him hard, then they would do it without any hesitation.
Women only decide whether or not her date will become her boyfriend AFTER she has had sex with him - and that's only to see if his penis is big enough and if he's worth anything in the bed. The most important things for women are height, looks, penis size, money and status. Personality is nowhere near the most important thing for women.
Mmass;559297 said:
What? I wasn't insulting him. All I did was tell him that he's wrong and that his view on women is outdated. The vast majority of women are shallow cunts nowadays.

they most certainly are not... try looking for a better class of woman..
Women, just like men vary in many ways. I was having a discussion with Lightning about this the other night. In the world today, no matter who you are and what you look like (and I don't care if you have no teeth, arms, legs and have a second head growing out of your back!) there is someone in the world, or more like there are many in the world who will find it attractive. When I was growing up we did not have the internet so my idea of a relationship was based on having to look a certain way, I did not realize that being just the way I am would have been powerful back then, I thought that women would not find me attractive because I did not fit the sexy stereotype. It was not until the advent of the internet and when I started to see there is someone for everyone:)

Now with this said, today I also realize that preference in size, shape and look of penis is just as varied in preference to those who crave the cock:) Arguments to negate this would only further prove it...everyone is different!
doublelongdaddy;567736 said:
Women, just like men vary in many ways. I was having a discussion with Lightning about this the other night. In the world today, no matter who you are and what you look like (and I don't care if you have no teeth, arms, legs and have a second head growing out of your back!) there is someone in the world, or more like there are many in the world who will find it attractive. When I was growing up we did not have the internet so my idea of a relationship was based on having to look a certain way, I did not realize that being just the way I am would have been powerful back then, I thought that women would not find me attractive because I did not fit the sexy stereotype. It was not until the advent of the internet and when I started to see there is someone for everyone:)

Now with this said, today I also realize that preference in size, shape and look of penis is just as varied in preference to those who crave the cock:) Arguments to negate this would only further prove it...everyone is different!

exactly. this is why there is no such thing as perfection, as this assumes everyone has the same tastes and desires
jordey;614771 said:
exactly. this is why there is no such thing as perfection, as this assumes everyone has the same tastes and desires

In pornography you can see the proof of this. There are many fetish's that fill the adult entertainment sites, if you are into it I guaranty there is plenty of footage to watch because others feel the same as you. This is why we will see hot women with fat men or any other variation of what one person thinks is not attractive to those who do. Type any fetish into Google and it will show up.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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