Big Schwanz Acht;720456 said:
Hey Mike, there's a strong probability of 'adult entertainment-links' within my routine thread...feel free to ixnay any that you deem inappropriate

I will purge the thread for you. :)
Big Schwanz Acht;720522 said:
Thank you...I always had a tinge of guilt and regret for that 'stage' I seemed to be going through at that time

Did I miss something?

How you been old man? I bet that eggnog and cookies worked wonders for your golf swing! This year I will be hitting the 7" nbpel mark hopefully before May with a tiny bit of luck and a lot of cawk(a.k.a. cock, penis, johnson, fuckstick) pulling. Which means there should be a roadtrip scheduled soon ;).
My ancient-@ss is DONE with Old Man Winter...haven't touched a club for weeks. Been playing a bit of tennis lately, tho. Door's always open whenever you're up for it :)

Hope you had a good Holiday w/the family...welcome back!
Big Schwanz Acht;720522 said:
Thank you...I always had a tinge of guilt and regret for that 'stage' I seemed to be going through at that time

Good Man! If only a few join me in this quest I will feel happy. I know that it is not for everyone but to the ones who are trying to stop, there are so many graces that come with this, you have to try it to understand.
adult entertainment has never really been 'my thing''s a pale facsimile to the real thing. Now don't get me wrong, I do use it for my PE sessions just to keep things 'on-track', but adult entertainment is rarely enough for me to finish. A wonderfully wet and accommodating vagina?...that's another story :)
Big Schwanz Acht;720637 said:
it's a pale facsimile to the real thing

So true! And I agree that stimulation needs to be used in PE and this stimulations can come from many sources, I think what is most important is the source is something that does not cause damage.
rocky1243;721115 said:
Don't give yourself a heart attack now... old man. Take it easy.

Swan says adult entertainment doesnt do it for him, I gave him a vr goggles and he got so scared he shit his diaper xD oh man gawdam. Can we get border control in here ?
templnite;721119 said:
Swan says adult entertainment doesnt do it for him, I gave him a vr goggles and he got so scared he shit his diaper xD oh man gawdam. Can we get border control in here ?

What do old men smell like?

Depends, lol
Big Schwanz Acht;721198 said:
What do old men smell like?

Depends, lol

Just got it! I was like, what the heck does he mean??? Then I saw depends :)
a slight set-back yesterday...was too aggressive with bundles in my [words=!!!]LM[/words] and when I started my [words=]BM[/words] session there was blood after less than 5 minutes, arrrgh! I thought I was conditioned enough for the extra intensity, but clearly not! Just another reminder to always listen to your body, (there was a bit of pain when I was stretching while bundled BTC in my [words=!!!]LM[/words], but I powered-through it...big mistake).
Looks like I'll be on The IR for a day or two. Stay safe, gentlemen!
Best of time healing BSA, I hope you'll heal quickly! It's just human to make an error, sometimes you just bite through the pain and think you'll be fine for more, but of course we all have our breaking points. I'm sure you'll recover fine and you will reach that amount of intensity you were going for, without pain!
Big Schwanz Acht;723624 said:
a slight set-back yesterday...was too aggressive with bundles in my [words=!!!]LM[/words] and when I started my [words=]BM[/words] session there was blood after less than 5 minutes, arrrgh! I thought I was conditioned enough for the extra intensity, but clearly not! Just another reminder to always listen to your body, (there was a bit of pain when I was stretching while bundled BTC in my [words=!!!]LM[/words], but I powered-through it...big mistake).
Looks like I'll be on The IR for a day or two. Stay safe, gentlemen!

Always listen to your body! What exactly is the injury Big?
doublelongdaddy;723641 said:
Always listen to your body! What exactly is the injury Big?

I've been preaching this from Day-One and then I decide that it'll never happen to me...arrogance, pure arrogance...dumb. Anyway, I caused a slight tear in my urethra and got a few droplets of blood in my [words=]X40[/words] when I attempted to get to 100% pressure...probably hit 90% when I noticed the water turning pink, arrrgh!
The last two days have been relaxing w/friends and doing zero PE, had sex Sunday night and all functions were normal. I'll go-easy today with some light reps w/The [words=!!!]LM[/words] and see how The [words=]BM[/words] feels afterward...I'm sure everything is healed.
Thanks for the concern,'s always disconcerting to see blood coming out of your body, especially 'down there'
Big Schwanz Acht;723778 said:
I've been preaching this from Day-One and then I decide that it'll never happen to me...arrogance, pure arrogance...dumb. Anyway, I caused a slight tear in my urethra and got a few droplets of blood in my [words=]X40[/words] when I attempted to get to 100% pressure...probably hit 90% when I noticed the water turning pink, arrrgh!
The last two days have been relaxing w/friends and doing zero PE, had sex Sunday night and all functions were normal. I'll go-easy today with some light reps w/The [words=!!!]LM[/words] and see how The [words=]BM[/words] feels afterward...I'm sure everything is healed.
Thanks for the concern,'s always disconcerting to see blood coming out of your body, especially 'down there'

Most of us have nicked our urethra in one way or the other and it is a scary sight but have no fears Big, it will clear up in no time and you will most likely never heave it happen again. It happened once to me and to most others I know of. Continue length work (not erect) for 2 days and then you can resume erect and girth work.
I took your advice and went easy on Wed/Th and don't have any issues...completed my full routine and all went well. On a totally unrelated topic, I've been chatting/flirting with this girl and the subject of 'size' came-up and she seems to be overly curious about it. I asked her how she determines what the 'right' size for her is and how/if she can accurately estimate how big her partners are. Apparently her preference is for large/huge and has experienced several 'huge' guys in the past and can achieve multiple climaxes much easier with bigger men. She's never actually used a tape measure on one, but used her forearm as a point of which point I let her know that I'd cover at least 90% of her arm and be thicker than her wrist...silence, lol. Long story short, we made a date for next Thursday and I'll be bringing a tape measure w/me :) (I sure hope I guessed right about her arm/wrist dimensions, it would suck if I couldn't deliver what I was bragging about)
Since I have a scheduled measurement coming-up next week, I've been increasing the intensity of both my [words=!!!]LM[/words] and [words=]BM[/words] shower-sessions and am very encouraged by consistently hitting my personal best in my [words=]X40[/words] to the point that it's my 'new-normal'. With any luck, the [words=]BM[/words] measurement and the real-world measurement will be similar, just in case the 'recon info' I gave to the d!ck-curious girl that'll be doing the 'dirty work' was dumbed-down by 5/8ths of an inch.
Big Schwanz Acht;724046 said:
Since I have a scheduled measurement coming-up next week, I've been increasing the intensity of both my [words=!!!]LM[/words] and [words=]BM[/words] shower-sessions and am very encouraged by consistently hitting my personal best in my [words=]X40[/words] to the point that it's my 'new-normal'. With any luck, the [words=]BM[/words] measurement and the real-world measurement will be similar, just in case the 'recon info' I gave to the d!ck-curious girl that'll be doing the 'dirty work' was dumbed-down by 5/8ths of an inch.

They will, just remain dedicated and consistent. As a mater of fact, look beyond your goal and your real goal will set in that much faster. Once the mind believes it has accomplished something it becomes ready for the next cycle. Trick your dick!
I've been using visualization techniques, mental exercises and positive self-talk in order to push myself to 9" BPEL...I think upping that to 9.50" is the next, logical step. Measuring monuments around my house really help me 'see' what that length is and that I'm slowly gaining toward it.
Thursday will be a 'big' day for me :)
Big Schwanz Acht;724143 said:
I've been using visualization techniques, mental exercises and positive self-talk in order to push myself to 9" BPEL...I think upping that to 9.50" is the next, logical step. Measuring monuments around my house really help me 'see' what that length is and that I'm slowly gaining toward it.
Thursday will be a 'big' day for me :)

Actually holding the size we desire and seeing it for what it is can be sobering. I remember going through the different size dildos in a Youtube video and I could not believe that the biggest one we had I was bigger than but it looked so much bigger as a dildo than on my body. It helps to find desired phallic sizes in objects to gain perspective.
Big Schwanz Acht;724208 said:
exactly! the mind is a powerful thing

So powerful when used right. I try to channel all energy to the moment, never allowing it to leak to the past or the future. All power is in the moment.
The way I function is staying in the present while always looking forward. Being male, our default-position is attaining a goal, (any goal) be it food/shelter or a bigger's in our DNA. Denying this will have multiple negative tackling everything in the moment with an eye on the future prize keeps my mind/body/spirit engaged and exercised.
Big Schwanz Acht;724275 said:
The way I function is staying in the present while always looking forward. Being male, our default-position is attaining a goal, (any goal) be it food/shelter or a bigger's in our DNA. Denying this will have multiple negative tackling everything in the moment with an eye on the future prize keeps my mind/body/spirit engaged and exercised.

Indeed, an eye on the future with the work in the moment.
Thanks Ark, unfortunately my ruler-angst kicked-in full effect and my EQ dropped to 80-90% and I was only able to muster 7.50"X 6.50"...epic fail. We still had fun with the whole adventure and it made the main event that much more exciting, but still wasn't what I has hoped. I did request a 'rain-check' at a future date, so I guess there's something to look/work forward to. This whole measuring thing has got my number...I can easily hit 8.50" in my [words=]X40[/words] and stay at that state all-day if I chose to and prior to climaxing, I can definitely feel's that damn ruler that's ruling me. grrrr
Bummer! Ruler-angst is true, I know that myself as well! 7.50x6.50" is still big, at least in my book! Having fun is essential and I'm very glad you did have some, rain-check is always good.

I think it's quite the struggle against the ruler fear, but if done perhaps more often, just teaching your body and mind especially that it's nothing to be scared of. Make your body accustomed to the ruler, telling your mind it's to show you've grown, you've made progress.
"Just" like putting on a condom can put some guys at weird spot (I was one of those), but with some training it has become easier.

Keep on having fun! A 6.50" girth is fantastic. Never put yourself down, rock on Brother!
arkailija;724350 said:
Keep on having fun! A 6.50" girth is fantastic. Never put yourself down, rock on Brother!

No shit, right?
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after my measuring debacle of last week, I've been questioning everything PE, (gains/routine/intensity/duration/mentality/commitment), like I said, everything. My saving grace is the fact that the [words=]BM[/words] has a gauge and I can visually see myself climbing, (albeit slowly) up the cylinder. My 'new normal' at 100% pressure is 8.375" to 8.50" (which translates into a 'real world' measurement of 8"-8.125" due to my [words=]BM[/words] sticker being about .375" optimistic). When that cutie put a tape measure to me last week, I could only muster 7.50"X6.50", but I know for a fact that I've been able to hit 7.875"X6.875" and that was back in November for Rocky's Competition.
I snapped a couple pic's from this mornings session and you can see I'm just beyond the 8.25" hash-mark, and if I gave it another pump w/my VV, I'd hit 8.50". I really wish I could overcome my ruler phobia and be able to maintain 100% EQ in order to get a 'real''s much more difficult than you'd initially think, that's for effing certain!
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big schwanz acht;724816 said:
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after my measuring debacle of last week, i've been questioning everything pe, (gains/routine/intensity/duration/mentality/commitment), like i said, everything. My saving grace is the fact that the [words=]bm[/words] has a gauge and i can visually see myself climbing, (albeit slowly) up the cylinder. My 'new normal' at 100% pressure is 8.375" to 8.50" (which translates into a 'real world' measurement of 8"-8.125" due to my [words=]bm[/words] sticker being about .375" optimistic). When that cutie put a tape measure to me last week, i could only muster 7.50"x6.50", but i know for a fact that i've been able to hit 7.875"x6.875" and that was back in november for rocky's competition.
I snapped a couple pic's from this mornings session and you can see i'm just beyond the 8.25" hash-mark, and if i gave it another pump w/my vv, i'd hit 8.50". I really wish i could overcome my ruler phobia and be able to maintain 100% eq in order to get a 'real''s much more difficult than you'd initially think, that's for effing certain!

Big Schwanz Acht;724998 said:
lol, maybe cuz I look down on it every day it doesn't seem 'big' to me...I'll just keep training and hopefully it will look huge to me one day

We never feel as big as we are, it is a simple human tendency to undermine ourselves and depend on others to give us that confidence. So let me tell you, you have a monster! :)
doublelongdaddy;725069 said:
We never feel as big as we are, it is a simple human tendency to undermine ourselves and depend on others to give us that confidence. So let me tell you, you have a monster! :)

yep i get fucking stressed when i keep my hands off the devices,i just dont know when im going to stop:cool: but yeah im not supposed to need other people approval to make myself feel better..fuck NO!!.:cool:
LONGERDICK7+;725088 said:
yep i get fucking stressed when i keep my hands off the devices,i just dont know when im going to stop:cool: but yeah im not supposed to need other people approval to make myself feel better..fuck NO!!.:cool:

Having a girl make any comment or look is extremely intoxicating to me...I'd guess this would be my 'crack'. My rational mind 'knows' the real deal and it shouldn't matter one iota what anyone thinks but me. This is probably going to be my ultimate downfall, but when she sees it for the first time...nothing better than the reaction. (talk about shallow, lol)
Big Schwanz Acht;725094 said:
Having a girl make any comment or look is extremely intoxicating to me...I'd guess this would be my 'crack'. My rational mind 'knows' the real deal and it shouldn't matter one iota what anyone thinks but me. This is probably going to be my ultimate downfall, but when she sees it for the first time...nothing better than the reaction. (talk about shallow, lol)

People are so worried about themselves that they have no time to worry on us. Someones opinion, good or bad, should make no difference to the one with self-confidence.
doublelongdaddy;725134 said:
People are so worried about themselves that they have no time to worry on us. Someones opinion, good or bad, should make no difference to the one with self-confidence.

Self-confidence is the primary component in almost every action/endeavor/etc. With a true core-belief in yourself, anything can be accomplished and people, (especially women) gravitate toward's an irresistible magnet. My 2+ years here have solidified and increased this beyond measure, and I have gained so much more than a larger penis. It's funny how being bigger between my legs is the catalyst for being bigger in life.
Big Schwanz Acht;725149 said:
Self-confidence is the primary component in almost every action/endeavor/etc. With a true core-belief in yourself, anything can be accomplished and people, (especially women) gravitate toward's an irresistible magnet. My 2+ years here have solidified and increased this beyond measure, and I have gained so much more than a larger penis. It's funny how being bigger between my legs is the catalyst for being bigger in life.

Indeed. We come here for a bigger penis and we end up with a bigger heart. The benefits of men helping men with such an intimate thing really makes us a family, a true Brotherhood. In our frank discussions on intimate subjects we tend to trust one another with greater zeal, and in this, other issues arise in which we improve on. Men here, because of their enlargement, end up with better jobs, better tempers, more humility, more confidence, better relationships, etc. The list ins endless when we focus on positive change.
doublelongdaddy;725232 said:
Indeed. We come here for a bigger penis and we end up with a bigger heart. The benefits of men helping men with such an intimate thing really makes us a family, a true Brotherhood. In our frank discussions on intimate subjects we tend to trust one another with greater zeal, and in this, other issues arise in which we improve on. Men here, because of their enlargement, end up with better jobs, better tempers, more humility, more confidence, better relationships, etc. The list ins endless when we focus on positive change.

I can't thank you enough for providing a safe-place for self-exploration. A place where we can all honestly and openly discuss topics/feelings/problems/emotions that otherwise would get buried in the attempt to 'fit' into society's vision of what it means to be a man. Issues of 'size' permeate everything you are/do as a man and being able to express these w/out ridicule or judgment free our essence to be the absolute best husband/BF/father/son/man you can possibly be...and maybe more.

So, again, many thanks
Big Schwanz Acht;725435 said:
(I see it now, my dog staring at me wondering where all these 'noises' are coming from...priceless)

for some reason I expected the stories to be more like 'Books on Tape' where some sultry gal would recite an erotic tale. All the same, the read was fun...thanks Grip
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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