Does anyone her have their dick pierced? If so what type of piercing? I was thinking about getting my shaft pierced when I am done with Penis Enlargement but only when I am done. Any thoughts?
I have 2 thoughts: ouch and no thank you. I heard that if you get an erection within the first six weeks it hurts like nothing else. And if you can't have sex, masturbate, or anything of the sort.
I hadnt a clue what you'd be looking to pierce so i google'd it and got;

It is a simple procedure. A needle punctures the skin, then the bar or ring is put through the opening made by it. The piercing can be through the foreskin, the skin on the shaft of the penis, the scrotum and the head of the penis. It must not pierce straight through the shaft of the penis as this could cause serious damage.

Actually done on the foreskin it could be kinda cool. I'll put it on my list of things to think about 5 years down the line when I'm bored with my 9 inch cock :)
Genital piercings are some of the fastest piercings to heal, from what I've heard. I should know about this shit since I work in the "industry", but I'm not into piercing.
Well, it's just what I've heard. Godsize probably knows more about it than me. What I heard was probably just a myth. Might want to check that out though.
Serious Q - Would this be done for the ladies pleasure or would the bloke get anything out of it, other than a rep for being "interesting" ?
Here's some required reading on the subject:


The Prince Albert, Ampallang and Apadravya piercings usually bleed and
occasionally bruise during the first 3 to 5 days.


6 to 10 months; may require a year or more to completely heal

The Ampallang is made horizontally through the glans (head). There is
debate among piercers regarding the placement of the Ampallang: whether
should be above or through the urethra. A piercing intersecting the
urethra is in effect two piercings. Piercers who prefer the
piercing contend that a transurethral piercing tends to heal faster and
stronger than a piercing made above the urethra.

Initial jewelry: Barbells in 12 to 10 gauge. The length of the barbell
be determined by measuring the penis while it is erect.


6 to 10 months; may require a year or more to completely heal

The Apadravya is made vertically through the glans, in front of the
(ridge of the glans), and is often a continuation of the Prince Albert.
Healing time can be less if the piercing is a continuation of the Prince
Albert. The Apadravya tends to heal faster than the Ampallang due to
irrigation with urine and because the Apadravya involves less tissue
the Ampallang.

Initial jewelry: Barbells in 12 to 10 gauge. The length of the barbell
be determined by measuring the penis while it is erect.


2 to 4 months

Dydoe piercings are usually done as a pair, at the 10 and 2 o'clock
through the corona (ridge of the glans). Dydoe piercings are less
likely to migrate or reject if the corona is very pronounced.

Initial jewelry: Barbells in 14 gauge and 3/8" to 7/16" in length; the
barbell should be 1/16" longer than the width of the piercing. Curved
barbells are more appropriate if the corona is not very pronounced. Many
dydoe wearers find rings very uncomfortable.


2 to 4 months

This piercing can be very stimulating as the jewelry rubs against the

Initial jewelry: Captive bead rings in 12 to 10 gauge and 1/2" to 5/8"
diameter; the diameter of the ring should be at least 1/8" wider than
width of the piercing when the foreskin is retracted. A ring which is
small in diameter will constrict the piercing and cause the piercing to
migrate and scar.


2 to 4 months

This piercing is made through the loose skin along the underside of the
shaft. The depth of the piercing should be made with regards to how much
tissue is available to support the jewelry. The frenulum itself, which
sometimes left intact after circumcision, is too thin to support
The width of the piercing is usually between 3/8" and 1/2" wide. It is
necessary for the penis to be erect during placement; however, the
placement may change when the penis is erect.

A series of frenum piercings is called a FRENUM LADDER. The skin of the
lower half of the penis tends to be thinner and tighter, increasing the
chance of migration or rejection. Tension is increased if the barbell
exert pressure against the skin behind them.

A frenum piercing made at the base of the penis has acquired the name
short for "lower frenum."

If the wearer is uncircumcised the piercing is placed inside the
foreskin. A
ring is usually chosen to be more comfortable than a barbell. The
should not be made through only the frenulum which is too thin to suport
jewelry. Some uncircumcised men have naturally occurring holes through

Initial jewelry: Barbells in 12 to 10 gauge and 1/2" to 5/8" in length;
barbell should be 1/8" longer than the width of the piercing. Rings can
worn only if enough loose tissue is available. The diameter of the ring
should be at least 1/4" wider than the width of the piercing. No more
1/4 of the ring should be through the piercing. A ring which is too
small in
diameter will constrict the piercing and cause the piercing to migrate

After the piercing is healed, a large diameter ring which snugly
the penis behind the corona (ridge of the glans) can be worn if the
placement of the piercing allows. A frenum loop is a horse-shoe shaped
of wide flat or round wire which can be attached to the barbell. Some
designs have balls soldered onto the outside of the loop to stimulate
wearer's partner.


4 to 6 months

The guiche piercing is made horizontally at the base of the scrotum,
the perineum, just in front of the position of the inseam of a pair of
pants. Attaching weights to this piercing is said to be extremely

An outward facing fold of loose skin is optimum for this piercing. For
men the area is flat which increases the risk of migration or rejection.

Guiche piercings can be difficult to heal because of friction and
against the wearer's thighs and pants. Guiche piercings are also easily
irritated by perspiration and lack of air circulation. Occasionally a
or protrusion of soft, inflamed tissue will form around the entrances
of the
piercing. Keep the piercing as dry as possible and wear non-restrictive
clothing that allows air circulation. Usually the inflamed tissue
recedes as
the piercing heals.

Initial jewelry: Captive bead rings in 12 to 10 gauge and 9/16" to 5/8"
diameter; the diameter of the ring should be at least 1/4" wider than
width of the piercing. No more than 1/4 of the ring should be through
piercing. A ring which is too small in diameter will constrict the
and cause the piercing to migrate and scar. Guiche piercings can swell
considerably during the first 4 to 6 weeks, and the ring must be wide
to accommodate swelling. Circular may have a tendency to unscrew with
friction from walking.


2 to 4 months

The Prince Albert piercing placed on the underside of the penis behind
glans in the center of the triangle which can be visualized in the "V"
the glans. If a frenulum is present, the piercing should be made
slightly to
one side; the piercing is usually made on the opposite side of the
the wearer "dresses" (the direction the penis leans in pants) to reduce

This piercing is usually performed with the aid of a needle receiving
inserted into the urethra; the piercing is made from the outside and
into the tube far enough that the tip of the needle is outside of the
urethra when the tube is removed. Some piercers have devised alternate
methods of piercing from the inside out.

It is possible to have a successful P.A. piercing if the wearer is not
circumcised. A curved barbell is suggested if the foreskin is not loose
enough to accommodate a ring. Pressure exerted by the foreskin on a ring
often causes the piercing to migrate or reject. If the foreskin is too
to be completely retracted, the bottom edge of the foreskin can be cut
removed. This procedure can, in some cases, be considered medically
necessary if the foreskin is so restrictive that it is painful during
erection or sexual activity. This procedure should be performed by a

Initial jewelry: Captive bead rings in 10 gauge and 5/8" to 3/4" in
diameter; the diameter of the ring should be 1/8" wider than the
distance between the piercing and the urethral opening. A ring which is
too small in diameter will constrict the piercing and possibly tear the
urethra when the penis is erect.

Curved barbells in 10 gauge and 1/2" to 3/4" in length; the length
should be
approximately equal to or 1/16" longer than the distance between the
piercing and the urethral opening. The ball at the urethral end should
large enough to prevent it from slipping into the urethra.

The piercing itself will not leak when the wearer urinates unless the
piercing has been stretched beyond the thickness of the ring. The urine
that is associated with the [words=]PA[/words] is a result of the urine dripping from
jewelry. Turning the penis 90 to 180 degrees while holding the ring to
side often prevents dripping.

It is not uncommon for a Prince Albert piercing to stretch two or more
gauges within the first year with frequent sexual activity or heavy
jewelry. Wearing jewelry that is too thin or too heavy can cause the
urethral lining to deteriorate

The REVERSE PRINCE ALBERT piercing is made through the top of the glans,
usually about 3/8" to 1/2² from the top edge of the urethral opening.

The DOLPHIN is essentially two Prince Albert piercings with a single
of jewelry, usually a curved or U-shaped barbell. Because the second
piercing may be fairly deep into the shaft, it may take longer to heal
a standard Prince Albert piercing and may cause urethral irritation and
Here's some more shit to read about mutilating, er, I mean "enhancing" your pecker...


4 to 6 months

While piercings can be made anywhere on the scrotum, piercings made
an outward facing fold of loose skin are more successful. The piercing
not puncture the testicle sac itself which can lead to very serious

Scrotum piercings can be difficult to heal. The scrotum expands and
contracts which exerts stress on the entrances of the piercing. Scrotum
piercings are easily irritated by perspiration, lack of air
circulation, and
friction against the wearer's clothing, thighs and penis. Occasionally a
ring or protrusion of soft, inflamed tissue will form around the
of the piercing. Keep the piercing as dry as possible and wear
non-restrictive clothing that allows air circulation. Usually the
tissue recedes as the piercing heals.

Initial jewelry: Captive bead rings in 14 to 10 gauge and 9/16" to
11/16" in
diameter; the diameter of the ring should be at least 1/4" wider than
width of the piercing. No more than 1/4 of the ring should be through
piercing. A ring which is too small in diameter will constrict the
and cause the piercing to migrate and scar. Scrotum piercings can swell
considerably during the first 4 to 6 weeks, and the ring must be wide
to accommodate swelling.


Genital piercings are intended to enhance sensation for the wearer and,
the case of male piercings, his partner during intercourse. However,
genital jewelry does require caution during certain activities,
if the piercing has not yet completely healed. In some cases, the
activity can be impeded by the jewelry.

New piercings do not prohibit sexual activity. However, exposure to the
partner's bodily fluids must be prevented to reduce the risk of
even in a monogamous relationship. Numerous microorganisms, including
bacterias and yeasts, are present in genital and oral cavities. Saliva
should not be used as a lubricant for masturbation or intercourse while
the piercing is healing. Both partners should wash their hands before
touching the jewelry or the piercing. Latex barriers (condoms, dental
dams) should be used during all genital-genital or oral-genital contact.
After piercings have completely healed, they are no longer susceptible
infection and are no more susceptible to transmitting and contracting
disease-causing organisms than the surrounding skin (mucous membranes
naturally more susceptible). However, piercings can be injured by
strenuous activity or recent stretching; minute and non-visible tears
within the piercing which yields the piercing susceptible to infection
and disease transmission.

In the case of Prince Albert, Ampallang and Apadravya piercings,
erection or
orgasm may cause the piercing to bleed during the first week. Strenuous
sexual activity during the healing period may prolong healing and cause
uncomfortable scarring.

Penis piercings with average-sized jewelry rarely interfere with the
use of condoms. Condoms with larger receptical ends will fit comfortably
over penis jewelry. Lubricating the inside of the condom as well as the
jewelry itself will reduce friction. Diaphrams and cervical caps can be
dislodged by curved barbells or circular barbells worn in the Prince

Penis jewelry rarely impedes comfortable male-female intercourse.
and stimulation are greatly influenced by the position of intercourse
the relative dimensions of the penis and vagina. Discomfort to either
partner can often be alleviated by changing the dimensions or style of
jewelry. Some women find piercings with barbells, such as frenum,
and Ampallang piercings, uncomfortable. Shortening the barbell or
smaller barbell balls may reduce discomfort. A frenum barbell may be
substituted by a ring. A large diameter ring which snugly encircles the
penis behind the corona (ridge of the glans) can be worn if the
placement of
the piercing allows.

Discomfort caused by friction against the jewelry or friction within the
piercing can be alleviated by applying a water based lubricant to the

Exerting pressure or pulling on jewelry that is too thin will be
uncomfortable and may injure or tear the piercing. The thicker the
the more surface area over which pressure is distributed. The depth of
piercing should also be considered; a shallow piercing is more likely to
tear or be injured.

Most men have found that penis piercings 12ga or thinner tend to be
uncomfortable or pinch during sexual activity. Once the piercing has
stretched to a thicker gauge the pinching sensation disappears.

There is no evidence that piercings of the penis cause urinary tract
infections in either partner.

On rare ocassions penis jewelry has been known to chip teeth or become
lodged in the partner's throat during oral sex. (Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!! Funny!)
Just had a thought that these *may* make Penis Enlargement harder or awkward? I'm only on phase 1 so cant comment on the later exercises, but even a Jelq could be made trickier by a foreskin piercing.
Anyway, each to their own and I'd admire anyone who had the desire/bravery/madness to get these done :)
I wouldn't recommend jelqing with any kind of dick piercing, whether it's healed or not. I wouldn't recommend dick piercing either. I think it's fuckin' stupid.

If you really really want one, you should reach your Penis Enlargement goals first... unless you don't mind taking 4 or 5 months off Penis Enlargement, because you'll run the risk of reopening your wound or getting an infection or both.

Getting a bigger dick should be more than enough to increase your partner's and your pleasure, why would you need a piercing after doing that?
The question is: does anyone here have a piercing?

Some experience is required to answer, not opinions. When you say things like "its stupid to mutilate your dick" you sound ignorant.

Many thousands of men have full normal sex lives with pierced genitals. And some guys at Thunder's are expert on the subject. Maybe you should try asking over there. They may not be so quick to judge your interests.

I was thinking about getting my shaft pierced when I am done with Penis Enlargement but only when I am done.

When I am done, probably in 2 or more years, I *may* think about getting my shaft pierced. I think it would give me extra stimulation on my shaft, although I am not sure it would. The piercing of the glans would be insane and I'd never do that, the shaft though I feel I could handle the pain. It was just an idea.
BeBobBox said:
Something I do want to do is get a tatoo around the base of my penis so when women are givin me head they can see it :D

Shit man, what are you having down there?

"Spit or swallow?"

or maybe

"less teeth please"
levista said:
Shit man, what are you having down there?

"Spit or swallow?"

or maybe

"less teeth please"

haha those sound good. If i reach my goal of 8 x 6 im gonna tatoo that above my penis, so everyone knows how big it is after they see it. lol
Godsize said:
I hope the information I posted was helpful to you. You're welcome.

Yeah come on guys, Godsize posts a crapload of good info that you were looking for and you act like nothing happened. Give the man some thanks!

And for the record, I would never pierce Cyclops. I don't think he'd appreciate it very much. :D
Yea thanks Godsize, my bad about that, I had read your info but completely forgot to give thanks where thanks was needed. So a big thank you to Godsize.
It's cool. Just trying to help.

If you are going to get a genital piercing (or any piercing for that matter), do your research and make sure you go to someone who knows what they are doing!!!

If the place you go to sells pipes and bongs and shit, avoid it like the plague.
Godsize said:
If the place you go to sells pipes and bongs and shit, avoid it like the plague.

For the most part. There was this one place in my hometown called The Psychedelic Shack that sells all that stuff, but they're the best anywhere around there. They're very sterile and professional about it all. But otherwise I would say definitely avoid most places like that.
Actually, the postings here made me laugh out loud. I totally agree with davidwh, we pull ours dicks as hard as we can, squeeze them, jelq them and hang weights from them, wouldn't this count as damaging your penis to people not into Penis Enlargement? Still some people think it's necessary to make ignorant comments. If someone posted their new Penis Enlargement exercise in the main forum and your reply simply would be "ouch", would that seem like an intelligent and open minded comment?

Godsize - You say you are in "the business"? What do you do? I'm in the business aswell.
I just think if I can withstand hanging, pumping, constricting, bundling and tugging on my dick... why can't I have a little needle go through the underside of my shaft when I am don't with Penis Enlargement, I could never get it through the glans OMG that would be like poking my eye out lol.

But anything I do like that I'd get after I hit my goal and cemented it.

I also want a tatoo that says Spit or Swallow? at the base of my dick :-D

I'm a tattoo artist. I don't do piercings, though. It doesn't interest me and it never really did. It's quick money though, but that's not why I chose this profession. I don't even know how or why piercing became married to tattooing. Like, if you tattoo, people expect you to know how to pierce as well. What's up with that? What is this? The one stop body-mod shop at the fuckin' mall?? Grrr.

How about you? You an artist too?

But yeah seriously...if you wanna pierce your cock, go to a place that specializes in genital piercings. The last thing you want is some hack who learned how to pierce from a fucking video trying to jab at your pisshole. You definitely don't want that.
I've thought about doing this actually, later on down the road. I considered getting a large guage prince albert a 6 guage or a size bigger (around a 3/16" diameter piece of metal) ....I bet after it healed you could rig some sort of "ADS" setup too. I'm afraid that my girth work or any other Penis Enlargement that I may want to do before I hit my goal size may fuck up the piering though and keep it from healing.
"If someone posted their new Penis Enlargement exercise in the main forum and your reply simply would be "ouch", would that seem like an intelligent and open minded comment?"

Hasn't that actually happened a few times already?

Still -

I've thought about that too... using a dick piercing as weight-hanging apparatus. Even if you waited for it to be fully healed, I don't think it would work as good as I imagine it. The amount of pull you'd need to get a good stretch in the shaft would be too much stress on the relatively tiny area where the piercing is, causing it to just rip right out. Ow, man.

But you know what dude? I'll bet you that somewhere on this planet, somebody's already doing it.

Have you ever seen of or heard of "suspension"? It's when a bunch of people get together and take turns hanging off the ground by big fish hooks strategically placed (gouged) through different areas of the body. Their skin never seems to tear, so you never know.

Perhaps can offer some answers to these burning questions.
Last edited:
Godsize said:
"If someone posted their new Penis Enlargement exercise in the main forum and your reply simply would be "ouch", would that seem like an intelligent and open minded comment?"

Hasn't that actually happened a few times already?

Still -

I've thought about that too... using a dick piercing as weight-hanging apparatus. Even if you waited for it to be fully healed, I don't think it would work as good as I imagine it. The amount of pull you'd need to get a good stretch in the shaft would be too much stress on the relatively tiny area where the piercing is, causing it to just rip right out. Ow, man.

But you know what dude? I'll bet you that somewhere on this planet, somebody's already doing it.

Have you ever seen of or heard of "suspension"? It's when a bunch of people get together and take turns hanging off the ground by big fish hooks strategically placed (gouged) through different areas of the body. Their skin never seems to tear, so you never know.

Perhaps can offer some answers to these burning questions.

A guy that works at the smoke shop I go to has two things in his back for doing this, he showed me some pictures, looks pretty freaky.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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