Big Schwanz Acht
@Big Schwanz Acht
RR04;744892 said:Mike killing it as always. Filling bathmates like it's his job.
noe shyte!
RR04;744892 said:Mike killing it as always. Filling bathmates like it's his job.
Mike3209;744882 said:Thanks brother!
Here's my routine from yesterday
Girth work am
[words=!!!]LM[/words] bundled strechtes
50 downward jelqs 50 upward jelqs
7 minutes [words= ]BM[/words] low to mid intensity using Boa method
[words=]SSJ[/words] 2 minutes
5 minutes [words= ]BM[/words] mid intensity using Boa method
[words=]SSJ[/words] 2 minutes
5 minutes [words= ]BM[/words] mid intensity using Boa method
[words=]SSJ[/words] 2 minutes
5 minutes [words= ]BM[/words] high intensity
[words=]SSJ[/words] 2 minutes using [words=]ACE[/words] wrap method
c ring 45 minutes
edge 10 minutes
c ring 40 minutes
[words= ]BM[/words] 7 minutes low intensity
[words=]SSJ[/words] 1 minute
[words= ]BM[/words] 5 minutes mid to high intensity
[words=]SSJ[/words] 1 minute
C ring for next 4 hours
I was busy yesterday and wasn't able to get any length done. My girth work has been amazing since adding in the [words=!!!]LM[/words] just amazing pumps. I'm looking forward to the next few months of PE. I'll be needing a new [words= ]BM[/words] soon as well.
No nothing lately. Just waiting for the detective to get everything done and it to goto court.rocky1243;744901 said:Fuck this PE shit... what I wanna know is, did you have to whoop somebody's ass lately? Lol
Big Schwanz Acht;744909 said:noe shyte!
doublelongdaddy;744946 said:Looking excellent and I am so happy the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] is helping you! You are building a great thread here!
BIGDADDYBOOTYBREAKER;745022 said:Glad you got the [words=!!!]Lengthmaster[/words] bro, time to represent!
Lookn4girth;745024 said:LM and filling the [words= ]BM[/words], you are full steam ahead bro....Keep up the good work.
Mike3209;745032 said:Thanks brother! Man I'm so thankful for the [words=!!!]LM[/words]!
I need to get better antiquated with the [words=!!!]LM[/words] and I have a little bit on the length portion of the [words= ]bathmate[/words] but girth I'm filling for sure. Thanks bro I'm looking forward to these next few months and as I progress with my training.
Mike3209;745032 said:Thanks brother! Man I'm so thankful for the [words=!!!]LM[/words]!
I need to get better antiquated with the [words=!!!]LM[/words] and I have a little bit on the length portion of the [words= ]bathmate[/words] but girth I'm filling for sure. Thanks bro I'm looking forward to these next few months and as I progress with my training.
Big Schwanz Acht;745059 said:...agreed, there's definitely a learning curve. I've also encountered a few instances where a previous method no longer worked and I had to make an adjustment (sometimes going into the bundle chamber at a 1/4 turn and then clamping has helped me)
Mike3209;745106 said:Thanks for all the advice brothers. I'm really liking the [words=!!!]LM[/words] and like I said looking forward to the future.
Here's yesterdays routine
super early a.m.
[words= ]BM[/words] 5 minutes medium intensity
[words=]SSJ[/words] 2 minutes
[words= ]BM[/words] 5 minutes medium intensity
[words=]SSJ[/words] 2 minutes
[words= ]BM[/words] 5 minutes medium intensity until last 2 minutes at high intensity
Edge 2 minutes
[words= ]BM[/words] 10 minutes 5 medium 5 high intensity
[words=]SSJ[/words] with [words=]ACE[/words] wrap method 2 minutes
C ring 45 minutes
Edge 10 minutes
C ring 45 minutes
[words= ]BM[/words] 10 minutes medium intensity
[words=]SSJ[/words] 2 minutes
[words= ]BM[/words] 5 minutes high intensity for last 3 minutes
Had sex
Mid afternoon
[words=!!!]LM[/words] Bundled 15 seconds each way
[words=!!!]LM[/words] [words=]newbie routine[/words]
[words=!!!]LM[/words] bundled 15 seconds each way
[words=]ACE[/words] wrap 2 hours
BTC 15 seconds each side
[words=]ACE[/words] wrap 2 hours
I've also been doing regular kegels when inside the [words= ]BM[/words]. Every minute on the minute I do 10 good jelqs to push more blood into the penis. While I'm using my [words=]ACE[/words] wrap I try to get in reverse kegels. I do regular kegels while using my c ring to get a better pump throughout my expansion process post session. I've really been noticing good gains in girth as has my girl.
Mike3209;745187 said:Update for the weekend. I was out hunting on some public land most of Saturday and some of Sunday so no PE. I did do regular and reverse kegels while sitting though. No action on a deer this weekend. I'll stay at it and will get one soon!
Today I've been hitting it hard. I'll post my routine of today's tomorrow morning.
Mike3209;745187 said:Update for the weekend. I was out hunting on some public land most of Saturday and some of Sunday so no PE. I did do regular and reverse kegels while sitting though. No action on a deer this weekend. I'll stay at it and will get one soon!
Today I've been hitting it hard. I'll post my routine of today's tomorrow morning.
doublelongdaddy;745198 said:Did you get anything?
Lookn4girth;745354 said:Kick ass routine bro, that looks pretty intense. Count your blessings if you made it to the woods, since the season opened here it has been in the mid 80's, absolute crap temps for deer movement. The last time I was at my property, I had a timber rattler crawl up behind me and that was no fun
Mike3209;745504 said:Sorry for the delay guys. The internet was shut off for a few days.
[words=!!!]LM[/words] bundled
[words=!!!]LM[/words] [words=]newbie routine[/words]
[words=!!!]LM[/words] BTC
[words=]ACE[/words] wrap 2 hours
[words=!!!]LM[/words] bundled
[words=]JES[/words] system 1 hour
Wrist bends 15 seconds, BTC 15 seconds each side
[words=]ACE[/words] wrap 2 hours
Relax an hour
Girth work
[words= ]BM[/words] 5 minutes using boa method
[words=]SSJ[/words] 2 minutes
[words= ]BM[/words] 5 minutes using boa method
[words=]SSJ[/words] 2 minutes
[words= ]BM[/words] 5 minutes using boa method
Edge 2 minutes
[words= ]BM[/words] 5 minutes using boa method
C ring 45 minutes, restimulate and apply c ring
3 hours later
[words= ]BM[/words] 10 minutes low intensity
[words=]SSJ[/words] 2 minutes
[words= ]BM[/words] 5 minutes medium intensity
[words=]SSJ[/words] with [words=]ACE[/words] wrap
C ring for next 3 hours
[words= ]BM[/words] 7 minutes
[words=]SSJ[/words] 2 minutes
[words= ]BM[/words] 5 minutes
[words=]SSJ[/words] 2 minutes
[words= ]BM[/words] minutes using hardcore stretches
[words=]SSJ[/words] 2 minutes
[words= ]BM[/words] 5 minutes using hardcore stretches
Edge 2 minutes
[words= ]BM[/words] 4 minutes using hardcore stretches and lazy ass stretches
C ring 45 minutes, get hard again and apply c ring 45 minutes
1.5 hours later
[words= ]BM[/words] 10 minutes low intensity
Edge 2 minutes
[words= ]BM[/words] 7 minutes medium intensity
[words=]SSJ[/words] with [words=]ACE[/words] wrap
Length work
[words=!!!]LM[/words] bundled stretches
[words=!!!]LM[/words] [words=]newbie routine[/words]
[words=]JES[/words] system for 1 hour
BTC 15 seconds each
[words=]JES[/words] system for 1 hour
[words=]ACE[/words] wrap til bed
Wednesday (was super busy and wasn't able to do much)
100 downward jelqs 100 downward jelqls
[words= ]BM[/words] 5 minutes
[words=]SSJ[/words] 2 minutes
[words= ]BM[/words] 5 minutes
[words=]SSJ[/words] 2 minutes
[words= ]BM[/words] 10 minutes
[words=]SSJ[/words] with [words=]ACE[/words] wrap
C ring 45 minutes for next 4 hours
Lookn4girth;745515 said:All aboard the gain train, smashing it bro
Mike3209;745516 said:Thanks brother I'm trying to stay active and keeping the progress moving forward. I've really been working to make some gains.
Lookn4girth;745515 said:All aboard the gain train, smashing it bro
Mike3209;745746 said:Hey guys morning! How is everyone doing? Sorry about not posting my routine was out hunting with a buddy.
Thursday- off day
Length work
[words=!!!]LM[/words] bundled
[words=!!!]LM[/words] [words=]newbie routine[/words]
[words=]JES[/words] system 1 hour
[words=!!!]LM[/words] bundled
[words=]ACE[/words] wrap 2 hours
Wrist bends 15 seconds
[words=]ACE[/words] wrap 2 hours
Girth work
100 downward jelqs 100 upward jelqs
[words= ]BM[/words] 5 minutes
[words=]SSJ[/words] 2 minutes
[words= ]BM[/words] 5 minutes
[words=]SSJ[/words] 2 minutes
[words= ]BM[/words] 5 minutes
[words=]SSJ[/words] 2 minutes
[words= ]BM[/words] 10 minutes
[words=]SSJ[/words] with [words=]ACE[/words] wrap
c ring for next 4 hours
Mike3209;745805 said:Hey guys how are yall doing? I stopped training for the weekend as I believe I have a hernia. My grandmother is pretty convinced I do, as I went to her to ask if it one or not. I'm trying to figure out how to get in to see a doctor to get things checked out. I've been trying to decide if doing my PE work would affect it and make it worse. Any thoughts?
Lookn4girth;745806 said:Someone else may have more knowledge on this subject but depending on what type hernia you have PE may cause the problem to get worse. Do you know if it is a inguinal hernia or abdominal hernia
Mike3209;747905 said:Hey guys I'm back from the dead. Sorry it took so long to get back on here and let y'all know what was going on. The doctor said that it is an inguinal hernia. Not too sure what this mean about my routine what do y'all think?
Mike3209;747978 said:Would wrapping with an [words=]ACE[/words] wrap help with that and work for elongation?
Big Schwanz Acht;747982 said:I'd think any insulation that creates layers between your skin and the freezing temps would help...I often use hand warmers ( when playing golf in the cold, perhaps a couple of those 'tucked discretely' might help
Mike3209;747986 said:Alright I'll look into that and getting some different base layer material.
Big Schwanz Acht;748001 said:I put the hand warmers in my pockets...if you have loose-enough pants/uniform, just drop a couple in your front pockets, I'm certain they'll keep 'you' warm (cheap too)
Lookn4girth;748048 said:Looks like a good session Mike considering the hernia. Hope you get that taken care of soon so you can be back at 100%
Mike3209;748056 said:Thanks buddy I appreciate it. I'm going to study up on wrapping with the [words=!!!]LM[/words] and get some good wraps before I get back to using that.
Lookn4girth;748065 said:I am still working with my wrap as well. I think I just need to come up with a material for the padding and that would take care of it. BeardedBaldy has a video on here where he uses a piece of mattress padding that protected the corners during shipping and he says it works great. I have not been able to find that material yet but I have been working on it
Mike3209;748066 said:Yeah I remember reading that as well from BearedBaldy about the mattress padding. I tried some [words=]ACE[/words] wrap today but it slipped a little. I'll have to go look around and find something that will work.
doublelongdaddy;748072 said:What about strips of memory foam? Cheap enough and would make padding custom to the body.
Lookn4girth;748114 said:next time I am out at the craft store I will look for some, thanks
Big Schwanz Acht;748165 said:...'Man-Card' violation, lol
Lookn4girth;748166 said:Ooops, perhaps I should have said when the wife drags me with her to the craft store, lol
Mike3209;748118 said:Great idea DLD I'll look for some. Thanks all for the support!
Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shoppedguin said:Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend