hey ive been jelqing and stretching for the last 3 months on and off. I have developed a pretty serious injury. I was doing all the exercises safe and felt no pain at all, but one day I woke up and my penis was "dead". It felt completely different, like there wasnt any blood getting to it. It shrunk up in its flacid state and looks alot different. Ive been to about 10 doctors and 2 urologists about this.. They cant find anything wrong with it. I have done some damage and I hope its not permanent. My penis just feels really weak and I feel like I dont have much control over my PC's. Like when I clinch them my penis doesnt jump.

If you have any suggestions or have heard of this happening please let me know.

there is a little bit of "buzzing". I havent been able to get that throbbing feeling since this happened. My staying power isnt the same and my penis feels softer all the time
hyperlite said:
there is a little bit of "buzzing". I havent been able to get that throbbing feeling since this happened. My staying power isnt the same and my penis feels softer all the time

Ok I hope this helps to solve your problem.

Hi guys, i found some very interesting posts from Bib:

"Please forgive me, I thought I remembered that, but lost it. Without proper (increased) circulation, you cannot see any gains which may have been made. If there is not an increase in the amount of blood, there is nothing to fill the larger space.

I have related many times the incident I had with jelqing behind my balls, the sudden electric zip to the head of my penis, and subsequent gains. My theory is, a piece of plaque broke loose and flew up my shaft, probably to lodge somewhere else. This allowed for greater blood flow, a better erection, and display of the gains made during previous work.

Phat has related a similar result doing horse squeezes. The reverse pressure and work seems to have opened up the blood bearing tissues further within his body, creating better erections and showing the gains made from hanging.

The penis is the one body part where manual angioplasty can be practiced, helping to clean out the vessels to allow for greater blood flow. Make sure you devote some time to doing this, not only on the outer penis, but also as far as possible within the body. It might really help. You might also try the horse squeezes."
Quoted from Bib


This will probably be another involved thread, but I think it is important. Probably my last one, but maybe it will help some guys.

It has always disturbed me when I hear about guys reporting numbness, or loss of sensitivity. Usually it is a breif bout. But it has happened to guys in the past, and then they tend to fade into the mist, never heard from again. Many times, I am sure it is due to bruised nerves or even worse. Back when guys were using a loop type device to hang with, it happened all the time. Simple over-training can be a culprit too, giving a symptom much like a chronic refractory response.

But I think there is a hidden reason for many guys that have experienced this. Recently, I worked with a member who had some chronic numbness. From his description, he felt he had damaged something while hanging, and had taken a good while off to allow for recovery. It did not recover much at all. Seldom has anyone complained of a lack of sensitivity while hanging, especially with a Bib, so I really worried about it.

So, we started communicating about what might be causing the problem. We looked at supplements to help heal damaged nerves, etc. But nothing seemed to cause a lasting increase in sensitivity. But all of our concentration was on the nerves. Big mistake.

So I started going over past PMs, looking for clues. He had also complained of a ‘buzzing’ feeling toward the head, and some wrinkling in the area. Also, he was able to get erections, but they were often weak and the head would not fill completely. Then it hit me.

I have reported this many times, but it might not be within these forums. One time, fairly early in my Penis Enlargement career, I was jelqing fairly lightly behind my balls. All of a sudden, I felt something race up my penis, obviously within the CS. It felt like lightening. Then, the same feeling raced down my penis, and into my body. It took a couple of seconds to realize that I had dislodged a piece of plaque within my blood vessel, and this former obstruction had made a trip through my plumbing. Without thinking too much, I expected to have a stroke in just a second. Heh heh.

Well, after re-reading the communications, the thought entered my head that this member’s problem might not be nerves at all. Or at least not directly. In much the same way your hand or foot can go to sleep when in a bind and with blood flow reduced, I realized that his penis was asleep.

When we perform almost any type of Penis Enlargement, the blood vessels of the penis are manipulated. Penis Enlargement is probably about the only time any blood vessels of the body can be so dramatically impacted. Just about everyone, except the very young has at least some plaque within the linings of the blood vessels. Usually, it is very tightly bound to the wall of the vessels. Unless of course, something occurs to dislodge this plaque.

Further, the penis is somewhat unique in the internal diameter of the vessels. The vessels feeding the penis are rather large, especially when erect, and then the return vessels narrow rapidly.

My theory was and is, if a piece of plaque of any significant size is dislodged, the odds of lodging somewhere to limit blood flow are high. Smaller pieces might pass on through without incident. Further, the vessels feeding and draining the CCs are probably not as important as the vessels feeding and draining the CS and head. While reduced blood flow in and from the CCs might cause some oxygen/nutrient deprivation to parts of the shaft, it would not be as bad as reduced blood flow and oxygen/nutrient loss to the nerves in the head of the penis.

So, thinking about it from a plumbing standpoint, the member needed to get the obstruction out. The first thing I recommended was to take a baby aspirin a day to thin the blood somewhat, and hopefully increase the ability to flow a little better. After a few days of aspirin, I recommended he start with light jelqing, moving onto heavier jelqing.

At some point, he was able to determine the blockage was in the CS, right where the head attaches. This is where the buzzing was. I thought the buzzing might be the obstruction fluttering within the blood stream. He also started manipulating that area in an attempt to break up the blockage. Then, he graduated to Ulis, engorging the shaft and head, then releasing the pressure and repeating many times.

Gradually at first, his sensitivity began to return, along with much better blood flow. I think the results were not dramatic because the nerves had been blood deprived for a long time and had to regenerate somewhat. While he had rested, he was actually starving the tissues. The only time the tissues were fully blood enriched is when he got an erection.

There are a variety of issues concerning this problem. First, being able to diagnose what has happened. Then, being able to take the plunge to do more Penis Enlargement, when it appears Penis Enlargement has caused the problem. Then, even if correctly diagnosed, being able to dislodge the blockage and get blood flowing again may not achieve very noticeable results right away. Probably the best thing would be a situation like I experienced where I could actually feel the obstruction as it traveled. But if the vessels are expanded, blood is thin, the blockage is broken up, it may occur slowly, a piece at a time.

I guess the best thing to do when a lack of sensitivity is noticed is write about it and thoroughly explore the symptoms before undertaking a cure. Did the lack of sensitivity occur quickly or over time? Is there an obvious lack of blood flow? Does the penis appear lighter in color? Is there any buzzing or other abnormal feelings associated with the numbness? You will not be able to simply assume any lack of sensitivity is associated with decreased blood flow. But I do not think you can assume it is a nerve issue either.

Quoted from Bib


I wrote you an PM about this issue. Some time ago i wrote you an message where i tried to explain you some issues which happened to me when i was gaining.
This issues were very complicate to explain and i was not sure if you understood me.
Now i found some old postings from you, which i think may be explain the same issue i tried to explain you some month ago.
Please read my PM and look if it makes sense for you now.

Another exercise to help is Behind the balls jeqling, sometimes the plaque can form further down the penis. But it really helps with erection and blood flow.
Thats really interesting... Thanks for the post. Ive seen a few people with similar or exact problems as mine that cant seem to figure out whats wrong. This has actually happened twice to me. Heres how it happened:

- Jelqing and stretching like normal, no signs of pain or anything. However I did feel that shooting pain at some point awhile ago.
- I woke up one morning and my penis felt completely different. It had litteraly died on me. I couldnt feel it and it shrunk right up and got really soft.
- The color turned a little browner and it just hung lifeless.
- After about a week of this one day it just clicked back in and went back to normal. I almost thought it was mental.
- I took some time off and figured it wasnt from exercising so I went back to the jelqing and stretching. It happened again to me about a month ago and has progressively gotten better. I still have a hard time getting erect and there not as hard. I figure its something that can be fixed, I just need to find away of doing it.

Maybe if it is a blockage a vaso dilator would help to loosen it up? Any thoughts on this?
hyperlite said:
Thats really interesting... Thanks for the post. Ive seen a few people with similar or exact problems as mine that cant seem to figure out whats wrong. This has actually happened twice to me. Heres how it happened:

- Jelqing and stretching like normal, no signs of pain or anything. However I did feel that shooting pain at some point awhile ago.
- I woke up one morning and my penis felt completely different. It had litteraly died on me. I couldnt feel it and it shrunk right up and got really soft.
- The color turned a little browner and it just hung lifeless.
- After about a week of this one day it just clicked back in and went back to normal. I almost thought it was mental.
- I took some time off and figured it wasnt from exercising so I went back to the jelqing and stretching. It happened again to me about a month ago and has progressively gotten better. I still have a hard time getting erect and there not as hard. I figure its something that can be fixed, I just need to find away of doing it.

Maybe if it is a blockage a vaso dilator would help to loosen it up? Any thoughts on this?

Here is Bigger's site Bib's Hangers :: Index I would suggest that you post their asking Bib for help, I am sure he can help you more than I could.
Adimittedly being a newbie, I have tried the following supplement to much avail, and if one reads the research, shows promising results in the preventi9on/treatment of atherosclerosis and blood vessel repair.
This is megadosing with vitamin C oral supplements in amounts of >1000mg/day. This supplement is extremely inexpensive, and in the aforementioned dose practically harmless.
Good luck!!
Last edited:


"have reported this many times, but it might not be within these forums. One time, fairly early in my Penis Enlargement career, I was jelqing fairly lightly behind my balls. All of a sudden, I felt something race up my penis, obviously within the CS. It felt like lightening. Then, the same feeling raced down my penis, and into my body. It took a couple of seconds to realize that I had dislodged a piece of plaque within my blood vessel, and this former obstruction had made a trip through my plumbing. Without thinking too much, I expected to have a stroke in just a second. Heh heh."

I think this is the most interesting piece of information since years on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words].

Atleast for my taste :-D

As you can read about my story in my older posts/threads - I've been through everything, even surgery...but I never tried this behind the balls jelquing technique in order to loosen possible plaque.
I even was advised to try this by bib himself a year or a couple of years ago.
I never tried it though.

Why ? Several reasons, jelquing was what brought me to my formerly very bad condition in the first place, and I became a big ciritc of the whole jelq thing, as its a completely unnatural opposed movement compared to sex. And it fucked up many dicks besides mine in the exact same manner..

And most important,over time, I managed to recover to a point where I can have wonderful sex with fully enlarged and filled out Penis simply by taking 50mg V 1 hour prior to sex. I didn't give a fuck about anything else ever since, as I was more than satisfied with my sized and being able to perform again without problem ( besides having to rely on V.)

Now this piece of information got me very interested, because years ago, bib adviced me to try the behind the balls jelquing, and as a reason or benefit he mentioned "improoved blood flow to the penis because u work out the healthy yet untouched lower and inner penis tissue".

Now, with this new piece of information and reason behind the improovement:
"""""It took a couple of seconds to realize that I had dislodged a piece of plaque within my blood vessel, and this former obstruction had made a trip through my plumbing."""

Im really interested to try and further improove my situation.

Yet again , I have to admit I'm shit-scared of a loose plaque in my system.

What if it goes in my heart ? lungs ? brains ? for a nice stroke or instant death ???

Sounds pretty risky to me, maybe its better not to wake up the demon, I mean its working somehow "good enough " right now on V.. so why push my luck any further.

What are your thoughts on this everybody...is there any sense behind my fear of suffering from a stroke after loosening up a possible plaque in the lower part of my penis ???

I know Bib described that he did it already and obviously felt something go loose , go through his dick and back into his body and then ...no stroke !

I also know that his words can really be trusted, because he is alway right on the money with his advices and I never saw any bullshit from him since I joined here years ago...

Man, understand me, its very tempting...a little light jelquing...a little buzz an vuola big time improovement , more sensitivity maybe no need for V anylonger...
quote, tbirdy:

And most important,over time, I managed to recover to a point where I can have wonderful sex with fully enlarged and filled out Penis simply by taking 50mg V 1 hour prior to sex.

Would you say that you recovered from taking viagra every night to a point where you only need 50mg of viagra to get your old erection hardness back??
Would this blockage happen normally without Penis Enlargement..... or is Penis Enlargement the cause of this loss os sensitivity and erection firmness. All i know is that after head my unit is sore most likely from a super erection and that is the last thing i want to lose.
I'd recommend 15 mg of tadalafil to help out. It really does make a difference and lasts WAYYYYYYY longer than Viagra and is more PDE-5 specific. Take it every four or five days.
Would you say that you recovered from taking viagra every night to a point where you only need 50mg of viagra to get your old erection hardness back??

Yes definetly that too ! My condition was so bad after the injury: Naturally I had no spontanious erection after the accident, no hardness, could get semi erect only through severe manual stimulation, got a big old deviation 30degrees to the left side (injury side) in the erect AND limp state. And that after having a 100% straight dick for 20 years of my life. This deviation was caused by a shortagy/shrinkage of the left corpus cavernosum as a response to the venous leakage and/or erectile tissue and/or tunica albuginea damage/shortage/shrinkage on this very left side, cased by the accident.
Holy shit my grammer suxx, I hope u guys can still follow somehow.

Then in the month and years to come I read zillions of studies talked to experts and found out about the success of viagra as a permanent bloodflow enhancer and arterie cleanser/regenerator. So I used it daily and my condition got better and better. I further improved My situation by correcting the size difference of the corpus cavernosa ( left and right), straightening out the deviation completely. And last but not least a vein ligation surgery wich didnt change anything but only threw me back many month and left me with a scarred and feelingless penis, but again after the scars healed and the damaged nerves rechanneled and with viagra and a super safe super light Penis Enlargement work out I am back better then ever before...

Now to answer your question: A couple of weeks , right after the accident, I also could get erect and stay like that for hours with 50 mg vigra prior to sex.
But what a fucked up funny erection this was. Eventhough it was really erect, the head didn't really fill up, the girth wasn't really there and most of all it was a limp hard on lol. How am I supposed to describe this..u have a complete erection but the sides of your chamber are not hard at all they are soft and can easily be pushed IN with a finger...

NOW, in the present time. i'm a fuckin monster with 50 mg in the system. Its fully hard,sensitive, the head is hard everything is simply perfect.

Sometimes when I'm with my girl , and we don't plan to have sex, just wake up in the morning , horny , and get it on spontaniously, means I din't have time to throw in an V I fuck with my natiral erection wich is again a not so filled up head and a not so hard but completely erect (limp erect) Penis...

And Like I told you before: Since I'm simply too big for all girls in any state: Be it with the viagra erection or be it with natural erection :
I don't bother too much !!!

The only reason why I'm here and still involved is ofcourse to help others and
to stay informed, incase I come across a safe new remedy that will promise to safely further improove my situation, I will try it. For example like this behind the balls jelquing... or light pumping...

@Would this blockage happen normally without Penis Enlargement..... or is Penis Enlargement the cause of this loss os sensitivity and erection firmness. All i know is that after head my unit is sore most likely from a super erection and that is the last thing i want to lose.

---> The blockage can ofcourse happen normaly, simply by arteriosclerosis a process caused by bad eating habits where to much bad cholesterin / fatty acids clog up your arterial walls, resulting in less bloodflow (smoking does the same for you)

Penis Enlargement in itself , like Everything in life is a doubled edged sword. It works for some but permanently damges others !! And you will know to wich group you belong when it too late.
Pe can recover AND damage a penis. (If you ask me : Most likely damage :) )
Can Pe cause such a blockage ? Ofcourse.
Since the penis is the only part of our body where we can practice manual angioplasty (means change the diameter/size of the arteries and veins).

Imagine you have thin normal layers of plaque in all of your arteries, ofcourse in the penis too. Now after like 20 years of a normal life you find out about
Penis Enlargement and do like 100 jelques out of nowhere...
Imagine what happens to your penis and the arteries and your walls inside...
The base, where you (OK-sign ) grab with your fingers to perform a jelq motion , will soon be cleaned of the light plaque on the walls as you further push the plaque through your arteries to the top of your penis.
Next what happens ? If you are lucky , the plaque will brake up in smaller parts and go inside your body and eventually dissolve OR you are unlucky , and all the plaque wich u collected and pushed up from the base will form one big clog and permanently shut down a arterie (or atleast permanently narrow it), maybe close to your head , resulting in numbness , loss of feeling , loss of erection, coldness and so on...

SHit eh ? Then you go to an urologist and he cant find anything wrong. But you know for sure this is not your penis of yesterday anymore....

Sounds familiar ?

I just got an idea , while writing this. Since there are so many users whos dick permanetly and severly changed in one single day , for example after/while their very first jelq sessions.. and since the theory above with the manual angioplasty really sounds valid to me, how about that for a cure:

(Its just theory and an idea and has not been tested by me nor anyone , just food for though ok) :

Imagine that u really did this and dislocated some plaque from the arterial walls at your base and then moved it further up the shaft where it really fucked up and clocged an arterie or two...resulting in rubbery feeling and hourglass shape...

what if u simply did the whole trick backwards :

Get fully erect as hard as you can, maybe use viagra, then wait for the erection to subside so u still have 70-80% and its still straight but limp: Now grab with the ok-finger-grips the very top/ip of your penis and perform a reverse jelq motion from the top of the penis to the very lower base and when u get there continue with 2 fingers, behind , your balls to further push the blood down the whole penis ?

Why this could work ? If you really cogged up your penis with plaque
AND since arteries become narrower and narrower the further you go UP your shaft it probably possible to squeeze the plaque and blockage further down again , and the more you squeeze it down the wider the arteries actually become and if you manage to push the plaques back into the body your circulation in ur penis sould be restored again.

Sounds good eh ? This reverse jelq is actually a natural motion .
When u fuck you squeese the tip of your dick through a tight hole (pussy)
again and again so thats light angioplasty right there...only to light to have a significant enough effect. So use ur hands and be carefull!!!!!!!!

Its definetly NOT a good idea to perform a super tight grip reverse jelq on a fully 110% erect penis, because you will probably completely damage your veins and valves as you force them to open !!!!!!

I'd recommend 15 mg of tadalafil to help out. It really does make a difference and lasts WAYYYYYYY longer than Viagra and is more PDE-5 specific. Take it every four or five days.

Yes thats a good recommendation , but you can't yet say its superior to viagra in terms of regeneration and repair.
The studies with the best results in terms of restoration of arterial flow and permanent improovement of bloodinflow were explicetly under the effects of 50mg V, nightly... the control groups who took only 25 mg or skipped days or placebos did not have any organic improovements. SO maybe a low pde inhibitor dose is obviously to little to have permanent effects. But Penis EnlargementRMANENTLY low dose MIGHT be better. There are not many good studies on cialis/vard yet. Its all just speculations based on the Viagra results.
Add to that: not everyone can live with the cialis side effects , specially not permanently.. for these people a nightly hefty 50 mg viagra and waking up fresh and without sideeffects is probably better !

@peace to all the people
'cause I got alotta love ! ^^