This is from that website. The site is total shit, but after first seeing it I sometimes check the comments, more for a laugh than anything. It's always a mix of insane and stupid people posting about 14" penises and the problems they cause, and a few people commenting on the ridiculous nature of the site. Anyway, I'm nor sure how authentic this is, but I found it interesting and it is similar to some estimations I've posted in the past.

Ladies and gentlemen. I was directed to this site by a colleague/friend who found the premise interesting but the results, frankly, misleading at best and grossly exploitative at worst.

Here are a number of statistical facts to add to "the debate". Granted, many here might find such treatment as worthless or unintelligable, if one is not versed in basic probability theory. Okay, here we go.

First, using numerous clinical survey data (Kinsey, Lifestyle Condoms, etc.), i.e., mean average length of approximately 6 inches long and 4.8 inches in girth or circumference), the "ideal" penis size from the related table is possessed by no more than 1-2 men out of 100 (for the "less endowed" man of "ideal" size) and as few as 3-4 out of 10,000 men (for the men with the largest "ideal" dimensions).

Next, how many women will likely experience such size (apart from a sex toy)? Well, given the consistency of cross-national survey data from the US, Canada, and the UK indicating the average number of sexual partners women aged 18-54 have (reported anonymously) in a lifetime being around 8-9 (more often reported as the only 3-5 partners when fear of identity being revealed), the typical female would have the probability of encountering the "ideal" penis as follows:

Modest "ideal" penis:

At least one:*** ~14%-15%.
*"** "** two:******** ~2%.
*"** "** three:**** ~0.3%.

Largest "ideal" penis:

At least one:****** ~0.3%.
*"** "** two:**** ~0.001%.

How many sexual partners would a woman have to have to increase her probability to 50% of encountering "one" man with the "ideal" size range? ~40 for the modest "ideal" size and ~1,700+ for the large "ideal" size.

Moreover, consider that the probability of a woman having sex with at least one man 7 inches long, given 8-9 sexual partners, is only ~32%; however, encountering a man with 7 inches or more AND larger girth of, say, 5 1/2 inches or more is only ~15%; two partners is ~2%. The probability of having sex with a penis of 7 1/2 inches or more and 5 1/2 inches of girth or more is ~9%-10%; two partners of this size only ~1%.

Therefore, the bottom line is that a VERY large majority of women, i.e., ~85%, will NEVER EXPenis EnlargementRIENCE what is technically a "large" penis in terms of length AND girth. Thus, any discernible preference for a larger-than-average penis is likely to be conditioned by the experience of no more than 10%-15% of women, a siginficant portion of whom are more promisucous, i.e., have many more sexual partners than average in order to increase the probability of encountering a larger penis.

For the other 85% of women, however, they are likely to experience no more than 1-2 men with penises larger than the average range of 5 1/4 inches to 6 1/2 inches with girth in the range of 4 1/2" to 5 1/4 inches. For these women, they will be inclined not to know if "size matters" with respect to having a preference for a larger penis, as the size that matters to them will be that possessed by 9 out of 10 men.

Now, the inferences above should not in any way be construed to assume that women who will never experience a large penis will not at some point in their sexually active lives be curious about and/or fantasize about sex with a large penis. Human nature suggests that many if not most will be curious and/or fantasize with a partner or privately while masturbating, for example.

Most of my former partners spent considerable time caressing, fondling, licking, kissing, stroking, and looking at my penis in various states of full or partial erection, possibly because it was more alluring to touch and look at than to experience inside their bodies.

Furthermore, women who will never experience a large penis (let alone encounter the so-called "ideal" penis) might have a tendency to overestimate average or slightly larger than average, e.g., 6 1/2-6 3/4 inches, as large "for them". And, whether these women inaccurately (technically, that is) perceive a man as large (and more desirable in her mind) will tend to be affected by such intangibles as her degree of emotional committment, socioeconomic security, "recency effect" (tendency to remember as as most relevant messages or experiences most recently experienced), desire to buttress their oen status, and so on.*

In the interest of disclosure, fully erect/engorged and along the top with the fat pad pressed down to the pubic bone (the way we researchers prefer to do it, but there is legitimate reasons to use other methods to yield only slightly different results), I measure slightly less than ~6 inches flaccid and a full 8 inches long erect (as much as 8 1/2 inches long using a tape following the contour of my penis which angles slightly upward) by slightly more than 5 1/2 inches in girth, not "ideal" by the premise of this site, but more than 3 standard deviations from average for length and 1 1/2 standard deviations for girth.

I have been married for 10-11 years, was monogomaous with my wife 4-5 years before marrying, and had approximately 25 partners before my wife (most occurring from age ~20-25 with women aged 18-19 to 22-23 with limited sexual experience). Without exception I was considered larger than any partner had previously had, "very large" by I estimate half of the partners, and simply "huge" or virtually intolerable for perhaps one-third of women, ranging from petite and a little over 5' tall to as tall as 5'6" to 5' 7".

My wife confided that I am significantly larger than all of her previous sexual partners. Of the largest she recalled, he would have been an inch and a half or more shorter and with less girth, owing to her recollection that the largest partner's penis was not long enough for her to get two hands along the length, whereas she gets two hands on me with virtually my whole head to spare (she has average-sized hands).

With the possible exception of the woman on top (one of my wife's favorite) controlling depth and my thrusting angle and speed (including with my wife today after two children), I could not engage in full thrusting of my length in any position without significant discomfort to my partners to the point of having to change positions and/or thrust less deeply or cease activity altogether due to severe discomfort for my partners in numerous instances. In the worst cases from my early sexual experiences (when I was far less sophisticated in my technique), even after extended foreplay and heightened arousal, the responses from the partners ranged from crying out in pain, cursing me in anger and frustration, and hysterical laughter and embarrassment turning to tears from discomfort and air being forceably released from distended vaginas during thrusting or after I withdrew my penis.

One curious aspect of women's ways of dealing with the novel experience of a large penis was several instances in which I heard indirectly that they had commented to girlfriends or boasted about my size and relative prowess, several times after we were no longer having sex. In some of these cases, the encounter might have been perceived after the fact as a kind of accomplishment or conquest on their part, despite having experienced discomfort.

As to the illustrations on this site showing a penis of 9+ inches distending the fornix of the vagina well into the abdominal cavity, forget it. These illustrations detract greatly from credibility the site's author might desire (assuming that this site is not a farce). In my experience, for the vast majority of women, such a situation would be utterly unbearable. The connecting tissue interface of the uterus/cervix and fornix is flexible but not as pliable as shown, especially for younger women with limited sexual experience and/or those who have not had children. Such a stretching of the back of the vagina risks cervical bruising and possible trauma and hemmorrhaging of the uterus/cervix. I was able routinely (and still do with my wife) to encounter the cervix and fornix with mostly displeasure from my partners. The possible exception to this was/is penetration without thrusting into the cervix or fornix, merely remaining erect and stationary while making contact with or d!
*istending the fornix. Some (a minority) partners (including my wife) found/find this pleasureable from the perspective that they felt/feel totally filled up and then some but without the anxiety of discomfort. Most partners refused to suBathmateit to this deep penetration any longer than they could to tell me to stop.

Also, in my experience, the increased friction from the combination of much longer length than average and larger girth resulted in numerous incidents of leaving partners quite sore and unable to engage in intercourse in subsequent days (even without full penetration and deep thrusting). Along with not being permitted to thrust deeply, as a young man (as I look back now), the soreness experienced by my partners contributed to my periodic dissatisfaction with many or most of my partners, encouraging me to be more promiscuous than I would have personally liked to be, i.e., would have rather had a monogomous, committed relationship.

As a practicing urologist and clinical researcher, I estimate that I have seen approximately 7,000-8,000 penises of men of all ages and ethnicities. The overwhelming majority fall into the "average" range, whereas perhaps only 3-4 out of 100 would be considered large or very large, the same holding for small or very small. The caveat I would add to this is that, whereas blacks overall tend to conform to the normal distribution of penis size, the larger black penises are larger on average, i.e., flaccid length and girth. The largest penis I have ever personally witnessed was possessed by a young, tall (6'5") black man at more than 6 inches long while flaccid and perhaps 2 inches wide (~6 1/2 inches in circumference), essentially as large flaccid as the average erection for all men. Using the research data showing the average growth of penis length and girth from flaccid to erect states, this man probably had an erection of over 9 inches and perhaps as large as being in the 10!
* inch range with girth over 7 inches, outside the "ideal" penis range, to be sure.

The next largest group would be those of my size of which it is quite rare, perhaps only 1%-2% at most (a few more than 100 in total in 11-12 years of practicing). Two noteworthy penises were possessed by a man of Arab extraction and a Sudanese man (both ~6 inches flaccid but noticeably thicker than I am), both likely 8-9 inches erect but with girth perhaps in the upper 6 to 7 inch range.

Where does this leave us? Well, does size matter? Clearly, for the vast majority of women, it depends upon "which size" to which one is referring. For 80%-85% of women who will never experience even a large penis, let alone the "ideal" organ, size is in the context of 5 1/4 inches to 6 1/2 inches in length and no more than 5 to 5 1/4 inches in girth; to them, "that" size matters but perhaps not much more.

For the 15% of women with a statistically significant probability of experiencing at least one large penis (by length AND girth) in their lifetime (~2% experience 2 such penises), whereas only ~3%-4% of women will ever be with a man with a large penis in a monogamous relationship at any one time, size also likely matters but perhaps not in the way one might first imagine. For many of these women (virtually all in my case, including my dear wife), there is a size that is too big for many or most positions; therefore, one can further infer that only 1 out of 3 or 1 out of 4 women who experience a large penis will remain with the man, so 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 4 women who experience a large penis will have found it perhaps novel or intriguing but not compatible, ultimately, and they will never experience a large penis again.

So, ladies and gentlemen, consider as you drive the freeways and byways and walk the streets and malls of your cities, only 3-4 adult males out of 100 you see on any given day are technically "large" with ~1% or less, i.e., a few per 1,000 men, being "very large" or possessing the "ideal" penis.

Further, 8-9 out of 10 women you see will not have had and will never experience a large penis, let alone the "ideal" penis; and, of the 10-15 out of 100 women who do experience a large or very large penis, only ~4 of them will be currently with the man with a large or very large penis.

In the larger context, then, whether women prefer or desire a large penis is an abstraction and perhaps more of a "mystique" or novelty, as the vast majority of women will not actually know for certain if they prefer a large penis, as they will not experience one; most of the small minority of women who will experience a large penis will not end up in a committed relationship with a man with a large penis.

So, for you 80%+ of guys out there with erections of 5 1/4 inches to less than 7 inches in length and 4 1/2 inches to 5 1/4 inches in girth, it is "your" relative size which 8-9 out of women are conditioned to expect to experience and actually do experience and/or come to commit to. Nature selected your size to impregnate females and populate the Earth with we human beings (for better or worse). Enjoy yourselves!
Good read. I especially thought this part was interesting:

Swank said:
The next largest group would be those of my size of which it is quite rare, perhaps only 1%-2% at most (a few more than 100 in total in 11-12 years of practicing). Two noteworthy penises were possessed by a man of Arab extraction and a Sudanese man (both ~6 inches flaccid but noticeably thicker than I am), both likely 8-9 inches erect but with girth perhaps in the upper 6 to 7 inch range.

However, claiming to be a doctor, I don't like how much stuff he bases on personal experience. And the whole vaginal anatomy thing, well...he's a urologist, not a gyno. I wouldn't buy his thing about the CDS being unflexible too much. It doesn't make sense that the rest of the vagina is pliable and that part isn't. Even so, interesting read.
I think a fair portion of the 'urologist' bit is likely the product of somebody with waaay too much time on their hands. The part where the stats are broken down is what caught my attention. The likelihood and reality of women encountering really large penises seems to be a big stumbling block for a lot of men, but even of those figures aren't 100% accurate I think they indicate the proximate truth, which is that not too many women have ever seen, or will see a really large penis.

The internet is a place where almost all guys are hung and all women have had a ten-incher, which no doubt can get to messing with self-esteem. Even on a site like this, the average size estimate would tend to be somewhat inflated. I think a true look at the numbers might be helpful to some men who are feeling insecure about what they're packing.
Yeah that is a good site to look at. Keeps your head closer to the ground. I also agree that the probability stuff in the first post is probably pretty close to accurate.
:) thats pretty sweet to know, yeah i agree with that whole getting to know real numbers will help men out. But besides gains/sizes health isimportant!
Thanks for posting that swank. I enjoyed reading that and only hope the statistics ("For 80%-85% of women who will never experience even a large penis, let alone the "ideal" organ, size is in the context of 5 1/4 inches to 6 1/2 inches in length and no more than 5 to 5 1/4 inches in girth; to them, "that" size matters but perhaps not much more.") are accurate.
I think the long post from the debate website holds some serious water. It makes sense numerically at least. A true blue, 8X6 penis probably occurs less than this, but just for kicks we'll say it's like 1 in 50 men.

If a woman sleeps with ten guys, the odds are low, like never bet on it low. The chances that she's encountered more than one? Even worse. Basically the stats confirm that the even though an average might obscure the true range of penis sizes, it's safe to assume that most men are clustered around the average mark. On the internet it seems that every guy's ex has slept with an enormously well-endowed guy, or that every woman claims to have slept with at least one guy that was enormous. Well, unless all these women are sleeping with dozens and dozens of men, this just isn't the case.

Can a woman really tell the difference between a 6.5 BP and a 6.8 BP? Probably not. Do they really care that much? Certainly not. In that respect the numbers we see all the time become even less important. It's a good reminder that the best appraoch to Penis Enlargement is to do it for yourself. If you think you're going to be able to mold your penis into something that will universally please all women then you're waisting your time.
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that does not makes sense right he says that most women who experience a big penis are less likely to be with a man with that endowed length,ofcourse because there are less men whith big penises,and there are more big cock hungry girls out there i want bigger penises ive spoken to girls and alot of them have said that this might sound funny but havin g a big penis even if its too big is good because they like the pain factor of it but im sure no matter what if you can make youre penis bigger through [words=]mos[/words],im sure almost any lady can adapt to you penis and become used to it if she loves you enough :cool: all women love big huge penises so lets make them big
why do girls look at your crotches all day they love big penises simple as well i know a guy round ares and all the girtls want to sleep with him, i swear once because ive always fell a bit below average el 5.75. eg 4.55 i was in the pub and this guy from round ares who posseses close to a 10 inch hes alwasy got it out at partys rite,,, he walked into a puib once and i was stood there with me mates then everyone went omg have you seen the size of his dick,,swear these girl about 18 to 20 wers stood having a drink they overheard and you should of seen the look on there faces they were stood there there faces literally dropped and that is not bullshit it almost seemed that they just like gorped with respect and it looked like they sort of sagged a bit ,, they give the guy a look asif omg hes got a huge dick and we cnt have him,,,i felt shit and thought guys like that get all this respect i need a bigger penis,,,i will have a bigger penis than that guy
i hate guys like tha from penis debate,,i feel offended,,i spend loads of time on me penis n he come up with a statistic tha doesnt makesense put him in an aversaage sized penis a a small mans penis then he would know wa [words=]mos[/words] is about,this is m saviour, hes off his cake
I posted this originally - not sure what you're getting at. The statisitcs are pretty simple and it's supposed to be encouraging. The fact is, chances are pretty low that most women have slept with a "big guy," as we understand the term around here.

Based on real medical stats and the average number of partners, the odds are very low that most women will sleep with a guy that's on the large end of the size spectrum. People on these forums always seem to mention women self-selecting for well-hung men, but honestly I haven't seen too many instances of this in real life. Not too many women set being well hung amongst their initial dating criteria.
stridge said:
I posted this originally - not sure what you're getting at. The statisitcs are pretty simple and it's supposed to be encouraging. The fact is, chances are pretty low that most women have slept with a "big guy," as we understand the term around here.

Based on real medical stats and the average number of partners, the odds are very low that most women will sleep with a guy that's on the large end of the size spectrum. People on these forums always seem to mention women self-selecting for well-hung men, but honestly I haven't seen too many instances of this in real life. Not too many women set being well hung amongst their initial dating criteria.

I have also never heard of a woman openly talking about penis size yet, and I'm almost done with my first year of college.
10inchadvantage said:
I have also never heard of a woman openly talking about penis size yet, and I'm almost done with my first year of college.

Yeah, it just seems like a common misconception on this site with some guys that women are obsessed with penis size and seek it out specifically. Generally I tend to think that the guys that think this is the case are less experienced, but I also think hearing women talking about it once or twice has made some people really paranoid. I'll always maintain that there many, many other things that women look for over being well hung - it's just another thing you can have in your favor, but I think it's a deal break for a very tiny portion of women.
i thoroughly enjoyed reading that. girth wise I'm a statistical improbability!!

I agree with a lot of points on this though.

1. I have 4 friends, 2 are about 8 in long and have told me about having trouble with most girls they've been with (this is in highschool) however my other 2 friends (cousins) happen to be about 9 in long (one is 28 the other is 22 or so) runs in their family (i can attest to this as I have 6in girth all the men on my fathers side do as well, cousins I've talked to) where they claim taking about 20-30 minutes were able to fit inside some of the women they were with however most couldn't take all of them and 1 couldn't take ANY (better than average girth as well I believe)

2. my ex who lives next door I fooled around with yesterday (wouldn't really want much because she's kind of slutish these days) said I was huge and the biggest girth she's seen (her BF's have been black too) so I agree with the probability that most women won't ever run into a well endowed man.
It makes sense that most women will not run into a well-endowed men, and those that do, will have no idea that they've met one. Nor do they care. I'm well-endowed--no doubt about it, but the Mrs. has never mentioned it. Why? She has no idea how well endowed I am. She's just happy with what I've got and who I am--as are most women.
This fits well with anecdotal evidence I got from exes. One admitted that she was a slut and said that about 1 in 30 cocks are large.

On another subject, I have found that women with less sexual partners are less amazed with large cocks. If the 3rd dick a woman sees is large, she might think that 1 in 3 are large. then she fucks 30 guys and only sees that 1 large dick and she realizes how rare they are.
Meyer0331 said:
This fits well with anecdotal evidence I got from exes. One admitted that she was a slut and said that about 1 in 30 cocks are large.

On another subject, I have found that women with less sexual partners are less amazed with large cocks. If the 3rd dick a woman sees is large, she might think that 1 in 3 are large. then she fucks 30 guys and only sees that 1 large dick and she realizes how rare they are.

That's an interesting point - women with less experience will probably tend not to notice an exceptional size for quite what it is. Something for guys to consider the next time some one-nighter starts crowing about 'how huge' it is! Just kidding, but it's still something to consider.

I remember losing my virginity as a teenager and expecting the girl to be somehow impressed by me, as I had noticed that at least my flaccid size was a little above average and that I compared decently to at least a few porno actors that I had seen, who I assumed must be the most well hung guys around. Naturally she didn't say a word, being that she was a virgin as well and had never seen an erect penis in proximity and I doubt much if any pornography. I remember wondering why she didn't give me any props afterward, only realizing what a stupid assumption that was later on.
My wife had one other man before me. And she wouldn't watch adult entertainment for the life of her. What does she have to compare it to? This thread makes a lot of sense to me. And it also should relieve a lot of guys' anxiety.
obviously women will not talk about penis size to blokes,,i know women like the back of me hand trust me alls they talk about is the size of someones dick just like we talk about women ,,to them its interesting to see whats in the size of a mans pants ,,,trust me women praise you if you have a big dick,,say u didnt even get on that much but okay with a lady having a big dick is a factor on keeping a relatinship together,,women are very sly alot of them,,,they talk to there mates and everyone and they will avoid a man with a little penis they are horrid i know this from experience,,,choose youre women carefully alot are bad for that:O
and if you have a small penis u better be good at romance because thats the only way to win them especially fit girl they know there fit and they will have a big dick i seen fit girls with big dudes because they only want a huge dick trust me a women the majority will marry the penis 70 percent of them more than the man
I don't know my friend. I'd say that most here would agree with me when I say that 90% of the time women marry for love, security, compatability, and a million other things before dick-size. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that very, very few women have ever gotten married based primarily on the penis size of a guy. That's a pretty crazy proposition when you think about it. Do men marry women stricly on the tightness of their pussies?
StillHangin said:
are you kidding? tightness of pussy is a main requirement.

Ha, wait till the kids come, it evens out eventually. Either way, my point is that most men probably don't select their future wife based on that. I'd say looks, personality, etc, are generally going to to trump that sort of thing. Plus, if your dick is bigger, too small of a pussy isn't always a good thing . . . two sides to every street. If I met a woman that I really wanted to marry I wouldn't really give a shit how tight she was, I'd just deal with whatever.
Who gives a shit about how tight her pussy is--unless you're talking about a one-night stand--and even then. I wanted a companion for life and I found her. She has stood by me through thick and thin as I have her. She's gentle, compassionate, intelligent. She knows me like a book and her advice is almost always right on target. She has and always will be my best friend.
goinfor11x7 said:
Who gives a shit about how tight her pussy is--unless you're talking about a one-night stand--and even then. I wanted a companion for life and I found her. She has stood by me through thick and thin as I have her. She's gentle, compassionate, intelligent. She knows me like a book and her advice is almost always right on target. She has and always will be my best friend.

Brings tears to my eyes:)
Nice thread. I think most of this stuff is dead on. Sex is very emotional for women so I think having their partner not being able to be completely inside of them is probably undesirable. Me and a handful of my friends are all above average and the general consensus of the larger is that, while it does inflate your ego and make you feel powerful, it really sucks not be able to fuck a girl properly let alone having them complain, cry, or making you stop. Furthermore as far as relationships go it can definitely put a limit on the length and intensity of intercourse which is devastating, and more so for the man because he is being denied what is his. I'm also young so the complaints about soreness I've had have been after many hours of sex and the girls in my anecdotal evidence were gernal inexperienced. But from what I can gather it seems this remains true through out life. A girl that is promiscuous will obviously value a larger penis more. She knows how few and far between they are and she will be less easily hurt by them.

For most woman it is far more important that:
  1. You can get it and its HARD
  2. Stay that way for as long as they want
  3. You know how to use it

You'll get A LOT more word of mouth by being good in bed than having a big dick.

Once I had an ex-gf tease me about being small, something which she also told her friends. They made it obvious enough that I knew what they were talking about. At first it made me think she had been with huge guys because I knew, while I certainly wasn't the largest, I wasn't that small either. Of course I realized very quickly that she was just fucking with me and spreading lies to try to get back at me for leaving her for someone else. So if a girl ever does this and you don't think your small it's safe to say there is an alterer motive.

Honestly, I read all these threads about guys who have problems banging girls, yet I couldn't imagine a girl having problems taking me. What can the average woman handle? I wish there was a study that showed how much women could take on average comfortably, as in, without pain.
10inchadvantage said:
Honestly, I read all these threads about guys who have problems banging girls, yet I couldn't imagine a girl having problems taking me. What can the average woman handle? I wish there was a study that showed how much women could take on average comfortably, as in, without pain.

Yeah, I never understand that either. The vagina is apretty elastic organ, and I think most women, if properly stimulated, can take quite a lot. It depends though, as some women seem to love deep penetration but for others it's painful. I seem to recall a few surveys where women would suggest that anything over 8" starts to get in the 'iffy' category in terms of pleasure, but then again those always lead me to wonder if the meant 8", as in 8", or if they meant a woman's idea of 8". I'm not of the school that women have no concept about measurement numbers and actual size, but considering the lack of true blue 8" dicks out there, I'd wonder how many women would have had enough experience to even know what it was like.
I agree. I've had a girl see my dick and exclaim "What is that thing like 10 inches" she wasn't very bright but still I think your right most woman have no idea how big dicks are (which probably means they dont care). the vagina can accept more if the woman is turned on and relaxed. I think the vagina is an average of 6-7" long and after that is the cervix which has a varying wall diameter. near the bottom of the cervix there is a spot which is very sensitive. but its most narrow towards the front so some woman find it painful to take a man into her cervix let alone hit that spot (wherever that is).
About the kinsey data:

By now I think that's a bit outdated. That was taken in the 1930's-40's right? 100 years ago ppl on average were smaller than they are now. In the 20's the average height was 5'5-5'6, now it's 5'10. Bodybuilders from that time were also much smaller in their builds. If you put Arnold Swartzeneggar in a time machine ppl from that era wouldn't even consider him a human.

I'm not trying to say large sizes aren't rare, but they're likely less rare than they were back then. Especially with the flood of pe information on the internet since then.
newbie54 said:
About the kinsey data:

By now I think that's a bit outdated. That was taken in the 1930's-40's right? 100 years ago ppl on average were smaller than they are now. In the 20's the average height was 5'5-5'6, now it's 5'10. Bodybuilders from that time were also much smaller in their builds. If you put Arnold Swartzeneggar in a time machine ppl from that era wouldn't even consider him a human.

I'm not trying to say large sizes aren't rare, but they're likely less rare than they were back then. Especially with the flood of pe information on the internet since then.

That's kind of interesting - I don't know whether the better nutritional standards of the modern era affect penis growth. I have a feeling it doesn't, as it's true that adult height and muscular development was certainly smaller back then, but I doubt that appendages like ears, noses, etc, where statistically smaller. I'm no expert on human physiology, but I'm leaning towards pediatric nutrition not really having an impact on adult penis size.

The Kinesey data is largely considered to be inaccurate, but mainly because it was based on self-reportage through mail response, and generally only survey white, college-aged males. Modern studies where medical staff have measured men actually tend to report a smaller average size.
yes fcourse they will but alot of men can provide that ,,but can everyman provide a big penis ,,,which would they rather have the man whos got all those qualitys witha little penis or the man with all those qualitys with a big penis BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG Penis EnlargementNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS:O my penis will be taller than me
Studies have shown that guys with big dicks sleep with more women (twice as many, I think), so this doubles the chances that women get to experience a big dick.

I still believe that dick size is relatively unimportant to most girls. There's a lot more to good sex than a big dick. Girls love a guy who is confident in the bedroom and in general.
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Jambaz said:
Studies have shown that guys with big dicks sleep with more women (twice as many, I think), so this doubles the chances that women get to experience a big dick.

I still believe that dick size is relatively unimportant to most girls. There's a lot more to good sex than a big dick. Girls love a guy who is confident in the bedroom and in general.

Hah. Let me guess, your source is penissizedebate? Hahahhahaha.
10inchadvantage said:
Honestly, I read all these threads about guys who have problems banging girls, yet I couldn't imagine a girl having problems taking me. What can the average woman handle? I wish there was a study that showed how much women could take on average comfortably, as in, without pain.

So many of these reports of girls complaining about pain with large penises have a lot more to do with their age and lack of experience and the age and lack of experience of the guy banging them. With more experience on both sides and given the proper warm-up time, with all the juices flowing, I don't think dick-size matters in the least. When they relax and with the proper lubrication, they can take any size and scream for more.

goinfor11x7 said:
So many of these reports of girls complaining about pain with large penises have a lot more to do with their age and lack of experience and the age and lack of experience of the guy banging them. With more experience on both sides and given the proper warm-up time, with all the juices flowing, I don't think dick-size matters in the least. When they relax and with the proper lubrication, they can take any size and scream for more.


duely noted :)
Jambaz said:
Definitive Penis Size Survey Results

I remembered it to be more 'serious'. It still makes sense to me that well endowed men have more partners. I know I would have had more sex if I had had a bigger dick.

Take note it is an ONLINE SURVEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can be 10x7 in an online survey if I want. There are no doctors measuring scientifically, therefore, the site IS A FRAUD. Well endowed men do not necessarily have more partners. There are quite a few people out there with big dicks who have no confidence. And the only way you'd get laid if you had a bigger dick would be from your increased level of self-respect which leads to your overall confidence about yourself. Dude, girls would find it weird if you just flopped out your penis or something. Girls don't work the same way guys do. Size does not determine how much you are going to get laid; rather, it is the confidence from the perceived self-respect of your body that is going to get you laid.

If you say size can help you get laid because it makes you more confident, well, no one can argue with you on that.
10inchadvantage said:
If you say size can help you get laid because it makes you more confident, well, no one can argue with you on that.

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Guys with big dicks are more likely to be confident when it comes to women, meaning they will be more aggressive and outgoing. They will fuck more girls. Yes I know it doesn't work like that for all big guys, but I would think there is a tendency.
I read the psychology today article, very interesting stuff. I had read about how women (and men to some degree) actually prefer the physical scent of a partner that has a strongly compatiable immune system to their own, but I had never heard anything about sexual satisfaction based on latent genetic profiling. I wouldn't say their findings apply across the board (a guy could have perfect symmetry, but if he doesn't bother to ever shower and really, really sucks in bed, he's still not going to be a straight ticket to female orgasms - there are a lot of external factors that marginalize this stuff to a great extent in modern society), but that's as good of an evolutionary explanation as I've heard. I wonder though, there is a percentage of women that are almost always orgasmic and even multi-orgasmic with just about any partner, how would the study account for this segment of the population? I think in the end, female recognition of strong genetic traits facilitates orgasm but certainly doesn't create it.

I agree with 10inch about the "larger men have more sex" thing. That survey is not legitimate in any way, shape, or form. It's more likely a bunch of fifteen year olds having a laugh after school by filling out the old dick survey. Nothing based on online reportage is going to be reliable. I understand the notion of bigger guys being more confident, but all you need to do is browse these forums for a little while to see a multitude of well-endowed guys that lack confidence. And, as the other study suggests, it's more likely that the important factors in getting laid are other traits.
Jambaz said:
Studies have shown that guys with big dicks sleep with more women (twice as many, I think), so this doubles the chances that women get to experience a big dick.

I agree, and also that the hung guys are more confident sexually. While I believe most of the Dr.'s anecdotal experiences, I don't believe that the percentages are as skewed as that, partly because of this fact of hung/cocky guys sleeping around more which incidentally coincides with the doc's own experience, and partly because I don't think the surveys are that accurate.
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