Let me start by saying I have been pulling on my penis for years. My gains in the length department arent monumental. I may have gained an inch since 04. Thats me being hopeful with that. I have done the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words], hung for months, tried a jez [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] in the past and pulled my dick as hard as I could for a long time. All of that being said my gains in length arent dramatic.

My girth gains have been impressive though and truthfully that is what has kept me going. I went from just under 5in girth to easily over 6in rested. I can pump without fluid to over 6.5 and with fluid to 7in.

I have recently figured out that I unknowingly and unconsciously flex my kegel muscle while doing my length exercises and my gains were limited from it. Even if I reverse kegel I am still subtly flexing my kegel muscle about 25% and could never get it to relax even while reverse kegeling. This would cause my kegel muscle to get stronger over time but not allow for a tremendous amount of length gains.

I then ran across this old thread by German Stallion that helped me tremendously and I use this concept when I pump, extend and do manual work now. For the first time I could tell I was gaining from extending and manual work. Before that my main length growth came from continually doing reverse kegels while pumping and edging the pressure higher as more inner penis was coming out.

I now believe there are 2 types of guys:
1) the one who can tug on his dick hard and it gets longer
2) the other that when he tugs on his dick hard his body fights it so much that it seems to almost lose length. If you are this guy I STRONGLY consider trying this below. Could save you a ton of time and frustration.

For the first guy the obvious answer is to tug the cock hard and it will grow.

For the second guy they typically end up getting frustrated and giving up on length as it doesnt seem to work doing the 1st guys routine which is the current main thought process. If you are the second guy then your mind will play tricks on you and the frustrating part is you start to think well maybe I am just not pulling hard enough and then try to pull harder which still does nothing. For these guys I would recommend a different approach as the one posted in the thread below.

My theory is that if you dont notice a good flaccid length increase after doing an aggressive length routine then you may be a gainer like the 2nd guy I mentioned. My cock literally stays the same size or even gets smaller after I aggressively pull the hell out of it.

Now I am excited to say that I have started to notice some length gains. (I dont measure with a tape but I have a few scars and marks on my body of which I measure by) I have started to notice these new gains because my new length routines actually produce a flaccid gain of which they had never produced before.

MANUAL ROUTINE: What I do is I literally have to go really slow and almost go meditative style trance while I am slowly and methodically pulling my penis. If I notice that I have tensed up then I slowly loosen the length tension and relax and start pulling again while staying relaxed. German Stallions thread below has described it really well on the first few pages.
[words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]EXTENDER[/words]: I do this especially when I put on an [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words]. There is a HUGE advantage to me doing this during extending and the length I am after I take off the [words=https://www.internetzahlung.de/cc-aktuell/bestellung.php3?PID=PM0440A&Sprache=en]PMP[/words] has been surprising me now positively vs what used to frustrate me. After I would take off the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] when I aggressively cranked it I would have to convince myself that it was working and it would just take alot of time to see gains. Now I dont have to talk myself into believing the gains will happen because I can literally see and measure a difference. I admit it takes a couple of extra minutes to put on the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] but the results have been worth it.

PUMPING: While I am pumping it is almost impossible to fully relax so I use the reverse kegel to help me in length. I literally reverse kegel the whole time I am in the pump. At about every 1.5 min interval I use the wine vac to increase the pressure while reverse kegeling which seems to help increase my length numbers.


Hope this helps you as much as it did me.
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Thanks jakb. I was just answering a dude sounded like he gets this defensive kegel holding him back. Can we get GSs thread moved back up to the stickies?

Ima go bump it.

What's best is you've hung in here all this time and found something to accelerate your length. Good for you bro. And loyal to [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Mos[/words] too. Cool. +1 Rep!-)
Another idea that might help is doing masterbation to O then immediately doing. length work intensely? The release of O naturally exhausts the PC muscles to stop pulling against the stretching of pe.
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Thanks bro. I appreciate it. Thank you for the rep points. I wish I could see who are the ones giving them to me so I could respond in kind to them.

In the future I will try the masturbation followed by length work again. It is a good theory. I am curious as to how long the PC muscle is exhausted for after. I assume that time window of PC exhaustion and gains to be made from it are different guy to guy also.

I also REALLY like your term "defensive kegel"! That is exactly what is happening and describes it perfectly.
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jakb;561489 said:
In the future I will try the masterbation followed by length work again. It is a good theory.

No theory here, stretching after masturbation is the best time to stretch for a couple of true reasons. After orgasm the penis is flooded with hormones only present during sex that benefit the stretching and the healing of the penis. Next, refractory period is anywhere between 30 minutes and 3 hours and during this time period the penis is in a state of complete fatigue, the time when stretching the penis becomes most profitable because the muscular system that supports the penis has little strength to resist the stretch until refractory period has passed. It is important to also realize that DLD Blasters simulate this state and allow for this same experience through creative use of kegels and reverse kegels.
this is really good thinking.. i have this problem especially with manual stretches.. i can feel it pulling back against me after about 20seconds or so...

jakb;561489 said:
Thanks bro. I appreciate it. Thank you for the rep points. I wish I could see who are the ones giving them to me so I could respond in kind to them.

In the future I will try the masturbation followed by length work again. It is a good theory. I am curious as to how long the PC muscle is exhausted for after. I assume that time window of PC exhaustion and gains to be made from it are different guy to guy also.

I also REALLY like your term "defensive kegel"! That is exactly what is happening and describes it perfectly.

Tap your settings tab at the very top of any [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Mos[/words] page. Takes you to the part of your profile showeing your Rep in and out, below your subscribed threads with new comments. Yes you see the name. Maybe I need yo add this note to Supras "give Rep" thread?

1) I can't seem to open German Stallions thread to bump it or sticky it. Stuck loading blank page.

2) *Solved* can't find the thread Supra started suggesting we get back in the habit of +Rep when we find great posts... I do it often, was just going to add the note where to see your Rep log under settings under your subscribed threads list...
**Found it in the newbie section. Didn't expect that...
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LoveHerDeeply;561540 said:
Tap your settings tab at the very top of any [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Mos[/words] page. Takes you to the part of your profile showeing your Rep in and out, below your subscribed threads with new comments. Yes you see the name.

Thanks for the help on this. I am wondering if its a "mods only" thing to view. I can see the comment and when it was and for what thread/post, I cant however see the name. I can see the names of the people I have +1repped but not the ones incoming unless they write their name in the comment. Is it user error on my part or is it intended for mods viewing only?

Good post on supras page. Tried to rep you but I have repped you too recently to do it again.
wajiro;561495 said:
this is really good thinking.. i have this problem especially with manual stretches.. i can feel it pulling back against me after about 20seconds or so...


If you have questions let me know. Also let me know how it goes after you try it out.
Great thread jakb. I haven't been doing Penis Enlargement as long as you, but still frustrated by a long period of no gains. I can relate to this. One question. Can you elaborate a bit on how you do this with the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words]? Do you mean when attaching the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] or when applying extra tension by screwing it out? I'm a bit lost here.

By the way. This issue is why my routines use Dlds blasters concept throughout. Kegels long enough to tire the PC muscles, then reverse kegels to start every stretch. This unloads the PC muscles...

...and I think dld sourced it for his blasters thread (link in my sig) from this original German Stallion thread, Jakb.

Ramrod360;561617One question. Can you elaborate a bit on how you do this with the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender said:
extender[/words]? Do you mean when attaching the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] or when applying extra tension by screwing it out? I'm a bit lost here. Thanks.

Thanks man. Hope it helps you.

Heres what I do in an [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words].
If I am home and using the metal [words=https://www.internetzahlung.de/cc-aktuell/bestellung.php3?PID=PM0440A&Sprache=en]PMP[/words] device I start off with a number of bars that will allow me easy entree without strain to my cock. I then sit down and relax.

After I have relaxed for a couple minutes I SLOWLY start to unscrew the device to make it longer. I do this very slowly and methodically. I make sure I dont feel my PC contract at all, if I do I either back off the tension or I take a breath and wait there for awhile until the tension releases.

Once I have established the point of which I cant add tension on without my PC jumping in I just kick back and relax. 5-10 or so minutes later I see if I can add more tension on, normally I can at this point. I add tension until the PC kicks in again.

If I cant relax out of it I slowly back off a little tension until I dont feel myself contracting anymore. I then leave it here for another bit of time. I then continually do this whole process by relaxing then adding tension throughout the hour. If I hit a point I cant add more tension I just wait til the time runs out.

If I use the [words=https://www.internetzahlung.de/cc-aktuell/bestellung.php3?PID=PM0440A&Sprache=en]PMP[/words] strap to go to work I do the same thing but only do it for 3 or so minutes at the beginning and dont try to maximize it. When I am using the belt I try to reverse kegel and relax into it the best I can when I am at work or moving about. Not as effective but more effective for me then pulling hard at the beginning and trying to set it there.

What I can say are these are the first real experiences I have had where I actually know my cock is getting longer because it is so visually apparent.

I have done the DLD blasters and even though I consider them to be an awesome exercise this one works much better for me. I think I have a "defensive kegel" (love that term LHD) that happens regardless of how much I try to tire out the PC or reverse kegel. I have ALWAYS felt it holding back a bit. My assumption is other guys have the same issue and may or may not know it. I didnt fully realize the extent of it until I read GS's thread.
Where other guys may not have this happening they may assume that a reverse kegel will totally bypass the muscles ability to also kegel. From my experience I can tell that it still holds on a bit (20-25%) regardless of whether I have pre exhausted it or am reverse kegeling. Turns out that tension has been holding me back quite a bit.
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Nice write up. The way i have been wearing my pc out is by a few rounds of edging going form completely limp to as hard as i can go then doing erect stretches. After 4-6 sets of that i am able to do the GS pullout with no PC lashback.
Zambrodom3;562110 said:
So which do you think is better- Reverse Kegeling or just to relax and not to let having defensive kegels as Love called them? :)

For me it is relaxing into it. When I am pumping or am doing something I cant relax into, then I would say reverse kegeling.
I respect your Zen approach, Jakb. I just don't have time or patience for it.

For me, when I have a time slot for Penis Enlargement it is "OKAY I AM Penis Enlargement-ING RIGHT NOW!" and I have a half hour to stretch put on my bikers lock and go to work NOW."

So I do the 100 kegels to exhaust my PC muscles on command when I am able to Penis Enlargement. I can't wait to relax Goa half hour... that means no Penis Enlargement.

So I like this proactive method, actively DOing something to take charge of this issue.

The reverse kegel is an active muscle flex, since its the "push out pee" flex I envision it as the "push out my light stretch" move. It takes those tired PC muscles out.

If I ever do get a clench of the PC muscle, sometimes when using the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]SG[/words], I do an RK until it subsides.

Of course when my routine includes about 15 reps of 30 second RKs, As part of each stretch, I guess I'm pretty well acclimated to doing them any time.

I probably need to learn the Zen thing huh?
Good question dick! And what I would say bonus to what Love said- Love, the zen mode is not needed if you do not have flexing in your PC. If you do- once you learn how to not flex it- you won't even have to concentrate and lose time as you said. Why not just try it one and see how it works for you. And you might get a miraculous effect if you combine first doing the tiring and second the mental and physical relaxation to assure that you get the best of the best :)
I respect your Zen approach, Jakb. I just don't have time or patience for it.

For me, when I have a time slot for Penis Enlargement it is "OKAY I AM Penis Enlargement-ING RIGHT NOW!" and I have a half hour to stretch put on my bikers lock and go to work NOW."

So I do the 100 kegels to exhaust my PC muscles on command when I am able to Penis Enlargement. I can't wait to relax for a half hour... that would mean no Penis Enlargement.

So I like this proactive method, actively DOing something to take charge of this issue.

The reverse kegel is an active muscle flex, since its the "push out pee" flex I envision it as the "push out my lig stretch" move. It takes those tired PC muscles out.

If I ever do get a clench of the PC muscle, sometimes when using the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]SG[/words], I do an RK until it subsides.

Of course when my routine includes about 15-20 reps of 30 second RKs, As part of each stretch, I guess I'm pretty well acclimated to doing them any time.

I probably need to learn the Zen thing huh?
jakb;562143 said:
For me it is relaxing into it. When I am pumping or am doing something I cant relax into, then I would say reverse kegeling.

This is a mental ability that you have the others may not share, it is special and you should be grateful. For me, I am a tense guy and relaxing is harder for me than anything so I need to force the release through the Reverse Kegel or attack length after an emission.
Would you say that Reverse Kegeling is better than the relaxation method or they are equally as effective. They both take the kegel pullback away, but the RK is a further stretch of the Pelvic Floor. If you could do both and had time time to do it, which would be your choice DLD?
Another idea that might help is doing masterbation to O then immediately doing. length work intensely? The release of O naturally exhausts the PC muscles to stop pulling against the stretching of pe.

I've only been able to masturbate before starting a session just once. I lose my zeal and willingness to do PE whenever I ejaculate. It's tough for me to do a lengthmaster session right after ejaculation but many people can do it.