The MityVac beats-out The Bathmate in all categories...convenience being the most important. I can lie in bed before falling asleep and get 30-40 minutes of PE, (I've even toyed with the idea of sleeping with it on at a very low HG). I still use my BM, but since it's a 'shower-only', I only have it on for maybe 10 minutes now. Being able to infinitely size the cylinder is also a major 'win', since you can fine-tune your area of focus...I'm strictly pumping for length so the cylinder being equal (or slightly narrower) than my MSEG also eliminates almost 100% of any Fluid Retention (the bane of my Bathmate). I also like the ability to vary the pressure during any given session. It's only been a couple of weeks, but I can see this product being the ultimate 'Plateau Buster' for me

Wow? awesome comparison!
*quick update*
I've been fairly consistent with The MityVac, (use it for 15 minutes in the shower...then 20-30 minutes in the evening) and have noticed that I reach my max (a tad over 21 cms or 8 3/8") almost immediately at around 10hg. I'm hoping this is a good sign. I've 'toyed' with pumping to 20 Hg, but that's a tad too intense (even for me), but it's fun to push past 8 1/2" (perhaps this is my near-term 'potential')
*quick update*
I've been fairly consistent with The MityVac, (use it for 15 minutes in the shower...then 20-30 minutes in the evening) and have noticed that I reach my max (a tad over 21 cms or 8 3/8") almost immediately at around 10hg. I'm hoping this is a good sign. I've 'toyed' with pumping to 20 Hg, but that's a tad too intense (even for me), but it's fun to push past 8 1/2" (perhaps this is my near-term 'potential')

Glad you are okay...Great to see you back posting. :)
I’m so happy to see you back my brother I was worried where you went things aren’t the same without you here. So happy to see you today ❤️
I've never left...just been busier than usual.

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*quick update*
I've been fairly consistent with The MityVac, (use it for 15 minutes in the shower...then 20-30 minutes in the evening) and have noticed that I reach my max (a tad over 21 cms or 8 3/8") almost immediately at around 10hg. I'm hoping this is a good sign. I've 'toyed' with pumping to 20 Hg, but that's a tad too intense (even for me), but it's fun to push past 8 1/2" (perhaps this is my near-term 'potential')
I added a silicone sleeve to the opening of my BM9 and are able to use the BM+VineVac dry with a perfect seal.
Measuring the hg accurately is an immense benefit though.. When you pull and push the cylinder a bit up and down you can reach higher hg without too much discomfort. I think short spikes into 10hg+ can be beneficial.
I was going to wait a full 90 days to do another 'in-tube' measurement, but curiosity got the best of me so I snapped this pic (two weeks early) looks like I may have gained about 1/8th + of an inch. My previous best was almost exactly on the 21cm hash-mark and this latest shot has me just under the 'MityVac' logo, so maybe 21.3 cms? I'm in the US so the Imperial Measurement would be 8 1/4"-8 3/8"'s a slow-go, but if I can gain 1/16" each month, then in 12 months I'll have hit my 9" goal.
I was going to wait a full 90 days to do another 'in-tube' measurement, but curiosity got the best of me so I snapped this pic (two weeks early) looks like I may have gained about 1/8th + of an inch. My previous best was almost exactly on the 21cm hash-mark and this latest shot has me just under the 'MityVac' logo, so maybe 21.3 cms? I'm in the US so the Imperial Measurement would be 8 1/4"-8 3/8"'s a slow-go, but if I can gain 1/16" each month, then in 12 months I'll have hit my 9" goal.

missed you ❤️
@Big Schwanz Acht When you pump, do you use a sleeve or a condom at all?
100% Commando, when I pump in the shower I use a high-viscous hair coconut oil for all other sessions. I sized the MityVac cylinder to closely match my MSEG which creates more of a 'compression pump' that imparts the majority of the pressure/forces along the length, A side-benefit of this set-up, is that creating a vacuum is almost immediate since I'm essentially 'sealed' along my entire shaft. My 'go-to' Hg is usually 10, but I'll pump-up to 15-20 for a minute or two and then back-off...the beauty of The MityVac is the ability to modulate pressure (up or down) immediately. I may incorporate 'pulse-pumping' where I'll go from 20 to 10 and back several times (I did this in my modded X40)...that might keep things guessing...
100% Commando, when I pump in the shower I use a high-viscous hair coconut oil for all other sessions. I sized the MityVac cylinder to closely match my MSEG which creates more of a 'compression pump' that imparts the majority of the pressure/forces along the length, A side-benefit of this set-up, is that creating a vacuum is almost immediate since I'm essentially 'sealed' along my entire shaft. My 'go-to' Hg is usually 10, but I'll pump-up to 15-20 for a minute or two and then back-off...the beauty of The MityVac is the ability to modulate pressure (up or down) immediately. I may incorporate 'pulse-pumping' where I'll go from 20 to 10 and back several times (I did this in my modded X40)...that might keep things guessing...

That’s because I’m so used to you posting all the time and when I don’t see you posting I think you went away. I’m sorry I just worry.
I've had my share of bumps/bruises over the years, but this is the first time I've experienced a huge blister on my glans from over-pumping! It was the size of a marble! I was going to take a pic, but I was too disgusted...waited a day to see if it would just go-away on its own (and it did reduce in size by about 50%, it was still 'a problem'). I mustered-up the courage and popped it! A quick/short spurt of fluid, and it was gone! A very thin piece of flappy skin remained, but essentially back to normal.

I guess this should be a lesson. My excitement of seeing what I had gained over the last 2 1/2 months caused me to over-do it...stupid and I should know better. I'll be taking the next few days off to make certain it's 100% healed
I've had my share of bumps/bruises over the years, but this is the first time I've experienced a huge blister on my glans from over-pumping! It was the size of a marble! I was going to take a pic, but I was too disgusted...waited a day to see if it would just go-away on its own (and it did reduce in size by about 50%, it was still 'a problem'). I mustered-up the courage and popped it! A quick/short spurt of fluid, and it was gone! A very thin piece of flappy skin remained, but essentially back to normal.

I guess this should be a lesson. My excitement of seeing what I had gained over the last 2 1/2 months caused me to over-do it...stupid and I should know better. I'll be taking the next few days off to make certain it's 100% healed
You and I both! But through the mistakes we have learned lessons and through our overzealous ways we have become more realistic. With every mistake I make I’m giving the opportunity to learn and grow.
I want to start doing girth exercises this weekend and I remember you told me some time ago about a particular water based lubricant you use for girth. Can you please recommend some water based lubricants?
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yep, I liberally lube-up and go straight into the MityVac cylinder with the highest EQ possible...use caution cuz it's really easy to overdo it (I just came-off the 'disabled list' yesterday from being too aggressive a few weeks ago)

Glad that you are healed and you’re back in action.
The MityVac (and to a greater extent, PE) is such a part of my daily routine, it felt really odd being 'on-the-shelf'...although I did have a bit of extra time for other stuff

It’s good every once in a while to take a step back and regroup ourselves. But I know that you’ll get right back on the horse and keep on going. But it’s always a wonderful thing when someone takes a break and they make it back as you well now.
just finished a full week of daily training without incident...I'm not quite back to where my previous personal best was, but I''m very very close. looking forward to another week of 'hard labor' :)
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just finished a full week of daily training without incident...I'm not quite back to where my previous personal best was, but I''m very very close. looking forward to another week of 'hard labor' :)

So good to hear my brother. Another week of hard labor another bit of growth!
when do you gauge your "records"? At any time or at the end of a session? I feel like the fluid expansion after a long session doesn't count(in my case)
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when do you gauge your "records"? At any time or at the end of a session? I feel like the fluid expansion after a long session doesn't count(in my case)

The only reason to measure girth after a session is to be sure you’re getting expansion. As far as measuring I would wait 48 hours of doing nothing before you measure.
when do you gauge your "records"? At any time or at the end of a session? I feel like the fluid expansion after a long session doesn't count(in my case)
Mike (DLD) is correct...I'll take a 'before session' measurement for girth, and I just use the gauge on The MityVac to make certain I'm progressing. My 2-week recovery brought my 'in-cylinder' personal best down by 1/2" (but I'm back to 8 1/3"- 8 1/2" after resuming...thankfully).

Just finished my evening [words=!!!]LM[/words]/BM routine and feel really good about it. I'm usually vary skeptical of the [words=]BM[/words] gauge/sticker thingy after I took a ruler and a tape-measure to it with a fully compressed [words=]gaiter[/words] on my kitchen counter...false-positive by .375", grrrr. So now I make a mental adjustment when I'm at 100% suction and my last segment showed 8.50" consistently and when I started my Kegel/Reverse Kegel/Thrust/Release exercise, I hit 8.75"!! These get dumbed-down to 8.125" and 8.375" respectively, but it's still progress. I'm going to hazard a guess that my 7 sessions w/the [words=!!!]LM[/words] may have given me 1/16" to an 1/8" gain. I think I'm going to double-down on the [words=!!!]LM[/words]
Just got it! I was like, what the heck does he mean??? Then I saw depends :)

Play on words? Depends/deep-ends? If so, very funny...if not, I don’t get it...?
Always do length before girth or do an every other day workout. Upon expansion the penis becomes harder to stretch, the more expansion the more rigid the stretch will be. I suggest the two things above, either every other day or length before girth. Every other day would be:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Length
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: Girth
Sunday: Off


Length in the AM and Girth ion the PM

How about Length and girth in the am and length and girth in the pm...and length any other time you can manage to sneak it in...

I’m working on length first then girth so I don’t need to worry about potential oedema and this effecting my length work. I’m also not climaxing during girth (at least not fully - I edge to the point of dry orgasm a half dozen times most girth sessions for optimum natural expansion before kegeling and trapping blood and SSJ...rinse and repeat.) so doing length first works best for me. I also think it gives my life a chance to be worked before the tunica completely warms up and starts taking some of the stretch...then once I’ve finished I feel the tunica is ready to be stretched laterally with girth work...all manual except for a kind of evolved version of DLD sock stretch that utilises the core muscles in a VERY controlled rocking/bouncing motion (dubbing it the ‘sock cock rock’ as of right now...) I’m sure it’s not new but I’ve not seen it mentioned anywhere yet (but there are probably a million posts I haven’t read yet.) it involves shorter sharper stretches leading into longer stretches. The motion actually feels like it works both the upper and lower logs in one full movement. Definitely shocks the system and requires a lot of care and attention but I’m hoping it will work. I’ve seen that most people advocate longer stretch times than what can be described as ‘bouncing’ the connective tissue in the pelvis. I’m doing both to keep my body guessing but it is not fit the faint hearted. You have to be 100% focused the whole time...I’d hate to think what could happen if you’re not...! Anyway, in the short time I’ve been employing it (every day for over a week) it has fatigued my ligs (upper and lower/lower sides) very quickly and allowed me to really feel it on every longer stretch that I have taken throughout the rest of the day without any ‘real’ discomfort (just the usual deep - almost pleasant... - ache related to fatigue and a good workout - akin to muscular fatigue post workout .

I’ll keep details to myself for now as I’d prefer no one gets hurt if it turns out to be dangerous but if it works I’ll post a write up. If it doesn’t, I’ll post that too. If I rip off my cock (or worse...?), I’ll post a warning...

Sorry for posting in BSA’s progress. I was just going to mention how often I like to workout and it spilled into a much larger post. On a semi- related post. I’m many hours into BSA’s log and still enjoying it!
Maybe just to have huge nuts??
Remember the guy in the documentary with DLD?? He wanted and had some huge nuts!!

I wouldn’t be surprised if it had a positive effect on testosterone production. I read something suggesting that massage has that effect so it would stand to reason pumping would.
I’m game. She needs to fit the following requirements:

Wants and loves children
Empathetic and sympathetic
Big Butt
Tiny waist
Big natural boobs
Big calves
Big lips
Excellent cook
Excellent cleaner
Gives me space
Has similar interests and beliefs
Just to name a few ?

Don’t forget the ‘dumb, deaf and blind’ and willing to put up with you ‘working from pm to am’...!

You’re not asking for much...!

...But I’m sure she’s out there!
Mike (DLD) is correct...I'll take a 'before session' measurement for girth, and I just use the gauge on The MityVac to make certain I'm progressing. My 2-week recovery brought my 'in-cylinder' personal best down by 1/2" (but I'm back to 8 1/3"- 8 1/2" after resuming...thankfully).

So, how does this story end (or continue) BSA...? I’ve just gone from cover to cover, and upon reaching the last post it looks like four months have gone by to date...

Loved the progress log. I’ve not pumped yet but I’m definitely thinking of doing so. I’ve got well above average girth naturally (I consider PE natural so I guess I’ll revise that by saying pre-PE) but I’d like to be plus 7”’ve made me think it’s possible and that it might be done in a relatively short period of time with the right attitude! You’ve inspired me to at least attempt to adopt this!

How are you getting on with length work in the mityvac? Is the compression pumping working?

I can understand that your predilection towards new ‘objective subjective’ affirmations that PE works and that gains are being made (I.e. field trips) might have been stifled with social distancing, and I hope that you’re coping with this and that you’re generally well otherwise! Looking forward to seeing more posts and updates!
BSA comes in every couple of weeks to update, he’s very busy right now but I’m sure if time frees up he’ll be here more often.
Thanks for the bump, gents! My PE endeavors have been relegated to a 15-20 minute session in the shower w/the MityVac and I have not used The BM in several weeks (not sure why, probably just hope against hope that The MV would be my 'silver bullet'). I'm consistently hitting 21 cms (and if I push/flex/strain I can exceed that by a few mms) but no new length or change in girth. Obviously I'll need to employ my LengthMaster or switch-up the routine. My state has been 'locked-down' since the beginning, so that ego-boost I get from 'field-trips' has been on really nothing new to report on the PE front.
I'm thankful this pandemic has not had much of an economic affect on me, but my heart goes-out to any/every one who's struggling. I try to help-out in my community, but the sheer magnitude of this has disrupted even the stablest of homes.
Good to hear from my brother. I am very happy that the quarantine has not affected you. It is killing the economy, we need to get back to work or there will be no work. I am happy you are helping out in your community! We are all in this together❤️
Just an annual 'proof-of-life' post...not much new to report. Consistently using The MityVac on average 20-30 minutes per day and maintaining 21cms, with a smidge more if I push to my max. I think I may have reached my limit, but I'll keep at it since it's become a part of my 'lifestyle', LOL

How is everything else going my brother? It’s been so long.
Super-busy w/work, (but being able to conduct business from home has been a blessing). I realize how fortunate I am and take nothing for granted...hoping we all get through this w/out too much collateral damage
Super-busy w/work, (but being able to conduct business from home has been a blessing). I realize how fortunate I am and take nothing for granted...hoping we all get through this w/out too much collateral damage

So good to see you my brother. I’m glad you’re feeling so much appreciation and hope those are very big steps in making all this work. There has already been way too much collateral damage and I hope it ends soon. So happy to see you back and God bless you my brother
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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