This will be my weekly/daily diary for my Penis Enlargement to 8 inches, this diary will help me keep on track as well as add motivation, it may also help others in the future if i reach my goals. I started Penis Enlargement last week on the 3/01/10 and starting this diary on the 7/01/10.

[words=]FL[/words]: 3.60 INCHES
EL: 5.00
EG: 5.25



[words=]FL[/words]: 4.00 INCHES


[words=]FL[/words]: 5.50
FG: 4.80 (NOT SURE)

I Will be measuring Every two weeks.


I currently have two parts a day to my workout (i focus more on length atm) LENGTH - LENGTH AND GIRTH


HOT bath (Warm Up)
Masterbate (Loosen Up)
Drying powder on penis and hand for grip
1 minute stretch in all directions for +30 mins (so probably 4mins in each directions IN TOTAL)
BACK IN HOT BATH (warm Down) 10mins - whilst warming down i do 100 quick kegels 50 slow)
5 mins massage



HOT wrap (warm up) 5-10 mins
Drying Powder on penis and hand for grip
1mins strtch in all directions for 30+ mins (4mins all directions)


Vaseline Up
Watch throughout routine adult material to keep a 90% erection
jelq for +30 mins
Edging 10 mins (NOT CUM)
Warm down (10 mins) (HOT Wrap) ---- whilst warming down 100 fast Kegels 50 slow
Massage penis 5 mins

i Kegel if im bored throughout the day 20-30 quick,,, probably about 300 in total

this is my routine i will add to the diary when i have a chance, see how i get on

I have doing the routine everyday and plan to everyday. 7 days per week

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thanks, and no i am not, i don't really understand why people do?? i meausure from the base, just because that what i can see and what i can use, if someone could explain why people do it, id appreciate it!! :)
i believe people measure that way as well because technically it is still part of your penis even if you can not see it...and some time bp measurement can give you a better gauge on your gains...nbp can be tricky due to erection levels..but when you measure pushed all the way up to the tends to be a more acurrate reading more of the time...good luck getting to your goal.
Thanks for explaining that twins, next week when i measure i will add it to my stats!

Just a quick update,,

Last night (7/01/10) didn't follow my routine, i did the +30 mins of stretching but i really pushed it intensly, i tried to stretch upward directions but i never get a really intensive stretch, so im considering throwing some roateries in my manual stretching routine. Instead of the upward direction stretches im going to do 3-4 mins of roateries.

I was supposed to stretch again that night before girth but my penis was way to fatiqued for stretching.

So instead i worked on girth. I wet jelqued for about 1 hour straight, (which is the longest i've ever jelqued before, i got to the 30 mins and thought why stop???) I mixed it up between steady firm strokes, to VERY slow hard gripped strokes, the blood flow after an hour was amazing and it was aching afterward. I then warmed down, edged and did the usual 2-3 hundred kegels.
( quick question guys, if your edging say for 20 mins, when your finished do you just have to stop or can you actually finish? does it hinder your progress of edging)

Today -8/01/10

I really am feeling last nights routine, i really ache all all the base of my penis, the ligs and the sides of the shaft, so i think i'll take today off.

So instead of Penis Enlargement, i have been working on my PC muscle throughout the day, whilst at work would do quick set of about 30-40 kegels i probably did roughly 300-400.

I tried to do reverse kegels but i havan't got the hang of it yet, im going to look on [words=]MOS[/words] tonight for tips! best place to go.

Hopefully i won't be too sore tomorrow!!

thanks 8inch (i hate my username lol)

thanks 8inch (i hate my user name lol)
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Thanks DLD ;) If I think of something I'll mention it.

Today 10/01/10 is my 1st full week in Penis Enlargement complete!!!! Which is the first of many milestones!

My workout today was good/bad.

I have run out of my drying powder which I use to grip for manual stretches. I tried without but there was slippage and I tried a cloth but it just hurt so I did about 10mins stretching and moved onto my jelqs (btw I have stopped using hot wraps and switched to rice socks, way more quicker and easier)

For girth I jelqued for 1 hour 10mins and when I was done I could tell I was longer and thicker than I've ever been!!! Can't wait till measurement day!! :) (probably jinxed Now lol)

I then edged for 5 mins but accidently finished! Which really annoyed me, lost control (btw could someone tell if finishing while edging is bad? Does it hinder gains (edging or Penis Enlargement gains) then warmed down (rice sock)

Anyway that's it, have a good one. 8inch
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No, finishing when edging isn't bad. Just make sure you keep trying to lasting longer each time. Say if your first time you prevented ejaculation once by kegelling before cumming, try and prevent it twice the next time.
Thanks Kevin, good luck with your goal!!

Thanks medicating wanted to know that all week ;)

Just a quick update (11/1/10)

I have been looking a lot through the forums today and decided to change my whole Penis Enlargement approach. As you can see from my earlier posts, I have been really pushing myself intensity wise, I have decided this is a bad thing for me personally. Firstly I can just imagine myself doing really hard intense workouts for a month with no gains and me saying Fuck it and quiting. I would much rather get into a "consistent" daily routine, in which I make consistent gains without too much fatique or injuries.

I also found sone research saying that if you put too much stress on the penis you cause "structual damage" and that moderdate with longer duration is better to expand re-grow cells. This sounds logical to me so i'm going to do this from now on in my routines.

I started my new routine tonight.

20mins VERY hot rice sock (warm up)

45min - 1hour stretching (moderate intensity)

25mins - 35mins jelqs (moderate intensity)

10mins Edging (disappointed)

20mins Very hot rice sock

got in bed and now doing quick kegels (300)

Overall great workout, amazing EQ during and after jelqs and edging (just annoyed I finished again during edging, def something I'm going to work on)

Anyway have a good one! 8inch
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Hey what's up guys, my computer broke so I've not been able to record progress for the last few days.

Anyway computers fixed!! Ready to go!

13/01/11 was the best workout yet.

Rice sock - 20mins
Manual stretching - 60mins
Wet Jelqs - 45mins
Edging - 45mins
Rice sock - 20mins
300 quick Kegels

I'm going to continue to do this until I plateaus.

14/01/11 Today is an easy day, I'm going out this evening, so no extreame Penis Enlargement tonight but if I get home early, I may do some moderate stretching while watching a movie.

Thanks 8inch
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8inchplz;411875 said:
14/01/11 Today is an easy day, I'm going out this evening, so no extreame Penis Enlargement tonight but if I get home early, I may do some moderate stretching while watching a movie.

Thanks 8inch

Unless you get lucky:)
Haha no suck luck DLD!! :P

16/01/11 Update!

Hey guys, today was the longest workout to date! It goes as follows:

Rice Sock (V HOT) - 20mins
Manual Stretching - 75mins
Wet Jelqs - 45mins
Edging - 45mins
Rice Sock -20mins

The above was all done this evening, it took well over 3 hours. Now my penis is for the first time very fatiqued!!

I think I have gained, my penis is covered with thick veins that weren't there before. I also feel my penis more in my trousers (which I never used to feel).

Also it's my 2nd measurment tomrrow evening!!

If you have any questions just ask!!

Thanks 8inch
Hey guys! Last night I measured for the second time! Man was I shocked and amazed! :)

I just wanna say it took me over 45mins to measure using a ruler and two tape measures, measuring with both ruler and tapes at least 5 times. I Also have taken photos for something to look back on for motivation and proof!

Also if people don't believe my results that's cool, but I wouldn't lie, there's no point in lying to myself or you guys! All my results are as accurate as I can make them, using the same techniques as the initial measurments.

NBPenis EnlargementL: 5.5 inches (+0.5) yes!!!!!! Woooo
NBPenis EnlargementG: 5.65 inches (+0.4)
NBPFL: 3.70 inches (+0.10)
NBPFG: 4.15 inches (+0.15)

I thought the results were amazing, a little suprising but these are def the right measurements of my current penis size.
As I said before there's no point in lying about it!

Overall I'm sooo pleased with my results! I knew I had gained, my penis felt and looked bigger, more vascular, but never would have thought 1/2 inch!! Def given motivation boast!

My workout for the last two nights (16 and 17/01/2011) has been identical:

Rice sock (15mins)
Manual stretches (75mins)
Rice Sock (20mins)
200-500 kegels!

Thanks guys, my next measurements will be in 1 months time! Thanks for reading 8inch! ( btw my results were taken all pre workouts. No post-workout measurements!
CONGRATUFUCKULATIONS! you deserve it! A miracle in the making:)
Thanks DLD! Closing in on my goals!! :)

Hey guys, just a quick update,,,

Last night (18/01/11)

I've been doing a lot of stretching and was pretty fatigued, so gave length a rest day.

Rice Sock: 15mins
Wet Jelq: 50mins
Edging: 40mins (INTENSE)
Rice Sock: 20mins
Kegels: 100

I had my most intense edging session so far, after about 15 mins I reached the PONR, stopped for like 10secs then started again (probably edged well over 100 times) by 40 mins my balls were aching REALLY bad so I thought I better finish. Is this edging too far?? I could feel the tubes behind my balls swell and really ache.

Good girth workout though!! :)

Thanks 8inch!
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Hey guys here's my latest update:

19/01/11 Was just a light stretching day,, usual..... rice sock, manual stretching (30mins) and cool down

20/01/11 Today was just really up for Penis Enlargement,, I completed my Light and Heavy stretching routines:


Hot Bath: 30mins
Manual Stretching: 20mins
Cool Down: 15mins


Rice Sock: 20mins
Manual Stretching: 75mins
Rice Sock: 20mins
Kegels: don't really count aprox 300

75mins is my current max for stretching, any longer and the "Stretch" is just pain. I'm gonna build it up 5mins a week hopefully :)

Other exciting news!! A girl has a party next weekend, invited me and wants to come back to mine after for "fun". So I'm really motivated to push my Penis Enlargement (obviously not gonna grow 2 inches in a week but the prospect of having better sex is a booster!!) I better do more Kegels! ;)

Thanks guys, 8inch
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Hey guys recent update:

21/01/11 - I went to a bar, came home pretty late so count as another rest day (too many of those recently!)

22/01/11 - Last night's routine went as follows:

Rice Sock: 25mins
Manual Stretching: 80mins
Rice Sock: 20mins

I'm really focusing on length at the moment, I looked at my morning wood at I'm actually happy with the girth, It looks about 5 3/4 inch and I only want to be 6. However my length is letting me down.

I'm also going to introduce RED's extreme scrotum stretch (30mins) to my routine, to combat my turkey neck.

Thanks 8inch
Hey guys, quick update:

23/01/11 - My routine yesterday was:

Hot Bath: 30mins
Mixture of DLD's scrotum stretch and RED's extreme scrotum stretch: 25mins

Rice Sock: 20mins
Manual Stretches: 80mins
Rice Sock: 25mins
Kegels: 200 aprox
Scrotum stretching: 10mins

thanks 8inch
How are the scrotum stretching going? Have you found it to give you a better flaccid hang?
Hey DLD, yes they're great! I do them after a hot bath and then again in my evening routine. The first time I tried them it hurt, but now I just feel a really good stretch of the skin and yes, they definately give me a lower hang, I've only done them about 5 times but after 30mins my hang is a certainly lower, thanks for this exercise DLD! :) 8inch
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Update: 24/01/11

Hey guys I shaved a few days ago and now I have those annoying itchy spots!! (If anyone has any personal tips on how to avoid this, PLEASE let me know).

My routine went as follows:

Hot Bath: 30mins
DLD and RED scrotum stretches: 30mins

Rice Sock: 20mins
Manual Stretches: 80mins
Rice Sock: 20mins
Kegels: 100

I'm pretty fatiqued tonight, I think I should take a day of length, probably go for a heavy Jelq routine.
Thanks guys 8inch,
Last night (25/01/11)

I had a day off length (fatiqued) so worked on girth (it's been a while!)

Rice Sock: 30mins
Wet Jelqs: 45mins
Edging: 30mins (With Finish)
Rice Sock: 20mins

After the jelqs I got up, (was doing them in bed) and my penis was the largest it's EVER been! Obviously post workout gains, but it's really strange looking down and seeing a penis that doesn't look like yours!!

The problem with my penis is my upward curve. I've heard it's good for the woman in intercourse orgasm, but i think it makes a difference in terms of visual and measurment size. Does anyone think I should try and rectify the upward curve or leave it?

Thanks 8inch
8inchplz;413289 said:
Last night (25/01/11)

I had a day off length (fatiqued) so worked on girth (it's been a while!)

Rice Sock: 30mins
Wet Jelqs: 45mins
Edging: 30mins (With Finish)
Rice Sock: 20mins

After the jelqs I got up, (was doing them in bed) and my penis was the largest it's EVER been! Obviously post workout gains, but it's really strange looking down and seeing a penis that doesn't look like yours!!

The problem with my penis is my upward curve. I've heard it's good for the woman in intercourse orgasm, but i think it makes a difference in terms of visual and measurment size. Does anyone think I should try and rectify the upward curve or leave it?

Thanks 8inch

Leave it! I worked a while on creating a curve, if you have it naturally keep it, it is a G-Spot treat for women.
Haha thanks DLD ;)


Hi guys, I'm getting a little irritated with my turkey neck and loose skin but I'm doing DLDs scrotum stretches, and I get a good flacid hang, but the next morning the loose skin and turkey neck is back. Hopefully it will get better!

Lasts nights routine:

Rice Sock: 30mins
Manual stretches: 80mins
Rice Sock: 30mins
Kegels: 200

I started my diet today :) I'm not fat, but I wanna get toned up and lose a little fat.

It's my birthday and new measurements next week (I'm 19) and I'm really pushing for 6 inches NBPenis EnlargementL.

Thanks 8inch
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Well not much to report really, my new diet made me so tired I fell asleep with the rice sock on, (27/01/21) and tonight was to crazy to do Penis Enlargement, although I just looked at my penis and it actually looks a little bigger, maybe rest days are good :) I will definitly do a routine tomorrow.

The Scrotum stretching will work eventually, be patient. What you are doing is taking skin from your shaft and moving downward towards the works just takes some time.
Thanks DLD :)

Last night (29/01/11)

Got straight on with my length routine, which is the usual routine, I only did 65mins instead of 85mins of stretches because for some reason i got really cold and started turtling so stopped, still was a pretty good workout.

Thanks 8inch
30/01/11 Update

Hey guys, nothing special here, so keep on doing my usual routine, last night I only stretched 60mins but was nice and intense.

I have new measurements in 2 days which is exciting!!

I'm considering adding the DLD blasters to my routine, but not sure.

Thanks 8inch
Hey guys!! havan't posted in a few days

Completed an Intense 35min length routine

I had 5 days off Penis Enlargement if im being honest it was because too busy and lack of motivation, but continued after with new found motivation! (club and possible girls!! ;) )


60 min length routine (same above routines)


45min length routine

I think the most important thing for me at this stage is to keep up consistency and do intense sessions.

thanks guys 8inch
What is you bone-pressed, flaccid stretch?
thanks Kevin,

Last night i had a really intense stretch session 35min after that it just hurt so i stopped.

I have changed my routine slightly:

Rice Sock 15mins ( VERY HOT)
Manual Stretching (How ever long i can)
Rice Sock 20mins

i have introduced masterbating first, i believe i read somewhere it helps soften ligs. Is this true and do you think it helps?

Im thinking of using a heater while stretching as well :)

DLD i will get those measurements tonight :)

Thanks 8inch
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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