
Jelqing: Ancient Secret or Hoax?

Secret Longings
By Martin Downs
Reviewed By Michael Smith, MD

WebMD Feature

The pursuit of penis enlargement is as old as the quest for a baldness cure. With surgery and drugs, modern medicine is finally making progress on both fronts, but medical solutions can be expensive, and they often yield less than miraculous results. So men continue to be wooed by "natural" potions and schemes that promise quick growth up top, and down below.

A technique called jelqing has become popular among men seeking greater penis size. Web sites that promote jelqing and online clubs for jelqing enthusiasts abound: A Google search for "jelq" yields nearly 19,000 results.

Those who promote jelqing claim that it's an "ancient Arab" technique, which lends it an exotic air -- summoning images of sultry harems and Salome's Dance of the Seven Veils. Whether the practice originates in the Middle East, however, no one WebMD contacted could say. Sex historian Vern Bullough says he has never heard of it, and queries to the Kinsey Institute and professors of Middle Eastern studies at several universities shed no more light on the matter.

There are many variations on the technique, but the basic routine involves stroking the penis with a milking motion: Starting from the base, you slide your hand up the shaft, pulling and squeezing. Then you repeat the motion. You don't slide your hand over the head and back down the shaft as you would if you were masturbating. Instead, you stop when you reach the head, and start again from the base of the penis.

Depending on what jelqing manual you follow, you may be instructed to jelq while your penis is flaccid, in a semi-erect state, or with a full erection. Some advise you to "warm up" with hot-towel wraps. Some recommend jelqing with lubrication, while others don't include lube. You might jelq with the palm facing up or down. Jelqing schedules and the duration of the routine often differ.

The promised results vary, too. Some hucksters say you'll gain three to four inches in length. Other advocates are more modest.

Happy Jelqers

Thomas, a 27-year-old student in New Jersey, says he began jelqing nearly a year ago. He stands six-foot-five, but he has an average-sized penis -- about six inches long. "As a taller person, I felt that I was short-changed," he says.

So far, he's pleased with the results. "I notice a better flaccid hang, first off," he says. He also claims to have gained three-eighths of an inch in length and five-eighths of an inch in girth, when erect, by jelqing for 45 minutes a day for five days, then taking two days off, for six weeks at a time.

Another jelqer, a 24-year-old man who prefers to remain anonymous, claims to have had more dramatic gains since he began jelqing eight months ago. He says his penis, which measured five inches erect, is now six and one-quarter inches long.

Both men say they have never paid for jelqing information. They follow advice available for free at penis-enlargement discussion groups online. Nevertheless, some Web sites sell access to their jelqing programs for as much as $50.

Doctors Scoff

Jelqers may believe that the technique works, but they are mistaken about how. You may hear that by pushing blood into the erectile tissue of the penis, you can expand the chambers -- the corpora cavernosa -- so they eventually hold more blood, resulting in bigger erections. You may also hear that jelqing exercises the smooth muscle of the penis, making it bigger and stronger.

"I think that's all bogus," says Tom Lue, MD, professor of urology at the University of California, San Francisco. He says that only swelling, caused by bleeding under the skin, could explain the increases in penis size men like Thomas experience. This result would not be permanent, hence the need to follow a rigorous jelqing regimen indefinitely.

The idea that the smooth muscle of the penis can be exercised , like the biceps, is a myth. "Smooth muscle doesn't respond that way," Lue says. In fact, stretching it can be harmful. For example, the bladder is smooth muscle. According to Lue, if you hold in urine so that the bladder expands too much, the tissue weakens.

What's more, Lue says, all the stretching, pulling, and squeezing might cause scar tissue to form in the penis, which could hinder a man's ability to get an erection. But Thomas maintains that apart from a little soreness, he hasn't injured his penis by jelqing, and he says his erections last longer than they did before.

"Anatomically and physiologically this is just wishful thinking," urologist Ira Sharlip, president of the Sexual Medicine Society of North America, writes in an email. "It's all baloney until a real study with objective before and after measurements, verified by an independent source [since you can't do a placebo comparison], proves that it works."

Published Dec. 23, 2002.

SOURCES: Ira Sharlip, MD, president, Sexual Medicine Society of North America; and medical director, Pan Pacific Urology, San Francisco • Tom Lue, MD, professor and vice chairman of urology, University of California, San Francisco • Vern Bullough, visiting professor, University of Southern California; and distinguished professor emeritus, State University of New York.

Well, I guess I'm quitting. ;)
>>"Anatomically and physiologically this is just wishful thinking," urologist Ira Sharlip, president of the Sexual Medicine Society of North America, writes in an email. "It's all baloney until a real study with objective before and after measurements, verified by an independent source

I wanna slap Ira in the face with my 10 inches of pipe meat.
LOL, how stupid, I guess they won't believe it, till I jelq IN THA FACE!

Sorry, anyways, I think once people have their minds set on something, they'll try anything to get it their way.

I guess these People must own the Miracle Pill Companies out there. After all the Miracle pills work.:eek:

They must of not talked to the Thousands of People at Thunders and Here to find out if NPenis Enlargement really works.

I think we should be GLAD about this.
It will help STOP Getting NPenis Enlargement/Penis Enlargement out into the mainstream, I dont want that, I dont want every tom, dick and harry doing this getting a bigger dick.

I reckon thats one of the reasons the Urologist's are saying what they say, so to keep it secret.
Originally posted by stillwantmore
"Anatomically and physiologically this is just wishful thinking," urologist Ira Sharlip, president of the Sexual Medicine Society of North America, writes in an email. "It's all baloney until a real study with objective before and after measurements, verified by an independent source [since you can't do a placebo comparison], proves that it works."

Published Dec. 23, 2002.
This is my point! Those assholes WON'T do any studies!! It's all their opinions based on theories & speculation. If they're so damned confident, then do the study!!!!
This is why I despair of pursuing any "pe science" on my own - it's all vanity & futility. The people who are truly qualified to carry out such scientific studies just won't do it; and, until they do, we don't truly have any "Penis Enlargement science" to speak of, just our collective experience as jelqers & stretchers & pumpers & hangers.
has anybody here stopped Penis Enlargement for a long period of time and kept their results all the while? i wouldn't think they'd diminish, but just to have fact to back up opinion.
Originally posted by radiohead
has anybody here stopped Penis Enlargement for a long period of time and kept their results all the while? i wouldn't think they'd diminish, but just to have fact to back up opinion.

I Penis Enlargement'd for about a month during my winter vacation. The gains I made during this time stayed through the semester (my roommate was a shut-in, so I couldn't Penis Enlargement) until the summer break.
Originally posted by radiohead
has anybody here stopped Penis Enlargement for a long period of time and kept their results all the while? i wouldn't think they'd diminish, but just to have fact to back up opinion.

From 1998 to 2003 I didn't Penis Enlargement at all. In that time I lost 0.1" which is small enough to be a measurement error.

I've commented on this on another board but I'll use the same quote here: "the absence of proof is not proof of an absence".
I was on a VERY on again off again routine my first 3 years. I was in the military some of that time. Was married and lived off base...that's how I could Penis Enlargement. Even so, I would have times where I would not Penis Enlargement at all for 2 or 3 weeks at a time. NEver lost gains. There was a point where I had already gained over 1" in length and over 1/2" in girth....took off for several months straight with NO Penis Enlargement. Lost nothing! The gains stay once you have actually made them. Lots of guys get temporary "gains" from first time swelling and get all excited not realizing the "gains" they think they have are just swelling. Then, when they quit and "lose the gains" they get upset and proclaim this stuff doesnt work. Ah but, isnt it that way in any area of life? "Yea, I lost 20 pounds on that diet, but, as soon as I started eating (carbs and junk they forget to say this part) again I gained even more weight than I lost!!"
I guess I will have to go buy pills now. :(

The gains I just cemented were all swelling. Shucks, I was vamboozled again! Dang Penis Enlargement sites.


I've taken a full year off. Total time doing Penis Enlargement type stuff during that year was maybe 5 minutes total. When I decided to do Penis Enlargement again, I had not lost any length gains, and my girth was the same as it was a few weeks after stopping active Penis Enlargement exercises.
Well, why should a doctor sell a $40 or $50 program? After all, you pay that much for merely talking to the doctor for a few minutes, so why should the doctor bother writing instructions. It amazes me that so many urologists still cling to advocating some of these risky surgical procedures and seem to be so critical of Penis Enlargement.

My Penis Enlargement experience is very limited, but I can clearly see from message boards such as these that there are thousands of guys making gains. Also, when people speak of 2" gains in length, such gains cannot possibly be attributed to mere temporary swelling. Some people seem to be increasing their length by nearly 50% and that is incredible.
Originally posted by penguinsfan
Well, why should a doctor sell a $40 or $50 program? After all, you pay that much for merely talking to the doctor for a few minutes, so why should the doctor bother writing instructions. It amazes me that so many urologists still cling to advocating some of these risky surgical procedures and seem to be so critical of Penis Enlargement.

My Penis Enlargement experience is very limited, but I can clearly see from message boards such as these that there are thousands of guys making gains. Also, when people speak of 2" gains in length, such gains cannot possibly be attributed to mere temporary swelling. Some people seem to be increasing their length by nearly 50% and that is incredible.

This is a very good observation.

Man, sometimes I hate the "smart" docs out there.

They think they know every god damn thing, but they know shit.
How many times haven't the docs been proved wrong?

Also, they want studies on everything, then just start here mother*******!

- I think [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] would be a good place to start!
And also, if it doesn't work, how can somebody gain several inches?

And also, I spoke with a guy who told me that the docs aint got the time to read every new study there is on everything.. Thats why there are so many different opinions from so many different docs.

In fact, you could look at it like this.
"Some docs still believes the earth is flat, because round is weird"

- Yet again, its a good thing for us, I agree with Red.. We dont want everybody in the world gaining 2 inches.. That would simply be to much work for the ones who are seeking a large penis rofl

- if the size grows on avg. so does it on large.
REDZULU2003;4997 said:
:D I dont want that, I dont want every tom, dick and harry doing this getting a bigger dick.
I don't think you need to worry about that. This is sort of like going to the gym: you have to go. Most won't "go".
MoreGains123;337126 said:
I don't think you need to worry about that. This is sort of like going to the gym: you have to go. Most won't "go".

Exactly. Most will try and not see miraculous results and move on. Penis Enlargement requires a dedication very similar to the gym.
AdmiralLongDong;337347 said:
Pe actually causes measuring devices in your house to shrink.

My family owns a printing company and they print all kinds of specialty products. I was thinking of having them print a ruler where cm's were inches:) This way everyone can have an imaginary, massive cock:)
doublelongdaddy;337376 said:
My family owns a printing company and they print all kinds of specialty products. I was thinking of having them print a ruler where cm's were inches:) This way everyone can have an imaginary, massive cock:)

You could do something like the amplifier in Spinal Tap that goes to 11. Make a ruler that starts at 6". LOL

I'd have 14" then.
AdmiralLongDong;337486 said:
You could do something like the amplifier in Spinal Tap that goes to 11. Make a ruler that starts at 6". LOL

I'd have 14" then.

:) We would sell thousands
Penis Enlargement is a devil's proof. It is impossible to prove that Penis Enlargement doesn't exist because you would never know if it did unless you have visited every inch of the entire universe. And even then you wouldn't have the means to know in time whether it began to exist. However, give ONE example of it working, and Penis Enlargement has been proven to work. This, we know, is the first and hardest step to getting over this obstacle we see constantly in the media. And by golly we've crossed it. So yay for us.
Shion;369358 said:
However, give ONE example of it working, and Penis Enlargement has been proven to work. This, we know, is the first and hardest step to getting over this obstacle we see constantly in the media. And by golly we've crossed it. So yay for us.

Great post :) It's been proven to work- "officially" as well as here on the various forums. The resistance you'll meet will be from people that have never done Penis Enlargement but are more than happy to quote outdated rhetoric from "peer reviewed", unscientific sources.
I like how if "they havnt done THEIR study then somehting doesnt exist"

Its exaclty the same with everything money is fucking evil tool.

People cant makemoney out of somehting u can do yourself.

Same way that people are being cured of cancer from bicaronate soda thatis 2 bucks a packet and no one will listen because wonder drugs make them so much more money.

Remember you cant copy right something that is natural so people cant make money out of it so no one cares.

People that know know and thats all there is too it the rest of them can gfts
Penis Enlargement is a scam.

Quote from nas:
"People fear what they dont understand"

Its a win-win for a doctor to say it doesnt work. Ten years from now watch they will say from all my "research" it does work and am a brilliant mind and try to be the first to market it and get some big bucks as a doctor.
Girth Hammer;369473 said:
Quote from nas:
"People fear what they dont understand"

He also said "I want dead fucking presidents to represent me":)
The medical "industry" is more of a religious cult than a scientific pursuit of health. Just look at their statements, "doctors scoff" they "don't believe"......

Their claims are over hyped and as it stands now death by the medical establisHydromaxent is the #1 cause of death.....fact.
What doctors learn in Med. school is like gospel to them, which is why they typically refute any type of Alternative health protocol in general. Yet, the Alternative health industry is one of the fastest growing sectors of our economy in the midst of a recession.

So fact is, doctors don't know bunk. And more people are realizing this and seeking professional help elsewhere.
Rubirosa;369496 said:
What doctors learn in Med. school is like gospel to them, which is why they typically refute any type of Alternative health protocol in general. Yet, the Alternative health industry is one of the fastest growing sectors of our economy in the midst of a recession.

So fact is, doctors don't know bunk. And more people are realizing this and seeking professional help elsewhere.

But they do believe in Penis Enlargement when it lines their wallets. After phalloplasty clients are sent home with weights, [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extenders[/words] or natural Penis Enlargement exercises...what is that about
doublelongdaddy;369498 said:
But they do believe in Penis Enlargement when it lines their wallets. After phalloplasty clients are sent home with weights, [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extenders[/words] or natural Penis Enlargement exercises...what is that about

It is very funny, isn't it? In fact it is so funny that it is ridiculous. The thinking process of such clients is very difficult to comprehend.
bjembe;369529 said:
It is very funny, isn't it? In fact it is so funny that it is ridiculous. The thinking process of such clients is very difficult to comprehend.

The thinking process of the medical industry is the difficult thing to comprehend.
I think we should be GLAD about this.
It will help STOP Getting NPenis Enlargement/Penis Enlargement out into the mainstream, I dont want that, I dont want every tom, dick and harry doing this getting a bigger dick.
couldn't say it better...
asteraki^_^;369635 said:
couldn't say it better...

I don't think we will ever need to worry about NPenis Enlargement catching on. Even if every man knew bout Penis Enlargement most would not be able to stick with the commitment r have the patience to wait for gains.
Like eating right, getting proper exercise and working out. Many folks will never stick with it long enough to enjoy the rewards. Most expect instantaneous results and those who do kind of develop a thick skin against those who don't.

The deal with P.E is many guys are taught all sorts of negative things about their equipment. Our heads are filled with falsehoods and half truths, only those smart enough to see that there might be something to dedicated exercise and p.e exercises will know action equals results !

Plus....... Its a weird conversation starter so how can you share your enthusiasm about gains you made with your friends, many would look at you and think your some kind of perverted sex nut.
I was actually considering sharing with a good friend but thought better of it after a while. Maybe I am to inhibited but I just see too many drawbacks to going public with the program.

Hundreds of years ago bodybuilding was considered a scandalous activity and shunned by the masses. Today its mainstream. I suspect P.E will develop along the same lines.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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