Before bed session in shower

15min bundled stretching under running warm water
10min stretching downwards, did blasters, fulcrum.

Good stretch
Morning session before work

Have had weak morning wood since I started stretching hard, probably need a day off soon.

20cm bfsl before workout

bundled stretching and straight down stretching and btc stretching.
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Stretching a couple of minutes every time I go pee during work 👌
You have a good work. Getting payed to do Penis Enlargement
After work session

BPFSL before

5min bundled stretching
5min straight down stretching
Got a hard on from the stretching so I put on a cockring and edged for a bit. Kept ring on during following
11min erect stretching with cockring

Took some measurements while erect:

BPEL 19cm/7.48"
BSEG 6.1"
MSEG 5.9"

Keeping the cockring on for an hour or two after this
Before bed session in shower

hot water soak
10min bundled stretching
10min hard! straight down stretching and dld blasters
5min warm-down with massage

Good stretch
question on the wrap if I may? How long do we consider safe to remain in the “semi erected state. I can for quite some time comfortably squeezing out some blood and replacing it. But is there a limit?
You feel it. The winding should not be super hard. I can wear that thing all day long.
Sometimes when I go outside and my penis gets cold, it's good to re-wind the wrap.