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samzman said:the gov has something to do with it. bush was both being seen as an asshole cheating retard of a president who weasled his way into office, and hungry and aching with the intent of capturing sadam..that he needed the US in his corner. what better way to arrange/allow an attack on the US. the series of events that followed afterwards just points to the fact that this is all for oil and vengence. as a result, iraq gets fucked, and we get fucked. my wallet gets violated every passing day...thanks bush
samzman said:the gov has something to do with it. bush was both being seen as an asshole cheating retard of a president who weasled his way into office, and hungry and aching with the intent of capturing sadam..that he needed the US in his corner. what better way to arrange/allow an attack on the US. the series of events that followed afterwards just points to the fact that this is all for oil and vengence. as a result, iraq gets fucked, and we get fucked. my wallet gets violated every passing day...thanks bush
Duppi_Krizzle said:The US dollar is goin down by design and the solution will be the Amero and merging of Canada,US and Mexico.
stridge said:You guys have a lot of faith in the government - in fact too much. Amazing that they can keep all the thousands of people and the enormous paper trail created by the "inside job/conspiracy" from ever coming to light. Bush can't even string a sentence together, Cheney can't operate a shotgun properly, and Rumsfield was repeatedly bested by infantry soldiers in press conferences. You think these are the kind of guys that engineered or condoned the most vast and enormous pullover in the history civillization? C'mon . . . I have to say, I know a few family members of 9/11 victims and they really hate to hear all this conspiracy internet garbage about one of the worst days in American history.
I never understand the point of obsessing over these quack theories. Very few people have the expertise to know much about what they're reading when it comes to this stuff, so they're basically just selling themselves wholesale to a marginally well put together presentation. It seems like people are very willing to abandon all logic and reason when embracing conspiracy theories.
Oh Please....stridge said:You guys have a lot of faith in the government - in fact too much. Amazing that they can keep all the thousands of people and the enormous paper trail created by the "inside job/conspiracy" from ever coming to light. Bush can't even string a sentence together, Cheney can't operate a shotgun properly, and Rumsfield was repeatedly bested by infantry soldiers in press conferences. You think these are the kind of guys that engineered or condoned the most vast and enormous pullover in the history civillization? C'mon . . . I have to say, I know a few family members of 9/11 victims and they really hate to hear all this conspiracy internet garbage about one of the worst days in American history.
I never understand the point of obsessing over these quack theories. Very few people have the expertise to know much about what they're reading when it comes to this stuff, so they're basically just selling themselves wholesale to a marginally well put together presentation. It seems like people are very willing to abandon all logic and reason when embracing conspiracy theories.
stridge said:You guys have a lot of faith in the government - in fact too much. Amazing that they can keep all the thousands of people and the enormous paper trail created by the "inside job/conspiracy" from ever coming to light. Bush can't even string a sentence together, Cheney can't operate a shotgun properly, and Rumsfield was repeatedly bested by infantry soldiers in press conferences. You think these are the kind of guys that engineered or condoned the most vast and enormous pullover in the history civillization? C'mon . . . I have to say, I know a few family members of 9/11 victims and they really hate to hear all this conspiracy internet garbage about one of the worst days in American history.
I never understand the point of obsessing over these quack theories. Very few people have the expertise to know much about what they're reading when it comes to this stuff, so they're basically just selling themselves wholesale to a marginally well put together presentation. It seems like people are very willing to abandon all logic and reason when embracing conspiracy theories.
stridge said:Uh, well, I see you're intensely parnoid and displeased with government, but this isn't really all that uncommon.
If you read the debunking site, I'd be curious to hear how you feel that it doesn't hold up. As the site and Popular Mechanics articles mention, virtually every structural engineer or those with specialized knowledge (not anonymous video makers on the internet) discredit the conspiracy information. Also, I hate to keep repeating it, but nothing in your post really disputes the enormously unlikely scenario that all those thousands of people are keeping their mouths shut about a planned mass murder against their own country.
Frankly, I'll take the word of expert physicists and engineers, as well as common sense, over some internet viral videos that string together some loose and comletely unsubstantiated conspiracy ideas.
So far as income tax and such, most of us are aware of the poor legal grounding, I believe I first heard about in my middle school civics class. However, you will see that very few people have been successful at legally challenging the income tax and not paying it. In addition, our economy pretty much can't function without it, so it serves a decent purpose. Two things in life are certain - death and taxes. If you hate paying taxes, please refrain from driving on the roads, using any public utilities, sending your children to public schools, using any government services, etc. They're not stealing your money bro . . . we all pay too.
And, on the note that there's not Constitutional language specific to an income tax - there also isn't any specific language regarding privacy. Yet, we expect this and have established our right to it through a long process of case law. That's how things work in this country - you can't have it both ways and stick to the Constitution on taxes but demand a right to privacy from the state as well. Just some food for thought.
I'd suggest checking out some books on these topics more than relying on internet propaganda - unless you enjoy living a paranoid lifestyle, which no offense intended, it certainly seems that you do.
stridge said:"the economy as you put it functions on the million other taxes in place; fuel tax, road tax, clothes tax, food tax, heating tax, electricity tax... you see where im going.
if i were you i wouldn't pay it. simple as."
Um, well, I won't go into specifics here, but you may wish to google "US economy AND taxes" or some such term to get the breakdown on taxes and their neccesity. Most of the taxes you mention are actually state imposed, meaning if you have a problem with them, move somewhere else. I suggest New Hampshire or Vermont. Both fine areas with a strong libertarian streak that fundamentally dislikes any extravagent taxation. Taxes are collected and emploted at the county, state, and federal level. I fail to see why people single out income tax for bitching. I hate to bring up basics, but when you live in society, you enter into something that some dead philosophers identify as the 'social contract.' That is, when you live in society and enjoy its benefits of security, service, convenience, etc, you also abide by its laws by default. This means paying the taxes imposed upon you wherever you choose to live. If you think the government shouldn't be able to charge you for its services, well, I suppose you'll need to find someplace on earth that agrees with you and charges zero or minimum taxes. I doubt there is such a place as organized society can't really function on volunteerism alone unless you're planning on joining up with a hunter-gatherer egalitarian tribal group, but let me know if you find one. In the mean time, I humbly resuggest some of our fine states in more Northern New England.
It's a very blunt and ill informed thing to say that an income tax isn't needed. Our economy has developed while utalizing an income tax, and its prompt non-payment would tank us like a lead weight in a pond. Consitutional language or not, its here and its necessary now, and micro taxation on usage won't compensate for the massive amount of government revenue created by income tax, so I must implore you to get used to it. If you choose not pay it, I'll be enjoying reading your posts from a federal penitentary. I'm no expert on macro economics, but I tihnk I understand the basics. If you doubt me, I highly enourage you to email a local, or really any university professor in the feild of economics or even political science. I'm sure they'll be happy to explain in further and far more articulate detail.
REDZULU2003 said:Has anyone got books on this subject that discuss this conspiracy that I can get my hands on?
10inchadvantage said:It is my understanding that numerous cops, firefighters, etc, came out saying that they saw bombs, knew something was happening before the attack, and other things.
If there is one important thing I have learned from all this is that the government is evil and will be the most dangerous entity that I will ever have to face, quoting Alex Jones.
stridge said:Oh man . . . c'mon. These videos are exactly the kind of drivel I'm talking about. They're actually more poorly done than most of the junk out there and make such a weak case that I'm suprised that these are the ones you chose to post - nice to see they hawking that Terrostorm video right underneath them as well).
These videos had me chuckling with how fully it filled the usual cliches with these things Imagine . . . [screen fades in from black - several evil-ish sounding quotes from government officials - ominous conspiracy music plays in the background]. I have to say, after about 30 sec I almost stopped watching as the video stated that 'on the morning of September the 11th a 757 jetliner crashed into the world trade center 1- OR DID IT?' That's right folks, the video suggests there might not have even been a plane, but then immediately goes on to offer no no discussion or proof of this whatsoever. It's hard to keep an open mind when watching something so poorly done and disjointed.
The remainder of the video consists of clips of various people talking about explosions. As I mentioned before, no timecode or locationd ata is given for any of them. Now, we've already discussed explosions, and you can read more about them here:
Why people find it even mildly interesting or even surprising that there were explosions heard at various points during the day is beyond me. So fas the mysterious 'van' that found its way into some news reports - I actually remember watching these at the time. As soon as it was apparent that these were attacks and not a horrible accident (meaning after the second towers was hit), reports about suspicious activity and terrorists were flooding in. Those of us watching that day will also probably remember that there were reports coming in of terrorist Jiihad soldiers on the streets, terrorists vans in New York and Chicago, and various other suspicious activities. The scene was one of chaos, confusion, and fear.
I didn't watch the second video, but I gather that it's about the Pentagon. This one has been more hilariously debunked than most anything, but I won't bother to include a link as I get the feeling you're not actually reading any of this, and the other fellow seems to have given up entirely.
Let me just say reiterate that there isn't one single tiny molecule of evidence of any kind of conspiracy in that first video - just some scary music and a bunch of contextless media clips from scared people taken that day.
How does this refute any of my questions about the size, intricacy, and difficulty of this plot? How does it refute my questions about no credible engineers in the world demonstrating that the controlled demolition theory is plausible (while many papers have been written, peer-reviewed by unbiased experts, and published), demonstrating the contrary?
That video, cliched as it is in presentation, fulfills the ultimate cliche. It provides no evidence nor a complete view of what happened. It's just a bunch of clips strung together with scary music in the background. It offers no analysis or hard information - just some news clips from a lot of scared and confused people who didn't know exactly what was happening at the time. I gather you're a college student - I can't honestly believe you find this level of stuff convincing in any way in terms of critical thinking.
As always, my previous questions still stand.
Yeah, I'm disappointed too. < I only wish the official story contained even a hint of logic within it, so I could buy into it.stridge said:"In hindsight, it's so easy to see that what happened on 9/11 was a pre-planned domestic operation, that claims to the contrary are just downright silly."
This is a little disappointing - always thought your posts were pretty intelligent and rational.
Okay. You know what I consider "silly"? How the official story that holds that 2 planes, weighing less than a combined 400 tons in all, brought down 3 steel-framed skyscrapers weighing in excess of a combined 600 THOUSAND tons in all- with one of the skyscrapers not even being hit by a plane. Sorry, but I just won't buy it- particularly given the total absence of any evidence which proves it to be the case. The only thing the government has ever brought to the table is the NIST collapse hypothesis. Not a theory (which is backed by evidence). Not a law. Just a hypothesis, backed only by a closed computer model which was endlessly tweaked and massaged to "prove" the official concoction of lies. But you're certainly free to believe it, if you want.stridge said:Show me anything that you think is downright "silly" and we can discuss why you think this is the case.
Ummm... Professor Steven Jones? Kevin Ryan? Those are just two quick names off the top of my head. But there are many, many others.stridge said:"Ever single credentialed person who's come forward to counter the official bunk- and there are many of them- has lost their job and had their reputation destroyed. Purposefully destroyed. Few others are brave enough to come forward in fear of being targeted and having the same thing happen to them."
Got any proof of this? Who are these "credentialed people?"
This is ridiculous. Ask yourself: how many lives (foreign or domestic) have US covert operations cost over the years? Then ask yourself: how many people have come forward exposing the worst of the worst of these operations over the years? I'll help you: you can't even use all the fingers on one hand to count them. Better yet, ask yourself: what kind of protection do whistleblowers get for exposing such crimes? What whistleblower has ever personally benefited from exposing a high (government) crime? Why don't you go ask Daniel Ellsberg or Bunny Greenhouse? No, all they get in return is a lost job, lost house, lost credit, lost marriage, lost life. Even a nice little indictment, if they're lucky. What a sweet deal! I'm gonna go blow the whistle on something right now!stridge said:How is the conspiracy suppressing the people that have since retired, or don't care about losing their jobs? There isn't one person that wanted to come clean about a planned murder of several thousand American citizens and the enormous cover-up?
Nice. Real nice. You're lumping all the "conspiracy theorists" under one umbrella and demeaning them all under the lowest common denominator. Some jackasses claiming to be 9/11 skeptics swear that aliens using "space beams" destroyed the World Trade Center. Others are convinced that the whole thing was an elaborate illusion, formed by using CGI and holograms. I guess then, using your logic, EVERY 9/11 skeptic automatically subscribes to these insane hypotheses because all 9/11 skeptics, as you imply, are united in their beliefs. What a joke!!! And here I was, expecting to have a decent argument/conversation with someone here about this. You just took it down a few notches. Very, VERY disappointing.stridge said:"Different standards- much lower standards- of truth and the law are being applied to 9/11 compared with any other crime or event. That's why this problem exists."
Really? Explain to me how higher standards are being applied by the conspiracy crowd. So far as I can tell, conspiracy advocates have the lowest standards I've ever seen (some of the reserach wouldn't cut it on a junior high science project), and often information seems to have been deliberately ommitted/not considered in their arguements. How are the standards of the real investigation so low exactly? Why aren't other people complaining about this except the internet conspiracy crowd?
I guess you really aren't aware of these things because if you were, you would've heard of these people- said:"Yet, despite all this, the truth will eventually be known. This is because WAY too many people are affected by this coverup. It isn't just a simple assassination, which affects really only the person killed and their family. This affects nearly 3000 people and their families. And the families are still fighting for the truth. Every day."
Again, I'm not aware of any contingent of victim's families that believe their loved ones were the victim of a government conspiracy. It's been six years - nobody has uncovered anything?
I know. I believe everything reported by the mainstream media, too.stridge said:I do know that some of the members of the "9/11 Truth Movement" (I feel grossed out even typing that) regularly protest at ground zero during memorials and other activities, and they also showed up at premiers of Flight 93 all over the country to protest and hand out literature, even at screenings where victims families were present. There was an article in the NY Times around then discussing how annoyed the families were at the NY premier to have conspiracy people getting in their faces and shouting that they need to "demand the truth."
lolstridge said:There is plenty of scientific and well reserached info on the 9/11 myths out there - start by looking at these two sites. None of your companions in conspiracy-snooping seemed to bother to take a look at ANYTHING I linked, so maybe you'll prove to have a little bit more or an open mind, although I get the feeling you enjoy the conspiracy mongering as well.
The following link is a scene by scene examination of one of the most popular 9/11 conspiracy videos (there are many to choose from). The video covers all the most up to date and most frequently sited 9/11 conspiracy ideas, and the guide meticulously addresses all the information they present - I found it very enlightening
There you go again! You just can't help but lump everyone together under one umbrella, all using the lowest common denominator, can you? Tell me, stridge: am I an unconditional believer, too?stridge said:One thing I've noticed about the 9/11 conspiracy cult (and it is cultish, if you don't believe me look up cult and take a look at the whole 'truth movement') is that they're unconditional believers. That is, much like Christian philosophy, when anything that doesn't jove with their ideas, contradicts their beliefs, or they simply can't explain rolls around, they just shake their heads and say "it's the huge and evil government - they can do anything." What a cop out.
Fucking tell me about it! The greatest propagator of all of the "entire 9/11 thing", David Ray Griffin, is clearly a 20-something trapped inside the body of a 67 year old man. The same thing applies to all the ex-government officials who propagate the same nonsense, right?stridge said:It's also interesting that the entire 9/11 thing seems to be most interesting to and propigated by younger males. This isn't a widespread thing in society by any means. It's primarily young men in their late teens and twenties (and Charlie Sheen, who is mentally in that age range so we'll count him as well), and primarily internet based.
I know. Steven Jones, the credentialed idiot that he is, actually had the gall to write a scientific paper and start up his own website using the scientific method. But, as we all know, in a post-9/11 world if anyone with a PhD ever says anything, their word is not to be questioned by anyone of lesser credentials. "The People" don't know shit anymore, right? Whoever gave them the right to question authority?! Oh wait... it's a little thing called the fucking constitution. Remember that? Obviously, you don't.stridge said:The people involved generally have zero expertise, experience, or investigative knowledge besides what they see and swap on the internet, and yet they feel their evidence is rock solid. It's almost bizarre in a sense, and as I've said before, rather offensive in some ways.
Absolutely smack, bang on! 19 Muslim extremists who "hate America and our freedoms" overwhelmed NORAD, the FAA, the DOD, the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, the Secret Service and the multi-trillion dollar military apparatus of the most powerful nation in the history of the planet, with box cutters, taking down 3 skyscrapers with 2 planes and impacting the most heavily defended building on the face of the earth with another- all without ever being intercepted, let alone shot down, by any of the hundreds of military jets stationed throughout their flight paths. The mother of all conspiracy theories. Horseshit, I tell you! roflstridge said:Frankly, I just hate to see people buying into any kind of horseshit - which the 9/11 conspiracy most certainly is.
Gotta love ole Noam!stridge said:I'll also add that people like Noam Chomsky - a guy a lot smarter than any of us - think that the idea of conspiracy is stupid.